I really want to hit the street

Chapter 253 Game Release

"Strategy Goddess Simulator" is finally finished!

The development time was not too long, more than 3 months in total, and it was launched exactly half a month before settlement.

Pu Jie planned to let them go online for another week to find reasons for bugs or something.

Then, Dachun assured him that the bug fix had been completed and they were waiting to go online.

Mr. Pu was very angry.

However, the work has been completed. If Pu Jie deliberately finds reasons to delay the launch time, he will be warned by the system and has to agree to go online on July 18th.

As for the pre-launch publicity

Chief designer Liang Sepi asked Dachun, and Dachun asked Mr. Pu again.

"Brother Jie, we have to buy some advertising and promote our game, otherwise no one will know that we are blind, right?"

Pu Jie couldn't help but feel a smile on his face.

Or Dachun can talk.

"Don't worry about these details! You must always believe that gold will shine wherever it goes. Did Duoyu listen to the book and promote it? Why don't you get up! Are you... weaker than them?"


How can Dachun tolerate this in his eyes? He directly slapped his neck: "Then it must not be worse than them. We don't publicize it. We can sell it by word of mouth! Wait, Brother Jie! I have to earn one for you. Come out!"

The corners of Mr. Pu's mouth twitched slightly.

Dachun's self-confidence is always so unreasonable.

How does a mosaic word racing game give you confidence?

Even if you promote it, you may not be able to sell it. If you don't promote it, you might just crash and become cold without being able to make waves at all.

Only Dachun can believe him.

If it were Meng Xingkong, I would probably be able to argue with him for a long time, but in the end reluctantly refuse to publicize it. No! Meng Xingkong will secretly promote it himself. He previously did a Douyin series to listen to books, and accumulated the first wave of fans.

It is true that there is no difficulty and it is representative of creating difficulties by oneself.

Compare the two phases.

The more Mr. Pu looks at Dachun, the more he likes it.

"Okay! That's it, let's launch our game on time at 8 o'clock tonight, enter the village quietly, no shooting! You must remember that word of mouth is the number one publicity force! Everything else is fake! Don't do any publicity! Personally Don’t even post on TikTok! If you are still popular, it will prove that you are more capable than the audio reading department!”

Dachun nodded solemnly.

"I understand, Brother Jie! But you haven't said how much our game will cost?"

"Uh" Mr. Pu then remembered that the game still needs to be sold for money: "Hey, hey, hey! It's a game. Just have fun with it. Let's just price it at 0.1110305040? 49 yuan! Yes, it's only 49 yuan, very reasonable!"

"Huh? Brother Jie, are we selling it too cheaply? I think domestic independent games now have a moderate level of quality and they cost 69 yuan. Isn't this too low for us? Our quality is outstanding!"


Pu Jie laughed out loud, Mosaic word game, the system can sell 49 which is already good.

Dachun's confidence is really terrifying.

"That's it, it must be reasonable, let's go put it on the shelves! By the way, for dinner tonight, let's take the brothers in the game department to eat something good and drink something good."

"Ah? Okay!"

Mr. Pu still feels sorry for his brothers!

Dachun couldn't hide his excitement on his face.

Spring is gone, Mr. Pu is happy.

Although "Infinite Time and Space" had a daily introduction today, which made him very depressed, but when he thought of spending all 15 million in Dachun, it was visually estimated that he lost all his money, which laid a solid foundation for losing money in this cycle. Basically, Mr. Pu's mood has improved a lot.

"Then I just need to spend all the royalties for next month after they arrive in my account, and that's it."

"Even if there is a little extra money somewhere, it won't affect the overall situation. It doesn't matter if you keep some. Anyway, you can still lose money in the future."

"That's right! I have to explain to Meng Xingkong that it's the last month and there can be no trouble. Lao Meng! Come on!!!"

Mr. Pu shouted loudly.

Meng Xingkong, who was struggling outside, immediately got up and went to Mr. Pu's office.

