I Really Don’t Want To Be a Trainer

Chapter 687 Special training before disaster! Heavy rain is coming (3/3)

Chapter 687 Special training before disaster! Heavy rain is coming (33)

Hoenn Region, Karnaz City.

It has been 48 hours since the legendary boulder disappeared.

There are only 17 days left before the super giant meteorite arrives.

Dawu decided to find a suitable time to express this matter to Mi Keli and elaborate on the solution:

The inheritor goes to the Sky Tower and forms a bond with Rayquaza. Use the energy of the colorful meteorites to perform the "Finishing Touch" and use the power of Mega Rayquaza to smash the super huge meteorite!

This is only option one. On the premise of secretly assigning tasks, Devon's energy department also gave relevant suggestions.

Option II.

The department believes that colorful meteorites are living entities with independent consciousness, so they disappear from Meteor Falls through space migration.

Modeled after King Carlos AZ's ultimate weapon, it can extract unlimited energy '∞ energy' from the living energy of colorful meteorites.

∞ energy serves as the core of the dimensional transport device. Put it on a rocket at the Green Ridge Universe Center and launch it, enough to transport giant meteorites to other dimensions!

This idea of ​​'teleporting meteorites' is crazy and whimsical. It is said that the scientific staff got the inspiration from Teacher Lu——

Since a dark hole can teleport a battleship, it makes sense for a dimensional wormhole to teleport a meteorite!

But no one can guarantee that there is no life in the world where the meteorite was transported. Even if the world is saved, another world may die in front of a super giant meteorite!

The plan is pending, but no matter what, the prerequisite is to find the missing colorful meteorite.

Tuesday, August 10th.

Daigo met the ultimate mother-in-law who came all the way from the Seven Islands in the coastal cave north of Kanaz City.

The ultimate mother-in-law holds a tin staff with a golden wheel-shaped ring hanging on it. The shape is very similar to Arceus.

This unattractive old woman is one of the instructors who teaches the 'ultimate move', and even Red, Green, and Xiaolan are her students.

"Are you here to discuss the disaster that will happen in half a month? Mr. Dawu." The ultimate mother-in-law asked hoarsely. She interpreted the murals left by the people of Meteor, and then learned about the predicted disaster.

"That's right." Dawu frowned and nodded: "I can't solve the disaster by myself. And the top priority is to recover the colorful meteorite as soon as it appears!"

Daigo's eyes were solemn: "For this, I need more helpers, and I also need you to give them special training!"

The ultimate mother-in-law's peripheral vision fell outside the cave: "Lubi, Safiya, Ailan...these three young people are the helpers you chose?"

"Actually, there is another Manon." Daiwu said with a smile: "But her Harili hasn't finally evolved yet, so I won't bother her."

"At times like this, stop joking!" The ultimate mother-in-law said angrily, "Also...how are you sure that one of them can pass the assessment and become the inheritor recognized by Rayquaza?"

"Because...the barrier of the Pillar of the Sky seems to have an age limit."

Daigo frowned and said, "I once heard Mr. Qianli mention that the special energy magnetic field and the narrow terrain prevented him from entering the Pillar of the Sky. And Lubi and the others are my favored juniors... I believe in their abilities!"

The ultimate mother-in-law complained: "But there is only half a month left, even if they get Rayquaza's approval, what should they do if the meteorite refuses to show up!"

"No." Daigo raised his eyes and looked at the stormy sky. "In the sea thirty kilometers east of Kanaz City, energy fluctuations from meteorites have appeared. It will probably appear within the next three days."

"Three days?" The ultimate mother-in-law exaggerated: "What tricks can be produced in three days of special training!"

"I will conduct special training with you." Daigo smiled and said: "In short... just make way for them to be more familiar with Mega evolution and ultimate moves!"

"That kid Ai Lan looks a little too old."

The ultimate mother-in-law murmured in a low voice: "But his control of the fire-breathing dragon and explosive flames is good... it deserves praise."

Daigo put his hands in his pockets and looked at the sky.

In fact, Daigo still has a bad premonition...

The terrifying energy of the colorful meteorite may even cause a fight between Groudon and Kyogre!

Even so... I must save the entire Hoenn from them.

Dawu looked solemnly and whispered softly:

"It would be great if Mi Keli and Teacher Lu could be here..."


Near the beach, Ruby, Ailan and others learned that Daigo would give them special training.

At the same time, Xiaozhi is following Qinglu and practicing in Baiyin Mountain.

"Do you really have to carry such a heavy luggage?!"

Xiaozhi, carrying a small mountain of luggage, followed step by step with his nostrils flaring.

"What is in here, Master Qinglu!"

Qinglu wore a cloak and walked calmly in front:

"The protective gear of the Super Armored Rhinoceros, the wooden stakes of the Giant Pincer Mantis...you will know it when you go to the top of the Silver Mountain."


"There is no but. What I want to train is you as a trainer, not your Pokémon!" Qinglu shouted.

Xiaozhi did not complain any more and followed pantingly, whispering:

"Senior Chi, are you not in Baiyin Mountain today?"

"Well...he is going to Fengyuan." Qinglu said absently.

