I really want to hit the street

Chapter 300 There is no pure love god of war in the world

September 30th every year is the most itchy day.

Because the National Day holiday is coming soon!

You can spend a whole week.

What is National Day? It’s a nationwide celebration!

Just be happy and that's it.

Some people plan to travel to a distant place with their friends, some plan to find a long-distance lover for seven days and seven nights, some just want to stay at home, and some are forced to stay at home because they have no money.

Obviously, Huang Shu belongs to the latter. He told others that he wanted to stay in school voluntarily.

The roommates in the same dormitory all had appointments, so he was the only one left during the National Day holiday.

On September 30th, it was late at night, and I was alone in an empty room.

"Hey~ It's not a big problem. I read books and play games. It's good to be alone. Who cares about the sour smell of falling in love! As a 100% pure love god of war, I only fall in love with my future wife, hum!"

He likes to watch Pu Ding's "Infinite Time and Space". An important reason is that the protagonist Zheng Tuo is a dedicated person from beginning to end.

Like him, he is a pure love god of war.

"Presumably, being able to write such a passionate and sexual protagonist, Pu Ding is also a god of pure love like me, right?"

"That's for sure!"

"By the way, I haven't seen today's update yet!"

He felt like there were ants crawling on his body when he thought that there were still updates to his favorite books.

Deny entry to the game that has just been matched.

Directly open the web version of Qidian and start reading the top book - "Infinite Time and Space" (50 unread chapters).

"Huh? Start a daily bug? Why is there an extra 0 written in the unread value? Pu has scheduled 5 updates a day, who doesn't know?"

Quickly take a screenshot and wait until nothing happens to give feedback to Qidian. You might even be able to earn a few hundred points.

Then he looked.

After reading 5 chapters and 5 chapters and 5 chapters, then the finale!

Huang Shu looked stupid.

"What the hell!? It's really 50 chapters? Just finished updating it? That's awesome!"


How does it feel to read 100,000 words in one go?

Before Pu decided to write this book, he had never experienced it!

It was even the first time for him to experience from Pu Ding how enjoyable it was to read a novel that was updated with 10,000 words every day.

That’s quite awesome!

Unlike an author named Bing Huo whom he followed before, updating 5,000 words twice a day would kill him.

Pooh! Lazy dog!

The book "Infinite Time and Space" written by Pu Ding is also the first work he has rewarded. He should also encourage the author to save money and money.

So dedicated!

In short, Pu Ding contributed many firsts to him.

And this book ends today, September 30th.

After the yellow tree was finished, a feeling of emptiness came over me.

I read the last two chapters carefully and saw that everyone in the Huaguo team was facing their own ending. After being resurrected by Zheng Tuo, they welcomed death calmly.

This time, they were not wiped out by the group, but used their lives to shake up all the teams in the entire reincarnation world.

The Chinese team went from being a crushed team to defeating many of the strongest teams in the entire reincarnation world.

This time, their deaths were meaningful.

It’s no longer a plot kill.

But after brewing a whole book, everyone's self-salvation and deep love for the team finally achieved this theoretically impossible result.

The strongest team in the reincarnation world is born!

"Sure enough, the final ending is not a happy ending. I knew that Pu Ding would not do that. The world of reincarnation is still cruel. Terrifying reincarnations are endless. This is the meaning of the name of Infinite Time and Space."

"But. If you are as proud as Pu Ding, will you take care of the feelings of book friends? In the end, he actually left us a hope of resurrection again, as well as the suspense of the second part of "Infinite Time and Space". Oh no! It's a preview! He must still be there There is a second part! My Chu Dake must have thought that he would die, and he definitely left Zheng Tuo with a backup plan regarding resurrection."

At this point, he smiled.

He had witnessed the scene when Pu Dingrui had written off one important character after another and was cast aside by thousands of people. The scolding he received at that time was so miserable.

Internet violence is terrible!

