I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 1567: Snatch the fate of the emperor's death in the demon holy ridge!

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Yang Fan didn't think of it himself.

Dahei, a silly dog, reached the point of promotion and breakthrough so soon, and once again attracted the baptism of the rule Xiaguang, and this time the rule Xiaguang was also unprecedentedly large and dazzling, directly refreshing Yang Fan's previous sight. The record of regular Xiaguang.

"It's in the sixth-order half-emperor realm. Such a fast advancement speed shouldn't be seen in the entire demon domain, right?"

"It seems that it is not difficult for the current Da Hei to swallow the body of the refining real emperor great demon, otherwise, even if the emperor's death has the opportunity, it should not break through and advance so quickly."

"I just don't know if the corpse of this ninth-level demon emperor can make Da Hei reach the critical point of breaking through and becoming a true emperor?"

Yang Fan's gaze fell on Da Hei, with some expectations in his heart.

He didn't know how many rules these half-emperor powerhouses had to break free to completely get rid of the shackles of Dao wounds and possess the cultivation strength of the real emperor realm. Perhaps Da Hei would give him a relatively accurate answer in time.

At the side of Dai Hei.

The three half-emperor pets, the small flower, the beautiful crocodile, and the deer calmly, seem to have been greatly stimulated, all of them suffocating, trying to absorb and refine the opportunities and benefits brought by the fourth emperor's death vision. , The demon power aura on his body is constantly growing every moment.

have to say.

The heaven and earth vision caused by this bear tyrant is indeed extremely powerful, many times stronger than the alien emperor that Yang Fan killed more than two hours ago.

"Such a good opportunity, but it was given to the demon sacred ridge at a cheap price. It really makes people feel unwilling..."

At this time, Yang Fan had already sensed the demon power aura of many demon races beginning to break through and advancement in the demon holy ridge.

Compared to Terran.

These demon cubs, who are born with a very high affinity for spiritual power, will be faster and more efficient in the refining and promotion of the emperor's chance.

After all, there is no restriction and restriction of the rules and avenues for their breakthrough promotion. There are almost no bottleneck barriers. As long as their spiritual power is sufficient and the demon power cultivation reaches the critical point, the promotion breakthrough is a matter of course.

Therefore, if there is no accident, if such an emperor's chance comes down, the demon sacred ridge at the center of the emperor's chance will inevitably increase its overall strength, and the number of half-emperors may double again.

"No, you can't just make these demon **** for nothing!"

Yang Fan was very upset.

Thinking of the scene where Hu Peng, Crocodile Xin, Long Jiao, and Xiong Yun were trying to rob the emperor's death opportunity in Jinghua City when the first emperor's death happened, Yang Fan's eyes lit up.

"This handsome can do the same too!"

"I can't enter the demon sacred ridge that is closed to the mountain, but is it a piece of cake to prevent these spiritual rains from entering the demon sacred ridge?"

For these demon boys, the vibration of the road is far less attractive than the spiritual rain falling from the sky.

After all, before they are promoted to become the Half-Emperor Demon, they hardly need to comprehend any rules and avenues. As long as their spiritual power is sufficient, they can always be promoted and then promoted!

That is, after breaking through to the half-emperor realm, because of the limitation of the Dao injury backlash in the body, they have to comprehend the rules of the Dao to delay the Dao injury and explore the way to become an emperor.

Therefore, for more than 90% of the demon races in the demon sacred mountain, this majestic spiritual rain falling from the sky is the essence of the emperor's death opportunity and is necessary for them to advance.

"Little Flower, Little Beautiful, Little Plum Blossom, Little Phoenix, Little Red Eagle!"

Yang Fan started to be famous, and even summoned Little Fire Phoenix and Little Red Eagle.

After all the pet beasts except Da Hei arrived, Yang Fan raised his hand to the demon sacred mountain in front of him, and commanded the pet beasts extremely domineeringly:

"Now, immediately, cast all your magical powers and secret arts to stop the blood rain within the 10,000-mile radius of this demon holy ridge from flowing!"

"It doesn't matter whether you absorb the refining yourself, or collect them for drainage, in short, you can't give it to the gang of demon cubs in Demon Shengling at a cheap price!"

As soon as Yang Fan's voice fell, Xiao Hua, Crocodile Beautiful, and Deer calmly raised their spirits.

"Master Baba is serious?!"

"Really let us absorb and refine these imperial death rains without any restriction?"

Several pet beasts looked at each other and were excited. In order to prevent their own understanding and enlightenment, they even opened their mouths to confirm to Yang Fan again and again.

Yang Fan nodded directly: "That's natural. As long as you have this ability, even if you collect all the rain of the entire demon domain, this master has no objection!"


"Long live Master Baba!"

"Yeah! The emperor wanted to do this a long time ago!"

"When I was in Human Domain before, if I wasn't worried about the owner's punishment, the emperor could swallow all the rain of the city of Dai Xingcheng and Ruan Fengcheng in one bite!"

"Hmph! It's beautiful to think, and for a while, everyone has their own abilities, and no one wants to eat alone!"


A few pet beasts were chattering and arguing, but the excitement and greed in their eyes couldn't hide.

