I really want to hit the street

Chapter 199 Death of Chu Dake

Chu Dake's setting is a clever one.

Then you must not do stupid things, and you will make choices that are in the best interests of you no matter what.

"Even if he dies, Chu Dake's death will be worthwhile."

"The real plot should be like this"

In the second world "Alien", Zheng Tuo used his Spider-Man physique to get a lot of help.

Successfully killed many aliens and gained a lot of points.

Finally, the newbie Chu Dake and other team members teamed up to kill the Alien Queen.

Although the process was brutal, half of the people survived.

Zheng Tuo received more points and a C-level card from the Alien Queen.

When he was exchanging it at the Lord God, he thought about it for a long time and didn't think of what he wanted to exchange for.

The cleverness forced Chu Dake to directly transform into a great analyst.

Clearly explain the strengths and weaknesses of everyone in the team, and then guide everyone to exchange for equipment and items that support the best interests of the group.

Zheng Tuo felt that Chu Dake was much smarter than him.

The suggestions given are very pertinent.

He is a genetically mutated bloodline of Spider-Man, with very strong physical fitness, and shooting spider silk is a magical skill for displacement and travel, and his mobility is very high.

Able to control, run and fight.

The physical aspect is very balanced, and there is no need to strengthen the physical aspect for the time being.

Through the experience of Rong Hao, the only senior member of the team, Chu Dake knew that they might experience some ghost-type horror movies that could not be explained by science, and the physical body would have little effect.

Therefore, he recommended a new bloodline to Zheng Tuo.

"Asgard's primary divine power"

Strengthen your physical fitness to a small extent, and weak divine power will appear in your body, which can be used to guide defense and attack. You can also spend points and cards later to exchange for advanced versions of divine power such as intermediate, advanced, and god-level. There is a lot of room for improvement. The most important thing is the divine power. Causes damage to spirits, ghosts and the like.

This made up for their team's weakness in facing ghosts.

In addition, they also purchased a lot of charms and psychic bullets to deal with ghosts and monsters.

Of course, everyone has at least one firearm with unlimited bullets, which will be their weapon in dealing with most scenarios.


When they entered the world of "Midnight Ring", the preparations made in advance came into use.

Everyone replaced their firearms with psychic bullets and always acted as a group, not giving the only ghost in the world, Sadako, a chance to attack them alone.

Chu Dake picked up a video tape in the B\u0026B room where he stayed. A strange idea tempted him to open the video tape. The content inside must be very interesting.

He thought for 3 seconds.

He took out two pistols filled with psychic bullets from his arms and smashed the video tape into pieces. A wisp of black smoke floated from it.

Seeing this, Chu Dake and his bodyguards quickly joined Zheng Tuo and the others.

Sadako's attack is coming.

Everyone changed places and stayed in a large villa at night.

Everyone was sitting in the hall, and the sleepy ones were sleeping on the floor. There were senior people and newcomers on duty together.

The TV in the house had been moved out and smashed.

Promise not to give Sadako a chance to play that videotape.

Very stable, no one will make mistakes.

But when Zheng Tuo was sleeping at night.

Suddenly a scream was heard, and a newcomer was snatched away by the disheveled Sadako and disappeared into the darkness.

When they chased him out, only the shredded clothes and shoes were left.

In the house, the smashed TV and video tapes were returned to their original positions intact.

There is a well on the screen.

A disheveled Sadako appeared inside, and she grabbed the newcomer and returned to the well.

There was the heart-wrenching sound of chewing and the wails and screams of the newcomers.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chu Dake raised his hand and beat the TV and video tape to pieces again.

His face was calm.

"The situation has changed. Something unexplainable has happened. It is not safe for us to stay anywhere. As long as Zheng Tuo sleeps, she will appear and devour our people. Everyone who has seen this video has been targeted by her. ”

For a time, everyone was in danger.

After a few more nights, some small oversights would lead to attrition, and they were all newcomers with no ability to protect themselves.

In the end, Zheng Tuo felt that he could no longer evade so passively.

He wants to confront Sadako head-on!

That night, the newcomers who had no fighting ability were moved to another room, and the seniors like them took the initiative to turn on the TV and the videotape.

After the snowflakes flashed, a well appeared on the screen.

Zheng Tuo has divine power brewing in his hands, and the spider silk on his right hand can be fired at any time.

