I Really Don’t Want To Be a Natural Disaster

Vol 2 Chapter 517: Protect our crystal

at the same time.


Every corner.

Every apostle who is in anxiety, confusion, excitement, and killing.

There was a "ding" sound in the ear at the same time.

A voice sounded like from above the sky, ringing in the ears of every apostle.

At the beginning, everyone said that before Yi Lin arrived, he would not go to Jill to connect to the main line for the time being.

Unexpectedly, Li Erpang, Xiao Chuer, and Ning You all sneaked around to the Vatican branch.

Perhaps because of guilt, or perhaps for other reasons, everyone hadn't told others what the spur line they had received before. Now they took the opportunity to put it bluntly, they were complaining endlessly about the pitfalls of this branch mission, and they hurriedly said "I accidentally got on the thief ship".

Wang Tiandi barked barkly at his feet.

It seems that this dog teammate has also received a slightly pitted task, otherwise it would not show such an expression.

Although several teammates complained that the task was difficult, in fact, they did it without hesitation.

They arrived at Port Isitta for a few days, and from their respective intelligence channels, they learned that there is a kind of "top equipment" in this game-Excalibur.

Run errands, punch cards, find faults, and click likes. You can get a top weapon without taking any risks. What can I complain about?

Isn't it much safer than to brush a powerful BOSS?

Although it is troublesome, as long as it is a task, there is always a time to complete it. For such a cheating task, according to the rule that the reward is proportional to the difficulty of the task, it should be possible to obtain the legendary "Excalibur" in the end.


Yi Lin frowned slightly. He didn't feel envy in his heart after listening to his teammates.

——After all, he already has the "Excalibur".

And it's very fragrant.

Therefore, in the small team of "Braves, Dogs, and Friends", Yi Lin has the clearest view on these side tasks.

Father, like son.

Yi Lin habitually picked the "dead skin" on his forehead and fell into thought.

Seeing Yi Lin’s serious expression, Li Erpang thought Yi Lin was so envious that his expression was distorted, so he smiled, "Can’t help" comforting: "I said, brother~~~ You don’t need to be discouraged, this **** The branch line of the Sword Mission should be a part of the audience. Although we have been ahead for a few days, in case, maybe, maybe, there is a possibility of losing, you receive a simpler task?"

This shameless fat man.

According to the human setting law in RPG games, there must be a pitfall around the protagonist.

What a shame.

Ning thought on the right, contemptuously, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, but he didn't break it either. He smiled and said, "The fat brother is reasonable. When we asked the priest Jill to take the task, there was nothing to take the task. Restriction, this should be a task that every'player' can take. Now that you are here, Brother Irin, I think we can also do the main task by the way."

Yi Lin: "..."

Seeing that Yi Lin was still depressed, Xiao Chuer pulled a strand of silky hair behind her ears, and whispered: "Yes, yeah, it’s okay, you are the leader... the captain of the team, anyway, this'Excalibur branch. 'It won’t be possible for a while. We can push the main line while making this branch line, and it’s okay.”

Li Erpang was angry when he heard this.

He slammed the table: "Hey wait a minute, when did our team decide the captain? According to the rules, isn't the main tank the captain? You, you don't talk about routines!"


When the little friends said each other, and the dog kept barking, Yi Lin never interrupted.

But when they finished talking, Yi Lin was picking his forehead, his eyes were slightly cold, and he slowly said, "How many days ago did you take this task?"

Li Erpang: "Three days ago."

Ning right: "Four days ago."

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Xiao Chuer: "...Three days ago."

Emperor Wang Tian: "Wang, Wang, Wang."

Li Erpang pointed at Ning You suddenly: "Didn't you suggest not to do the main line first! Why did you go to the priest Jill the first!"

"Uh...carelessly, passing by, passing by, passing by."

Yi Lin waved his hand to end the dispute between his teammates: "In other words, how many branches have you been tossing about these days?"

Others didn't understand what Yi Lin meant by asking these questions. They looked at each other for a while and nodded at the same time.

Yi Lin continued to ask, "After you connected these branches, has anyone seen Grand Priest Jill?"

Li Erpang whispered: "I guess I'm busy brushing the branch line! Who is so idle that it's okay to go to Jill? Isn't it good to brush tasks?"

Ning You's eyes condensed suddenly, and he blurted out: "Did Brother Yi Lin have found anything?"

"It's hard to find out. I just find it strange, although we don't have all the memory of'reality'. But since we are here, it means that this game is not a'stand-alone game', but more likely an'online game' ."

Xiao Chuer suddenly remembered something when she heard the words, her pupils shrank, and she lost her voice: "Wait, isn't it...no, how is it possible?"

Without waiting for Yi Lin to express his thoughts, after Yi Lin reminded him, Ning You also thought of one of the doubts: "Yes, I almost forgot. This trial... The game setting is a "player An online game trapped in the game world. Since the game itself is an online game, as the “Excalibur” with the top 49 weapons in the game, the difficulty of the task of “can be completed sooner or later in time” is too low."

