I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 1702: Fusion, grafting!


five minutes later.

The earth vein fluctuations in the ancestral land quietly emerged, and the supreme coercion and spiritual strength on Da Hei's body suddenly increased more than three times!

Breakthrough again!


"Hahaha! Ben Wang has broken through again, and he is now a second-level supreme!"

"Ben Wang is indeed the destiny of his fate, and his luck is amazing! Next time Ben Wang meets melons like the White Bear Demon Emperor, see Ben Wang not swallow them!"

Da Hei looked up to the sky and roared with confidence. With the blessing of the invincible mentality, he no longer regarded the White Bear Demon Emperor in its eyes.

Yang Fan shook his head slightly, and didn't take Da Hei's awesomeness to heart.

The Heaven-Swallowing Beast of the second-level supreme realm is indeed very awesome, even if the White Bear Demon Emperor understands and fulfills the eighty-one rules of the road, it may not be able to do it.

However, Da Hei wanted to swallow the White Bear Demon Emperor in one bite, and that was almost impossible.

Not to mention anything else, it's just the 30,000 times anti-gravity domain bonus, and various rules, secret skills, escape and invisibility skills. Da Hei can even break the dog's legs by his own words. , It may not be able to catch up with others.

"Okay, so little!"

Seeing Da Hei barking endlessly, Yang Fan couldn't help kicking him behind his back, saying:

"After the breakthrough, go out with this master. An Sheng and Ling Tian have already picked up the people!"

With that said, Yang Fan threw the White Bear Demon Emperor and the more than one hundred black and white bears from the sleeves of the White Bear Demon Emperor into the space spirit treasure, and stepped out of this black and white bear ancestral land.

Without the protection of the Supreme Demon Zhi, the spatial passage of the Black and White Bear Ancestral Land was no longer as secretive as before. Yang Fan just randomly opened a spatial crack and appeared directly in the Black Wind Valley Holy Land.

In the Holy Land, at this time there are already tens of thousands of martial artists who are concentrating in meditation, devouring and refining the **** spiritual rain falling all over the sky.

In the Federation Center City, all the emperors, half emperors, half step emperors, peak emperors, etc., almost all moved over.

Under the **** of the supreme powerhouses such as Ye Wentian and Sima Xuefeng, it only took three to two minutes before they crossed.

after all.

The Federal Central City is a large city closest to the Holy Land of Black Wind Valley in the Territory of Human Race, and it is only tens of thousands of kilometers away from Black Wind Valley.

When Hua Xiangrong fell, the radiation impact on the Federal Central City was actually not small. The spiritual rain that fell from the sky was almost the same as the general chance of the emperor's death.



Upon sensing that Yang Fan had come out of the Black and White Bear Ancestral Land, several supreme disciples flashed up at the same time and bowed to Yang Fan.

Seeing Da Hei who was held in his arms by Yang Fan, he had successfully promoted to the second-level supreme state in just a few minutes, and a strange color flashed in the eyes of several people.

Needless to say, this big dog must have eaten something good again. Most of the remaining body of the supreme demon plant has already entered its stomach.

At this moment, Zhu Zhiyao, who had been responsible for maintaining the magical array outside the Holy Land, also came over and looked at Yang Fan with eyesight.

"Master, I heard from several juniors and sisters that the master personally killed a second-level demon plant in the black and white bear ancestor land. I wonder if the master collected its spiritual wood core?"

"Is it this one?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Fan turned his hand and took out the auburn wood core he had collected from Hua Xiangrong's corpse.

When Zhu Zhiyao saw it, her expression became even more excited, drooling, breathing quickly, looked up at Yang Fan happily, and said softly:

"Master, this spirit wood core is of great use to the disciple, can you ask the master to trade it to the disciple?"

"The disciple is willing to exchange the supreme spiritual liquid collected over the years!"

The core of the spirit wood is gathered by the essence of the monster plant family, and its function is somewhat similar to that of the monster core of the monster beast, but the spirit is more vigorous and the spiritual power is purer.

The spirit wood cores of the same attribute can be transferred and merged with each other, just like the grafting symbiosis between ordinary plants.

Zhu Zhiyao is a spirit plant, but in essence it is also a demon plant. For this kind of supreme-level spirit wood core, she naturally yearns for it.

Especially after seeing the spirit wood core with my own eyes and sensing the energy attributes in the spirit wood core, Zhu Zhiyao's heart became even more fiery.

It has a hunch, as long as it can absorb and integrate this spirit wood core, not only can it make great progress in cultivation, it can also inherit the characteristics of the piranha plants in the spirit wood core.

In this way, it is equivalent to possessing the second kind of talent ability, the strength is comparable to the spirit and martial arts of the human warrior!

"Do you want it?"

Yang Fan threw the spirit wood core in his hand to Zhu Zhiyao without even thinking about it.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you. There is no need to be so polite between us, master and apprentice. Besides, is it like being a teacher who lacks your supreme spiritual solution?"

The supreme spirit liquid was nothing more than that. When this piranha flower was just slaughtered, Yang Fan had already collected hundreds of catties from Hua Xiangrong's body, so what?

"Thank you, Master, you are so handsome!"

He took the Lingmu core and held it firmly in his arms. Zhu Zhiyao looked at Yang Fan with a small star and looked at Yang Fan gratefully, tears coming out of his eyes.

"Ding! Your apprentice Zhu Zhiyao feels agitated, is grateful to you, and his sense of belonging to the sect has been greatly enhanced. The loyalty of the sect is extremely improved, the worship value is +2, and the advancement point of the inner disciple is +10."

Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction, this girl is really more and more able to talk, her little mouth is so sweet.

