I really want to hit the street

Chapter 149 I have to thank the God of Peace

February 3rd.

Beiyi University is on holiday, and all the students are gone.

Pu Jie asked Assistant Qi to rent him a house that matched his temperament near the company.

Hengtai Dijingcheng is a high-end community on the North Third Ring Road in Kyoto.

A well-decorated apartment of 80 square meters.

Coincidentally, it is also a property of Hengtai Group, Hengtai Real Estate.

The monthly rent is 20,000 yuan.

It was simply the company's account that was used, and Pu Jie's small treasury was saved.

For such a big company, it’s not too much to find a dormitory for the boss, right?

This is the best living environment Pu Jie got after testing the bottom line of the system many times.

Originally, he wanted to rent a villa to live in. He almost got an electric shock.

It is very close to Hengtai Building, only a 10-minute walk.

Pu Jie plans to rent here for a long time in the future. If he is finished working at the company and cannot go back to school, he will live here.

Naturally, we usually live in the school. Who can refuse to live happily with the Three Musketeers?

People still have to be with people.

Home is where there are people.

Of course, there was no one anywhere during the winter vacation, so Pu Jie naturally had to choose a good place to live for himself.

Today, Pu Jie made an appointment with Jiang Yuhan to play at his new home

He also specially prepared some beer.

This is the experience Pu Jie learned from novels. Drink a little first, which will make you feel more relaxed.


Pu Jie later learned that Jiang Yuhan was on the high-speed train at night and could not drink.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yuhan lightly applied powder and came in with her eyes ready to bloom.

Two novices with little experience spent a long time in the house.

Finally, when the time was almost up, Pu Jie kissed her.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yuhan left with a shy look on her face.

The only scent left in the apartment was the scent of her presence.

Pu Jie shook his head with a hint of regret, and then recalled the huge bouncing rabbit just now, and his mood became agitated again.

“Ningbo is really big.”

The warmth and fragrance still remain on my hands.

Pujie took a deep breath.

"Hiss~ A girl's body smells so good hehe."

Last year, Jiang Yuhan spent 4 days with him in Kyoto because she was delayed in buying tickets.

This year, Pujie almost got on base.

A little bit regretful, but mostly satisfied.

A person who is theoretically a pure love god of war has received pure love. Is there anything better than this?

"After the New Year, I will definitely capture you!"

"By then, the company will almost lose all its money. Once settled by the system, it will be worth over 100 million!"

"A bumper harvest in career and love!"

"I won directly!"

Speaking of this title, Pu Jie thought of the second signing group of Qidian that he had not been to for a long time.

There's nothing to do now, why not go to Shuishuiqun.

8pm is the time when online writers are active.

The messages in the group are scrolling upwards, and even those who type slowly are not worthy of chatting!

You just wanted to reply to a sentence, but by the time you finished typing, 99 messages had already passed in between.

Of course, this phenomenon will disappear instantly at 10 o'clock.

There is only one code-named room opened by a certain group of lazy people: [4000-word full-time room, come quickly, drive in 15 minutes, the room will be broken down before 12 o'clock! ! ! 】

Uncle Tian is one of the best.

Room opening expert.

I will inevitably be stuck between 23:58 and 23:59 to publish today’s 4,000-word chapter.

Having learned from the experience of being reviewed for two words in the last book and not having perfect attendance, Mr. Tian is now much more diligent and posts at least 4020 words every day.

Leave 20 words to give room for review.

Of course, it's not time yet, and Uncle Tian is still in the high-intensity water group.

As soon as Pu Jie opened the second group group, he found that Uncle Tian was talking dirty words.

Uncle Tian: "Wuhu~ The Chinese New Year is coming soon, I have prepared 3 leave requests, and I will start spending time right away! I met a new little girl on the Internet, she is a college student, and she asked me to take her for a ride when she comes back from vacation. I just I bought her a set of JK skirt and stockings, and let her change into them when the time comes, hehehe~"

Xiao Zhou: "Good guy! Mr. Tian is awesome. You can redeem three leave requests! The last one costs 10,000 points, right? I can't earn 10,000 points in a year by writing a book! I can only redeem one this month." This is a 100 point ticket.”

(PS: Qidian 1 Yuan manuscript fee = 1 point)

Happy and safe: "No way, right? There is no way someone can't afford four leave requests, right? (Screenshot of 350,000 points.jpg)"

Brother Xiaoyan: "Damn it! The God of Peace is awesome! Is it already level 5?"

