On the second floor of the Trefoil Tower, a Mediterranean restaurant.

Algeria is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea in the north, and the coastal areas have a Mediterranean climate, with aridity and less rain in summer and cold and rainy winter. The suitable climate brings abundant products, coupled with the Mediterranean production, there are many choices on the local people's table, forming a unique Mediterranean-style dining.

After tasting a few local dishes, Chen Ling began to fall in love with this way of eating.

Sitting in the restaurant, Chen Ling chose the classic fish soup. The fish soup here is completely different from the domestic practice, more precisely it should be fish soup.

Sitting across from Chen Ling was a little old man, Cenar, the owner of Trezeguet Circus. He ordered a barbecue sausage.

The only intersection between the two before was that Senal's Ecstasy Five set up against Chen Ling, but Chen Ling countered it. In the end Senal had to pay 500,000 US dollars in compensation.

The US$500,000 has been lying on Chen Ling's account for many days, but Chen Ling has never seen the owner of the circus. Although Senar took the initiative last time, it was done with money, and the compensation and attitude afterwards were all considered in place, which gave Chen Ling a good impression. When Senar called and invited him to meet at the Sanye Pagoda, Chen Ling readily agreed.

According to what Senar said on the phone, Senar wanted to negotiate a deal with Chen Ling. Chen Ling is not interested in business, but with his current status and strength, there is no harm in contacting more people with unique skills.

"Mr. Chen, it's a great honor for you to be here for the appointment," Senar said, "I hope the restaurant I chose today can meet your taste."

Chen Ling smiled and said: "Mr. Cénar has a heart. The view of this restaurant is very good. The dishes are Mediterranean dishes that I like, and there are fish soups I like..."

In this way, the two opened up the topic in a whisper, from the influence of the Mediterranean and the Sahara on the weather, to the unique effect of soaking dried figs in fine olive oil, to the influence of sunshine on the sweetness of local grapes.

However, neither of them mentioned the so-called business.

Chen Ling doesn't care about any business, and Senar seems to be playing with some conversation skills, and he doesn't take the initiative to bring up the business he talked about on the phone.

Generally speaking, people who take the initiative to bring up topics will be passive in communication. But there is a premise that the person who brought up the topic really cares about it.

Chen Ling didn't care, so Senar's approach didn't help.

When the dishes came up, Senar specifically observed whether Chen Ling would be impatient, and found that Chen Ling had been attracted by the fish soup in front of him, and was sipping it.

Senal suppressed the desire in his heart, cut a section of meat sausage and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Mr. Chen, I forgot to ask you, do you drink? Our country's wine is good." Senar swallowed the meat sausage in his mouth and asked.

Chen Ling shook his head: "I don't have any desire to drink. I only drink a little on certain social occasions. Some of my friends like to drink. According to their point of view, Algeria's Presidential Wine is very good."

Senar took a sip of water and smiled: "Your friend has a good taste. Our country's climate is very suitable for growing wine grape vines. The Presidential Special Wine is one of the best red wines in our country. You can also taste it if you have the opportunity."

The two began to discuss the similarities and differences between the climate of Algeria and the climate of French wine regions. Chen Ling didn't know much about it, but Senar was right.

Chen Ling listened carefully to Senal's talk and nodded from time to time, but he didn't know that Senal was slandering. Chen Ling had even forgotten that he came here because Senar said there was a business to talk about. He had already regarded this afternoon as a relaxing time and chatting with a local old man who was not very familiar.

When Senar swallowed the cold meat in the last quarter, he finally made up his mind to take the initiative to bring up business matters with Chen Ling.

He ordered a cup of coffee, added lumps of sugar, and stirred it with a spoon.

"Mr. Chen, do you remember what I said on the phone?"

Chen Ling was stunned, and suddenly realized, with a sorry expression on his face: "I'm sorry, Mr. Cénar, I have forgotten about this matter, and I had a lot of fun talking with you! You said, you said..."

Senar was shocked by Chen Ling's "acting skills". At a young age, he was not only a high-level skilled person, but also such a skilled acting skills. This kind of person is too scary.