Zhu Zhiyao bowed to Yang Fan again, and then couldn't wait to open her mouth and swallow the spirit wood core in her arms.

Then, under the gaze of Yang Fan, An Sheng, Ling Tian and others, Zhu Zhiyao's spiritual energy aura and spiritual will began to grow and climb rapidly.

At the same time, Yang Fan's ears began to have corresponding system prompts constantly ringing:

"Your apprentice Zhu Zhiyao's mental power runs for a week. The spiritual power in the core of the spirit wood is partially stimulated. The spiritual power is +80,000, the soul source is +50, and the martial centripetal power percentage bonus is activated. You automatically get 100% of the apprentice Zhu Zhiyao's Cultivation experience bonus, mental power +8000, soul source +50."

"Your apprentice Zhu Zhiyao's mental power runs for a week, and the spiritual power in the core of the spirit wood is partially stimulated, spiritual power +8000, soul source +50, and the percentage bonus of martial arts centripetal power is stimulated..."


"Ding! Your apprentice Zhu Zhiyao devours the spiritual wood core that refines the second-level supreme Huaxiangrong, triggers the Lingzhi grafting rule avenue, successfully comprehend and inherited the natural talent attributes of the Piranha family, spiritual power +1000000, spirit Will +1000000, soul source +10000.

The percentage bonus of martial arts centripetal power is activated, and you automatically get 100% of the practice experience bonus of apprentice Zhu Zhiyao, mental power +1000000, spiritual will +1000000, and soul source +10000. "

Hearing the last sentence of the system prompt, receiving as much as one million spiritual power and spiritual will experience, and 10,000 points of Divine Soul Origin bonus, Yang Fan was surprised and surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lingzhi's line had such a talent ability, and it could enhance the grafting and inherit their talent attributes by swallowing and refining the spirit wood core of other plants.

That's awesome!

However, the main body of Zhuzhiyao is a purple bamboo. How can bamboo be used as the main body of grafting to grow other varieties of plants?

Yang Fan had never heard of this kind of technology before.

Doesn’t it mean that monocots like bamboo can’t be grafted to alive? How come you get to Zhuzhiyao, but succeed so easily?

Could it be that it has become a spiritual plant that can even change its own ontological attributes?

Yang Fan shook his head slightly, no matter what, it would be good if he succeeded.

Although Yang Fan failed to take advantage of Zhu Zhiyao's body to get the talent of the piranha, but this more than one million spiritual power experience, and more than ten thousand drops of the soul origin, is also enough.

Their value is far more valuable than a simple spirit wood core.

After all, this spirit wood core was placed in Yang Fan's hands, and at most it was a piece of material for the formation. No matter how great it was to feed the dogs, it would not bring more benefits to Yang Fan.

Now, giving it to Zhu Zhiyao not only earned Zhu Zhiyao's gratitude and loyalty to his master from the school, but also gained a lot of spiritual and spiritual experience.


After Zhu Zhiyao absorbed and merged the whole spirit wood core, a small fiery red sun flower appeared directly on the top of the little girl's head.

At the same time, everyone in Yang Fan felt that the tip of their nose was slightly fragrant, and a very familiar and unique fragrance diffused from the little red flower, which instantly enveloped the few people present.



There were six people and one dog. Except for Yang Fan, the other five people and one dog all fell asleep and fell directly to the ground.

The cannibal flower fragrance of the fourth-level supreme realm, even if it has just broken through to the second-level supreme realm, Da Hei, who is known as invincible of the same rank, can't resist it.

"Fuck! Here again?! I don't want to sleep anymore!"

"How could this happen? Hasn't that piranha plant died?"

"Wang, deceive the dog too much, why can't this floral fragrance be swallowed directly by the Wang?! This is not scientific!!"

Before fainting, all five people and one dog felt sorrow and grief.

This is already the third time today, and there is no end to it? !

It was Yang Fan, whose soul origin was extremely powerful, and he was also proficient in the phantom array of a thousand days of sleep. He had already had a certain immunity to this cannibal flower fragrance, and had not been greatly affected.

Seeing the five people and one dog who fell to the ground one after another and slept into a dead pig and a dead dog, Yang Fan couldn't help but shook his head, then looked up at the bamboo who was puzzled and didn't even realize what happened. Zhiyao.

"What are you still trying to do? Don't you want to converge your floral fragrance. Do you want all the people in the valley to fall asleep?"

Hearing Yang Fan's reminder, Zhu Zhiyao came back to her senses, realizing that the little flower on her head was actually causing the trouble, and quickly reduced the fragrance of the flower. At the same time, she chuckled and said:

"It's such a powerful fragrance of cannibal flowers, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is even better than my green vine cage! It's amazing!"

The little girl was like a new fun toy, she raised her hand happily and stroked the little red flower on her head, she liked it so much.

After a while, it seemed to have completely digested the talent experience of the piranha. With a movement of its mind, a few drops of clear and fragrant flower dew condensed from the flower, and they were sent to Ye Wentian, An Sheng, and Ling. Tian waited for five people and one dog's mouth.

Five people and one dog took a long breath, and they woke up from their deep sleep one after another. The ground was gloomy, and they looked up at Zhu Zhiyao unkindly, and the little red flower that had just grown on top of his head.

Zhu Zhiyao hugged her chest with her arms folded, her face raised up, arrogant, and an arrogant posture of letting you all sleep if you dare to trouble me.

Five people and one dog had been transported for half the weather, but in the end they didn't dare to put one more fart. They all put their faces aside, and came out of sight.

no way.

Before they found a way to prevent that evil fragrance, they really couldn't provoke this little ancestor.

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