Algiers International Airport, the weather is fine.

As soon as Chen Ling stepped off the plane, he noticed that the planes on the nearby tarmac were busy loading goods, and the vehicles that came and went were shuttled incessantly.

The apron seemed extremely busy.

"Mr. Chen!" A man greeted him warmly and stretched out his hands to shake hands with Chen Ling.

It is Dehuche, the head of MOIN in Algeria.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time. Chen Ling concealed his whereabouts during his kicks, and did not notify anyone in his two visits to Algeria.

The last time they met was when Dehuche's father suddenly died of an illness. Chen Ling attended the funeral, which was a few years ago.

"Mr. Chen, Miss Lilia is in the VIP room." Dehuche said to Chen Ling as soon as he got into the special Mercedes-Benz.

Chen Ling nodded and asked, "Why is the airport so busy today?"

Dehu expressed concern: "United States declared war on us and gave us three days of buffer time. After three days, no planes or ships can leave the African continent, so..."

Chen Ling said, this came a little faster than he expected.

"It doesn't seem to be all foreigners." Chen Ling looked through the car window and found that many of the people preparing to leave by chartered flight were dressed as locals.

Dehuche shook his head, "This is the plan of the people of United States. They declared war, but deliberately did not start the attack immediately. They stayed for three days in order to divide us. Many people who have the conditions rushed to leave their country."

Chen Ling saw a certain potbellied man who was a bit familiar and walked onto a business jet with difficulty.

"Walking like a mourning dog, I'm afraid it won't be easy to come back." Chen Ling said softly.

Dehuche asked: "Mr. Chen, do you think the United States will really start fighting this time?"

Chen Ling asked, "What do you think?"

"I saw those pictures on TV. I don't believe people from our country did it!" Dehuche was a little angry. "The United States people can lie the most and just find an excuse to invade Iraq. Now it's just a trick. Repeat it!"

"Everyone saw their planes attacking hot air balloons, killing United States people, killing Europeans, why didn't no one declare war on United States?!" Dehuche suppressed his anger to avoid offending Chen Ling.

Chen Ling patted him on the shoulder and said: "The African Federation is going through the most difficult period. In the darkness before dawn, everything will pass."

"Really?" Dehuche looked at Chen Ling in surprise, "I can rest assured that you are so confident. Miss Lilia is very sad, please enlighten her like this."

Chen Ling smiled and said: "Definitely, otherwise she will let me leave Africa for refuge immediately."

Lilia was born noble, but her mind was pure. This was especially true for Chen Ling. She was always thinking of Chen Ling, even though Chen Ling is now so powerful that she doesn't need anyone's care.

In the VIP room, Lilia walked back and forth, anxiously.

A few years of time didn't leave a trace on her body, she was still beautiful and moving, but the expression between her brows revealed a trace of stability, and she was no longer the girl who was flirting with her brows.

When she saw Chen Ling coming in, she immediately printed a small step and hugged him, but said in her mouth: "Zero, you have to go quickly. I have arranged a plane. You will fly to Paris immediately and wait until the war is over. !"

Chen Ling hugged her tightly, stepped back and held her shoulders and asked, "What about you?"

"Me?" Lilia didn't seem to think of this question at all. "I won't go, I'm going to be with my father and fight for the African Federation to the end! Miranda won't go, she is ready to fight in Angola!"

She clenched her fists, full of vigor, and did not forget her best girlfriend.

Chen Ling looked cute and took her into his arms again, "I will not leave so many of my friends are in Africa."

Lilia looked up at him, "I can't bear to let you go...but you have to go, Mina is outside and walks with you."

"I won't leave, I still have things to do." Chen Ling said, "Dehuche, send Mina back!"

Lilia is anxious, "United States people like to engage in beheading operations and precision strikes. Many African figures have run away, and you can't stay. The United States people will not let you go! Although your identity is secret, it is not for the United States. People are not a secret!"

Dehuche stood aside, embarrassed, not knowing who to listen to.

Chen Ling took Lilia's arm and walked outside the VIP room, "Now go to the hotel with me. I want to use the hotel's satellite network to post a message."

Lilia wanted to squat on the ground, but she couldn't stop Chen Ling's great strength. Like a girl playing roller skating for the first time, Chen Ling dragged her away.

De Huqie carried Chen Ling's bag and quickly followed.



The sky in Africa has never been as busy as it is now.

The zero-flying ban on United States people was only two days away. In the sky where there were only birds, countless planes came and went, airline flights, business charter flights, and planes sent by various countries to evacuate overseas Chinese.

Airports everywhere suddenly entered full-load operation when they were idle.

Those who can appear at the airport at this time either have money or have power, and ordinary people have no chance to board the plane.

On the evening of Chen Ling's arrival in Algeria, the interim president of the African Federation gave another televised speech.

The banter of the last televised speech disappeared and was replaced by a strong tragic and vigorous.

The live signal is spread all over the world through the TV network.

The youngest country in the world is facing annihilation, and the interim president is likely to be the only president of the African Federation.

The CNN TV station of United States is also broadcasting this televised speech, but the other half of the screen is the presenter and commentator sitting in the studio.

In their eyes, the tragedy of the interim president is nothing more than the wailing of the villain before his death.

"... There is already a lot of evidence that we were fooled before, and all the people in the United States were fooled, which almost led to the division of our great United States... The despicable and shameless Africans will not be on the table after all. These conspirators will inevitably be ours. Applied warriors are sent to hell..."

The commentator spoke very fast, spitting out attacking bullets like a crackling machine gun.

At this moment, the continent of America is still in the daytime, and the parade is still on the street, but the demands have completely changed.

The anger was the same as the people, and the object of anger was changed from one USA to another.

Times Square was crowded with people, CNN's news program was broadcast on the big screen, and the sharp words of the commentators received rounds of applause.

"...We have the best aircraft carrier, we have the most advanced fighter jets, our bravest fighters, anyone who humiliates us, we will surely return it a hundredfold..."

As the commentator continued, the beautiful blonde host next to him suddenly put his hand to his ear and listened attentively for a while, his face changed.

"Let's broadcast a breaking news now." The host interrupted the commentator, "Please keep calm, everyone...Ah, no matter what, let you go!" She threw her earphones on the table and left with a click.

The commentator was as stunned as the audience in the square.

The TV screen suddenly switched, and only two intact military transport planes stopped there quietly.

Sharp-eyed spectators immediately recognized that they were two transport planes that had been burnt down. Some people resumed cursing the Africans for being brutal and shameless, and the square became lively.

Until the car dragging the oil drum enters the screen.

The dialogue between the soldier and the CIA super agent is very clear, spreading all over the world...

In space, tireless satellites spread video signals to the world.

U.S. military aircraft patrolling over the African Federation began to return.

On the bottom of the sea, the propeller slowly stopped, and the nuclear submarine hovered ghostly in the deep sea.

On the surface of the water, the mixed formation of aircraft carriers advancing at full speed seemed to suddenly lose power. The white waves rolling behind the ships gradually subsided, and the officers and soldiers walked onto the deck and looked towards the sea blankly.

Whose army are we? What are we going to do?

The strongest war machine at full capacity stopped feebly, died down, and had nowhere to go!

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