I Really Didn’t Want to Be Famous

Chapter 834: The most promiscuous person! (Second more)

"Er Gouzi won!"

"Yes, Ergouzi won. I thought Ergouzi was taken a fool, but now I suddenly realized that Ergouzi has found a treasure! I heard that "American 1900" is probably the first in American movie history. A rare classic movie, and this sentence is not said by other people, it is said by the film master Nino!"

"Then Cobia is going to be mad, maybe it will become the joke of the whole Hollywood, after all, he personally gave the classics to others, this is really..."

"Yes, I'm probably going to regret it!"



When the full version of "American 1900" was played, all Chinese fans were shocked.

They originally thought "America 1900" was a bad film, but this time they only supported Lu Yuan, but when they really finished watching it, they suddenly realized that this was not a bad film!

Not only is it not a bad movie, it is a movie with an extremely explosive reputation.

this moment……

Every major website, social software has been fried...


Since Nino made a serious statement about the birth of a classic, the major media in the United States boasted about "American 1900" without saying a word.

As long as you click on the Internet, you can see all kinds of news about "American 1900".

The second half of "American 1900" continues to explode, which is a very tasteless movie for major theaters.

Even if you know it is a good film, you know it is a classic, you know that the film is now in a mess, but it is impossible for the major theaters to ask Lu Yuan for the screening rights.

After all, they have to prepare for the Hollywood box office battle in August. It is impossible for them to spare half a day to show this film like Mikos...

This is the operation of picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

They can only abandon "American 1900" temporarily.

Although it feels a pity, although I feel very upset...

However, this is acceptable.

Of course they can accept it, but some American netizens say they can't accept it.

When they learned that the full copyright of the film was in Lu Yuan's hands, they felt a sense of humiliation.

It is very likely that my family will become a movie in Hollywood history in the future. The copyright is in the hands of a Chinese, and even the production company has become "remote", and it is the Americans who personally sent the full copyright...

Isn't this a humiliating thing?

Of course, these netizens are only a minority, and they can only feel humiliated emotionally!

Whether it is the major theaters or netizens, it is clear that the worst of this matter is undoubtedly the Cumbria company and the Cumbria company's Wilson...


Become a big joke in Hollywood!


"Haha, I had a great drink today, Mr. Wei!"

"Me too... so happy! Hollywood of a bitch!"

"Yeah, Hollywood, son of a bitch, go to death, go to death all!"



Fatty Wei and Johnny came out of the bar with their shoulders on their backs.

The two of them staggered towards the distance, looking very drunk.

The two talked a lot about dreams and childhood, and finally they talked about freedom, perhaps because of the relationship between drinking a lot of wine, and the depression in Johnny's heart vented out.

Then, from beginning to end, he found that the director of China was listening quietly.

Although, he is the actor, although the entire Cumbria company respects him very much, although Wilson always shows a peaceful and close smile when he sees him.

He once thought that he was a top-ranked person in the whole of Gambia, but later, he found that he was very unfree as an actor, at least in the "American 1900" matter, he had no right to speak.

He once suggested that Wilson could fight for a little bit with the theater, but Wilson agreed on the surface. Later, when the screening was timed, it became like this. He contacted Wilson, and Wilson also spread his hand and said I can't help it...

He said that the theater is a place of interest. Even if the six-hour version of "America 1900" is really popular, it will not create any benefits for them. Everyone hopes that this "America 1900" can be reduced to three hours...

Johnny understands the truth.

However, Johnny was a little uncomfortable.

Except for the promotion, the Cumbria company will use him. When he was, he felt like a tool, and he was put aside after using it...

The evening breeze blew on Fatty Wei's face.

After cursing for a while, Fatty Wei looked at Johnny suddenly.

"Mr. Johnny, come to our remote, if I guess right, your contract should expire in September this year?"


"we need you……"


Johnny looked at Fatty Wei drunkly.

He was in a trance, as if imagining what would happen after entering "remote" entertainment...

But then, he suddenly shook his head.

"No, no, I want to stay in Gambia...Mr. Wei, I, I'll leave first...Mr. Wei, we are two companies, it's not good to be seen..." he deeply called He sighed, struggling to shook his head, and then took out the phone for the first time and called the assistant.

