I really want to hit the street

Chapter 259 Today, Pu Ding confirmed the Dao of Killing the God! (Additional update 42/135)

Chapter 259 Today, Pu Ding confirmed the God-Slaying Ceremony! (Additional update 42135)

Pu Jie started to scroll down the list from 100th.

Turning to the 200th place, there is still no "Infinite Time and Space".

At this time, his face looked a little unnatural.

"Haha. It won't be in the top 50 of the best-selling list, right? Haha~ It's impossible, right?"

Pu Jie looked again at the range of 50 to 200, but there were no books by him.

I had no choice but to start moving up and found the tenth place.

Pu Jie let out a long sigh of relief.

“It’s not even in the top 10 to 50. It seems that it has really fallen out of the top 200. It’s stable!”

As for the top ten, Pu Jie can’t think of it with his toes!

More than three days have passed since the daily introduction. New readers who should have subscribed have already subscribed, and old readers have been poisoned and must have been beaten back to their original form by this time.

It cannot be higher than the previous subscription.

Top ten, that’s not a joke!

However, now that he has seen this, Pu Jie flicked his hand and took a look at the top 10 most popular books in Qidian.com.

"Well, the slap-in-the-face urban treasure appraisal article is still good. It has staying power. It has finally reached the tenth best-selling position. The skill of the veteran master is still stable, and the copyright of this book will probably sell well."

"Huh? Da Xigua's e-sports article is actually ranked ninth. It's strange. It must have been recommended by a big recommendation yesterday. How about an introduction? It's okay. It's back to its original shape soon. It's in the top ten e-sports articles of Qidian. It’s almost impossible to stay here because the subject matter limits the readership.”

"Eh? Is "The Judge of the Qin Dynasty" finished? Good guy, it's been two months since it was finished and it's still in the top ten. It's truly a masterpiece."

Look towards the number one position step by step.

"Which great person with thick eyebrows and big eyes puts me at the top of the list? The title of the book: "Infinite Time and Space"? It's a very interesting name, but it sounds a bit familiar? Who wrote it?"

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

Quickly rub your eyes.

"I was so angry with them that I had hallucinations? I just saw my book at the top of the bestseller list?"

Pu Jie opened his eyes.

The title, cover, and author of the book were all the one he was familiar with, "Infinite Time and Space."

"What the hell? My phone is jammed?"

He quickly refreshed it several times. The rankings of other books changed slightly, but "Infinite Time and Space" firmly occupied the first place on the best-seller list.

Pu Jie's expression gradually became dull

 ̄△ ̄

"Is it possible that something dirty has invaded my brain? I'm actually in a dream world now, being pressed into bed by a ghost?"

Pu Jie could only think so.

"Infinite Time and Space" can reach the top of the starting point to a greater extent than "Goddess Simulator" can even recover!

It's so outrageous to even open the door for outrageous motherfucking!

"Hehehe~ I just need to try to fall backwards from the chair to simulate the feeling of falling, and I can escape from the dream. I understand that "Strategy Goddess Simulator" is not a big seller. All this is because it is about to be settled. I Thinking about this every day leads to such a scene in the dream, the real world must still be the same as what I arranged, hahaha! "

Pu Jie fell back

After a while.

Assistant Qi took the medical kit and left Mr. Pu's office.

"Mr. Pu, I'm going to buy you a new, heavier chair. This low-quality chair is really dangerous!"

Qi Fei hurried out with a look of shame on her face.

She bought Mr. Pu's chair herself, but she didn't expect that it would fall flat on the ground.

There is a big problem with the quality of the chair!

It couldn't be that Mr. Pu himself fell down while playing with a chair like a wise man, right?

Qi Fei left, and Mr. Pu woke up from the dream he had weaved for himself.

After taking a look at "Infinite Time and Space", the best-selling book on Qidian Reading, Mr. Pu suddenly felt a little cold in the room, and a huge chill came over him.

"Assistant Qi helps me to the video room first!"

Mr. Pu was lying on the small sofa in the video room. Assistant Qi personally wrapped Mr. Pu in his favorite quilt.

Then in the dim video room, I looked at Mr. Pu. This man who has always been strong in his life, when the company only lost hundreds of thousands, he could still talk and laugh with the employees, and have a good time.

As if really happy.

At this time, Duoyu Company finally came to an end, and the game began to sell well.

And Mr. Pu’s book finally reached the top of the page as he wished!