Xiao Chuer shook her head with a solemn expression: "No, even more strange, it should be the threshold of the mission. When receiving the mission, there was no level, equipment, or other rigid strength requirements. At that time, the great priest Jill gave me It feels as if anyone can receive a task as long as it is an individual."

Ning You suddenly lowered his head and looked at the dog lying on the ground with a weird expression: "Maybe, it's not a human being..."

The more he listened to Li Erpang, the more puzzled he was, and his heart was filled with question marks. He quickly asked: "Wait, what are you talking about? Can you say something that normal people can understand? If you talk like this, I will have This is the illusion of being crushed in IQ! Can you still have a good chat?"

In fact, everyone, including the dog, wanted to tell Li Erpang to make him feel confident and to remove the word "illusion" in his words.

But now they don't have this thought.

Because after Yi Lin reminded, everyone noticed the irregularities in this side mission.

Yi Lin ignored his IQ and collapsed a missing Li Erpang, and continued to analyze: "Assuming this'game', there may not be a million people, it can accommodate 100,000 players, shouldn't it be okay? Even if the game settings are too abnormal. , This game is extremely popular. Ten thousand people should have it? A game that accommodates tens of thousands of'players'. The threshold for obtaining top weapons... Isn't it too low?"

"This, but there are only 49 top-level equipment in the entire game in the setting."

Xiao Chu'er thought of a possibility, but even she herself didn't believe this possibility: "Is there something tricky about this NPC? The kind that specializes in players? It's not necessary? What's the purpose?"

Ning You's tone condensed and shook his head: "What you said is really possible. This game is a bit weird at first. In turn-based games, there is no resurrection point. Once the death deletes the account again, this setting will be I can persuade 99% of players. Thinking about it this way, even if there is a ghost animal setting such as'The Great Priest Jill is actually the minion of the Devil', I can accept it."

"Wait..." Xiao Chu'er suddenly remembered something: "When you took the task, did Grand Priest Jill specially record your'communication crystal', saying that after we are all together, use'communication' immediately Crystal' contact him? Say there are special rewards and the like."

Yi Lin's action of picking the dead skin suddenly stopped, frowning and said: "Is there anything else?"

Ning You nodded: "It is true, and I thought it was a little weird at the time, but because he released the'Excalibur Mission' soon, I didn't think much about it. Now speaking, it is indeed a little weird, combined with these kinds of clues. , It feels like..."

Yi Lin suddenly lowered his hand from his forehead and chuckled, "So that's it. So it seems that this great priest Jill has a problem. He released these side tasks, all of which are tasks to kill time in Port Isitar. It doesn’t have any substantial meaning. It’s not so much a gift of equipment and experience, it’s more of... Try your best to keep'you' in the city and don't leave."

Xiao Chuer murmured to herself: "No? Even NPC has problems? This game is too bad, right? It really deserves to be..."

Xiao Chuer didn't say anything, but stopped abruptly.

Ke Ningyou and Xiao Chuer are both "apostles", even if Xiao Chuer only said half of it, he understood.

——Even NPCs can cheat players. It's really a "trial"!

Perhaps, this is the difficulty of the trial!

After figuring out the key points, Ning You also smiled: "Fortunately, Brother Irin is witty and timely. It seems that the main task of this game is not as simple as it seems. It is very likely that the great priest Jill is Characters similar to'game villains' used side missions to trap us in Port Isitar for some'purpose or reason'."

After a pause, Ning You continued to analyze: "Based on this'hypothesis', he used the'Excalibur Side Mission' to keep us in the city to wait for Brother Yi Lin to appear, so that we can be killed. It’s terrifying to think carefully! Maybe this is also part of the'story' itself. Haha, this'game' is getting more and more interesting."

There was one sentence he didn't actually say.

You don't even have to wait for the "protagonist Yi Lin" to come before you can play it all. Should it be said that it is indeed the card that the protagonist should have?

Xiao Chu'er also laughed out loud, with a scent of calmness and calmness in her smile: "In this way, since he needs us to contact us to determine whether we are all together, it shows the villain’s eyeliner. Not to the point of'omniscience'. Using this information gap, we may be able to fight a wave of counter-kills and further dive into the plot."

Ning right: "Hey."

Xiao Chuer: "Hehe."

The dog smiled evilly.

Yi Lin smiled slightly.

After the three of them figured out everything, they all laughed together.

"I, I, I have something, I don't know whether to say it or not..."

Just when the three people gathered together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yinyin smiled. A fleshy palm was raised weakly.

With a guilty expression on Li Erpang's conscience, he said in a low voice: "Before entering the tavern, I had already sent, sent, and sent the news that'Irin has arrived' to the big Jill..."


The three of them are a dog, and their smiles are completely frozen.

at the same time.

No one noticed.

Outside the port.

Beyond the sea of ​​clouds.

The black shadows of floating boats covering the sky and the sun quietly approached with billowing black smoke.

Very bright, very thin, and very dazzling.

"The front is the guild's recreation area."

Yi Lin smiled.

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