Oh, by the way. He was leading the charge.

That's okay.

He was very satisfied with this ending.

It completely encompasses the entire world of infinite time and space. After reading it, it is like lingering sounds, and I can't calm down for a long time.

As an old bookworm, he knows that a book is successful if it can be read to the end.

If it can make people feel emotional at the end, with suspense and hope, and a feeling of the vicissitudes of the world and time passing by, then it is a sacred book.

There is no denying that "Infinite Time and Space" is a magical book.

At present, Huang Shu has seen many works that copy the world view of this book on Qidian. They are collectively called "Infinite Streaming!"

"But speaking of it, what I like most about Zheng Tuo is his pure love for the God of War. Even in the end, he still only loves one person, which is great!"

He concluded with a comment.

[It would be great if all the people in this world were the gods of pure love like Zheng Tuo. I hope Pu is determined to have a single female protagonist in the next book. Please! (Friends who are also readers of Pure Love, give it a thumbs up and let Pu Dada see it.)]

Although he knows that the ideas of great authors like Pu Ding are generally not affected by readers, such as The Three Waves of Swordsmen. Pu Ding was not affected by the results at all, and revitalized the whole book.

But he still wanted to give it a try. What if there were so many likes and Pu Dada saw it?


The book that had been with him for more than half a year was finished, and he decided to do something ceremonial to celebrate.

Close Startpoint, open the browser, and open Favorites.

The website you visit is at risk!

Ignore the risks and keep visiting.

In the domestic section, the delivery boy was seduced by roast chicken while delivering food.

Take out the paper and draw.


When he was about to reward himself, he saw a large number of likes and comments on the Qidian Reading app.

"This book is so popular. Just leave a comment and someone will reply so quickly. Please let me know while the video is loading."

Comment likes: 138.

I saw a high praise comment below his comment, which was higher than his own comment.

【Pure love? Pure love, why the hell would you ejaculate on someone else's woman? 】

Likes: 355.

Yellow tree: (°ー°〃)

Damn it!

Huang Shu suddenly felt that what this person said made sense.

But something is not quite right.

"Yes, I am obviously in love with the God of War. Shouldn't I only look at my girlfriend? Why would I do the same to other women?"

The young Huang Shu was caught in a logical paradox.

I couldn't move for a while.

And underneath this comment, it’s all the same:




Big speechless event!

The gods of pure love were all silenced.

The harem party members were ecstatic: "This wave is really a killing spree! Hahahahaha!"

"Actually, there is no pure love god of war in this world. If you lie to yourself too much, you will take it seriously."

"Like the harem (×) follow the ancient system (√)"

While a group of netizens were operating like crazy, one netizen suddenly said:

"I absolutely love the God of War, especially the love between them! The chicken of labor and management is a salute!"

A new Bible has arrived!

For a time, many netizens were confused in the wind.

When the comments gradually become uncontrollable.

A sober netizen weakly typed: "Shouldn't we do some regular operations at this time? For example, Ye Qingjie?"

"Ah, yes, yes! What is pure love and not pure love? Is that the point now? The point is. Labor and Capital's "Infinite Time and Space" is over! There will be no reincarnation team in the future. You can read the 10,000-word story every day, Ye Qingjie !”

"My Chu Dake, my Zhan Qing, my favorite team members, if you are dormant for the time being, Zheng Tuo will definitely revive you!"

"Uuuuuu~ I can't bear to part with you, Ye Qingjie!"

"Finish spreading flowers~~~"

In the comment area, normal operations began to return.

On this day, the 100,000-word update was a delight for book lovers. The semi-open ending was regrettable and left a lot of room for imagination.

Almost no one said it was a bad ending, most of them were Ye Qingjie!

There is also a reminder to update the second part.

Obviously, the handling of this ending was successful.

Everyone thinks it's well written, but they can't say what's good about it.

And at this time.

Outrageous Cat is online!

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