The part where the horned viper was shot was not the main point, and awakened him from a state of ecstasy.

At that moment, he didn't understand why he was suddenly surrounded by Tuaregs, why he and his cronies all fell to the ground.

Years of combat experience made him quickly realize that it is not time to think too much, and to react in a timely manner. There is no need for a dagger to cut the palm of his hand, he directly uses the blood of the wound as a guide to mobilize the final potential and activate the sand ball skill.

The purpose of this sand ball is to kill everyone in the house, not to escape, so it is more tyrannical and more unstable than the sand ball used to escape in the desert.

The power of the sand ball burst is amazing. The system detects that Chen Ling is within the skill attack range, triggers the defense function, automatically initiates the sand ball and transforms it into a sand screen, blocking the flying sand and protecting Chen Ling. Otherwise, Chen Ling Zero is not as simple as just being in a coma after exhaustion.

However, this tyrannical sand ball caused the horn viper, who had just recovered a little vitality, to lose all of its fighting power. The authentic exit is in a small room next to it, where guns and ammunition and items necessary for activities in the desert are stored, all of which have been packaged into a complete set of individual equipment that can be worn.

The horned viper grabbed a suit of clothing, briefly treated the wound, and stumbled to the excavation site.

In that room, his loyal subordinate, Grodto, took a group of key members and never left. Although the gunshots were intensive and hot outside, Grodto only sent people to strengthen the alert, and his focus was still on digging. Above the treasure.

As soon as the horned viper approached the room, it was recognized by the alert backbone and was helped into the room and sat down.

Grodo saw the blood-stained horned viper, and took a breath: "Boss, what's the matter with you? How about them?"

"Gurodo, gather everyone at once, and evacuate immediately!" Horned Viper panted heavily, his voice hoarse.

Gurodo grabbed his beard. This was his habit when he was in a hurry: "Don't you dig it? Only a door is left, you can open it at any time!"

The horned viper shook his head: "Quickly, get out, or it's too late!"

Grodo no longer hesitated, loosened his beard, turned and stood on the edge of the excavation pit, shouting: "Everyone, put down tools, take weapons, retreat! Experts go together!"

"Grodo!" The horned viper straightened up, looked at Grodo, and shook his head.

Grodo saw the horned viper's eyes, hesitated for less than a second, and waved his hand: "Kill them!"

Several guns fired at the pit at the same time, and several experts inside were too late to react, and fell to the ground screaming.

The horned viper stood up and said, "Let's go down."

"Boss, aren't you leaving?" Grodto said.

The horned viper didn't make a sound, and went down the ladder into the pit, while Grodo jumped down, and the others followed down into the pit.

"Get out of here!" Horned Viper said, pointing to the wooden door in the pit. "There are people everywhere. Our cars and camels are on the east side. We can't pass. Break this wooden door and we will enter the tunnel. Hold on until tomorrow. In the morning, someone will come to meet us."

Grodo hesitated: "Experts say that the air inside contains toxins, so exhaust..."

"No time, open it!" The Horned Viper spoke quietly, but was very stern, and Grodo stopped talking, letting people break open the wooden door.

The material of the wooden door is very good, it has not decayed after a hundred years, and it is kept airtight. In addition, it was unremarkable, it was broken open in a few strokes, and the smell of an old cellar that had not been opened for many years floated out with the air.

The horned viper sniffed, felt the smell in the air roughly, and said, "Take the lighting equipment, and go." After speaking, he took the lead and walked in.

With a wave of Grodo's hand, a group of people entered the tunnel one after another and disappeared into the darkness. The room was quiet, only the sound of the wind outside, and the hum of experts who had not yet died.

The door of the house was quietly pushed open, two figures flashed in, and one of them turned and closed the door again.

Another person looked around in the room and said, "Ali, they have all gone in, and we will follow."

The two are Guillaume and Ali. They were frightened back by the Tuaregs, instead of entering the big room, they hid outside, not only escaped the Tuareg bullets, but also escaped the sandball attack of the horned viper.

They saw the power of the horn viper's sand ball skills, and they opened their mouths wide and couldn't close for a long time; then they saw Chen Ling had fallen motionless on the threshold, thinking that Chen Ling was dead. The two were panicked and didn't know what to do next.

While hesitating, the door of the hut next door was suddenly opened, and a figure ran out and walked in the direction of the excavation site. So the two followed.

Their thinking is that since Chen Ling is dead, this mission can't be continued. Finding treasure is even more important!

They learned the lessons from the previous time and were very careful. Guillaume followed the shadow in front, and Ali was responsible for noticing if anyone was following.

It wasn't until the dark figure who was called "the boss" entered the room that they realized that they had been following the target of the operation, the horned viper.

Today, the dust rushed all the way to Trida, and then he was born and died one night in the wind, just to kill the horned viper, but because of the thought in his heart, they missed the opportunity to beheaded, and the two were bitter in their hearts and were in a daze in the wind and sand.

Guillaume stomped his foot and resolutely approached the room, eavesdropping on the movement inside, and Ali immediately cooperated with the alert.

When the horned viper led people into the tunnel, the two followed and sneaked into the house.

At this time, the two looked at the dark tunnels together, but they were afraid to go in because they didn't have any lighting equipment in their hands.

This is the tunnel. No matter the day or night, it is pitch black. If you go in the wrong place, or if there is any mechanism, then you will die.

"Go in? We can light a torch." Guillaume touched Ali on the shoulder.

Ali looked at the dark tunnel entrance, silent. Guillaume saw that he was not moving, thinking he didn't want to take the risk, and said: "Don't look, can you get in? If you don't, we will seal the door and blow up the house! Another day, we will bring all the equipment. Let's go in and explore again."

Ali said suddenly: "Guillaume, have you ever heard this sentence,'When you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you too". I feel that a hole is like an abyss that will swallow life."

"Ali, this is not the time to do philosophy! Don't scare yourself! If you don't go in, let's go quickly!" Guillaume said impatiently.

"Can't go, Guillaume." Ali stared at a tall and thin figure in the tunnel. The figure seems to be grinning, showing snow-white teeth, and the whites of a pair of eyes appear occasionally.

"Two, stay, don't go!" the figure said.

Ali and Guillaume raised them to grab at the same time.

Bang, bang, a few shots, Guillaume and Ali were shot almost at the same time, and fell to the ground, blood gurgling, mixed with the blood of the experts.

The tall figure walked out of the tunnel, slid the gun on the ground, tilted his head and looked at the two people on the ground, smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you are so afraid of death!"

Guillaume reluctantly raised his index finger and pointed at the tall figure: "Coincidence, Chocolate, you, you deceived us..." As he said, the real body loosened, and his hands fell on the ground.

"I didn't deceive you, Ali, do you mean it?" The tall black man is chocolate. "You let me go. I tell you about the treasure. It's an exchange! There are really treasures here, right?"

Seeing Guillaume is dead, a sorrow flashed in Ali's eyes. "How did you recognize us?" Ali said bitterly.

"I didn't recognize you, I just recognized my perfume! You stole my perfume, my dear Ali!" Chocolate said coldly, "I didn't expect you to come here again. In that case, just go to hell!"

Chocola raised his gun, and the muzzle pierced Ali's mouth.

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