"What about Senior Ajin?"

"Ajin?" Qinglu smiled coldly, "Fool Chi into going on a date with Xiao Huang, and then free yourself from Chi's training."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi seemed to see a scene in front of Xiaozhi's eyes where Akin slipped down Silver Mountain with a smirk on his face and cheers.

"It seems that's true." Xiaozhi smiled.

"No matter what, Ash."

Qinglu walked in front and said to himself: "The strength of your team is already very valuable."

"However, trainers cannot rely on Pokémon, but should let Pokémon rely on themselves."

Qinglu paused, "Like Teacher Lu, with his ability, the United team that rents you can also win the Hinoki Tournament... Do you understand what I mean?"

Xiaozhi was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Maybe this isn't the best format for you."

Qinglu looked up at the top of Silver Mountain: "But if you want to become a Pokémon master, this is the path you must go through."

Turning around and glancing at Xiaozhi, whose eyes were dancing with flames, Qinglu said calmly:

"The next conference is held in Miare City... Good luck to you, Ash."


Wednesday, August 13th.

Lu Ye stood at the door of Manchong's home and said goodbye with the warm farewell of Manchong's parents.

"Thank you for taking care of this child Manchong, teacher..."

"This child has always been introverted, but he has become much more cheerful recently!"

The weak and taciturn Manchun, caught between his parents, didn't know what to say, so he could only smile shyly.

"Manchi will become an excellent trainer." Lu Ye said with a smile, "I have always believed in this."

Maybe it can't be compared with Ruby and Safia.

But Teacher Lu will be proud of this student.

The full parents looked at each other with happy smiles in their eyes.

After declining repeated invitations to banquets, Lu Ye walked on the field ridges filled with the fragrance of flowers at dusk, feeling in a good mood.

Darkrai was hiding in Lu Ye's shadow, his head covered with black lines.

I thought in vain that this guy was really in trouble...

Co-authoring is to prepare for a rainy day, call the bodyguard back first, the energy cube cannot be counted separately!


Darkrai looked at Latias floating beside Lu Ye, with mixed emotions.

After not seeing each other for a few days, this kid has attracted another legendary Pokémon to accompany him...

"After completing the home visit...just go to Devon Company and collect the flight equipment."

Lu Ye stretched out and said cheerfully, "It seems like nothing big happened!"

"Teacher Lu!"

Lu Ye turned around and saw the frail green-haired boy running towards him, out of breath.

"It's full." Lu Ye said, "Speak slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"Just now, my parents were here, so I couldn't tell."

Manchong gasped and tried to say calmly: "I want to talk to you alone, Teacher Lu."

"Of course it's no problem." Lu Ye smiled.

"I'm not a genius like Ruby, and I will never be able to catch up in his footsteps, but I will work hard to become an excellent trainer——"

Manchong almost shouted with all his strength: "I am Teacher Lu's student...so, I will not embarrass you!"

In the golden dusk, a quiet and peaceful fragrance of flowers wafted.

Lu Ye put his hand on Manmitsu's shoulder and smiled.

"You are my proudest student...Man Chong. So I believe in you."

Not everyone in this world has superior conditions.

Teacher Lu believes in each of her students and is proud of them.

Manchong nodded vigorously, waved to Lu Ye, and said with all his strength:

"Through...the green tunnel, you can reach Kanaz City...Teacher Lu, goodbye!"

Lu Ye nodded slightly, turned around and left, feeling Latias' feeling coming from beside him.

"He seemed to be crying just now." Latias whispered.

"What's wrong."

"Why don't you take care of him?" Latias said sideways.

"Sometimes, crying is more effective than holding on." Lu Ye said with a smile.

"I don't understand." Latias shook his head and added, "I won't cry."

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows.

Got it, I’ll put two onions in today’s dinner!


Passing through the green tunnel, the metropolis Karnaz City stands in front of you.

You can see the landmark building, Dewen Building, at a glance. The glass mirror of the building reflects the sunlight brightly.

"This is even more impressive than Goose City..." Lu Ye murmured.

Since he was unfamiliar with the place, Luye decided to call Daigo.

However, Daigo's 'Pokémon Navigator' was always busy.

At this moment, people on both sides of the road quickened their pace and began to rush to run.

Among the chaotic footsteps.

The Rotom illustrated book flew in front of Lu Ye and played the news footage.

[Insert an important piece of news. An unknown meteorite appeared in the sea near Karnaz City, accompanied by heavy rainfall. The general public is asked to stay indoors and avoid going out...]

Lu Ye was slightly startled and looked at the picture given by the news.

It was a meteorite with colorful flashes of iridescent light, suspended over the sea, like a treasure that attracted people to fight for!

Lu Zhi's heart tightened, and he looked up at the dark sky for a moment. There was a faint flash of lightning, and then thunder exploded!


"Teacher Lu!"

Daigo's contact was finally connected, his voice unusually anxious.

"Are you in the Hoenn area? I have something important to discuss with you!"

Teacher Lu took a deep breath, his chest felt tight and his eyes felt warm.

What is supposed to come has finally come!

Lu Ye: "...I'm just downstairs at your house."

Daigo:? ? ?

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