I really want to hit the street

Chapter 387 Mr. Pu’s acquisition plan

After the meeting, Qidian Operations Director Xiao Hua immediately arranged for department managers to go to work.

"Divide people from our department into three waves. The first wave will select books and coordinate with the editorial department. The first batch of books must conform to the market trend. If you are not sure, then copy the same type of books from Zhongshan International. , there will never be a big mistake.”

"The second wave of people will contact the technology department and start developing foreign websites and apps simultaneously to ensure that the interface is better than Zhongshan Novel and the app will go online faster. As long as we move one step faster on the mobile side, we will conquer this part of the market. If we can capture it quickly, even if the website doesn’t decide the winner for a while, if the mobile side wins, we will basically win the war.”

"The third wave of people is to contact domestic translators who can translate online texts. The number of people must be large. The first batch of books must be launched quickly and well. It is best to recruit all the translators from Zhongshan International. You can attack them and get them at the same time, the best of both worlds.”

"The above is what we have to do, let's move, move!"

After Xiao Hua completed the layout, he lay on his luxurious leather office chair and turned around slightly, with a confident smile on his face.

"Zhongshan Novels. Haha~ I'm sorry, you will be the first thing that makes me famous in Qidian."

The first thing a new official did when he took office was that he lit up Zhongshan Novels and showed it to Qidian's senior management.

Zhu Shiheng, the new general manager of Zhongshan Novel, is recognized by the Internet Literature Department as a quick worker.

He never talks nonsense and does everything directly.

Before Xiaoxing left, he told him that he wanted to sign contracts with all his translators. He drafted the contract in the afternoon, and arranged for the editors to contact the translators the next day to sign contracts. It was very efficient.

Looking at the electronic signing contracts one after another, each translator has signed an exclusive one-year contract with Zhongshan International.

It includes the rights and obligations of both parties.

Among them, there are clear regulations on how many words a translator needs to translate every day, how many words he needs to translate every month, and how benefits are calculated when translating a book.

"Well, I've finished one more small thing. I have two tasks left today. Once I'm done, I can go play games."

Zhu Shiheng continued to work, and the documents passed quickly in his hands.

Never sloppy.

Because in Duoyu Company, as long as you are responsible for your work, you don’t need to be sophisticated.

Not long after, he made a recruitment list and sent it to Mr. Pu.

He didn't even leave his seat to ask Mr. Pu for an explanation.

In his words: "Things that are clearly written in the table do not require me to read them again. I have to trust other adults' basic reading comprehension abilities."

It’s all inside and out!

If Mr. Pu doesn't understand, you can ask me.

"I really don't understand."

Mr. Pu frowned as he looked at the documents sent by Zhu Shiheng in the office.

"Isn't it obvious that such a request requires hard work? It's inappropriate!"

After experiencing many failures in recruiting people, Mr. Pu summed up some rules: we cannot recruit people who work a lot but talk little, and we cannot recruit college graduates who are actively working. One of these two types of people can work. One is driven.

Combining both sides - high-quality struggle!

Is this possible?

Mr. Pu felt that it was time to upgrade his recruitment standards.

Version 3.0 is here!

"Blindly casting a wide net to recruit people will always cause problems. If we can pinpoint a group of losers and package them into the company, wouldn't it be possible to infect all kinds of bad habits?"

Mr. Pu planned to find a bankrupt company and take over all the employees of their company.

You know, there are many reasons for the collapse of a company.

But in summary, there are only two big reasons: first, the boss is not good; second, the employees are not good.

The boss is responsible for decision-making, and employees are responsible for execution.

Any part that is not done well will bring down a company.

And these two kinds of things also complement each other and promote each other.

A vain boss is bound to be surrounded by a group of sycophantic employees.

A hard-working boss is surrounded by doers.

Therefore, in theory, it is very reliable to find employees from bankrupt companies.

Their employees have something that many fish people don’t have: the ability to lose money.

This experience is very important to Mr. Pu.

And Mr. Pu already has a goal: Blackstone Mountain Novel Network.

A novel website with horror and suspense as its main theme has been in operation for three years. The number of readers has gradually decreased. It has been losing money one after another, and many authors have run away.

If it weren't for the fact that New Media still had some money hanging around, it would have closed down long ago.

Even so, after operating at a loss for half a year, their boss couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to package and sell the website.

Trying to get some blood back.

However, a declining novel website without readers and authors is of no value.

Their website does not have wall-breaking works like Doupo. They are all tepid works, which are relatively niche and have low copyright value.

Therefore, the boss has never found a new owner to take over.

Mr. Pu felt that he could take over this website, spend a lot of money, and then take over a group of treasured employees who would lose everything.

"If a novel website fails, it must be due to poor editorial vision, poor operating methods, and a lot of internal problems. Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a loss."

Mr. Pu recently learned some knowledge from the master of success studies: "Whether a person can make money depends on his energy. If his energy is good, people will ask you to give him money. If his energy is not good, he will be unlucky when he goes out for a walk, so he must Amplify your energy, let others see your energy, and resonate with the universe.”

Obviously, he wants to accept a group of low-energy employees to cool down the overall spirit of Duoyu Company.

Don’t be so full of hard work!

Mr. Pu found the phone number of the owner of Blackstone Mountain Novel Network and called him.

International Village.

In the city center, there is a tall building, Shenhua Building.

The interior is luxuriously furnished and filled with successful people in the city, all of whom are well-known companies in the city.

Blackstone Mountain Novel Network is located in Shenhua Building.

In the past, they had made great achievements. At the most glorious time, the boss waved his hand and the whole company moved into the Shenhua Building.

At that time, I was very proud and felt that the next step was to go public!

The boss promised a bunch of shares and attracted many people.

However, with the introduction of a piece of paper, half of the suspense and horror was gone, and it could only be suspense but not horror.

A large number of books have been sealed, and a large number of authors have closed their books or left.

Readers are also losing a lot.

It has never recovered since then.

After struggling for more than half a year, they were finally on the verge of bankruptcy. Their company had not paid wages for three months.

The boss, Huang He, just wants to sell the entire company while it still has some value, and find a successor to make him pay back his blood.

The dream is long gone, the money is the real thing.

"Oh, if I had known I would have sold it outright half a year ago, where would I find a big loser to take over now?"

"Ding ding ding~"

Huang He's cell phone rang.

PS: Brothers, it’s the last day, please cast your monthly votes. Duoyu Company needs your support to withstand the pressure!

There are still 130 monthly passes left, so please chip in, thank you!

You vote and I vote, Binghuo will update tomorrow.

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