I really want to hit the street

Chapter 469: Advice from Mr. Pu while making money

Saw Xiaoxing coming in.

Everyone in the animation company was subconsciously overjoyed!

Everyone was a little baffled by Mr. Pu's anger just now. They were now in an embarrassing situation and someone had to resolve it!

"Mr. Yi! You're here just in time. Please help us analyze it quickly!"

Miao Sang took Xiaoxing to the middle of Dachun and Director Xu and told them what had just happened.

"We don't know what happened. Mr. Pu suddenly looked very angry and disappointed. Could it be that our filming wasn't good enough? Didn't we meet Mr. Pu's requirements?"

Xiaoxing had already watched the samples with Director Xu during editing and made a few suggestions. Naturally, he knew that the quality of their samples was very good.

He shook his head: "It's unlikely. Mr. Pu probably doesn't have much objection to the quality. Before our "Ordinary People Cultivation to Immortality", there shouldn't be any domestic animation that can be so vivid in the 3D field. I guess this is . Mr. Pu’s dissatisfaction with you reporting good things but not bad things.”

Everyone: "???"

Dachun asked hurriedly: "How to say?"

Xiaoxing said slowly: "You should still remember Mr. Pu when he was making money, right?"

A group of newcomers at the animation company: "???"

They didn't have much contact with Mr. Pu, and they didn't know much about Duoyu Company's previous history. They only knew that the boss was a very good money maker.

Dachun remembered: "Oh, I know, every time after Mr. Pu makes money, he will enter a state of reflection, introspection, and look forward to the future. From a rosy complexion to a more serious face, we always think that Mr. Pu is angry, but in fact, it is not the case. !”

"Mr. Pu just suppressed the ecstasy in his heart in time, forced himself to calm down, and then made plans for how to make better money in the next step. This state is called Mr. Pu in the state of making money. It is one of the corporate cultures of Duoyu Company. one."

Xiaoxing snapped his fingers: "Enemies! Obviously Mr. Pu has just entered this state, but you didn't cooperate. Instead, you just praised my performance as if you had produced a good work. Then Mr. Pu would not be satisfied. In fact, Mr. Pu I’m not angry that everyone’s work is not good, but I’m angry that they are complacent before they have achieved results, forgetting how to reflect and introspect, and not making plans for the company to make more money in the future!”

"So I usually don't report to Mr. Pu at this moment. When I make a lot of money for the company, I will give Mr. Pu a surprise! I will directly let Mr. Pu enter the state of making money, and then I will retire with success. Wouldn't it be wonderful? ?”

"Oh oh oh! That's it!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Especially the new employees looked ashamed, feeling ashamed of their immaturity.

Director Xu raised his head and wiped the wet corners of his eyes: "Sure enough, no one's success comes casually. Mr. Pu is already so experienced at doing things at a young age. I'm still in good shape. Next, I want to shoot more excitingly." Exciting anime out! ”

Dachun also expressed his position: "In the future, we should all learn from Mr. Pu when he is making money. He cannot achieve great results. Don't report easily, so as not to alarm Mr. Pu!"

Others said yes.



Mr. Pu walked out of the video room and looked at a group of employees who looked like they had been given chicken blood, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this, Xiaoxing lowered his peaked cap, and then secretly retreated towards the elevator.

Dachun came over: "We remembered something happy. Mr. Pu has come out of the state just now?"

Mr. Pu frowned: "Work must continue. I have to find a way to remedy this."

Everyone knows!

Mr. Pu has already reflected on their problems and is about to start giving guidance!

Miao Sang, the most sensible person, had already taken out his notebook and was about to start recording.

Mr. Pu took a deep breath and forcibly cheered up.

He had just been wrapped in a quilt and thought about it for a long time, and felt that he couldn't just give up on himself.

The animation "Ordinary People Cultivation to Immortality" produced by Dachun is indeed of good quality, but it is not without room for manipulation.

But before the operation, Mr. Pu suddenly remembered something to ask.

He wants to find out the backstabbing monster in the animation company!

"Dachun, I remember. I asked you to recruit animation staff with less than one year of work experience. Didn't you listen?"

Dachun patted his chest and said, "How is that possible! Mr. Pu, I have completely implemented your request! I definitely have not recruited animation practitioners with many years of work experience!"

Mr. Pu didn't look like Dachun was faking it.

He wondered: "Then how can such high-quality animation be produced? I'm not stupid. Does this look like a finished product that this group of people can produce???"

Dachun scratched his head: "The animation videos we saw were made using real-life motion capture and CG modeling technology. They are all film techniques. How can anyone who makes animation know this? Director Xu hired a professional team to do it, and they have been doing it for decades. What’s your experience like? Does it coincide with your thoughts?”

After saying that, he winked at Mr. Pu, as if he understood you.

Mr. Pu: “???”

"my thoughts?"

Miao Sang: "That's right! Mr. Pu, isn't this how you lead us down this road step by step? We want to make unique animations, and we don't want to use traditional animation talents. We also need to use Mr. Liu's genius imagination. We understand, isn’t it just a cross-border approach?”

Mr. Pu was silent.

It actually sounds like this.

But I obviously want them to make an anime that will hit the streets!

How come you have fallen to this point step by step?

Mr. Pu shook his head and no longer thought about the logic behind it. He felt that he could not understand it even if he sat on the trolley at the door for a whole day.

"Then let's not talk about this. I just want to ask, how is the quality of the next 15 episodes compared to the first episode?"

Director Xu touched his beard and laughed: "Getting better!"

Mr. Pu: "I understand! After all production is completed, we will put it together and launch it on the streaming media platform next month!"

Everyone was shocked!

Miao Sang hurriedly said: "Mr. Pu, the current domestic animations are broadcasted twice a week, which can not only accumulate popularity but also create topics. We can also modify some small plots in real time based on the opinions of the audience. This is very The scientific production and broadcasting method is not suitable for animation!

Mr. Pu smiled slightly.

Could I not know?

It’s just because this model is so damn good at making money, I don’t want it!

It seems that the quality of this anime is good, but if there is a lack of publicity and topics, it may be too late to recover the cost before the settlement date.

When the time comes, 16 episodes will be packaged and played together, and the audience will forget about it after watching it. The money earned will definitely be much less than the current model!

An investment of 100 million will probably not be recovered!

If this is the case, even if some money is made online and it brings a certain burden to the company, the Metaverse project team can absorb most of it in a surprise attack, and in the end there is a high probability that the money will be lost.

"That's it! I have my own reasons, just do this!"

After saying that, Mr. Pu strode away from the animation company and went to the Metaverse project team, preparing to add more burdens to them.

A group of people from Duoyu Animation Company were left confused again.

After a while, Miao Sang coughed twice and said, "How about we try to analyze Mr. Pu's guidance just now?"

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