"Haha, because I had a good chat with Mr. Chen, I almost forgot to do business. This is the case. There is a friend in the high-level government who is ready to give up office and run for parliament; but he has a strong opponent and threatens him. It was huge. So, he wanted to find someone to let this opponent disappear for a period of time and come back after the election, but he couldn't cause any harm to this person or let him know who had acted on him. He came to me. "Cenal said.

Chen Ling nodded. The Ecstasy Array used to catch people, it really couldn't be better.

"However, his competitor is very cautious, and the security measures are very good. We have been observing for a period of time and there is no chance to start." Senar continued, "Later, the stick recommended that you can ask you for help, because you are Those with advanced skills have a wider range of skills. This task is a piece of cake for you."

Chen Ling smiled secretly. My skills are easy to use, but they are not under my control. If the system does not issue an alarm, Chen Ling will not be able to use his skills.

But Chen Ling could not let anyone know about this situation.

He thought for a while and said: "Mr. Cénar, I know that many of your businesses are related to politicians. On the contrary, I am a foreigner. I am not suitable to be involved in any political turmoil. I don't want to exert any influence on politics."

Senar heard Chen Ling's rejection of his suggestion and was not anxious. He took a sip of coffee and said, "Mr. Chen, I don't know why you, as a highly skilled person, left China and came to our country. But , I think it's nothing more than avoiding certain things or certain people, right?"

"No, I didn't come to Algeria to avoid something." Chen Ling said.

Senar was surprised: "Oh? Are you out to play? But you work in a company... Is it for money?"

High-level skills will never worry about money, and will never leave their homes because of this.

Chen Ling smiled and said, "I really didn't want to make a lot of money, I just want to make some money."

Senal thought of "Ghosts believe", but he said, "It is too easy for you to make some money. If you take this task, the reward is $200,000. You only need to activate the skills outside the wall of the target villa. , Control him out of the villa and get in our car. It only takes ten minutes before and after."

Ten minutes, 200,000 dollars!

If it were before going to the desert, perhaps Chen Ling would break the frame of not affecting politics and take on this task-although he actually had no way to complete this task.

However, now Chen Ling is full of confidence, making money is no longer his business. Not to mention that things involve politics.

"Mr. Senar, I'm sorry, I can't take this task. No matter how much it is paid, I can't continue." Chen Ling said very sincerely.

What Chen Ling said is 100% truthful, but often many people do not believe the truth.

Senar is someone who does not believe in the truth and said: "Mr. Chen, if you feel that the payment is not enough, we can add more. Moreover, you can directly talk to my friends. I don't charge any fees in the meantime."

Of course, Chen Ling resolutely refused: "I'm sorry, not involving politics is my bottom line."

Senar persisted for a while, and finally had to give up.

After drinking the coffee, Chen Ling was satisfied. This afternoon, except for the last refusal that made Chen Ling feel a little embarrassed, the other time made Chen Ling feel relaxed and happy.

"Mr. Senar, thank you very much for your invitation. I think we can keep in touch, and maybe I will need you in the future. You guys in the circus, I am very impressed." Chen Ling said at last.

It doesn't work if you don't think it deeply, the look of the Ecstasy Fivesome that night is really peculiar.

Senar looked disappointed and smiled reluctantly: "Okay, I hope I can serve Mr. Chen if I have a chance!"

Chen Ling got up out of the restaurant and walked to the parking lot.

Senar stood there, watching Chen Ling walk away.

"He didn't find us, right, Senar?" A man dressed as a chef appeared next to Senar.

There was no disappointment on Senar's face, and his eyes flashed slyly: "No, he is completely relaxed and defenseless."

The person dressed as the chef smiled and said, "Very good. This proves that he is not what he thought before. He has multiple skills and can sense the surrounding scenes."

"Probably not. He is just a superior ecstasy." Senar said.

The chef dressed up beckoned, and five military police came out of the kitchen, all with weapons.

"These brothers have been in the kitchen, he didn't notice the slightest. Those Orientals can rest assured and boldly carry out their plans."

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