I Really Don’t Want To Be a Trainer

Chapter 583 The sun is strong and the water is gentle

In mid-May, the temperature suddenly became hot, and even the Sinnoh region, which is covered with snow all year round, could not avoid it.

There were gray rain clouds in the sky, the smell of damp rain, and a stale breath in my chest.

Lu Ye had just finished shopping for groceries and was walking home with his bag in hand. He looked up at the sky.

"It should be cooler after the rain."

The messenger bird carried his luggage and walked beside Lu Ye, with an arrogant face: "Woo!"

In this kind of weather, I can drop the temperature with just a "blizzard"!

The messenger bird has been there for three days and two nights...that's not the point.

The point is, Lu Ye was worried that Uncle Liu would doubt him and kidnapped his big penguin.

Anyway, Blastoise has almost mastered the ice skills.

Send this giant penguin home today!

"As expected, I still prefer the little postman penguin." Teacher Lu, the 'chicken trainer', said with emotion.

The scorching heat is hard to get rid of, and some trainers will let Pokémon use "Pray for Rain" and "Ice Breath" to keep themselves cooler.

But that can only affect a small area.

The best solution for summer is undoubtedly——

Go back to the air-conditioned room and have a good sleep!

Lu Ye smiled and returned to the villa with Geng Gui, who was carrying a vegetable basket on his head.

On the lawn in the courtyard, several resurrection grass plants were listless, and the Water Arrow Turtle was watering them with Squirtle's water bottle.

"Ah -" Youkiras raised his head to the sky, opened his mouth wide, and put his hands on the red plastron.

"What is this for?" Lu Ye was stunned.

"Hey?" Youjiras looked at Lu Ye, scratched his long horns, and smiled shyly.

It feels like it's going to rain, so I stay here to catch the raindrops and drink~!

This was purely a child's play, and Lu Ye burst out laughing, but it was still better than digging in the yard to make food.

"Ouch~~" Wind Speed ​​Dog lay on his side on the wooden corridor, basking in the scorching sun, baring his teeth lazily and yawning.

Lu Ye stepped over Fengsu Gou's plump body and planned to open the door and go in. Fengsu Gou leaned over and sniffed the vegetable basket.

"Are you still worried about the ingredients I chose?"

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows: "I'll make sure I arrange everything for you clearly!"

"Kou Jie~~" Geng Gui held the vegetable basket above his head with both hands and walked directly through the door.

The vegetable basket was levitated with the blue light transformed by his mind power. Gengar freed his hand and opened the door for Teacher Lu inside.

Click - the door lock turns.

Obviously I can use my "psychic power" to pick up things, but I'm afraid of scaring the old lady passing by.

From a certain point of view, scaring them off so that you don't have to introduce your daughter... is also pretty good.

Lu Ye shook his head. As soon as he walked in, the cool air-conditioned wind blew in his face.

"Huhuhu~Loto~" Rotom's smart home appliance form has no shortcomings except that it consumes electricity.

Togepi was rolling around on the floor, and when he rolled next to a big bottle of Coke, he suddenly looked surprised.

"Just chirp~! (▽`)"

"Miao~" In the upper left corner of the big TV screen, Meng Meng was communicating via video, happily greeting Lu Ye.

It returned to the original tree of the world yesterday.

But for the dreamy cutie, it’s just a different place to play games.

"Good morning~" Lu Ye greeted with a smile, "You two can continue playing, I'm going to prepare lunch."

"Miao~!" Meng Meng snickered.

Crash-bottles and jars shaking.

There was a cold air in the shiny refrigerator. Lu Ye put the ingredients in and took out half a cut watermelon.

In theory, it is watermelon, but it is actually a tree fruit based on watermelon and grows on trees.

The red flesh exudes a hint of coldness, and a drop of water rolls down from the watermelon rind. Lu Ye inserts the silver spoon directly into it, and the juice of 'Shusha' is bright red.

This half watermelon is not enough for Luye and Fairy Ibu to share.

Fortunately, Rotom's space debris has a lot of 'hidden capacity' and can freeze a dozen watermelons.

"Come back to eat watermelon!" Lu Ye shouted outside.

The wind speed dog stood up shakingly, its mane glowing golden in the sun.

Young Gilas glanced at Yuyun reluctantly, and was dragged back into the house by Water Arrow Turtle with a calm expression on his face.

"Gah~" Cong Youbing's eyes flashed sharply, and he used a sword move to wave the silver spoon into an afterimage.

"Ouch!" Wind Speed ​​Dog buried his head directly into the watermelon. When he raised his head again, he licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, his whole face was filled with red flesh.

