I really want to hit the street

Chapter 232 Duoyu Company started to lose money! ?

After Pu Jie returned to Kyoto, he took a long sleep to regain his strength.

The next morning, when I opened the Writer Assistant app that I hadn’t looked at for several days, I saw a system message in “Writer Consultation”.

"Hello, we are now informing you that your work "Infinite Time and Space" will be recommended by Qidian Client - Selected Page - Best-Selling Selected Column at 06-10 00:00:00. Please be sure to keep updated for unfinished works. In case of emergency Please contact your editor in time, thank you for your cooperation! ”

Pu Jie: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"Fuck you! Fuck you!"

A middle finger pointed at the void, the editor-in-chief of the second group, Styx.

Pu Jie doesn’t need to look at anything, he can’t go wrong by greeting Styx directly!

"Qidian's dog editors are like leeks, growing one after another. One day, they will dig up the Styx River and work illegally for me. They will earn tens of thousands of yuan a month from Duoyu Company and wait to die!"

"I'm furious!"

Originally, after his first two operations, he had curbed the growth of this book's performance, and now he is here to mess with it again.

Although the effect of killing Rong Hao in the second wave was not as strong as the first, it was still effective.

There are almost as many new readers as there are lost readers.

His average booking has risen slowly and currently reaches 13,000.

The readers were obviously not as determined as they said. After a while, they forgot about the hurt they had suffered before, saved dozens of chapters, and started killing them directly. It was a lot of fun.

Pu Jie had no choice but to do this.

"Fortunately. The beginning of this book is not pleasing, and it has a powerful dissuasion function. The main recommendations on the Internet are the title, introduction, and three golden chapters. Therefore, the effect must not be good, not even as good as "Legend of the Stars"!"

He has already thought about not doing anything sexy this time.

If it is over-interpreted by readers like Mr. Liu again, it will arouse readers' rebellious psychology.

Just an ordinary sentence: Zheng Tuo enters a strange space, where he must travel to various worlds and survive thrilling encounters one after another. All he can do is keep getting stronger, and then survive!

It's just ordinary if it doesn't stand out and doesn't stand out.

Pujie analyzed it.

This kind of ordinary introduction is actually the worst effect.

Nowadays, everyone is accustomed to reading in fragments, and they all hope to know the highlights and golden tips of the book at a glance. Only if it is a book by a great master, will you have the patience to read it.

Is Pu Jie a great god? Obviously not!

His writer information shows that he is just an ordinary lv5 writer, which is obviously not big enough for most readers.

Therefore, there is no essential difference between what he wrote and the introduction of "Cangtian Qingqing"!

"This recommended position will definitely stretch your hips."

Pu Jie took a look at last month's royalties.

[Total manuscript fee in June: 503,295 yuan (417,734 yuan after tax)]

["Urban Son-in-law Dragon King": 134,427 yuan (including sound copyright fee of 50,000 yuan)]

["The Rogue Doctor": 144,410 yuan (including 50,000 yuan in sound copyright fees)]

["Legend of Stars": 98871 yuan]

["Infinite Time and Space": 125,587 yuan]

[Qidian main website: 125,339 yuan (including 1,500 yuan for perfect attendance). New media channels: 0 yuan. Group channel: 248 yuan. 】

[Estimated contribution fee for new media channels next month: 1,000 yuan. 】

Among them, the after-tax manuscript fees of 310,000 yuan for three old books were deposited into the system, and more than 100,000 yuan for new books were transferred to Duoyu Company and became company funds.

"Lao Meng finally did something good. He bought the audio rights of two of my old books and got me 100,000 yuan. Later, he transferred it to the company's funds. After losing the money, it was directly converted into 1 million personal funds tenfold. It still smells good.”

3 old books have received bonuses from the 12 Kings. The subscription data last month were very good. In addition, the sales of Pu Jie’s two books are still warming up through new media channels and Qidian’s self-operated channels, so the royalties are quite good. , accumulating funds for the challenges of the next cycle.