"Mr. Johnny, our "remote" door is always open to you. As long as you can come over, we will always reserve a place for you!" Fatty Wei looked at Johnny's swaying back and suddenly shouted.

"..." Johnny paused slightly, then continued to walk towards Qian.

No one knew that in the seemingly empty corner, Johnny's assistant did not walk to Johnny after answering Johnny's call, but made another call to the other side.


Late at night.

Hollywood night is full of drunken fans.

Wilson didn't know that Fatty Wei was touching his actor.

At this moment, he stood in the highest office and looked down as usual.

Wilson once liked to stand on the top floor of the Cumbria company and overlook the bustling below and the beautiful coastline in the distance...

This gives him the sense of accomplishment that he has in control of all beings.

But obviously Wilson didn't feel that way tonight, at this moment he only felt endless frustration and helplessness.

When the full version of "U.S. 1900" reached the top of the movie network's July bests list, compared with the top of the bad film list, his own "U.S. 1900" and the entire Hollywood media were mocking "Wilson is really unlucky this time." A classic movie in the history of Hollywood!" "The greatest loss in history, the worst deal in history."

Wilson sighed deeply.

He can imagine the mocking images of the media, and he can even imagine how all the employees below the company will look at him when they wait for work tomorrow.

The picture was too spicy. The eyes were like a slap on his face, and his face was flushed with pain. What was worse was that he could not resist, and what was worse was that he didn't want to be angry. The place is angry!


How should he be angry? In the media, it is said that Lu Yuan took advantage of the danger and bought the entire copyright of his "American 1900"?

What a joke, it was not that Lu Yuan wanted to buy it at all, but he hinted that Lu Yuan wanted to buy it, and even Lu Yuan thought about it for nearly six hours...

So, how can he get angry?

These are all my hardly pushing "American 1900" to Lu Yuan!

It is equivalent to giving a classic, a golden mountain, directly to Lu Yuan...

And I also said, "Don't worry, Mr. Lu Yuan, this will be the least loss-making business in your life! The future benefits will continue to flow!" So I want to slap myself.

Yes, this is indeed Lu Yuan’s most profitable business in his life, and the future benefits will indeed continue to flow...

And myself...

Oh shit!

and many more!

More than six hours?

After Wilson was upset for a while, he was taken aback, and then he remembered that Bob went to his company to find him shortly after he sold "American 1900", and remembered Bob's extremely angry expression and remembered Afterwards, Bob said in various media and public places, and decided not to cooperate with Gambia...

When he thought of this, his pupils shrank, an indescribable sense of anger filled his whole body, and then...

"Lu Yuan, you count me!"

The sound of smashing things accompanied by angry voices spread throughout the office!

After about half an hour, the angry voice gradually subsided.

Calm seemed to have returned to the office.

Then it seemed that the phone rang.

When Wilson finished answering the phone call, an even more angry voice rang again.


The morning sun shines on this land.

Add a touch of new life to this land.

Lu Yuan looked at Sunshine after getting up from the bed, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

After getting dressed, Lu Yuan saw that Forex had hurried into the company when he was about to eat breakfast.

When he saw Lu Yuan walking out of the room in a daze, he immediately greeted him.

"Boss, Mr. Wilson is here!"

"Huh? Mr. Wilson?"


"Then be prepared to meet him..."

"Boss, Mr. Wilson has a bad expression and seems very angry."

"pissed off?"

"Well, although he tried his best to restrain, but I felt he was extremely angry, boss, or else, don't go see him?"

"Since he came to look for me, I still have to meet..."

After Lu Yuan remembered "American 1900", he suddenly showed a calm expression.

Don’t blame him for this...



"Huh? Mr. Wilson, how are your hands? How come it feels more serious than I saw two days ago? From now on, let the servants do the small things like glass cleaning."


"Mr. Wilson, you seem to be angry?"

"Lu Yuan!"

"Yes, Mr. Wilson."

"You are the most shameless, most shameless, and most shameless person I have ever seen!"


Early in the morning, when Lu Yuan heard Wilson staring at him with a cold face, he was dumbfounded.

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