Huiyao Ghost: "You are not well-informed. You got the Level 5 title last month! I just said that the God of Peace never lies. He said it when he joined the group. He is a Level 1 writer, but after half a year It’s level 5. Sure enough, this is God!”

A bunch of rubbish: "God of peace! God, God, God!"

"God of peace! God, God, God!"

"God of peace! God, God, God!"

(.Re-reading of Article 99 is omitted here.)

Pu Jie clicked his tongue.

"Ping An Shen is really powerful. Even if he doesn't have as much traffic exposure as me, he can earn almost 400,000 yuan in royalties in half a year just by writing under a small account. This is his strength."

Winner: "The God of Peace is the best in the world!"

Happiness and peace: "Huh? My good disciple is cheating again? Last time I asked you how the results of your new book were, and I haven't told you yet? Is it a masterpiece?"

Pu Jie glanced at the writer's assistant backstage.

"Oh, the average order just exceeded 20,000. (Screenshot.jpg)"

For a while, the group became cold.

After a while, the group burst into laughter.

Uncle Tian: "Brother, this picture is pretty good. I didn't even write the name of the work. I just took it out to show off, so I accepted it!"

Sister Shunliu: "Hey~ You guys stopped talking just now. I thought it was true and I almost believed it! It's so bad!"

The unsealed secret book: "Brother Ma, what's the title of the book? Send it to me privately. I'll go and take a look. I promise not to tell them. I'm just curious about how strong the apprentice pointed out by the God of Peace can be."

Happiness and peace: "You can't deceive me. In the past six months, I have read all the top 50 books on Qidian's best-selling list. There is only one traditional fantasy book about cultivating immortals, "Legend of the Stars". You, even with 20,000 yuan, have ordered it. Too If it’s fake, I recommend ordering it for P3,000 each, which can also increase the experience of successful pretense.”

Xiao Ming: "Brother, when it comes to pretense, you have to talk to Ping An Shen. No one in this group is better at pretending than him! I really think about what I said to Ping An Shen before. It's like going to Gotham to talk to Batman." The clown on the line.”

A group of rubbish: "The God of Peace is better than me in writing books, and he is better than me in pretending to be awesome. Wow, oh, damn, that stinky boss is too much!"

Pu Jie helplessly spread his hands. He knew this was the case and no one believed it.

At this time, someone suddenly said.

A group of old virgins: "Wait! Don't you think the topic we are discussing now is crooked? What did Mr. Aida say?"

Everyone turned to the chat history above.

Take a breath!

"Hiss! Field dog! You are here to die!"

"Okay, Lao Tian, ​​you don't want to think about your brother for this kind of thing, right? When you were infertile, you said you wanted a child, but I didn't hesitate. Now I don't care about my brother, right?"

"Uncle Tian, ​​can you do a live broadcast when you are doing it, so that I can feel a little bit involved?"

Uncle Tian: "After the event is completed, 200 red envelopes will be distributed in the group. I will do what I say!"

The group was bustling again, and it was filled with a happy atmosphere for a while.

Pu Jie also followed the messy water and felt like he was at home. He really liked what was inside.

"Although the last book was a hit in Qi Qi, in general, I still completed the task. I turned on the ten times critical strike module that is so easy to use in the system. I am about to become a billionaire. The credit of the God of Peace cannot be erased. "

“Without the God of Peace, how could I make so much money?”

"It's Chinese New Year, so I have to find a way to thank the God of Peace."

While Pu Jie was thinking, two big guys appeared from the second group.

Yeying Lianji: "Have you noticed? Recently, some people are imitating the theme of Heian God. Many simulators have been released, and the results are quite good. (Screenshot, screenshot, screenshot.jpg)"

Even more timid: "Indeed, the theme of the God of Peace is so good, there will definitely be imitators, sooner rather than later. If you look at Pu Ding's "Legend of the Stars", some people have already started to imitate it."

Happy and safe: "Harm! Don't care about these details. I've seen this kind of thing a lot in Feilu. If I write about it, a lot of people will start to imitate it. I've long been used to it. The atmosphere here in Qidian is much better." , I wrote it for half a year before someone thought of imitating it. I guess they can follow suit and drink the soup."

Uncle Tian: "Damn it! The mixed soup that the God of Peace said is not a high-quality product, right?"

There's still around 12 o'clock.

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