In Teacher Lu's arms sits the fairy Eevee, elegant but disdainful. Lu Ye is feeding it with a silver spoon:

"Quick! I don't believe you won't eat!"

"Boo!" Fairy Ibrahimovic turned his head left and right, finally gave in, and reluctantly took a bite.

The next moment, Fairy Ibrahimovic held a spoon with a ribbon and ate the watermelon obediently: "Buyi~"

In the cool and silent room, there was only the rustling sound of chewing watermelon, and Togepi made a "beep" sound from time to time.

Youkiras opened his bloody mouth and swallowed the whole watermelon with its skin: "Yoji! ( ̄~ ̄)"

"That's not how you eat it..." Lu Ye looked at the chewy young Kiras: "Oh...it's all the same to you."

The water arrow turtle pushed up his sunglasses and was using the waveguide to detect possible toxic substances.

"Beep beep...I can't eat it, Lotto! o(TヘTo)" Rotom cried while hiding in the illustrated book.

Suddenly, an exclamation mark lit up above Rotom's head: "Beep beep...there's a new video call coming, Lotto!"

"Connected." Lu Ye said vaguely, sitting cross-legged on the floor, chewing watermelon.

A dazzling golden color appeared on the screen. Sirona was slightly surprised and looked at Lu Ye on the screen.

"eat watermelon?"

"Ah, yes...it was just chilled in the refrigerator."

"Don't call me?" Sirona's eyes turned into crescent moons and she asked with a smile.

Lu Ye was startled, wiped the corner of his mouth, and coughed lightly: "Isn't this, you are working!"

"It has ended."

Sirona crossed her arms and placed her chin on her slender hand, "I can go back to Zhensha Town today, and then..."

The two of them were silent for a moment as they discussed the rest of their journey, their heartbeats beating in unison.

She stretched out her hand to pull up the blond hair beside her ears and changed the subject: "It's going to rain."

"It won't rain on the day of the fireworks festival," Lu Ye said. "If it rains, I'll call Wind Speed ​​Dog and use Sunny Day."

"Ouch?" Wind Speed ​​Dog suddenly looked up from the watermelon, his face bright red and confused.

Sirona's eyebrows smiled unconsciously, and her delicate white skin seemed to be covered with a halo in the sun.

"Do you remember what I said on the Midina Plateau?" Lu Ye unconsciously adjusted his sitting posture and straightened his back.

"I don't remember." She looked away and reached out to hold her blond hair, distinct collarbones and beautiful neck arc.

"Then I'll say it a hundred times, a thousand times, until you won't forget it."

Lu Ye's eyes were serious: "I like you, Zhulan."

Sirona's snow-white swan neck rose with a faint crimson color, and she said in a very soft voice:

"Actually, just say it again."

"And..." Sirona reminded: "You didn't wipe the corners of your mouth clean."

Lu Ye was stunned for a moment, slightly embarrassed.

"It's quite cute." Sirona smiled.

Lu Ye:? ? ?

Today's victory or defeat, Teacher Lu's big defeat!


"Kyogre" seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, thunder exploded, and heavy rain fell.

The resurrection grass in the yard stretched its branches and leaves in the heavy rain, and the raindrops hit the bluestone, splashing white mist.

"Yoji~!" Young Kilas rushed into the heavy rain and ran, happily like a child who could kill Kentero with a rock avalanche.

Lu Ye maintained the video communication, pointed the camera at the yard, and sat in silence on the corridor.

There was a sleepy Fairy Eevee in his arms, a huge wind speed dog lying on his side, and Gengar stretched out his little hand to the sky.

The Water Arrow Turtle shrank into its shell and lay in the pouring rain. The raindrops splashed and jumped, and the words 'HP+1' seemed to continue to light up.

Cong Youbing holds a sword and shield, the clouds are calm and the wind is gentle. He is a calm man who is used to watching the autumn tide on the river and the rain hitting the plantains.

"Ga~_(:3 ⌒)_"

Today is another day of doing nothing~

Let’s continue working hard tomorrow~

Zhulan looked at the rainy and foggy courtyard, so she fell silent and supported her cheek with her hand.

Hua La La - the heavy rain continues to fall.

Lu Ye looked around at the bored little guys and looked up at the sky, his heart moving slightly.

Live in this precious world.

The sun is strong and the water waves are gentle.

In the afternoon, in the chat group.

Ajin’s ‘One Day Administrator’ experience card has expired.

What will greet him will be a dark room and persecution.

