I really want to hit the street

Chapter 240: NetEase Cloud Music vs. Duoyu Audiobook

Shangri-La Hotel, Kyoto Outer Ring.

This is a special hotel, not open to the public, only accepting celebrities and crew members.

The security measures are very good, and it can also prevent paparazzi.

Malzaha lives here.

She has been living in a place without a fixed address for several years since her debut. She usually needs to run back and forth for work, so she has been living in a hotel with good privacy.

In her words: Buying a house may not guarantee how long you can live there. Every time you go home, the house is full of dust. It is better to live in a hotel by yourself, and settle down with your partner when you are ready to get married in the future.

Recently, she has no drama.

Resting in Kyoto Hotel.

The agent is helping her to receive notices, and there are more opportunities in Kyoto.


After waking up from a nap, Malzaha stretched, did not stay in bed, went downstairs, sat down at the bay window, lifted up her straight and slender legs, and swayed while squinting her eyes into a beautiful arc.

"Well~ It's another beautiful day!"

With the scenery and sunshine outside, she did a set of yoga stretching.

If you want to maintain your figure and beautiful lines, exercise is indispensable.

After finishing a set, she was sweating profusely.

The sweat on her forehead stained her hair, and then dripped down her hair onto her white collarbone, and a strange sense of beauty appeared.

She has a slender figure, weighs less than 100 pounds, and is neither flat-chested nor short.

She has a good figure that almost all women envy.

Her face is even more distinctive, like a mixed-race, and her beauty is unique.

This is also an important reason why she has attracted the attention of fans since her debut.

After taking a shower, Malzahar found two of her favorite sugar-free cakes and a cup of fat-free milk from the small box prepared for her by her agent.

Then she turned on her mobile phone and checked her Weibo.

She doesn't like socializing outside, nor is she the kind of person who is obsessed with climbing up. When she is not working, she likes to eat delicious food, read online novels, and live a peaceful life.

Unexpectedly, she, a senior VIP member of Qidian, was actually made to cry by an author yesterday.

She was originally incompetent and furious. She wanted to post on Weibo but didn't know how to curse, and cursing directly was not in line with her personality.

The most important thing is that although this person is hateful, he is still talented.

She likes talented people.

Then, she saw the "The joke is not nonsense, and the knife is not random knife" posted by Shi Zhenxiang.

It hit her immediately!

That's what she meant!

That's what she wanted to say!

In anger, she forwarded Shi Zhenxiang's Weibo and commented on a few of her own ideas.

Today, seeing that fans are helping her to scold Pu Dingle, she suddenly felt a lot better.

"Let you knife! You know how powerful I am!"

After a little proud for a while, she thought that so many people scolded Pu Dingle, causing his comment area to be attacked, and it might even cause the performance of "Infinite Time and Space" to decline, and then Pu Dingle fainted in the toilet

She felt a little bit reluctant.

"He seems to have a strong psychological quality, right? The two previous incidents didn't hit him hard. He was in Shanghai for the opening ceremony of his own movie a while ago."

"Based on my experience as a bookworm for 5 years, if you dare to write like this, you will be defeated no matter what I say or not. It's better to let others scold you and let me vent my anger."

"Well, that's it!"

She felt better again.

"I wonder if you will open a Weibo account this time?"

She was actually looking forward to Pu Dingle's Weibo account, because...she really wanted to know what kind of person he was.

She could write poems, write erotica, write scripts, and have such a big imagination. She always felt that Pu Dingle should have many titles, like a versatile person.

"Pu Dingle doesn't seem to be big, right?"

"But he's really amazing."

"No matter what happens in the back of his "Infinite Time and Space", the world in the front is already a god. It would be great if I could play the heroine."

I looked at the Internet for a while. It was only a little hot yesterday. There was nothing else, so I didn't care anymore.

She always felt that if she was to get involved in the film and television industry in the future, she would definitely not be able to get around this person.

He was like a firefly in the dark, so bright and so outstanding.

Malzahar chuckled unconsciously.

The uproar in the outside world did not affect Pu Jie at all, who was wrapped in a small quilt and playing "Elden Ring" at home.

He did not plan to go out this week.

Stay out of the limelight.

