I really want to hit the street

Chapter 274 The system would rather bully a white-bearded man than a poor young man!

3 days later

Sunday, August 7th.

23:55 late at night.

Pu Jie huddled in his home, waiting for the system's verdict.

Han Ruyan didn't know why Pu Jie kept lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt, shivering.

"Is my air conditioner temperature set too low?"

She pouted, turned up the air conditioner, and then put her hand into Pu Jie's quilt with concern, stroking him.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?"

Pu Jie shook his head: "It's just a stress reaction. You should go to sleep first."

Seeing that Pu Jie was fine, Han Ruyan's hands under the quilt became less obedient, and she grabbed Pu Jie's handle in a few strokes.

"Do you want to break a sweat?"

Pu Jie smelled the delicious fragrance in the air and felt a little relieved.

Han Ruyan's body had a smell that other women didn't have. It was mixed with the perfume. She couldn't tell what it was, but it was very good at arousing his desire.

A pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes, very charming when looking at people.

Pujie rarely had time to take control.

But today... it's different.

Pu Jie just wanted to have sex with his little quilt.

"You go to that room to rest and let me be alone."

Han Ruyan took out her hand and said helplessly: "Okay, big boss, I don't know what method you are thinking of to make a fortune. You are not satisfied with making so much money."

Pu Jie: "???"

Okay, everyone can curse me, right?

make money? Your whole family makes money!

I'll call you a little idiot!

Ignoring Pu Jie's black question mark, Han Ruyan said with a longing look on her face: "If I were half as good as you. Oh no, for 1/10 of the money, I will make arrangements for my family and travel around the country to see the best dancers in the world." How great it is to exercise when you are old enough to run! I don’t want to make up for the regrets I had when I was young when I can’t walk anymore.”

Pujie nodded.

"Bird food."

Han Ruyan went to the second bedroom to sleep.

5 minutes later.

A ding.

Pu Jie waited for the settlement of the system.

[Ding~Pei's online article operation module challenges for settlement]

[It is detected that the current total capital of Duoyu Company is 19,568,720 yuan. Compared with the initial capital of 15,032,271 yuan, the profit is 4,536,449 yuan. 】

[Based on the system profit and loss conversion ratio, a subsidy of 45,364.5 yuan will be issued to the host. Please check your bank card. 】

[Congratulations to the host for proving himself in this challenge cycle and profiting from the online literature industry. Under your leadership, Duoyu Company is moving towards glory step by step. The online literature industry in this world has also become better because of the existence of Duoyu Company. Well, you are a pioneer standing at the forefront of the online writing industry. Shining like the light of the bright moon, the golden age of online writing is slowly opening. I believe you are immersed in great joy now, right? 】

[PS: The host has done a great job. I hope you will continue your efforts in the next cycle and make Duoyu Culture Company bigger and stronger! 】

Pu Jie: "???"

"God damn it, I'm immersed in great joy, Liu Bei, cliff, rein in the horse, understand?"

"I don't want success! I just want to make money!"

"Dog system, give me money!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Pu Jie felt that he had been ridiculed by the system and became furious because of his incompetence, but it did not change the outcome of the matter.

The company makes money.

The system succeeded.

He failed.

No money was obtained.

Not even as good as last cycle.

"Why is this happening? Which step did I make wrong?"

Pu Jie reviewed all his operations in the past four months of this cycle in the past few days, and found that the current results of Duoyu Company were inseparable from himself!

Because in the last cycle, Meng Xingkong worked too hard, so in order to prevent any trouble in the Internet and Literature Department, he was transferred away, thinking of investing some money casually and letting him lose money.

The result was Duoyu Audiobook, the most popular audio reading software on the market.

Profit is definitely profitable, but the rapid profit is indeed beyond Mr. Pu's expectations.

It’s all the fault of Net Yiyun!

Their bad moves accelerated the rise of Duoyu Tingshu.

But then again, it was myself who caused Wang Yiyun to make a bad move. They were allowed to come over in the first place, and even though they dealt with Duoyu Tingshu, they stimulated Wang Yiyun to suppress them, but in the end, it promoted the rapid rise of Duoyu Tingshu.

