I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 1698: What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me? !

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Next to the white bear statue, a black and white bear with a panda head broke out of the ground, like a fish jumping out of the water, only ripples on the surface of the ground. After coming out, the ground under its feet was restored to its original state. .

And Yang Fan once again gained valuable experience in earth escape from this series of actions of the White Bear Demon Emperor.

Yang Fan narrowed his face with a smile.

It feels like the White Bear Demon Emperor is really a treasure boy. There is no such thing. After only such a short time, he has provided him with so many kinds of skills and experience, and Yang Fan wants to raise it in captivity.

"There are so many people left?"

After appearing, the White Bear Demon Emperor bowed his head and swept over the hundreds of people who were kneeling on the ground, and asked the **** child Xiong Yin softly.

When speaking, the White Bear Demon Emperor waved his right hand, and a strange regular fluctuation rippled around all the monsters present, but in a flash, all the black and white bears that had been seriously injured turned back to the truth.

At the same time, Yang Fan's ear again prompted the system:

"You watch the first-level supreme white bear demon king perform the secret of the rules of time-back in time, a touch of heart, and a deeper understanding of back in time, mental power +1000, skill proficiency +500."

"You watch the first-level supreme white bear demon king perform the secret of the rules of time-back in time, a touch of heart, and a deeper understanding of back in time, mental power +1000, skill proficiency +500."


[Reading red envelopes] Follow the public.. public accounts [Book Friends Base Camp], reading up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Yang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the smile on his face was even worse.

Unexpectedly, the White Bear Demon Emperor could even think of using the rule secret technique of turning back in time as a healing technique.

From now on, the effect seems pretty good.

It was really awesome to directly restore the injuries of these monsters to the second before they were injured, and instantly return to their peak state.

If Da Hei and Xiao Hua are also seriously injured next time, maybe you can try this method to recover them.

While rubbing his experience, Yang Fan glanced at the dead flower demon corpse next to him, thinking in his heart the white bear demon emperor’s secret technique of turning back in time, can it be so awesome that Hua Xiangrong can be restored to death. At that moment before, let it come back to life again?

However, it is a pity that after healed the black and white bear tribe on the altar, the White Bear Demon Emperor stopped the application of turning back in time, and had no intention of wanting to resurrect the flower.

Upon seeing this, Yang Fan couldn't help but shook his head slightly, feeling that he was still a little delusional.

The demon cannot come back to life, even if the time secret technique is so powerful that it can make time flow back to the second before Hua Xiangrong died, the price it will cost is definitely not something that the White Bear Demon Emperor can afford.

Even if the White Bear Demon Emperor could do it, it might not take this risk.

"Return to the emperor's words." The son of God Xiong Yin touched his head to the ground, and the sound replied: "My child is incompetent, I implore the emperor to condemn him!"

Now it is effective to say that nothing has been directly confessed. As far as the understanding of the white bear demon emperor is concerned, none of the black and white bears present can only show the bear seal to the right.

"Xiong Sheng is incompetent, and the holy land is destroyed, and the clansmen are slaughtered. I implore Lord Demon Emperor to condemn!"

The ancestor Xiong Sheng also reacted and confessed his guilt.

The White Bear Demon Emperor snorted coldly, glanced at them and ignored them, but slowly raised his head to look at the six Yang Fan who were still floating in the air.

"One imperial pinnacle, five detached supreme, the Human Race Federation is really worthy of my Black Wind Valley!"

Even if the soul of the soul that had returned before has brought back some information, the White Bear Demon Emperor would not know anything.

However, when he saw so many supreme powerhouses emerge from the human race with his own eyes, the White Bear Demon King was still shocked.

Especially when it saw the corpse of the Supreme Flower Demon standing in the sky above the ancestral land, it was even more distressed.

This is the best demon plant that it has spent nearly a hundred years in training. Originally, it was expecting to use this supreme demon plant as their secret weapon in the Black Wind Valley, so as to unify the entire demon realm.

It's okay now, Dute was hacked to death before he came out of the mountain!

But this also explained the ferocity and power of the supreme human races in front of them, and made the fear in the heart of the White Bear Demon Emperor even worse.

Others don't know the power of this flower demon, would the White Bear Demon Emperor still not know it?

Aside from other abilities, just the natural phantom array that sleeps for a thousand days can definitely knock down the vast majority of the Xeons in the same tier. Even the white bear demon king who has surpassed the realm, dare not a hundred I am 100% sure that I can resist the attack of the sleeping fragrance.

But now, Yang Fan's six people are all safe and sound, but Hua Xiangrong, who is already at the second-level supreme level, has seen the king of Yan in advance, and can't die anymore.

How did these people do it?

Among the five supreme humans, in addition to the strength of Ling Tian and Sang Duo Duo, Ye Wentian, Sima Xuefeng, and the nasty little fat man, but they are all first-class supreme, how could they be Can you resist the influence of Hua Xiangrong's phantom array?

