I really want to hit the street

Chapter 272 Mr. Pu showed a long-lost smile

Next door is the BMW 4S store.

Assistant Qi followed Mr. Pu's instructions and chose a white BMW 6 Series GT, a high-end version, priced at 710,000.

Mr. Pu waved his hand and took it directly.

Duoyu Company has 3 vehicles, all with BBA.

This is what Mr. Pu can do to the greatest extent allowed by the system.

This operation is complete.

Mr. Pu spent 2.49 million.

The company's total funding fell again.

According to Mr. Pu's current calculations, Duoyu Company still has about 13.5 million in funds before settlement.

"Hiss~ This is already a loss of 2 million, which can be converted into 20 million. Isn't this a hundred times better than making money?"

All the money is spent on the company, and then I can get a large amount of system funds.

With this rule, it is impossible for Pu to make money for himself!

He's not stupid!

"Hahaha, the future is promising! I've been able to take advantage of such a big headwind situation, I'm really a smart guy!"

And besides buying a car, Mr. Pu also has other tricks!

"Assistant Qi, I'll ask the management of Hengtai Building this afternoon to rent another floor above our building. Duoyu Company's place is a little too small and not enough."

Assistant Qi was hesitant to speak, thinking about the 1,600 square meters of space and the 112 employees.

Are you sure our company doesn't have enough space?

The 800-square-meter entertainment area can accommodate dozens of people with a little space.

But since Mr. Pu said this, he must have his own considerations.

"Okay Mr. Pu."

Meng Xingkong has told Mr. Pu several times about recruiting people, but Mr. Pu was afraid that they would expand the business too much this cycle and affect the settlement, so he never approved it.

Now it’s time to batch!

Taking advantage of the situation, he rented another floor and kicked out all the people in Meng Xingkong's department.

We can't let him lead a bunch of gangsters with his hard work.

Mr. Pu has long disliked Meng Xingkong!

By the way, let’s recruit some more people for the Internet and Literature Department. Mr. Pu has recently come up with a great idea. It’s a guaranteed loss but not a profit!

It will definitely help him relieve his worries in the next cycle.

In addition, in order to cope with the sharp increase in copyright fees of more than 30 million in the next cycle and the continuous income brought by the "Strategy Goddess Simulator" game and Duoyu Audiobook, Mr. Pu decided to do something big and rented it just in time for this cycle The place will be used by people in the future.

"As for the layout, just refer to the one on our current floor. Send the money to the decorator immediately and start work immediately. This matter is urgent!"

"I understand, Mr. Pu."

Assistant Qi wrote down Mr. Pu’s needs on his notebook.

Although I don’t know what Mr. Pu wants to do, it must be a big money-making project.

Now, Mr. Pu can spend a lot of money on renting a venue and doing renovations.

"Assistant Qi, please estimate how much the venue and decoration will cost."

Assistant Qi flipped through his notebook and gave the answer.

"Mr. Pu, I see that the 14th floor of Hengtai Building is now vacant. If we talk about it, we should be able to win it. The payment here is quarterly, with three deposits and three payments. The rent is about 1.72 million. If the decoration is the same as now, You can almost get it for 800,000 yuan, which is 2.52 million yuan in total.”


Now for every extra penny spent, Mr. Pu can earn more than 10 times more money, which is pure system wool.

Money spent, but will come back.

Especially when Pu Jie and Assistant Qi explained the matters just now, neither of them received a warning from the system.

With the current business scale of Duoyu Company, the team of more than 100 people is indeed a bit insufficient, and the expansion is very reasonable.

If this money is spent, Mr. Pu estimates that the company will have 11 million yuan left.

"Hey~ This is giving me a headache."

Apart from taking everyone together for a team building fun, he couldn't find any other way to spend money for the company within the system's permission.

"Assistant Qi, what do you think our Duoyu Company still lacks now? I'm talking about projects that need to be spent. Say it boldly, don't be afraid of spending money, as long as it's reasonable!"

Since you can't figure it out yourself, it's better to ask Assistant Qi for help.

After all, Assistant Qi has extensive experience in serving bankrupt companies.

Kyoto Black Widow, it’s time to show off your real skills!