Otherwise, we might not be able to make a profit this month!

In other words, he took the initiative to let Meng Xingkong change his career, he invested in Duoyu Tingshu, and he even found a pig rival for Duoyu Tingshu!

"Fuck? I'm the traitor?"

Mr. Pu was shocked to come to this conclusion!

If he hadn't asked Meng Xingkong to leave the Internet Literature Department in the first place, he might not have had so much trouble.


correct! Speaking of the Internet Literature Department, they have recently been engaged in system innovation and have also studied the sign-in flow for new themes, and they have made money again!

Without Meng Xingkong, the business can still grow steadily.

Mr. Pu feels that if there is no more control and control, sooner or later he will still be in serious trouble.

Finally, it’s about playing games.

Obviously, he found the person who seems to be the most capable of losing money in his life experience - Dachun.

none of them!

Still no compensation!

But think about it carefully. It also has something to do with your own operations.

When we first recruited people for the game department, in order to prevent ourselves from recruiting good bosses, we selected some bastards from the grassroots employees.

They even mentioned Liang Sepi, who was a game original artist, as the project manager and Dachun as his deputy.

I didn’t expect him to be that kind of original animator!

Dachun was already playing cards randomly and tried his best to catch fish every day, but the game was still popular.

The creative workshop is on fire.

"There is no problem with Dachun. So, do you blame me for finding an original artist to be the project manager? I thought it would be fine if I left it to Dachun, but behind my back, he actually made a yin and yang picture. He first framed me with a mosaic, and then Get 10 little fairies to pay for the coil LSP”

"Fuck! LSP money is indeed the best to earn!"

"I shouldn't have left the game department alone. Dachun is such a fool. Like me, he was deceived by the people below!"

Dachun is still his loyal minister.

Liang Sepi is in danger!

"Damn it! They must not let them make this kind of game with outstanding graphics in the next cycle. I can't afford to offend LSP! My "Rogue Doctor" suffered from this before, but they didn't learn my lesson. My, I must keep an eye on them playing games in the future!”

The game department is negligent in supervision.

Mistakes in all aspects added up and led to a collapse across the board.

If Mr. Pu is given another chance, he will never invest in Meng Xingkong, a struggling man!

This kind of person is so terrible that he can do anything!

You should take a back seat as soon as possible.

If Mr. Pu is given another chance, he will no longer give nonsense lectures to the Internet Literature Department and produce a bunch of groundbreaking works like his own!

Mr. Pu glanced at Qidian. After the simulator article, the sign-in article once again swept Qidian, leading a big trend.

And this kind of writing performs very well on free platforms!

Mr. Pu doesn’t need to ask, the income of the online literature department will increase next month.

The first batch of people to eat crabs make the most money.

This is how he made money from his own books.

If Mr. Pu is given another chance, he will definitely watch the entire game production process carefully and will never allow any high-definition or LSP content to appear!

He could have prevented this!

"I can obviously pay for it, damn it!"

So angry!

However, Mr. Pu has not gained nothing in this cycle.

At least the car has been upgraded from an Audi A6 to a Mercedes-Benz Maybach.

There is also a white BMW 6 Series that can be used as an alternative. I heard that girls from the art department like this the most!

The company's venue has also doubled in size, laying the foundation for large and special losses in the next cycle.

the most important is!

Although he did not lose any money in this cycle, he did not lose any money. His copyright fees and other money will go into Duoyu Company.

The operating space for the next cycle has become larger.

His potential wealth is greater.

If you can lose it once, you will have immediate wealth and freedom!

In the end, "The Man from the Earth" made him earn more than 4 million, and maintaining a decent daily life as a boss was no problem at all.

He has time to waste with the system!

Mr. Pu clenched his fists tightly, secretly feeling cruel.

"I lost money, but I also became stronger. I learned valuable failure experience from the company's success."

"System, I'd rather bully a white-bearded man than a poor young man! I'm still young, and there are plenty of opportunities for trial and error. I can fail many times, but... as long as I succeed once, I can get hundreds of millions out of your pocket! "

"Hurry up and open the challenge for me in the next cycle!"

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