I really want to hit the street

Chapter 30 Conceiving a Second Novel

[Special Task: The right to use royalties]

[Task requirements: After completing the challenge task and settling the settlement, successfully obtain any amount of system subsidy]

[Task reward: You can use the manuscript fees kept by the system]

[Warm reminder: The host has achieved good results in his debut work. This system recommends that the host step out of the comfort zone, not be overly obsessed with temporary benefits, and try hard to try different themes. This is the way to become a god. Excellent works may not necessarily be ignored by the times. Accept it, but always shine! Don’t be afraid of temporary rush to the streets, there are system subsidies to protect you]

"God is so addicted to temporary gains!"

Did he want this situation now?

He just wants to write 1 million words in a single machine and get a subsidy of 100,000 yuan.

I don’t know what happened, but things turned out like this!

Fortunately, the system has made it clear that the royalties are only temporarily kept, and he will be able to obtain the right to use them after completing the task.

Pu Jie can see the amount of royalties currently stored in the system: 2,175,158 yuan.

"My 2.17 million royalties!"

He has never seen so much royalties in his previous life!

In this life, I only saw it on the system interface.

He only has 20,000 yuan in his pocket now.

In the past, when he published 8 books in 5 years, he earned 20,000 yuan in royalties in 3 months, which was enough to make Pu Jie excited.

It's boring now.

However, fortunately, the system did not do everything right and gave him a chance to save his royalties.

After asking the system a few questions, Pu Jie understood the mission clearly.

"First of all, you still have to complete the challenge task. This time the task subsidy has been directly increased to 600,000 yuan, which is not a small amount. It is very impressive! 1.5 million words, 600,000 yuan of manuscript fee, a proper level of first-line author, the last book is a new one The benefits of media channels can be so exaggerated. Under normal circumstances, in this market, if I write another book like "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King", I can only get a fraction of the royalties of the previous one."

The market is like this. Once a certain subject becomes popular, many similar ones will follow suit.

Readers don’t know which one is a pioneering work and which one is a follower. They just click on it and read it, and if they enjoy it, they pay for it.

Pu Jie’s trick of having a son-in-law, the Dragon King, has been exposed by writers from Qidian and other websites.

"However, I can still make money by writing about the son-in-law and the Dragon King. After all, I am somewhat famous. At least there will be some readers who like this book. If I open another book, it will probably cause a very embarrassing situation. After I finish writing, the manuscript fee will remain at Around 600,000, it’s broken!”

"I can't get the subsidy, and I can't complete the task. It's a double loss!"

"If you want to complete the task, you must receive subsidies and ensure that the manuscript fee is within 600,000!"

Pujie quickly formulated a strategy.

"Since you want to take subsidies, then take them hard and be bold. This time you will take 600,000 yuan directly!"

The core concept came out at once!

The new book is a must!

It has to be the kind that the blood mother pounces on.

This is in line with maximizing interests. After completing the task and taking out the 2.17 million manuscript fee that was kept by the system, you can also earn a subsidy of 600,000 from the system.


Clear thinking!

Pu Jie sat up from the bed, took out his notebook, and started planning a new book.

"First of all, the last book was half successful in collecting system subsidies. The sales data of Qidian.com was poor. In the end, it was caused by Weibo and the average subscription increased by more than 3,000. The other half was due to bad luck. First of all, I was fucked by Xiaoxing, and then I was fucked by some crazy guy."

When Pu Jie mentioned these two people, he was filled with hatred.

But now that I know that the royalties can still be withdrawn, I no longer hate these two people.

The money that arrives late is also money!

"So, most of the strategies we decided last time are correct!"

Pu Jie began to write on the paper:

“1. Different themes from Qidian’s mainstream online articles”

"2. Literary novice"

“3. Don’t be too cerebral in the plot.”

The above three items are Pu Jie’s basic skills and the foundation of Xiao Bai’s writing.

This cannot be shaken.

"Then the only thing we should consider is how to avoid being a big hit in new media channels and how to avoid being over-interpreted by netizens. Rainbow Fart is really intolerable."

He's had enough of imagining things!

Pu Jie opened Writer's Assistant and found the article "If you think "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" is a brainless novel, you are reading it wrong."

Reflect on the shortcomings that led to your own popularity,

And list the ‘failure experiences’ from the previous book on paper.

“1. Posting too close to social hot spots will give new media readers a strong sense of involvement.”

"2. The character creation is simple and powerful, with distinctive characteristics"

"3. Unconsciously using good poems, words and sentences on earth, which has attracted a group of literary youths. These people spend the most money!"

Pu Jie thought for a while and wrote down another experience.

"Item 4. Long Aotian's image is so positive. He always stands on the side of justice and resists all the injustices in life. It makes people feel hearty and full of emotions."

Pu Jie looked at the many conditions he had written down and began to think.

How to reasonably cheat the system and make a piece of shit for readers to eat?

Pu Jie had nothing to do these days and scanned the books on the Qidian ranking list again. The popular categories are still the same:

Modern workplace writing, traveling in a different world, martial arts and rivers and lakes writing, and suspense reasoning writing.

The website is still based on IP adaptation. If it achieves a little bit of success and is high-quality or above, it is possible to sell the copyright and gain both fame and fortune.

These hardest-hit areas must be avoided.

By the way, there is also a man who has a lot of new books about urban masters, and his book "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" made me want to read more.

However, its performance on Qidian.com was very poor and it did not create any waves.

Pujie’s average booking result of 3,500 should already be the ceiling of this category at Qidian.

Choosing this type is all about making money from new media channels.

"The last book was about cities, companies, employees, social animals, bars, etc. The themes that happened around us were too strong. This needs to be changed! This time, the background of the story is set in the countryside!"

Pu Jie is still planning to write modern literature.

Cultivation, fantasy, etc., 1.5 million words is too few to finish, and the system does not allow him to deliberately fail to finish it.

When the time comes, I will feel numb if I am forced to write 2 or 3 million words.

"Yes, the story is set in the countryside! People who read online articles now are students, young people and social workers. Even young people from rural areas have come to work in big cities. They must be as interested in "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" The urban life in the city is more immersive, including delivery workers who are bullied, factory workers who have their wages deducted, and foremans who are in arrears with wages, etc.”

"Putting the story in the countryside, the most important sense of immersion in an online article is instantly gone!"

"The most important thing is that the cultural level in rural areas is not high, and there are many elderly people left behind. They definitely don't read online novels, let alone pay to read them. They are all reading them! Just like my grandma!"

Pu Jie understands rural life so well!

He was an out-and-out rural person in his previous life. He grew up in the countryside and knew everything about catching chickens and dogs.

He lives with his grandma, who is a very gossipy person. She usually takes her little horse to the cross street with the most traffic in the village and sits there, chatting with people all day long.

Whose child's hands and feet are unclean, whose daughter-in-law is dressed in a naughty way, and whose man who goes out to work is cuckolded.

There is nothing in the village that his mother doesn’t know!

Pu Jie follows grandma and knows a little bit about everything.

This article was very easy to write, and it must be fast!

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