I really want to hit the street

Chapter 111 Why did Your Majesty rebel?

Jiang Yuhan was so happy when she found out that Pu Jie asked her to go shopping!

He thought secretly: "This piece of wood is also enlightened~"

Mei Zizi put on exquisite makeup, put on her treasured plaid shirt and short skirt, and sneaked away while Zhu Yinyin wasn't paying attention.

Since the summer vacation, the two of them bumped into each other many times, and Jiang Yuhan finally realized that Zhu Yinyin is not a good person!

Usually we are the eldest sister and the younger sister, but I didn’t expect that he actually wanted to hook up with Pu Jie behind my back!

She obviously didn't like Pu Jie at the beginning!

Sure enough, a woman's heart is so deep that it's hard to guess.

The originally strong sisterhood has become plastic and will break when poked.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuhan felt that she still had an advantage. Pu Jie had already had a crush on her, and the two spent a beautiful time together during the winter vacation and took precious photos together.

It's just that she recently felt that Pu Jie seemed to be flying higher and higher, and she was a little out of reach.

If Pu Jie was still the down-and-out internet writer, maybe she would still take the initiative to invite him to dinner and play like before.

Now, with the help of Pu Jie's relationship, she starred as the heroine of a TV series with a small investment. She feels that the relationship between herself and Pu Jie has undergone subtle changes.

Pu Jie is only a freshman and has already written a best-selling novel and become the chief screenwriter of a TV series adaptation!

The director has to give him face, just open his mouth, and he will rise to the top in one step, from an ordinary acting student to the heroine directly!

So dreamy.

Pu Jie is like a shining genius, she is just an ordinary and pretty girl.

There are not many girls like this in the acting department.

She was worried that if she took the initiative to ask Pu Jie out again, she would appear to be very deliberate.

After all, Jiang Yuhan's face was still too thin. She always didn't want Pu Jie to think that she was approaching with purpose.

Unlike Zhu Yinyin, who didn't care at all and always wore condoms when going out with Pu Jie.

Today, Pu Jie finally took the initiative and asked her to go shopping.

Jiang Yuhan felt very happy, whether or not to go shopping was just an excuse.

It’s not like we haven’t seen each other during the summer vacation. I miss you so much~

snort! Disgusting~

The heart that was worried about gain and loss finally found some comfort, and she longed to be filled with this sense of security.

After meeting at the school gate.

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Jiang Yuhan felt that she was going to have a wonderful day.

Maybe one more night.

A gust of warm wind blew by, and she blushed.

In the evening, downstairs in the boys' dormitory.

Jiang Yuhan was carrying a pile of clothes on her back and a large 32-inch monitor in her arms. The white rabbit brooch was squeezed out of shape.

Her steps were heavy, her clothes were messy, and her eyes were dull, as if she had experienced something terrible.

Pu Jie was next to her, happily holding a large computer and some messy boxes, bags and the like.

The Three Musketeers of Dormitory 404 had received the news a long time ago and came down from upstairs to help carry things.

Jiang Yuhan couldn't believe it!

Pu Jie actually took her shopping for a whole day!

It was fine when she was shopping for clothes, shoes, and watches in the morning. She just felt that the good-looking Pu Jie had a touch of the look of a successful person after changing his clothes, making him even more charming.

But everything changed after lunch.

They entered Computer City.

Pu Jie never looked at her again!

He was shouting incomprehensible words such as 12900K, 3090Ti, 1T, 4K, etc., and his eyes were shining, as if he had seen a peerless beauty.

Then I bought a lot of stuff and assembled it into a computer with a huge monitor.

The two of them hugged me back together!

Jiang Yuhan couldn't understand why a beautiful and romantic day turned into this.

When Dachun took the monitor from her hand.

Jiang Yuhan couldn't help but moan.


"My arms are so numb."

Afterwards, the four boys cheered and carried their computers upstairs, leaving Jiang Yuhan shivering downstairs in the boys' dormitory.

"He just... left like that?"


The evening wind blew, so cool.

Some boys passing by whispered after seeing it.

"Huh? Did you get dumped by your boyfriend? Where is emo here?"

"She's quite beautiful, tsk tsk~ Which great god is so strong?"

"Damn it! Drought will kill you, and waterlogging will kill you!"

When Jiang Yuhan heard this, her mouth tightened and she almost cried.

I ran back to the dormitory "嘤嘤嘤" all the way.

The four Pujie brothers played with their new computer all night and had a great time!

What’s it like to watch movies on a 4K big screen?

What is it like to listen to the original sound on a large desktop speaker with an amplifier?

What a magical scene it would be to put a host full of light pollution effects in a boys' dormitory!

It feels so good!

After staying up late into the morning, all four of them lay dead and were not awakened by hunger until noon.

Pu Jie also went through the excitement period of just buying a new computer.

"I seem to have forgotten something yesterday"

After thinking for a moment I figured it out!

“I’ve been on the recommendation list for several days, but I haven’t looked closely at the data yet.”

These days, Pujie watches movies, edits movies, takes classes, goes shopping, and watches movies.

too busy!

But he is very confident.

Because this time, he will not make the same mistake as last time, and will squeeze out time every day to regularly delete new positive comments.

Make sure everything is under control.

“This time, readers were definitely put off by the inexplicable introduction and the comment section full of bad comments!”

