I really want to hit the street

Chapter 310 One project, multiple backstabs?

Meng Xingkong, as Mr. Pu's personal confidant, has been arranged to go out.

The biggest struggle in the company was solved, leaving two small struggles. Mr. Pu made arrangements for them in minutes.

In short, it is a principle: if you can lose money, lose money, if you can't lose money, maintain the status quo, and never make any more money!

In this cycle, Mr. Pu has enough confidence to ensure that the company is on the road to losing money in every aspect.

"Liang Sepi, come to my office!"

As soon as Mr. Pu said hello, Liang Sepi came over quickly.

"Mr. Pu, let me guess. Are you going to get a new DLC for "Strategy Goddess Simulator"? I'm ready. I can definitely make a lot of money!"

A smile appeared on Mr. Pu's lips.

"It's smaller, the layout is smaller."

Liang Sepi: "Huh?"

Without giving him time to react, Mr. Pu continued: "You have to get out of your comfort zone, Sepi. A game with little success limits your thinking and makes you revolve around it every day. You have no ambition at all." , do you know what my editor told me when I first entered the online writing industry?

Liang Sepi: "Ah? What should I say?"

There was a look of reminiscence on Mr. Pu's face: "He said that in two months, the excellent novel author had written several beginnings, while Si Poujie was still struggling with his own book. He always felt that he had a hard time It's a pity that he just threw away the hundreds of thousands of words he wrote, and even spent a lot of effort to promote his book, which was not good at all. In the end, it became a joke, and then he disappeared into Long Kong, complaining that no one discovered his talent, but he I completely forgot that I could have written a second book or a third book until someone signed me up to read it.”

"The same goes for you. Although our company's first game has achieved some success, are you satisfied? This achievement is enough for you to brag about for a lifetime? Should you finish releasing a few DLCs and then develop a "Strategy Goddess Simulation" 2"? Then release dlc, then 3, 4, 5 generations? Repeat until no one buys it, then stop?"

Liang Sepi: "Ah! How do you know?"

Mr. Pu saw through his thoughts!


Mr. Pu's face darkened.

Sure enough!

This guy, it's not enough to hurt me once, he wants to stab me in the back all the time!

One item, multiple backstabs!

Damn it!

Of course Mr. Pu knows how to make money this way!

Any fun game will find a way to make a sequel. It has a natural player base and ensures the sales of the game. Moreover, as long as the previous generation work is deleted, deleted and modified, the balance is adjusted, some new skills are added, and then the game is reskinned. Another new generation.

The key is that players still pay the bill.

There is a high probability that you can make money by doing this!

You can refer to the Call of Duty series, Civilization series, Souls series, Mario series, The Sims series and other games in the previous world.

A game made money, and the developer caught it and kicked it.

Mr. Pu must prevent this from happening!

"Sepi, I don't want to see you become a game designer who waits for death. I want to see your wisdom shine, keep forging ahead, and try to make new things to reach a higher level, so don't I'm always thinking about your dlc, let's make a new game! It doesn't matter if you fail to create a new world. Don't worry, I'll support you. It's my honor to witness your infinite potential being unleashed! I’m happy too!”

That would be hilarious!

Mr. Pu was almost surprised by his idea now.

A casual thought is a good plan.

In this wave, they not only succeeded in fooling the DLC that can make money steadily, but also led the game department to develop a new wave of games, so that this group of people would not shout about developing DLC ​​to make money every day.

People, you can't be idle. When you are idle, you want to write messy things, and it is easy to get out of control.


Hearing Mr. Pu's words, Liang Sepi's face turned red, his hands trembled, and his eyes flashed, as if he saw a bright future waving to him.

"I understand, Mr. Pu! On the surface, our game has made our game adaptation department successful, but it has also restricted us. We have been living in its shadow, forgetting innovation and hard work. I will make a new game right away. !”

Mr. Pu clapped his hands: "That's right!"

Liang Sepi took two steps out with a bright look on his face, then stepped back and asked with an embarrassed look:

"Mr. Pu. But what game are we playing? Can you give us some direction?"

Mr. Pu was delighted, he had been waiting for this!

Without my own guidance, I might not be able to compensate.

"Ahem! In this case, I will give you a few requirements, please remember them."

"1. The game needs to be adapted based on the online text. This cannot be changed."

"2. There can't be any content about online pornographic batches, otherwise people will think that we only make small butter!"

"3. The graphics must be ordinary, preferably in a pixel style. We must not engage in exaggerated modeling and return to the essence of the game."

"4. The gameplay must be complicated so that people cannot understand it, and it must be difficult to get started."

"5. For this new project, the company doesn't have much money to give you. Except for the money to buy the copyright, you can do the rest by yourself. Don't worry. I'll see if it can be completed in 100 days."

After Liang Sepi recorded Mr. Pu's 5 rules beside him, he fell into deep thought.

Mr. Pu said it, but he didn’t seem to say it.

What kind of game is this for us to play?

This has no direction at all!

And after hearing this request, it’s so weird, he looks like he’s about to throw himself into the street!

Liang Sepi complained in his heart, but didn't show it on his face.

"Mr. Pu, do you have any other specific requirements?"

"No! Just make sure to do it in this general direction, it will definitely be fine!"

Definitely a hit!

It goes directly against the mainstream games. If you don’t hit the market, who will?

The graphics are poor, the gameplay is complicated and difficult to learn, the investment is low, and it’s not boring!

Who is playing this?

Mr. Pu doesn’t expect them to lose much money, as long as they don’t waste time thinking about developing DLC ​​content. Not making money is Mr. Pu’s bottom line for the game department.

Liang Sepi walked out with a question mark on his face. He had to understand Mr. Pu's intentions.

According to some of the many-fish spirit mentioned by Editor-in-Chief Xiaoxing, Mr. Pu can never make mistakes, and he must be the one who is wrong.

"Who knows Mr. Pu better?"

Liang Sepi glanced at the game department and saw Liu Dachun.

He was playing games with a new college student.

"Mr. Liu and Mr. Pu are close buddies. They must know Mr. Pu's true intentions better than I do!"

"It's okay for Mr. Liu to play games. Why do the newcomers also play together?"

While Liang Sepi was racking his brains, Mr. Pu called Niu Zi over.

After the two looked at each other for a long time,

Mr. Pu felt that Niu Zi had no problem and was relatively easygoing.

Even if you get some new themes, can you still take others with you?


Newcomers often think: good ideas = good books.

I come up with an idea that I think is great, but I hide it from others for fear that others will steal my idea.

This is completely wrong!

Let’s not talk about whether the ‘good idea’ you think has already been written by someone else.

There is a huge difference between a good idea and a good book.

There is no shortage of good ideas in the online writing industry. What is lacking is an author who can tell good stories based on good ideas.

The essence of online writing is to tell stories, not to show off your imagination.

The great god gives you his story ideas, but you can’t write them.

Therefore, Niu Zi is nothing to worry about.

"Go back and work hard! Cooperating with Xiaoxing Liwei and the others to complete Zhongshan Novel is a top priority!"

"Old Mr. Pu."

Niu Zi was called over and left confused.

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