I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Vol 3 Chapter 546: Sweet love everywhere

After Nie Xiaoyu left the new century, Chen Hansheng stayed for a while and left. As for the first dispute between the two electronics factories, GuoKe Electronics revised the construction drawings, and the boss’s full-time secretary also came to apologize, and almost fell. The curtain is up.

   Of course, all this is the "credit" of Rongsheng Law Firm and Professor Sun.

   "Professor Sun Biyu's energy is beyond imagination. This is the most efficient law firm I have ever seen to handle disputes."

   Hong Shiyong said to Shen Mingliang: "You can talk to the accounting department for the remaining 50,000 yuan in commission, and arrange to call it as soon as possible."

   This is of course high efficiency. Just after signing the contract in the morning, GuoKe Electronics came to apologize in the afternoon, not to mention that Hong Shiyong did not respond, Xiao Rongyu and Gao Wen did not respond.

   so that when Shen Mingliang called Rongsheng Law Firm, Gao Wen thought it was "Party A" who was monitoring and asking about the progress.

   "Brother Shen, we are collecting and preparing information, and there is no delay."

   Gao Wen means that once the information is collected, he will penetrate this case deeply.

   "Still collecting, the working attitude of Rongsheng Law Firm really opened my eyes."

  Shen Mingliang said with emotion: "After the other law firm cases are completed, they should be closed and sealed. I didn't expect you to have such a strong sense of responsibility."

   "The case is over?"

   Gao Wen raised her head, she and Xiao Rongyu looked at each other, neither of them understood.

   At most, I just signed the contract. I haven't visited GuoKel Electronics on the spot, I haven't consulted the other party's needs, and I haven't filed related lawsuits to the court...

   Did the business end without doing anything?

   "The remaining 50,000 yuan commission, after I apply with the accounting department, call it as soon as possible."

  Shen Mingliang said politely: "Mr. Hong is very satisfied with this cooperation. We don't want any litigation and disputes in the new century. If it is unavoidable, Rongsheng Law Firm will be the first choice for the new century."

  Shen Mingliang conveyed the meaning of Hong Shiyong and hung up the phone politely.

   Gao Wen looked at the receiver in a daze. There was only a busy tone of "toot toot", and three pairs of equally puzzled eyes were around her.

   "The New Century said that the business has ended."

   Gao Wen swallowed hard: "But, we obviously haven't exerted any effort yet, I don't even know the direction of the door of Nutshell Electronics."

   "Xiao Yu'er, Chen Hansheng seems to be very familiar with the New Century."

   Bian Shishi reacted: "Look for him to ask."


   Xiao Rongyu quickly contacted Chen Hansheng, who was also "strange".

   "In the afternoon, GuoKe Electronics came to the new century to apologize, and also proposed a plan to change the drawing. Isn't this what you did behind the scenes?"


   Xiao Rongyu replied puzzledly: "We haven't contacted GuoKe Electronics. After all, this is an unreasonable rogue company, so we want to be fully prepared."

   Hearing the "rogue company", Chen Hansheng paused, and then said with a smile after a while: "Professor Sun may be so famous that Guokang Electronics is unwilling to entangle him. The rogue also respects the old experts."

   "In addition, after you get the money, 50,000 yuan is put on the public account as the development fund of the law firm, and the remaining money is used as a bonus and salary."

   Chen Hansheng continued: "After all, the New Year is almost coming, and Shen Mingliang’s share is not missing. He gets the money tonight, and the remaining commission will be credited tomorrow."

   "But, but..."

   Xiao Yu'er still wants to say something, probably still wanting to express an attitude of "no merit is not rewarded".

   "Well, Professor Sun's reputation is the invisible merit, don't need to think too much."

   Chen Hansheng comforted: "Since the case is over, it is simply regarded as a lucky coincidence. It bodes well for you to enter the lawyer industry, and you may not have this opportunity next time."

"too weird."

   Gao Wen shook her head and said: "I think the whole thing is full of a strange rhythm, first the expensive price of 100,000 yuan, and then the inexplicable conclusion of the case, there seems to be an invisible force to help us secretly."

   "Huh, Senior Sister Gao, you are talking about me, I have goose bumps."

   Bian Shishi touched his arm: "Perhaps it is like Chen Hansheng said, everything is a coincidence. Let's give Shen Mingliang the share first, and let Chen Hansheng directly give it to Senior Brother Shen."

   Everyone agrees on this matter, but when Chen Hansheng drove over to get the money at night, he found that there was one more of his own.

   "The 2,000 yuan belongs to Brother Shen, and the 20,000 yuan belongs to you."

   Xiao Rongyu handed over two stacks of money: "Although Senior Sister Gao said you should get half of it, I think it's too much. This is better. What do you think, Xiao Chen?"

   "I support your decision."

   Chen Hansheng took the money and waved his hand to signal that he was leaving first, because he had to pass it to Shen Mingliang.

   After Chen Hansheng left, Bian Shishi walked out of the office of the law firm, took Xiao Rongyu's shoulder and asked, "Chen Hansheng is gone?"


   Xiao Rongyu nodded.

   "Give him your share too?"


   "Did you tell him?"

   "No, why tell him."

Xiao Rongyu chuckled, and Li Guo loomed: "Tell Xiao Chen that he might be unhappy, so I am unhappy. If Xiao Chen doesn't know the truth, I am happy while he is happy. This is the best way. ."


  Bian Shishi put Xiao Rongyu's arm in his arms: "Couples, do you really think about each other so much?"

"of course."

   Xiao Rongyu raised her snow-white chin: "I believe that Xiao Chen must have done a lot for me quietly, but he didn't tell me."

   Xiao Yuer finished speaking, with his hands behind his back, and walked back to the office happily, with satisfaction on her delicate Guazi face.

   "This is sweet love, when will it be my turn?"

   Bian Shishi was startled at the same place, full of envy in his heart.


   After Chen Hansheng returned to Jiangling, he first gave him the share of Shen Mingliang.

  Shen Mingliang hardly contributed. This amount is more appropriate. If you give too much, it will only increase your appetite.

   Rao is like this, the 2000 yuan "extra-express" also surprised Shen Mingliang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When giving gifts, as long as the other party shows this look, the effect has been achieved.

   Chen Hansheng said two more polite words, and then called Nie Xiaoyu down after returning to school.

   The little secretary settled for dinner in Tianjingshan community. Although she ate Sichuan-Chongqing dishes made by Shen Youchu, she was still angry.

   "What are you doing?"

   The little secretary turned her head, not wanting to see her boss.

   "Sister Yu has such a big temper."

   Chen Hansheng smiled and pointed out 5,000 yuan and handed it to Nie Xiaoyu: "Thanks for your hard work, a little compensation."


  Nie Xiaoyu didn't expect this benefit. She hesitated for a while, and said, "Minister Chen, I was in Tianjingshan community tonight and I said a lot of bad things about you in front of You Chu."

"It's ok."

   Chen Hansheng didn't take it to heart at all, and said with a great deal: "She won't listen. In addition, you can save the 5 yuan for some snacks, such as spicy cola."

   "Wait, didn't it cost 5000 yuan just now?"


   (The title of the fan has been fixed. After weighing it for a long time, Lao Liu decided to use "Wind Willow Talent", which seems to have cultural connotation.


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