I Really Didn’t Want to Become a System

Chapter 118: :Fill clothing supplier

The final result, of course, was that the brown witch led the mushroom witches and returned to the mushroom tribe, and brought back 14 adult men and 10 adult women. Chen Chao specifically noted this, not those who are weak, they are too small. No.

Because there is still a lot to go, the weather is still very cold. If it is on the way back, there is nothing wrong with asking a few younger children as gifts. Now it’s just the beginning, so bring a few kids, regardless of the weather, but also consider the kids’ ability to withstand them!

Otherwise, the Mushroom Tribe will get several children or sick people to put on more pairs of straw sandals.

Among them, ten men and ten women exchanged five pottery pots, and the remaining four men exchanged forty pairs of straw sandals for the mushroom tribe.

In addition, Chen Chao gave them four pairs of straw sandals, because the leaders are here, and they don’t carry something and can’t go. What does it look like?

Doesn’t show the style of my Tianyuan tribe at all~~

As usual, the two pottery bowls and a soup spoon owned by the mushroom tribe were also given to the mushroom tribe. As for how to distribute them after they go back, that is their own business.

After sending away the mushroom tribe, Chen Chao looked at the brown witch who had been rubbing his hands beside him. He still couldn't understand what he meant?

Yes, it's time to give someone a mention! ~


Chen Chao waved his hand and went to checkout~

The commission agreed with the Brown Witch before was two pottery pots, four men and four women. For each additional woman, he would be given an extra pair of straw sandals.

The pottery pot previously offered to the brown tribe was sold for four men and one woman, so the pottery pot part needs to be paid to the brown witches with five pairs of straw sandals.

As for the mention of Mawozi straw sandals, there are twenty pairs of straw sandals for two men. For every more man, he must give him an extra pair of straw sandals.

Similarly, the previous price for the brown tribe was twenty pairs of straw sandals for a man and a woman. Then a man was actually paid, and the rest was offset by the bark of the palm tree.

So this time the straw sandals need to be paid to the palm witch, there are two pairs of straw sandals in total.

There are also four pairs of straw sandals as rewards for leading the way and borrowing stones.

Therefore, for the straw sandals alone, Chen Chao needs to pay the palm witch nine pairs of straw sandals.

After getting these nine pairs of straw sandals, the brown witch was ecstatic, looked at the mushroom tribe, and then looked at myself. Just after coming out, I got so many straw sandals in vain, rounded up, isn't this another big man for the brown tribe? !

After a few days, the snow stopped and I went back, and the hunting team of my tribe could have a few more pairs of straw sandals to wear!

It just happened to be a snowy day, it doesn't matter if the straw sandals are wet, isn't there so much to change? ~~

Really feel that I am really a little genius who earns straw shoes~~~

From the day when the people from the Mushroom tribe returned home with their pottery pots and straw sandals, the snow has been getting heavier day by day. Due to the heavy snowfall, Chen Chao and others have been trapped in the cave near Mushroom for two days.

During this period, it only stopped occasionally for a few hours, and before long, it started to snow again.

But fortunately, several pieces have been produced, so that the hunting team will not be difficult to move.

As for the brown witches who are in the same cave and learn how to make the clothes, what does it matter?

Chen Chao had already planned to develop the brown tribe into his own tribe's, fur clothing supplier.

It is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and labor-intensive to make this thing, after so many days of production. Chen Chao discovered that it would take a full 2-3 days to make just one person.

These 2-3 days are not about doing part-time work occasionally at night, but about doing it from morning to night. It takes 2-3 days to make it by hand.

Since the production of the clothes is so laborious and laborious, why not directly outsource it to the brown tribe? Or directly develop the brown tribe into a clothing supplier~

The raw materials are on their side anyway~

However, they still lack the skills to process the palm leaves and weave them into strings. So in a short period of time, the string part still has to rely on imports from the Tianyuan tribe, which is a minor restriction.

However, once they are allowed to set up the industry chain of dying clothes, they can not only change things from the Tianyuan tribe, but also change things from the mushroom tribe, and even go to farther places to change things, even the population.. .

After all, this thing is really easy to use when the raincoat does not appear. Wearing it, you can walk and work normally in rainy days, so it is also a daily necessities.

Basically, it’s best to have one piece~~

Even if the brown tribe wanted to get the princess clothes up, the production capacity would not increase so quickly. Not to mention the limitations of materials, and even manual problems can jam them to death, but these are all things to follow.

And it's really unrealistic to force people to change things with the population all the time. Occasionally, it's okay to do it occasionally. The occasional time here is really very long. At least five years from this tribe can no longer change the population, the mushroom tribe is also the same situation.

Don't look at the 33 adults from their two tribes all at once. You must know that this is really a lot, and you can even form a small tribe directly. If you change it again, I guess people will be impatient.

If you have always wanted to use things for the population of another person, the rabbit will bite if he is in a hurry. People are short of pottery pots and straw sandals, but if you really want to change too many, they are not happy to get up, and they are probably going to grab them.

Therefore, allow people to exchange for your things with the sustainable production of their own tribe. In this way, the business has to come and go, and then it can start.

And one of the conditions for Chen Chao to allow the brown tribe to learn to make the clothes is that I don't care what price your brown tribe sells to other tribes, but selling to our tribe is definitely the cheapest price.

Otherwise, don't want to learn this technique! There are also straw ropes for weaving the clothes. Don't even think about buying them from our tribe.

The Brown Witch naturally nodded repeatedly, and Chen Chao didn't care whether he really obeyed the verbal contract. If he doesn't comply, the Tianyuan tribe can't find it by himself? Can only palm trees grow at the door of his brown tribe? Can't I get some back and plant it myself?

At that time, the Tianyuan tribe’s roads are full of palm trees. Whether he does it or not, I am willing to plant it, and I am willing to use it as a landscape tree.

How many palm trees are there in front of your palm tribe? When the time comes, the landscape trees on the roads of my Tianyuan tribe will be several times that of your brown tribe!

Regardless of whether you respect the verbal agreement, do you not comply? Can't my Tianyuan tribe find the mushroom tribe to do it? Are there more people in the mushroom tribe than your brown tribe? I believe that the mushroom tribe will never reject this suggestion~

(Note: The palm tree itself is a beautiful landscape tree, interested friends can Baidu pictures by themselves~)

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