[Group member ‘Ajin’ was banned by the administrator ‘Adu’ for 2 hours]

[Group member ‘Ajin’ was unbanned by the administrator ‘Chihong’]

[Group member ‘Ajin’ was banned for 6 hours by the administrator ‘Qinglu’]

[Group member ‘A Jin’ was unbanned by the group leader ‘Teacher Lu’]

[Group member ‘Ajin’ was banned by the administrator ‘Kona’ for 24 hours! 】

Ma Zhishi burst out laughing: "Hahahaha!"

‘Manjin City Big Milk Can’ followed closely: “You deserve it, hahaha!”

Nazi raised the corner of her mouth in a rare move: "233"

Xiaozhi: "Gnarled smile·JPG"

Kristal blushed: "Akin almost died... It's not a good idea to do this, right?"

Xiao Yin, who knew Ah Jin best, said lightly: "He made it himself."

Kristal was stunned: "Hey, is that so?"

Teacher Lu said: "It doesn't matter, because A Jin must have already made up his mind."

Prosecutor Asu looked at his cell phone while working and burst into laughter.

A cloaked figure passed before his eyes, and Yulongdu crossed his arms and looked over coldly.

"If you use your mobile phone during work hours, you will lose your bonus this month!"

Asu was stunned: "Senior Du, aren't you also there..."

"Huh?" Yulongdu glanced coldly, like the contempt of a giant dragon.

Ah Su opened his mouth, stood up and saluted: "Yes!"

Yulongdu nodded slightly, threw off his cloak and left.

Like the light of the right path.

This is the messenger of justice who never shows favoritism and the champion of Guandu, Adu!

Mr. Tiexuan said: " @Ajin, you give me a power generation device, and I can give you a black room cracker."

Daigo: "Aren't you the ones who always release the modifiers for "Pokemon" online?"

Tie Xuan laughed and said: "As an electrical expert, you must have some hands-on skills, haha!"

Teacher Lu:? ? ?

I said there have been so many "magicians" recently, and your technical skills have improved again!

[Group member ‘Tie Xuan’ was banned for 24 hours by the group leader ‘Teacher Lu’! 】

"Speaking of which." Xiaogang squinted his eyes, "In a few days, the Lily of the Valley Conference in the Sinnoh region will be held."

"Yes." Xiao Song nodded and said, "All major halls have been closed and preparations for the conference have begun."

"Without the challengers, the performance bonuses will be reduced a lot!" Ah Li complained.

"Oh, I will help you respond to that guy Wu Song." Daye scratched his head.

"I only rarely spend time online, and it's not like I'm not in the group."

Wu Song replied angrily, pushed up the flat light mirror again, and answered seriously: "The main reason is that incidents have happened frequently in recent times, and funding is somewhat tight..."

Teacher Lu and Xiaozhi dived silently.

After all, they are always in trouble wherever they go...

Every time I inspect the scene of a major mythical beast incident, I always meet you two!

" @Wu Song." Lijia asked: "Will the contestant list for the Suzuran Tournament be announced today? There are many students from the little girl participating in this tournament."

"The same goes for my students." Du Juan smiled: "Many of them are fans of Teacher Lu!"

Lu Ye looked up at the sky with a strange expression.

If these students knew that they were going to meet me at the scene——

You will definitely be very happy and excited!

Wu Song pondered: "Well...it will be announced at five o'clock this afternoon."

Daye: " @Wu Song, why are you free today?"

Wu Song's forehead twitched: "I've finished working overtime, can't I just hang out with you?"

Teacher Lu said awkwardly: "Zhulan may need to take time off with you in a few days."

Wu Song: "..."

Looking out the window at the scorching sun, Wu Song felt like he was in a long winter.


Wu Song wiped the frame of the mirror and sighed: "Destroy it."

Kona had just silenced Ah Jin and was in a good mood. He accidentally caught a glimpse of the message sent by Teacher Lu.

Suddenly, Kona's smile froze and he stopped talking.

That’s it for today’s fun! (;Д`)

Half an hour later, Xiao Huang, who had a long ponytail, announced:

"The registration form for the Lily of the Valley Conference has been updated!"

"Why are you paying attention to the Lily of the Valley Conference?" A'Du asked curiously.

"Hey, because there are many people in the group participating in the competition." Xiao Huang smiled shyly.

"Who else is participating besides Xiaozhi?" Chihong asked.

Xiao Huang hurriedly inquired and replied nervously: "There is also Teacher Lu!"

Everyone:? ? ?

Chihong was stunned for a moment: "Lu, Teacher Lu?"

Teacher Lu, who just defeated Arceus, is now preparing for the Suzuran Tournament?

This is... too merciless!

