I really want to hit the street

Chapter 26 Professional Team

Pu Jie was a little stunned when he saw the message from Zhu Yinyin.

This seemed to be the first time she took the initiative to chat with me?

Posted content


Pu Jie did not say it directly like a fool: "You were indifferent to me back then, but now I have made it impossible for you to reach high!"

What's the difference between that and Dachun?

To paraphrase a line from the movie "Manslaughter": When you have watched a thousand movies, you will find that there is nothing weird in this world.

After you read 1,000 novels, you will find that you can figure out some things and won't do many stupid things.

Pu Jie is not talented. Although he has not read 1,000 novels, he has read a lot of dog food articles in his previous life, so he is very comfortable with this situation!

"Room 888 of Rujia, come to my room to discuss in detail"


Why did you type out what was on your mind?

Pu Jie silently deleted this line of text again.

After thinking about it for a while, he replied: "Yes."

Pretending not to understand, playing hard to get.

Zhu Yinyin replied instantly: "Are you free? I'll treat you to a supper."

It’s 10 o’clock in the evening. Have a late night snack?

Pu Jie thought of a series of mosaic pictures in his mind.

"Uh, it's so late, is that appropriate?"

Play hard to get*2

There was silence for a moment.

"Well, that's right. I'm too excited. Then I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow night."

Pu Jie: (°ー°〃)

Depend on!

What have I done!

Pu Jie really wanted to withdraw the sentence he posted above and replace it with a short and powerful word: "Okay!"

But now it's too late.

The other party has already reacted.


Pu Jie looked up at the moonlight and found that it was particularly bright.

It will be the same tomorrow~

"You know so soon that my copyright has been sold. Humph~ Woman, she says she doesn't care, but behind her back she cares so much about my book."

Pu Jie raised the corners of his mouth and returned to the dormitory humming a song.

"The past is gone and it will never come back~"

"The red fallen leaves are buried in the dust~"

"The sea of ​​suffering stirs up love and hate~"

"It's hard to escape fate in this world"

Dormitory 520 for junior girls in the Department of Performance.

In the dormitory, all three girls were already in bed.

At 10 o'clock, it's time for beauty sleep.

Girls in the acting department cherish this face especially.

Zhu Yinyin held the mobile phone with a proud smile on her lips.

She applauded herself with her two tender white feet, and her two legs as delicate as jade created a beautiful appearance.

One can't help but imagine her legs touching his shoulders.


Stick your head out from the upper bunk,

"Xiaomei won't be back today?"

"Well, she went to a disco with her friends outside."

Zhu Yinyin and Jiang Yuhan, who was on the upper bunk opposite, looked at each other with helpless expressions.

Of course the two of them knew what it meant to dance so late.

I heard that the coal boss in his 40s who asked his roommate out was planning to invest in a movie.

Now that I'm in my junior year, the pressure is increasing. If you don't have any works before graduation, you are a pure amateur and it will be difficult to get along in the film and television industry.

Zhu Yinyin secretly made some determination in her heart.

On the opposite side, Jiang Yuhan's mood was very complicated.

She often browses Weibo, and naturally knows that the top hot search topic a few days ago was the topic "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King", followed by several other hot search topics, all about Pu Dingliao and the classic poems in his books.

That day, Weibo was dominated.

Carefully, she also discovered that several film and television companies had already taken the initiative to offer an olive branch to "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King". Later, a certain film and television company reported that the rights to the TV series from Qidian had been sold.

She knew it immediately.

I excitedly shared the news with everyone in the dormitory. After all, we were the people we had socialized with last time.

Girls like to secretly discuss that a certain boy is good and a certain boy is not.

Obviously, Pu Jie belongs to the row column this time.

He was not good enough before.

He has an ordinary appearance, a bit boring personality, and average writing skills, but he can only be praised for his diligence.

But now, after selling the TV series rights, everything is different instantly!

Image soared!

Jiang Yuhan was very conflicted at this time. She wanted to congratulate Pu Jie, but she was afraid that her actions would cause misunderstanding.

A girl from the acting department in her junior year took the initiative to congratulate the boy from the screenwriting department who had just sold the copyright.

No matter how you look at it, it has the smell of transaction written all over it.

She didn't want Pu Jie to think she was such a person.

She checked her phone from time to time, wondering if Pu Jie would take the initiative to share the news with her, but she didn't wait.

Opposite Jiang Yuhan, Zhu Yinyin was chatting with Pu Jie on her mobile phone.

The next day, Pu Jie got up in high spirits.

I took a look at the data on Writer's Assistant.

The upward trend has slowed.

The craze from a few days ago has faded, and his collections and new subscriptions have gradually returned to normal.

Looking at the average order that had risen to 3,500, Pu Jie smiled indifferently.

"It's going up! It's going up! Why has it stopped?"

In the past few days, a group of ‘Internet lovers’ from Qidian and many fellow authors have subscribed to his books, partly to learn and partly to look for Easter eggs.

There are very few users on Weibo. After all, after the official there saw that the topic became popular, they automatically pushed advertisements for "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" to users.

Today’s big data is too powerful.

As soon as you see that topic, the following advertisement will be replaced by "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King".

There are also some people who were attracted from various websites under the spontaneous promotion of netizens.

All these things together pushed the average subscription of "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" from 35 to 3,500.

In 3 days, the average subscription increased by 100 times. This is the power of traffic!

Since it was determined that it was no longer possible to get subsidies from the system, Pu Jie completely changed his mind.

How to make money!

Bad reviews?




Good reviews?


Even "Da Xiang", whose posts were deleted on a daily basis, had a lot of posts added to the featured posts.

This made Wang Xiang feel very relieved, thinking that this guy finally got the hang of it and understood operations.

After some operations, Pu Jie got up and went out.

He had two friends to receive today.

At the gate of Beijing Art School.

Two men with backpacks stopped and stood in front of this legendary school.

Wang Jin stamped his feet, exhaled, rubbed his hands, and warmed himself outdoors for three consecutive times.

"I hope everything goes well this time."

Zhang Wei was dressed in a suit, looking neat and tidy. He looked at his companion in a jacket with disdain.

"Look at what you are wearing. You don't look like a professional at all."

Wang Jin turned his head and slapped Zhang Wei on the head: "We are here to write scripts for others, not to attend the opening ceremony. Who are you dressing so well for?"

"Hey, brother Jin, you don't understand. We are a professional team of gunmen, so we naturally have to act like a professional team. Don't forget that the person we are going to meet this time is a legendary figure who plays with netizens and controls public opinion at the flick of a finger - Pu Dingle!"

Speaking of Pu Dingle, Wang Jin also became serious.

"We have all finished reading this novel. Others may not understand it, but we professionals know that the sentences in it can be used to add the finishing touch. However, the main content is a bit deliberate in being old, white, and rough, so there are many things that need our secondary creation." "Director Wei Fan's requirements for a strong style are also very strong, and the novel must be greatly changed. The original author may find it difficult to accept it. The chief screenwriter is the original author. This job is not easy to do. I hope Pu Dingle is an easy-going person." Zhang Wei shook his head: "People with such literary talent must have some quirks. We must be careful to deal with them. First of all, we must use the style of a professional team to intimidate him at the first meeting and let him know who is professional in writing scripts!" "Yeah! That makes sense. I'll go to the bathroom and change into a suit now!"

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