But the new book

"Hey, Wanwan's works have a lot of royalties. Even if the channel has no money, "Infinite Time and Space" still received a monthly royalties of 125,000, 104,000 after tax. According to this trend, it will take 7 months to complete the book. In the end, it may There is a royalties of 800,000 yuan.”

"Fortunately, the problem is not too big. The subsidy amount is 2.4 million yuan. In the end, it can collect 1.6 million yuan. The point is that we can only input 100,000 yuan to the company every month. If you spend a little bit, it will be gone."

As long as nothing happens to the company, Pu Jie's cycle is basically stable.

Both sides can get a satisfactory amount of money.

A wave of immediate financial freedom!

"By the way, today is June 9th. The company should have almost completed last month's income and expenses. How about the compensation for Kangkang?"

Directly call up the system's "Pei's Internet Article Operation Module".

[Pei's online article operation module]

[Company name: Duoyu Culture Co., Ltd.]

[Total funds: 7011027 yuan (↓8021244 yuan)]

[Challenge period: 120 days]

[Challenge rules: One week before settlement, the company must not have backlogged copyrights, unreleased movies and TV series, unsold products, etc. If there are, it will affect the system settlement. Please pay attention to the time. 】

【.(Click to expand detailed rules)】

[Conversion ratio: Profit settlement 100:1, loss settlement 1:10]

[There are still 57 days left before settlement. 】

Two months have passed since the start of the challenge, and Duoyu Company still has 8.01 million left!

"Huh? What's wrong? Logically speaking, the compensation should be almost done now. Just keep the balance of payments for the rest of the time."

Pu Jie felt that there was something wrong with this number and had to go to the company to check it immediately.

Arrived at Duoyu Company.

Facing him was Liu Jiannan's iconic voice: "Hello Mr. Pu!"

The little fish at the front desk immediately pouted.

Mr. Pu’s first time today, he didn’t take it with his own mouth.

"Hello Mr. Pu~"

"Yeah! How about you guys, Jimmy, get me a cup of coffee and bring it to the office."

"Okay Mr. Pu, I have made a new product - coriander coffee. Do you want to try it, Mr. Pu?"

"Well, that's it."

It was only when Mr. Pu walked to the office that he realized something was wrong.

"He just said... vanilla coffee, right?"

"Assistant Qi, come here!"

Qi Fei, who was in the office next to her, came through the small door and entered Mr. Pu's office.

"Mr. Pu, you are back. Do I need to give you a recent work report?"

Mr. Pu waved his hand: "That's not important. Just tell me about the company's financial situation, last month's income and expenses."

"Oh well."

Assistant Qi's notebook seemed to have recorded all the questions Mr. Pu wanted to ask, so he took it over and read it.

Mr. Pu is a little curious, Assistant Qi. Are you ready to deal with his questions every day?

After some understanding, Mr. Pu understood where the problem lay.

I didn’t spend all my money in spring!

The income of the online literature department in the first two months was still stable at around 5 million, and there has been no downward trend so far. Mr. Pu feels that if the fishing seeds left over from the last training continue, other people will soon be led to start writing blindly. Not only will Duoyu Company not be able to make any money at this time, the company will also have to pay these authors a guaranteed salary, double compensation!

The audio reading department earned 6.1 million yuan last month. Hearing this figure almost made Mr. Pu's blood pressure rise.

However, after Assistant Qi’s explanation, Mr. Pu probably understood that the number of paying users of Duoyu Tingshu had reached 600,000 by the end of the month, and the payment capacity was much higher than that in the online literature industry, because the groups he faced were relatively wealthy. So all in all, the average first charge per person is 10 yuan.

Because new users have a 7-day free listening period, they still have a large number of potential paying users, who will be converted into real paying users this month.