Assistant Qi seemed to be well prepared for this problem and flipped through a few more pages in his notebook.

Mr. Pu was very curious as to why Assistant Qi had everything on his notebook and seemed to have guessed all the questions he wanted to ask.

There's something about it.

Assistant Qi: "Mr. Pu, I think our Duoyu company lacks some image public relations and has not established a corporate image online. The company's brand building should also be put on the agenda. When you mention Duoyu Listening Books, our Duoyu company will come to mind. Some of the products of Duoyu Company can be used by users to guide each other, jointly promote, and in future recruitment, they can also better gain the favor of Internet talents. Although it will cost a lot of money, I think our Duoyu Company will expand in the future. For various Internet businesses, you need to be strong in your speech on the Internet.”

After listening to this, Mr. Pu broke into a cold sweat!

Good guy!

It doesn’t have much of an image now. It’s just an ordinary small company that makes so much money. If nothing happens, it would be crazy to make money if it just did some publicity, some interactions or something like that?

In the long run, Assistant Qi's suggestions can indeed bring benefits to the company.

And now he will help Mr. Pu spend some money.

However, the hidden dangers are too great and the harm will outweigh the benefits.

"Dah ah~ dah ah! Our Duoyu company relies on word of mouth. In the face of absolute strength, everything else is just bells and whistles!"

Assistant Qi said two or three more things, but Mr. Pu was not satisfied.

So reliable!

It's the kind of person who can't spend much money, but will make a lot of money in the future.

Mr. Pu shook his head. If he really wants to lose money, it depends on himself.

Other people's brain circuits look different from his.

A group of people just think about how to increase the burden on him!

All the civil and military officials in the dynasty had no one available!


When will Mr. Pu get rid of the quilt?

"Well, that's it. How much you lose is too much. With the current layout, as long as nothing unexpected happens, you can get more than 40 million after the conversion, which is barely enough."

Pu is always an easily satisfied person.

As long as you make a little better each time than last time, that's fine.

Nothing is perfect in the world.

As long as Duoyu Company's money is still there, he will give it all out sooner or later with a 10x critical hit!

"There's only the last week left, it should be stable."

Thinking of this, Mr. Pu showed a long-lost smile.

Today is the day when "Country Love" is launched on Youku.

With the push of the producer, a scrolling recommendation position was given on the homepage.

The effect is remarkable.

The ratings on the first day were great.

Moreover, the Douban score is higher than 6 points, and the evaluation is quite good.

While Fu Weng was relieved, he was also a little envious of director Wei Fan. He had collaborated with Pu on the TV series "Urban Son-in-Law Dragon King".

Pu Bian helped with a lot of operations, including marketing!

But for his current work, Pu editor has very little to worry about in the later stage.

He called Wei Fan and complained a few times.

Wei Fan laughed.

"Brother, don't worry, this is a good thing! Do you think Editor Pu doesn't worry about this TV series because he doesn't get any subsequent profits?"

"Obviously impossible!"

"Editor Pu thinks that there is no problem with the quality of this drama, so he will ignore it. Looking at Pu's various experiences, word-of-mouth fermentation is always his favorite method. When the strength is here, there is no need for other publicity. Help, don’t worry, it will definitely be popular!”

"Hiss~ That's it!"

Fu Weng felt much relieved when he heard what Director Wei, who had an extraordinary relationship with Pu Bian, said.

Sure enough, in the next few days, the number of views continued to rise, and there were already signs of a popular drama.

At the same time, the title of the TV series said: "Adapted from Pu Dingliao's novel "The Rogue Doctor"" was also noticed by the audience.

When complaining about the slow update of TV series, some viewers went directly to read the original novel.

As a result, "The Rogue Doctor", which had little money on Qidian's main website, suddenly took off again.

Pujie was very happy about this.

After this money is earned, it will be replenished into Duoyu Company in the next cycle, and it will hit 10 times.

The better these old books sell, the happier he will be!

August 4th.

Mr. Pu announced a bonus of 3 million to all Duoyu companies!

At the same time, after settling all the bills on the 5th, we will have a whole day of team building on the 6th to celebrate Mr. Pu’s hard-won victory.

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