A'Du said rudely: "Damn it, it's you as expected."

Ma Zhishi grinned, as if he had a toothache: "Is the baby opposite you really not going to cry if you beat him?"

Li Jia covered her mouth and smiled: "It's really Teacher Lu's usual style."

Xiaogang was silent and said: "Perhaps... Teacher Lu is here to train new Pokémon, just like attending the Quartz Conference."

However, as a champion, participating in the Lily of the Valley Tournament...

Isn’t this special dimensionality reduction attack?

It’s too stable, Teacher Lu!

Ah Li was stunned for a long time, and suddenly understood what Teacher Lu meant.

If I had not been the gym owner and participated in the rookie competition like Teacher Lu, the bonus might have been higher than my salary!

"That's sloppy! o(╥﹏╥)o" Ah Li cried.

Chihong pressed the brim of her hat, seeming to realize something.

Having just defeated Arceus, Teacher Lu's team must have suffered a heavy blow.

Through the Suzuran Tournament, you can maintain your team's fighting status.

This is also a way of healing...

Suddenly, Chihong became a little worried about Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi, who aims to become the champion of the conference, will be depressed now that he knows that Teacher Lu is going to participate?

Everyone also had the same thought.

However, they still underestimated the fighting spirit of the super true rookies.

"Teacher Lu... is going to attend the Suzuran Conference."

Xiaozhi lowered his head, the brim of his hat covering the expression on his face, clenching his fists, and burning eyes with fire.

"Doesn't that mean we can have a full battle with Teacher Lu!!"

A 6V6 all-out battle. After defeating Shinji, challenge Teacher Lu again! !

Xiaozhi clenched his fists excitedly and shouted: "Pikachu, let's go back to Zhenxin Town, Dr. Oak's backyard!"

"Pikachu~~" About to meet the old team members, Pikachu happily extended his hand.

Xiaozhi, who is in all forms of the team, is extremely powerful.

In the Sinnoh League, he has Charizard, Pikachu, Lizard King, Flame Monkey, Kirby, and the re-joined Pidgeot...

This starting lineup is fully qualified to compete for the Sinnoh League conference championship.

"It's on fire!"

Lu Ye gave Brother Monkey a thumbs up first.

Maybe Xiaozhi can really beat the card guy Dak, and join me in the finals?

Teacher Lu thought: "Xiao Zhi, who has not reset his memory, is still quite handsome..."

"Kou Jie~" Geng Gui tugged on Lu Ye's sleeve and pointed out the window.

Look along and look out the window.

It rains heavily and the breeze is cool.

There was a damp earthy smell in the air. Lu Ye walked out and saw a drop of rain rolling down from the young leaves of the resurrection grass.

Looking up at the sky, the washed blue sky is clear and vast.

A snow-white flight cloud is dividing the sky in two, and a brilliant rainbow hangs on the far end.

Lu Ye stared at the figure and smiled unconsciously.

He recognized that Pokémon.

It was an unparalleled fierce-biting land shark.

Kanto region, Oak Research Institute.

Dr. Ohmu arranged the information on the table and looked at the old man in a wheelchair who pushed the door open.

"Nice to see you again." Dr. Omu smiled slowly: "Uncle Liu."

Uncle Liu's face was stern, and he glanced at Dr. Omu coldly, with a curve in the corner of his mouth.

"Me too." Liu Bo said lightly.

Dr. Omu blinked in surprise, looked at Uncle Liu up and down, clenched his fists and coughed:

"Have you met the child?"

"You mean Lu Ye?" Liu Bo nodded: "Excellent."

Dr. Oki raised a smile and said proudly: "That's natural, he is the holder of the illustrated book that I personally selected!"

Uncle Liu snorted coldly.

"You came here just to praise me that he is excellent?" Dr. Omu scratched his head.

"Yes." Uncle Liu whispered: "Words will be misinterpreted, only actions can express sincerity."

"You are really..." Dr. Omu laughed dumbly. He saw a sensitive and tough soul.

The wind howled, and both of them looked up at the same time. It was the figure of a messenger bird.

"It came back from Lu Ye." Liu Bo said.

Omu Xuecheng nodded, suddenly thought of something, and was extremely surprised.

"Did you ask him to teach Lu Ye the ice-type moves?"

"I said, I am very satisfied with him." Liu Bo stared at the sky.

The plump big penguin fell down, his face a little disappointed.

Uncle Liu silently stared at the messenger bird, suddenly feeling a little surprised.

"Have you... gained weight in the past two days?"

"Woo~~" The messenger bird laughed dryly and scratched its head.

Today’s two-in-one_(:3 ⌒)_

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