If before Araki Hikoichi turned on his mind to accelerate, he had to guard against Shintaro Midorima’s fake moves, then now, Shintaro Midorima’s fake moves are useless.

Just like dealing with Tatsuya Ice’s attack during a training match, Araki Hikoichi could see every subtle movement of his opponent and the shift in the center of gravity of his limbs under the acceleration of his thinking, even Icuro Tatsuya’s fake movements that were perfect enough to appear illusions had no effect on Araki Hikoichi, let alone Shintaro Midorima.

What is Midorima’s advantage?

It’s in his 100% shooting percentage, as well as his ultra-wide three-pointers, plus his amazing physicality at the level of his miracle era.

And his height is also an extremely important factor.

To know that Shintaro Midorima’s height, in the era of miracles, is second only to Atsushi Shihara and Hikoichi Araki, so with the advantage of height and reach, coupled with the characteristics of super high arc in the shooting position, Shintaro Midorima is indeed an extremely tricky opponent.

However, Araki Hikoichi’s characteristics completely restrained all of Midorima’s strengths, especially after turning on the ability to accelerate thinking, Midorima’s fake movements will not have any impact on Araki’s judgment.

So the only thing worth noting is probably the side effect of accelerated thinking on Araki Hikoichi.

Even if he has been exercising his ability, the side effects brought by Araki Hikoichi after using his ability are still quite strong.

Therefore, Araki must always pay attention to the limits of his ability.

But the time within the limits of Araki’s ability is the time of Shintaro Midorima’s suffering.

So now, Shintaro Midorima on the court is very uncomfortable.

You must know that he can use the opportunity he can be willful today to completely get the ball in the second quarter into his own hands.

But now, Shintaro Midorima looked at Hikoichi Araki who calmly blocked in front of him, but suddenly felt that the basketball he was about to reach seemed to become a hot potato, because he really didn’t know what kind of offensive method he should use to score.


No, he had already tried it once just now, even with the confidence that even if Araki Hikoichi used his strength to knock himself off, he would shoot the basketball into the basket, but what happened after that surprised Midorima Shintaro.

Because Araki Hikoichi did not use the strength of his body to jam himself on the outside as before, but extended his arm, accurately slapped the basketball under his control, and instantly launched a fast attack.

That indomitable absolutely confident broken ball even made Shintaro Midorima vaguely see Seijuro Akaji’s shadow, but in terms of height, Araki Hikoichi is an enlarged version.

And shooting?

Shintaro Midorima didn’t put it absolutely.

Because just shortly after the start of the second quarter, or to be precise, after being fooled once by himself with a fake move, Shintaro Midorima discovered his fake move.

No matter how realistic the fake movement he made, Araki Hikoichi was completely indifferent, and Shintaro Midorima even left the heels of both feet off the ground, but Araki still did not react to such a movement.

But just when Midorima Shintaro thought that Araki Hikoichi had stopped defending his shot and really jumped to shoot, he was sent a clean block by Araki Hikoichi jumping up.

“So, how the hell did you guy see my feint!” After being continuously defended, Shintaro Midorima no longer had the certainty of shooting, and he asked Araki Hikoichi in front of him with an ugly face.

“Well…” Araki shrugged with a smile and said, “I guess even if I said it, you probably wouldn’t believe it.” ”

After all, telling others what you can slow down time, or superpowers similar to bullet time… It is estimated that individuals will not believe it, right?

Eh, but it’s not good to say~

Araki Hikoichi, who suddenly remembered something, hesitated again, after all, Akaji-san’s Heavenly Emperor Eye did not seem to be an ability that a normal person would have.

So, even if you say it, it’s nothing.

Although Araki Hikoichi felt so in his heart, he was not stupid enough to say his ability, after all, it was a competition now, how could he tell his ability to the enemy.

So Araki just showed an inscrutable smile, which made Midorima cut unpleasantly.

But then again, for Shintaro Midorima, who has always paid attention to etiquette, to show this expression, it seems that Midorima-san is quite uncomfortable.

Is this an affirmation of one’s own strength in another sense?

And looking at Shintaro Midorima, who was not absolutely sure of scoring at the moment, he thought for a moment and gave up the idea of attacking alone.

He let out a long breath and passed the ball back into Kazunari Takao’s hand.

“Well, did you avoid a head-to-head showdown, Midorima-san?” The corners of Araki’s mouth turned up, and he said, “Then should this duel be considered my win?” ”

“The game is not over yet, is it too early to say who loses and who wins?” Shintaro Midorima spoke as he tried to run to throw off Araki’s defense.

But Araki Hikoichi naturally did not dare to relax.

After making several sharp turns without throwing off Araki Hikoichi, Midorima Shintaro had to give up running again.

Facing Araki Hikoichi, a guy who is faster than himself, jumps higher than himself, and ignores his feints, Shintaro Midorima feels helpless at the moment.

Therefore, in the second quarter of the game, although Yangquan High School and Xiude High School each scored, one side’s ace was defensed and could not be shot at all, while the other side could participate in the attack.

As a result, the score of the two sides immediately showed the gap.

Even though Yangquan High School’s offense made several mistakes, but in Araki Hikoichi’s insurance, Yangquan High School managed to pull the point difference to more than ten points.

By the time of the second intermission, the score had reached “5442”, a difference of twelve points.

In addition, what made Hidetoku High School even more uncomfortable was that under the defense of Araki Hikoichi, their ace Shintaro Midorima only hit two three-pointers, and only scored six points in the second ten minutes.

That’s the trump card.

And at this moment, the coach of Xiude High School finally couldn’t sit still.

It’s okay to let you be willful, but if your willfulness can’t bring the victory of the team, then be obedient for the time being! _

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