The hot air balloon safari in Serengeti National Park is world-famous.

On the balloons, visitors can look down on the ground. There are wild animals running on the prairie. There are elephants and lions. If it’s the days when animals are migrating, visitors can also see tens of thousands of animals galloping vigorously. .

And one by one, the round hot air balloons floating in the sky are a scene of their own.

This is a popular tourist item that every tourist who has been to East Africa should not miss.

Especially in August and September each year, during the great animal migration period, it is difficult to find a ticket for hot air balloon hunting.

When the U.S. fighter jets roared in from a distance, the deafening roar attracted the attention of countless tourists.

The animals on the vast ground opened their eyes in confusion and looked into the air.

Over the years, animals have adapted to hot air balloons that are not in their genetic memory, but the low-altitude, high-speed flight and the loud noise made them terrified, and the lions, known as kings, shook their heads on the ground.

Only the tourists on the ground and on the hot air balloon looked into the air curiously, and the camera that was originally directed at the animals was aimed at the fighter plane that the United States people are proud of.

Many visitors from United States even raised their arms and shouted into the air excitedly: Great United States of America——

However, the next moment, curiosity and excitement turned into panic.

Where the plane passed by, the hot air balloon burst into flames, then burst open, carrying the hanging basket, and generally falling to the ground in slow motion.

Fighters are like puppies sprinkling in a vegetable field, flying and raging, dozens of burning hot air balloons are smoking, Serengeti National Park is a doomsday scene!

The exclamation of the tourists on the hanging basket was particularly harsh in the endless wilderness, even penetrating the noise of the fighter planes, and was recorded by countless cameras, and then repeatedly broadcast on the media around the world, stinging the whole world.

As soon as the anti-American wave caused by the super giant wheel time rolled up, it was swallowed by the huge anti-American wave coming from behind. The forces of the two mixed together to form a tsunami of public opinion.

All the defenses of the United States government and military are pale and weak.

The battered Secretary of State quarreled with the chairman of the Joint Council of Staff.

The president and congressmen, who are busy in a hot pot, fight in chaos.

Zuan culture prevails at the highest level of United States society.

Only the people on the streets are the most united. The black parade, which was originally on the street, grew in size with the participation of all kinds of people; the police and national guards who maintained order put down their weapons and joined the parade.

Soon, the list of dozens of United States citizens who died in the hot air balloon incident was announced, and the United States in Tsundere was awakened from a dream.

The United States Army wantonly massacred United States citizens? ! Once deeply ingrained and unbreakable values ​​were broken, fear, worry, anger, and various negative emotions prompted a protest movement that swept across the country.

The White House was besieged, the Capitol was blocked, the Pentagon closed its doors, and the military industry was smashed through the doors by angry people...All the people and units related to the hot air balloon time were like mice crossing the street, losing their dignity and dignity.



Even though Chen Ling had so many skills that he couldn't remember all the names, he still worked hard to promote the hot air balloon incident, and even almost got injured again.

As the most sophisticated weapon on earth today, the supersonic fighter jet alone caused Chen Ling's great troubles due to the noise of the engine. The unparalleled speed seemed to tear through the vision provided by the security system.

At this moment, he was resting in a hotel in Serengeti National Park.

In the name of rescue, the rescue plane forcibly landed at a nearby airport and transported the injured United States to a medical ship at sea, and took away a group of stranded United States by the way.

The poor and weak African Federation was thus ignored.

However, Chen Ling is here and won't let the United States people do like this.

He has already noticed that there are several familiar skills in the United States rescue team, all of whom were defeated men who lost their wives and broke down.

These people belong to the intelligence department, and appearing here now must be malicious and secretly investigating the reasons behind the hot air balloon incident.

For the sensational effect of the incident, Chen Ling managed to attract several groups of United States tourists. If someone concentrates on investigating, they can find some clues.

Chen Ling would neither let the plane fly away with the wounded who could speak, nor would he let the intelligence department carry out investigations.

He wants the intelligence service of United States to carry the pot.

Chen Ling took François and quietly entered the airport and touched the apron.

The lights were bright on the tarmac, two transport planes were parked, the rear door opened, and the United States were sending the wounded to the plane.

All the wounded who can keep their heads sane will be asked a few questions.

"Why do you take a hot air balloon?"

"Have you seen the plane attack the hot air balloon?"

And so on.

Obviously, the intelligence agency of United States also noticed that the number of tourists from United States was abnormal this time, which was far beyond normal.

It’s just that this question cannot be raised publicly now, because now is a special period. Many people from United States have no time to evacuate, or do not want to evacuate, so it is entirely possible to gather in tourist attractions with the most African characteristics.

Chen Ling saw François quietly turn on the camera, and said in a deep voice: "The next scene is a bit weird and cruel, you have to hold back and hold your camera steady."

Francois nodded, "I usually like to take pictures."

Although he was full of doubts, he did not ask much.

Even advanced fighter jets attacking ancient hot air balloons can happen. What else can't happen?

Anyway, wherever Mr. Chen goes, things will happen. There used to be battles, but now it is weird.

Having said that, when it did happen, the burly François trembling with his hands, he almost threw away the camera and ran out to save the man.

After all the wounded were sent to the plane, another group of United States citizens who were uninjured but also asked to evacuate came on board. The two planes totaled a hundred people.

At this time, I saw a few men in plain clothes pulling several trailers over. Each car had two large oil drums, which were hundreds of liters.

A U.S. soldier in charge of guard stopped them, "We don't need to refuel, we can fly back directly."

This backward airport has no automatic refueling system and serves various small short-haul aircraft in a very backward way.

The transport aircraft of the US military does not drink this oil.

"It's not aviation kerosene, it's a kind of evidence we collected." A plainclothes man stopped and took out a document. "The CIA is investigating the hot air balloon incident."

Because boarding was about to end, several nearby American soldiers approached.

"We recognize you and we flew here together." A soldier sneered. "It was the intelligence provided by your CIA that caused the fighters to attack the hot air balloon. You can disband, rubbish!"

Another soldier said: "Yes! This is obviously fuel. Do you want to get on the plane? Isn't enough people burned to death?"

Several plainclothes men suddenly laughed together, one of them said: "This time it is not burning people, but burning airplanes."

They suddenly took out short guns from their waists at the same time, and shot them without hesitation.

Several United States soldiers had no time to react and were headshots at close range.

Immediately afterwards, the plainclothes dumped the oil in the oil drums under the two transport planes and threw the lit lighter on the ground.


The volatile oil and gas was instantly ignited, and the red and blue flames rose to the ground.

The first thing that was burned out was the line in the landing gear, immediately after the high-temperature tires began to deform and give off an unpleasant smell.

Both planes lost the possibility of taking off and fleeing.

The plainclothes did not go far. They stood behind the bottom of the plane, staring at the door with their guns, and did not allow anyone to get off the plane.

Several people rushed down from the plane, with fire extinguishers in their hands.

As soon as they turned on the fire extinguisher, they were thrown to the ground several times. They were on fire, tumbling and screaming.

The two transport planes became hell on earth!


Chen Ling slapped the camera in François's hand and sighed.

"Don't shoot." Chen Ling shook his head, "Zhuge Liang likes fire attack, and he lost his Yangshou..."

François's hands were shaking a little too.

"Mr. Chen, the weapons used by United States people are countless times more cruel than this, you can't be more like this..."

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