Several other veterans used psychic bullets to match their weapons, aiming at the TV, preparing to hit Sadako in the head.

Shoot her!

However, they waited for a long time, but no one came out of the well.


Screams came from next door.

The room where the newlyweds were hiding was in a mess.

Zheng Tuo and the others ran over.

In this room, a TV and a video tape also appeared.

Sadako on the screen has blood on her hair and is smiling ferociously.

At this point, all the newcomers were killed.

They are in very dangerous situation!

A ghost with unpredictable whereabouts leaves Zheng Tuo with nowhere to unleash his abilities.

They have to find the location of Sadako's true body to get rid of her completely!

Zheng Tuo and the others searched the city for many days, but still could not find the well in the video.

Zheng Tuo's condition was getting worse and worse because he didn't dare to sleep.

If they can't find Sadako's true identity and kill her, they will all die in this horror movie sooner or later!

At this time, Chu Dake stood up.

"Go buy a walkie-talkie with the longest range. Give me all the amulets you have on you. I will watch the video myself tonight and ask her to take me away. I will tell you where the well is and what you need. Find me and kill her before my amulet burns out."

"Of course, if you can't arrive in time, you can beat her once you have a position. Although her whereabouts are strange, she never dares to fight Zheng Tuo head-on, which proves that she is not strong, at least not as strong as Zheng Tuo. That’s it, I will try my best to hold on until you come.”

Chu Dake, who had never cared about other people's lives, so lightly arranged for himself to be a bait and went to Sadako's well to see for himself.

Everyone was shocked.

That night.

Chu Dake was alone in the room, watching Sadako crawl out of the screen.

A psychic bullet shot her in the head.

However, things didn't work out.

The surrounding walls, beds, and sofas were all crawling with Sadako, making strange laughter.

"Jiejiejie~~~" "Jiejiejie~~~" "Jiejiejie~~~"

Sadako is everywhere!

He raised his hand to shoot one by one and played the battle report to others on the intercom.

"One of her abilities can transform into countless clones. The real body cannot be identified with the naked eye, but if the firepower is sufficient, they can be blown up one by one."

Chu Dake's bodyguard came out of the darkness, holding an unlimited bullet AK filled with psychic bullets.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

Sadako in the room was blown away by the movie.

But the next second.

Chu Dake felt that there was a lot of hair on the back of his neck

The amulet begins to burn.


The sound of dragging was heard.

After a while, Chu Dake's weak voice came from the intercom.

"Ahem. Come back to our landing point quickly! She is under this house!"

"We were deceived by the videotape. The well was a photo from the past. It is now abandoned. It is no longer what it looks like on the screen. It was covered under the newly built house. Sadako is here! Jie Jie Jie~~~Pa !”

The signal is cut off.

Zheng Tuo and the others set off immediately and rushed to the landing point.

They demolished the house and found Sadako's true body. Zheng Tuo's Asgardian power was a supernatural nemesis and blasted her to pieces.

However, they found a piece of flesh and the body of a man holding a walkie-talkie and a pistol in the well, surrounded by three burned amulets.

Chu Dake was killed in battle.

He sacrificed his life in exchange for the clearance of the rest of the team.

Pu Jie finished writing the outline, and all that was left was to fill in the details.

He will write out the world view, the performance of each newcomer, the old man's response, the details of Sadako's attack, etc.

The general three-act plot structure design of the movie was unconsciously used.

The protagonists are very strong, and they have achieved short-term victory with their own abilities, but in the end they are not inferior to Sadako. The newcomers died and fell into the darkest moment. In the end, Chu Dake sacrificed himself in exchange for the brightest moment.

This makes the story of this world full of ups and downs.

Finally, the readers' favorite Chu Dake was killed in a reasonable manner.


"In the next week, I will finish writing the plot of this world. Once Chu Dake dies, it is estimated that the further subscriptions will be cut in half!"

He saw that many people in the comment area were discussing the character Chu Dake, and even thought that the calm and wise Chu Dake was more suitable to be the protagonist than Zheng Tuo.

"Now, I'm going to poison you all, right?"

I had to go out during the day because I had something to do, so I went to bed early. There are only 2 updates of more than 5,000 words, so I’ll be patient with you, and I’ll do another update tomorrow.

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