Could it be the Heaven-Swallowing Beast that has been standing at Yang Fan's feet?

The white bear demon emperor's gaze swept lightly towards Da Hei, who had been nestling beside Yang Fan's feet. Just now, it sensed very clearly that this Heaven-Swallowing Beast could even swallow the force of the gravitational rules it casts, and its ability to swallow. It's really shocking.

The sky-swallowing beast's magical powers, claiming that there is nothing in the world to swallow, nothing to train, and now it seems that it is indeed a well-deserved reputation.

Perhaps the guy who broke the illusion that Hua wanted to sleep for a thousand days was this Heaven-swallowing beast.

"Sure enough, our original decision was not wrong. This clan itself is a great disaster. It will end early and rest assured."

"It's just never expected that after so many years in the demon domain, we still have fish that slip through the net, and it has grown to the supreme state all the way!"

The white bear demon emperor sighed in his heart, as if thinking of the tragic experience of being swallowed by the patriarch of the sky-swallowing beast back then when the patriarch of the sky-swallowing beast swallowed a left fore palm, and a slight imperceptibility flashed in his eyes looking at Da Hei. The color of fear.


Perceiving that the White Bear Demon Emperor was looking at him, the fierce light in the **** eyes shot out, he barked viciously at him, and then made a mouth-opening bite at him without any hesitation.

This is the exclusive action of their monster race, and the effect is not much the same as that of the human race raising their hands and wiping their necks, and it is full of threats and humiliation.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast clan and the Five Great Sacred Lands of the Demon Clan also have homicides, and it is not surprising that Da Hei does not give it a good face.

The corner of the white bear demon king's eyes twitched, his gaze glided across Da Hei's body, and he decided not to be familiar with a dog.

"Human Yang Fan!"

The eyes of the White Bear Demon Emperor finally fell on Yang Fan, the weakest cultivation base among the group, and he said loudly:

"Looking at these people respecting you everywhere, if not surprising, you should be the person who attacked my Black Wind Holy Land this time."

"Don't say that the emperor is old and disrespectful, bullying you younger generations. Now if you each leave an arm and the Heaven-Swallowing Beast, the emperor can leave the blame for the past and let you leave safely. "

"Otherwise, don't blame the emperor for bullying the small and leaving you all behind!"

The White Bear Demon King was stern, and didn't mean to do it soon.

Yang Fan's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but let out a soft hehe.

The white bear demon king is timid!

For them, what does it mean to chop off an arm? Will it grow out in minutes?

As for Da Hei, perhaps in the eyes of the White Bear Demon King, Da Hei is just a pet beast in Yang Fan's hands. It is reasonable to discard a pet beast in exchange for a better-looking face for everyone. Yang Fan should not refuse.

From the beginning to the end, it was only weighing the pros and cons, and wanted to settle the matter and send Yang Fan away as soon as possible.

Gee tut!

The holy land was destroyed, and the clansmen and subordinates were slaughtered by millions. As a result, the boss did not even have the courage to jump out and fight Yang Fan directly.

Really, very cold-blooded.

This is the emperor of the monster race, judging the situation, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, anticlimactic, in their eyes, nothing is more important than their own safety.

However, this also shows that from another aspect, the White Bear Demon Emperor is definitely a fierce and cold-blooded hero who is very good at forbearing.

If you let it escape this time, this girl will inevitably become a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, staring at the people of Yang Fan all the time, becoming a confidant of Yang Fan and the entire Human Federation!

"The White Bear Demon Sovereign, it is a good calculation." Yang Fan chuckled: "In this situation, we have an absolute advantage. What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?!"

"It's a joke to want each of us to leave an arm behind..."

When speaking, Yang Fan's mental power was explored, charm skills and god-level gathering skills were activated at the same time.

"You have used the charm skills to the first-level supreme White Bear Demon Emperor, and the charm fails. UU Reading www.uukANAnshu.com, the White Bear Demon Emperor is aware of it, vigilant, mental power +20, mental will +20, skill proficiency + 100."

"You have used the charm skills to the first-level supreme White Bear Demon Emperor. The charm fails. The White Bear Demon Emperor is aware and vigilant..."


"You used the god-level gathering technique on the first-level supreme white bear demon king, the associated skills are passively triggered, and the collection is successful, the imperial spirit wine +99, the second-level supreme spirit treasure +1, mental power +50, skill proficiency + 100."

"You used the god-level collection technique on the first-level supreme white bear demon emperor, and the associated skills are passively triggered to break the gods. The collection is successful, the emperor-level spirit fruit +99, the sixth-level demon emperor core +10, mental power +50, and skill proficiency +100."

"You used the god-level gathering technique on the first-level supreme white bear demon emperor, the companion skill is passively triggered, the collection is successful, the emperor-level **** soldier +1..."


Although the charm skill did not succeed once, the god-level gathering technique was quite rewarding, and within a short while, Yang Fan sent all the valuable treasures of the White Bear Demon Emperor into his storage space.

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