Recently, Duoyu Tingshu's performance has been rising steadily, and he feels like he is walking with wind!

Mr. Pu looked at Meng Xing, who was holding his head high and full of energy.

You are so confident!

Do you know how much burden Duoyu Tingshu will bring to the company in the future?

But fortunately, that will be a matter for the next cycle. Mr. Pu only needs to ensure that the losses are completed in this cycle. Meng Xingkong's recent performance clearly understands this point well.

"Old Meng, I called you here mainly to explain something to you. This month's expenses for Duoyu Listening Books must be the same as before. Spend what you need and don't slack off! The benefits are temporary, but the reputation is lifelong. We can’t give up expanding content for the sake of short-term profit, understand?”

Meng Xingkong nodded in agreement: "Mr. Pu is right! I want to go with you!"

Mr. Pu was delighted. If Lao Meng wanted to go with him, wouldn't that be a sure thing?

"Okay! As long as you don't let go, I will arrange a celebration banquet for everyone next month!"

"Ah? Who are you celebrating for?"

Mr. Pu was mysterious: "We'll know when the time comes. Hahahahahaha~ It's okay. You can go and do your work."

After Meng Xingkong went out, he scratched his head.

"Mr. Pu asked us to maintain the same expenses as last month. The extra money should be enough to cover our costs."

"Oh! I understand! Pu always wants to celebrate Duoyu Company's stage victory!"

"Mr. Pu doesn't talk about celebrations easily. He always starts making money first, and then finds better ways to seek profits. So to celebrate this time must be a big victory! Not only our audiobook department, but also game!"

"Originally, I was worried about whether the game side would lose money, but Mr. Pu has obviously made arrangements. There will definitely be a big explosion there. Just wait and celebrate!"

Meng Xingkong was happier to see Duoyu Company making money than to make money himself!

"Mr. Pu, I must not be ashamed of your cultivation!"


On the Steam game platform, a domestic stand-alone game is officially launched: "Strategy Goddess Simulator".

Adapted from the online novel "My Strategy for the Goddess Simulator", it is advanced with a non-linear story. Players need to play an ordinary person and conquer 10 graceful goddesses with different personalities step by step. It has a high degree of freedom, multiple choices, and multiple endings. Goddess The modeling is extremely detailed, and you can take photos from multiple angles after completing the game.

A story-oriented game.

But it also includes promotion elements such as character upgrade, status improvement, and favorability improvement.

In the evening, Dachun listened to Mr. Pu's words and took the people from the game adaptation department out for a take-off meal.

After eating, they will take off!

What Mr. Pu said could be wrong?

Driven by Dachun's extremely confident look, the people in the game department are full of expectations for the games they make!


One night passed.

Early the next morning, I opened the background data and took a look.

Downloads: 98.

A total of 98 people have played this game, and they probably got it from Xinyu's library.

The people in the game department were sitting in the office, collectively speechless.

"Where's the big deal you promised?"

"Where's the promised takeoff?"

"Where's the celebration you promised?"


There were only cold data and suppressed laughter coming from Mr. Pu’s office from time to time.

Liang Sepi was stunned. He thought that this game would be like Mr. Pu and Manager Liu said. There would be no need for publicity at all, and people would naturally play it.

But it’s so cold on the first day. Are you sure you can get up later?

"Also, why do I feel that Mr. Pu has been laughing? He hasn't stopped since this morning!"

Dachun pondered for a moment: "Mr. Pu may be laughing at your lack of strategy and my lack of wisdom. There must be another mystery to this game. We don't have to believe in ourselves, but can we not believe in Mr. Pu? Listen, Mr. Pu laughs a lot. Loud."

The people in the game department listened carefully for a moment, and it was indeed true!

At this time, a clerk raised his hand weakly and said: "Is there a possibility that Mr. Pu is laughing at our game?"

Dachun and Liang Sepi glared at him fiercely.

"Nonsense! How is that possible!"

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