As a top assistant to the president, Qi Fei not only pays attention to the company's affairs, but also knows her boss's personal situation very well, including Mr. Pu's book. She has been paying attention to the data changes of this book on Qidian Data Network.

After several twists and turns, he finally achieved success as Mr. Pu wished.

As powerful as Mr. Pu, under the impact of this double happiness, he finally let go of his strong appearance, revealed the soft side of his heart, completely relaxed himself, and huddled here to be moved by himself.

Others have no idea what kind of pressure Mr. Pu is under!

"Mr. Pu, please take a rest and call me if you need anything."

Mr. Pu waved his hand weakly: "If you have nothing to do, don't let others in. I want to be alone."

Assistant Qi nodded: "I understand!"

Mr. Pu: "?"

What do you understand?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, things have reached this point, and it doesn't matter whether you understand or not.

After Assistant Qi left, Mr. Pu opened his Writer Assistant backend and looked at the data of "Infinite Time and Space".

Average order: 30051.

Yesterday’s follow-up order: 21540.

Mr. Pu threw away his cell phone.

Give up.

Including the day of recommendation, over a total of more than 4 days, the average number of orders increased by 15,000, and the number of follow-up orders increased from 3,000 to 21,000, a full increase of 7 times!

What a terrifying statistic!

It’s so fucking terrifying that he’s having an affair with Mr. Si next door—so terrifying!

This kind of growth rate and growth seems dreamy when written in a novel, but it happened in this book.

Pu Jie glanced at the comment section of "Infinite Time and Space".

The first thing you see is a long comment.

"I have been following this book. If I thought this book was the most surprising book this year before the group was destroyed. Although it has some flaws, it is overall great. I will include it in my annual books. .

However, when the huge darkness after the team was wiped out made me breathless, Pu Ding revived his teammates and reversed the whole situation. It was like a ray of light rising in the darkness, and it instantly ignited!

I suddenly thought of what Rong Hao said when he died: 'In this world, death always coexists with hope, isn't it? ’, when I looked back at this sentence, I cried like a 200-pound child. I understood that horror is not the keynote of the reincarnation space, but hope is! What Pu Da writes is hope! ! ! When darkness covers the world, even if there is a glimmer of hope, I will try my best to save my partner Hun Dan! ! !

I know that from this moment on, "Infinite Time and Space" is not only the most surprising book for me this year, but also my favorite book in the past 10 years of reading! "

"Light it up! Lit it all up for me! Pu Dada, I admit that I had a bad mouth before and I wrongly blamed you. I will give you a reward from the leader of the alliance to contribute to the road to resurrection!"

"If we talk about last year's Twelve Heavenly Kings, I was a little unimpressed by the selection of the two books by Pu Ding, but among Qidian's Twelve Heavenly Kings this year, if "Infinite Time and Space" cannot stand at the top, Book, I’m going to curse you! This year is the year of “Infinite Time and Space”!

"Brothers! I know that everyone is advocating for reading again. Everyone wrongly blames Pu Ding for this iron-blooded and tender author. We have severely hurt this innocent-hearted author with bad words before, but he He is neither angry nor sad, and even jokes with us! Because he knows that the plot is always under his control, and all the injustices will be cleared away! I have really accepted Pu's determined mentality, now. This book is starting to rank second on the bestseller list. Let’s try to get to the top! If you have money, just subscribe! ”

"——Reply: I will directly bring the Golden Alliance to help, and you can do the rest."

"——Reply: The boss is awesome!"

"——Reply: The boss is awesome!"

"——Reply: I will also give you a reward of 10 yuan."

Under the post, countless readers crowdfunded and donated rewards to send this book to the top of the bestseller list.

2 hours later

"Wuhu~"Infinite Time and Space" has reached the top!"

You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will have a panoramic view of the mountains.

Today, Pu Ding's "Infinite Time and Space". Killing Gods and Proving the Way!

Pu Jie's nose felt a little sore when he saw this.

Who doesn’t like their books to be recognized and cared about?

Even his poison-feeding work was a child typed out word by word by himself.

"What the hell, you readers are so bad!"

“Although I’m very touched, we all suffered a huge loss!”

"Qian QuanTM made Qidian and Gou System earn money!!!"

He has already thought about what kind of situation he will face when the manuscript fee is issued next month. The pure subscription fee will be at least one million!


Pu Jie suddenly sat up and thought of a more terrifying thing.

3 updates today.

Recommend a friend's book: "My Purity in the World of Cthulhu is Extremely High"

"I don't want to talk, so I beat the ghosts and gods with strange force until they were unconscious."

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