"It's just that believers have been a little slack recently. It's okay if they don't post negative reviews. They don't even know to delete the positive reviews in time!"

"Damn it, you won't do anything after accepting my red envelope!"

Writer's Assistant, to boot.

View data.

[New favorites yesterday: 1002]

[New subscriptions yesterday: 23470]

[Average subscriptions to chapters: 1941]

[Maximum subscriptions for a single chapter: 2409]

Pu Jie's originally raised corners of his mouth gradually closed.

His eyes showed an expression of disbelief.

A question mark slowly floated above his head.

"What the fuck?"

"How come this data has increased so fast?"

"Something's wrong, something's wrong!"

The last time he checked, the average order was only 1,200. In just 4 days, it had increased by more than 700!

And looking at the situation, it’s still rising!

This has to catch up with the effect of the big push last month!

"That's not right. It has been verified before. My method works. Why does this happen?"

He carefully looked at the daily increase in collections and found that in 4 days, another 10,000 collections had been added!

Especially on the first day, when the editor-in-chief of Qidian Reading app strongly recommended it, the number of favorites actually increased by 5,000!

"Why? Why is it better than the big push?"

He thought for a while, but couldn't figure out what the problem was.

Until he opened the Kaidian Reading app, found the comment area of ​​"Legend of the Stars", and saw the only post in it.

"Only after reading the first 200,000 words can you understand the introduction of this book."

Pu Jie: (°ー°〃)

"Damn it! Where are all those bad comments about me that smell like they were just fished out of the toilet?"

"Who the hell stole my bad comments!"

"No, there's Lao Ba!"

Bad reviews evaporated out of thin air, and good reviews were deleted by himself.

There is only one fishing post left that took off with 100,000 words and exploded with 200,000 words.

After readers saw it, they were all taken in. How could the collection not take off?

Pu Jie's eyes darkened and he almost passed by again.

He unconsciously refreshed the comment area and found a post suddenly appeared.

"Eh? Why is this comment area so quiet? It's all harmonized? Then I'm on the second floor? OK! I just finished reading. As long as you endure the long foreshadowing, the 200,000 words have really taken off. You can feel free to jump in. !”

Pu Jie felt more uncomfortable when he saw the comments praising his book than scolding him!

Suddenly, anger came from him!

"Okay! How dare you say such rebellious words under my nose? I will ban you and send you away!"

But when he clicked into the post, he found that there was already a reply below.

(Operating Officer) Pu Ding’s crazy fan: “Shh, brother, don’t post here. The author doesn’t know which management has been offended. There is an idiot who has been deleting the positive comments under our book. Don’t discuss it here. Go there if you have something to do. Let’s talk below the title of the first chapter, that’s where our brothers gather, and we won’t be discovered by that idiot! (PS: Delete the post immediately after reading it, otherwise you may be banned for 50 years! Many brothers have been tricked before) "

"Got it! Leave now!"

Pu Jie: "???"

He refreshed it again and the post was gone!

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

He quickly found his title [Chapter 1: Young Qin Feng].

【Comments: 99+】

Open it and take a look, oh!

Under the first "check-in" comment, there are already thousands of floors!

"Damn it! Are all the fellow Taoists here? Nice to meet you!"

"Have you deleted the post in the comment area? Otherwise, be careful for 50 years~"

"Fuck! I didn't delete my big account, and I changed my account to chat here. That idiot who banned me is so mean and hateful! The author didn't try to find a way to cure him!"

"Hey, I think the author has provoked someone he can't afford to offend. Originally, this book could have achieved better results, but it was only because of such malicious accusations that it became what it is now. Many good books that have been buried are... Relying on spontaneous publicity and positive comments from book friends to attract other people to read, and winning by word of mouth, now this... ”

(Operations Officer) Pu Ding’s crazy fan: “That’s not your problem, folks! I’ve contacted dozens of important book list owners and asked them to read this book and try to give a recommendation on the book list. I believe they will be conquered after reading this and will be able to take off next month!”

"Yeah! The operations officer is awesome!"

"I am also a big fan of Pu Ding! Love! Admiration!"

"Operating officer giegie, please tell the author a big message for me: Update quickly and you won't be able to sleep at night!"

In the comment area, everyone is having fun, as if they are engaging in pyramid schemes.

There are even some idle and panic-stricken book friends who have learned how to fight in it!

"You idiot who deleted my comments, huh! You're a little skilled, but you dare to do the same thing, the powerful heavenly dragon! World Honored Ksitigarbha! Prajna Buddhas! Prajna Baba, boom!"

"It's so arrogant! The Danzhu Mouth God spits out filth and eliminates odor. The Tongue God is upright, nourishes life and nourishes the spirit. The Luo Qian Teeth God is evil and protects the truth. The Throat God is tiger and the Qi God attracts fluids. The Heart Pill Yuan makes me clear. True. The spirit of thinking is refining, and the energy of the Tao is as urgent as the law!"

Pu Jie: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"What the hell is this crazy fan of Pu Ding! Is this my black operating officer?"

"The guy who is the number one in this fucking book has started to promote the book? Isn't that reasonable!"

"Why did your Majesty rebel?"

This wave of operations completely shocked Pu Jie.

It’s numb!

This chapter is actually quite long? There will be more in a while.

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