At present, the growth rate of Duoyu Tingshu has tended to be stable, unlike the sudden surge in the previous period.

And the most important thing is that Meng Xingkong didn't give a penny to the company for the profit of 6.1 million. After receiving the money, he took it all away and spent it!

Mr. Pu was very satisfied.

Although Lao Meng struggled a bit, he still spent money very well.

"Tell Lao Meng that in the future, just like this month, you will spend the money you earn by yourself and don't add additional burdens to the company."

"Okay Mr. Pu."

Although he didn't understand why making money was a burden, Assistant Qi carefully recorded every request from Mr. Pu.

As for the game adaptation department, it's not that they don't spend money well, but they have a payment cycle.

Because it takes three and a half months to produce a game, the time is tight, so a lot of work is subcontracted, and most of them only pay 50% of the payment. After the game is completed, the remaining 50% will be gradually provided.

Therefore, Dachun only spent 7.5 million, and the remaining 7.5 million will be fully spent next month.

Mr. Pu used his college mathematics knowledge to calculate.


The company is already losing money!

"Hi~ This is perfect!"

If you round up, Mr. Pu will earn 150 million.

At present, it seems that everything is under control.

Just sit back and wait for 2 months to count the money and be done with it.

"Assistant Qi, how much does our company's monthly fixed expenses cost now? Just give us the total."

"We currently have a total of 113 employees. We spent a total of 2.55 million yuan on wages, subsidies, commissions, overtime pay, company site fees, and daily consumption last month."

Assistant Qi saw that Mr. Pu's face was a little tangled, so he naturally understood.

"Mr. Pu, the current expenditure of our Duoyu Company is a bit too high. The salary level here in Kyoto is at the top level, and the welfare subsidies are also first-class. In fact, many of our employees cannot reach this salary. level, in order to maintain the company’s profits, I think it can be appropriately reduced.”

As an assistant, Qi Fei must strictly grasp the boss's thoughts.

Mr. Pu's troubled look must mean that he spent too much.

It is inconvenient for the boss to bring up this matter directly, so he should bring it up himself. The boss will take the initiative and do it. When the time comes, the villain will be responsible. When colleagues talk about it, they can only say that they are unreasonable. The boss can't lose money to the company, right?

Isn’t that a big injustice?

Pu Jie glanced at Assistant Qi in surprise: "Downsizing? Why downsize? Don't look down on our employees. If we can give full play to their strength, they may be better than people in big factories! Look at how good each of them is! This I think the salary is too low! Forget it, don’t mention the salary, even if my company loses money!”

Assistant Qi: "Ah! Mr. Pu, you are such a good boss!"

"Okay, I'm back to the company today, why don't you let everyone express their gratitude? Where are the excellent traditions of our company?"

Assistant Qi: "Understood! I'm going to hold a meeting right now to summarize the experience and shortcomings of last month, formulate remedial measures, and look forward to the direction and goals for next month."

Mr. Pu was shocked: "Are you crazy? No normal person holds meetings every day! It's a waste of time and efficiency. This is a bad habit. You have to change it! What I said is to ask you to arrange team building matters. I have the afternoon off. Come and get high." !”

Assistant Qi: ( ̄△ ̄;)

"Okay Mr. Pu, I'll make arrangements."

The boss is really hard to see through.

Mr. Pu saw Qi Fei going out and shook his head.

The reason he was struggling just now was because he had settled an account

Now the online literature department can earn 5 million yuan in manuscript fees every month. Excluding the remaining two months of fixed expenses, Mr. Pu will still have a surplus of about 5 million yuan before the settlement.

"I still have to find a way to spend the 5 million."

Ahem, 2 updates of 6,000 words, not very short.

Yesterday due to some accidents, an extra duplicate chapter was posted. Some students subscribed to it. Later, I asked the editor to block it. After the editor comes to work on Monday, it will be modified to the latest chapter and released. Those who have subscribed can watch it directly. There is no problem. big.

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