He was about to settle 150 million personal assets. His good life had just begun. It was not worth it to be stabbed or anally assaulted.

A gentleman does not enter a dangerous place!

Pu Jie thought so, and the screen on the computer gradually turned black.

A line of red words floated up: "YOU DIED!"

In the background, a boss wearing golden armor and riding a horse stepped on his body.

Pu Jie's mouth twitched.

"Not a big problem."

His plan was to play games and watch movies in a week, in addition to writing a book.

Now the plan was implemented very successfully.

He did not even look at the comment area and social software.

As long as I cover my ears, no one will scold me.

Pu Jie was very happy when he saw that the 24-hour subscription of his latest chapter on the Writer Assistant had dropped to 2,000!

"Everything depends on human effort!"

"There are no stupid authors, only lazy authors. As long as you try hard, you will always find the right path to failure!"

"You have talent for pouncing, but I rely on hard power for pouncing!"

"I jumped based on my ability, why should you scold me?"

Pu Jie is confident.

There can only be one life between him and the readers. For his own happiness, he has to let the readers eat the big ones.

However, Pu Jie believes that after readers scold him for a while, they will change books and start their lives again.

Now, it's just the hysteria of when you just fell out of love.

In a few days, it’s time to find a female college student to get married to.

"Infinite Time and Space" is just a passer-by on the road of their lives, and they will be separated when they reach this point.

"But, who can tell me who those 2,000 warriors are? Isn't this poison going to go away?"

Pu Jie clicked his tongue in surprise.

Some people usually don't speak, but when it's time to subscribe, they really subscribe!

"Thank you for your love, but leave when you have to. Don't force yourself. I'm fine writing a book by myself."

Pujie is blessed to the soul.

In the chapter to be released today, I wrote a paragraph.

"PS: Recently, many people have been talking about the plot of the previous world. Here I want to clarify: I am the author, and these people are characters created by me, just like my own flesh and blood. Do you really think that I put them Are you happy?"

After it was released, a small number of readers who followed it came to read it.

For a moment, the reasonable people in the comment area began their final struggle.

"Hey, I was deeply touched when I saw Pu Dada's words in the latest chapter. I couldn't accept this ending at first, but looking back, I'm used to it. The 5 chapters of this book every day make up my life. Part of me thinks that as long as he keeps updating, I can continue to follow it. The story may not be satisfactory, but I believe that Pu Dada sacrificed these people for the sake of the plot, and his psychological pressure is greater than that of us."

"I agree. Although the ending of the last world is a bit sad, isn't the main theme of infinite time and space just death and reincarnation? Surviving here is the ultimate goal. No matter how strong you are, you will probably die suddenly in the next world, otherwise Hua Guo If the team slowly reaches an invincible state, is it still infinite time and space?"

"Stop complaining, let's look back. I understand the author's difficulties, and I can even feel that his heart was bleeding when he wrote that paragraph. Perhaps, when we can't see it, he was also secretly crying. Bar?"

"Internet violence is so terrible, and none of us should be perpetrators."

After Pu Jie finished posting, he spent the whole morning playing with old hair rings. In the afternoon, he updated an extra chapter.

Then write at the end:

"PS: My happiness is beyond your imagination! Hahaha~~~"

reader:? ? ?

"What the hell"

"Knife! Where's my knife!"

"Fuck! I have to let you, the idiot, feel what real cyber violence is today!"


Naked ridicule!

Pu Jie looked at the person who was trolling him, and his smile gradually became abnormal.

His happiness is to go out on the street and get subsidies. Who would have thought of that?

How could someone have such a weird system!

Enjoy feeding shit!

"If this wave of ridicule continues, those 2,000 people will probably leave too."


While Pu Jie is battling wits with readers, Wang Yiyun Music has been updated!

Open up a new section: online listening to books.

At the same time, the search bars of major app stores instantly crowded out Duoyu Tingshu.

As long as you search these four words, the first one is ‘wangyiyun music (listening to books)’.

A storm is coming towards Duoyu Company!

There are so many big names opening books recently...

Recommend another book: "This dream simulation is too realistic"

It's an urban article with multiple female protagonists, and the author is a veteran who loves driving.

You can take a look if you like, it’s not a loss anyway.

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