What Yang Fan said just now was equivalent to unraveling the shackles on them, so that they no longer have to hold back and can only absorb the spiritual rain that belongs to the small patch of sky above their heads.

Before in the human environment.

Whether it is Jinghua City, Dai Xingcheng or Ruan Fengcheng, in order not to make Yang Fan angry, these pet beasts show a well-behaved and harmless and pleasing attitude in front of Yang Fan, even if they urgently need to absorb and refine more emperor's death rain. , They dare not let go of their minds and bodies to absorb refining without fear.

And now.

They are in the Demon Realm, and Yang Fan, the master of the sand sculpture, doesn't seem to want these monster beasts of the Demon Race to absorb the emperor's death rain that has been refined to the sky, so they have the opportunity to act recklessly.

"Long live Master Baba!"

"Master Baba, don't worry, there is a cat, these demon cubs of the demon sacred mountain, don't even think about absorbing another breath of rain!"


With a long scream, Xiao Hua first revealed her body, volleying up.

The spiritual power of the half-emperor realm is like a giant net, covering the entire Demon Sacred Ridge in an instant, and all the blood rain falling on the Demon Sacred Ridge holy ground is intercepted by this big net.

The rain of spirits gathered in one place flowed into the mouth of Xiaohua like a black hole in an instant like a mountain torrent, following Xiaohua's spiritual network.

"I just said, don't eat alone, save a little for the old lady!"

Crocodile's beauty was not to be outdone. As soon as his voice fell, his figure began to swell infinitely, and Xiao Hua's body was squeezed out of the sky directly above 10,000 meters.

"You two are too much, when my old deer doesn't exist, leave me a little too!"

The deer calmly changed his previous efforts to be kind to the demon, showing everyone a smile, and unexpectedly forcibly grabbing food from the mouth of a tiger. Between the beautiful flowers and the crocodile, he also opened up a space to absorb the rain of spirits.

As the center of this emperor's death vision, the demon sacred mountain here is much stronger than the surroundings in terms of scale and quality, and naturally became the sweet pastry for these half-emperor pet beasts.

In just an instant, the three half-emperor pet beasts divided the world, firmly occupying the spirit rain above the demon holy ridge.

As for Xiaofengying and Ying Siyuan, the little guys whose cultivation bases were not as good as the half-emperor realm, could only pitifully absorb some leftovers from the periphery of the Demon Sacred Ridge.

"Hahaha! It's so cool, so it can absorb and refine the feeling of these imperial death rains unscrupulously, it is really wonderful!"

"I'm going to break through!"

"Hahaha, the emperor will soon break through to the half-step Demon Emperor Realm!"

"Half-step Demon Emperor is a fart, I, Ying Siyuan, is about to break through and become a half-emperor great demon! Hahaha, I am definitely the youngest half-emperor of our Red Eagle clan!"


Hearing the clamor of the two little loaches, Xiaofeng Huo and Ying Siyuan, the three monsters Xiaohua, Meimei, and Deer Calm all disdain to lick their lips, and even bother to pay attention to them, devouring and refining this endless spiritual power. Resources.

Yang Fan looked at the vigorous posture of these pet beasts with a little bit of concealment. He never expected that after his order, these pet beasts would rob and occupy the entire demon holy ridge so quickly.

It turned out that UU read www.uukanshu. com wanted to **** the chance of the emperor's death in the demon sacred mountain, it suddenly became so simple!

not only that.

After these rains of spirit rain entered the belly of these pet beasts, Xiaohua, Crocodile Meili, Lu Congrong, Xiaofeng Huo, Ying Siyuan, the cultivation realm of these pet beasts are all at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soaring rapidly!

Especially Xiaofengying and Ying Siyuan, who were already on the edge of the peak demon emperor and the peak half emperor demon emperor realm, after so many spiritual rain resources stimulated, they started to break through the realm to advance.

Xiaofeng wanted to break through the realm and advance to the half-step Demon Sovereign realm as he wished, and Fengming shouted for joy.

Ying Siyuan, on the other hand, succeeded in breaking through the realm and becoming an emperor, becoming a real half-emperor great demon, and he was a little happy from ear to ear.

Moreover, just like Da Hei and Xiao Hua, Ying Siyuan also succeeded in attracting regular glow when he became an emperor.

However, Xia Guang is only the size of a fist, and it is almost insignificant compared to the huge beam of light that is still continuously 20 meters wide on Da Hei at the moment.

But in any case, there was finally a glow of light coming from the sky, which shows that this little red eagle has successfully broken the shackles of the rules in the soul of the soul, and has clearly understood its own way of becoming an emperor!

"One is so, two are so, three, four and five are still the same!"

"It seems that my previous guess is good. The reason why these pet beasts are so special is that they understand their path to becoming an emperor when they break through. It is not because of how awesome they are, but because of their master, Baba. It's too awesome!"

Yang Fan was shocked, feeling that his master Baba was really great, so that these pet beasts could break through the realm and become the true emperor, really **** old nose.

If these pet beasts dare not be obedient in the future, he will have to peel off their skins and fry them alive.

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