I really want to hit the street

Chapter 53 Defeat the shameless ‘Pu Ding’!

In the Internet literary circle.

Some people work hard to code every day, and they can’t wait to start coding without washing their hands after flushing.

Some people are jumping up and down crazily and cannot write thousands of words every day, but they still want to watch the excitement of the big and small events in the circle and express their insights by the way.

Pu Jie is a coder with limited information. He can read books and scan lists, but he does not pay attention to the gossip in the Internet literary circle. Therefore, he does not understand how a very popular new media channel made a fortune in silence in his previous life. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come up with a new media king like “Urban Son-in-Law Dragon King” and blasted it out.

Many authors are obsessed with studying the Internet literature circle, and they have a complete collection of industry information at their fingertips.

When encountering a problem that I don't understand clearly, I start to pretend to be mysterious: "Everyone who understands understands, but if you don't understand, it's useless if I say it. You can't control this kind of thing, and it's not good for you if you don't know."

This group of authors is mainly composed of "Internet lovers" (unsigned) + "people who write for fun" (both orders are less than 500), plus a few authors who have made achievements but later became frustrated as leaders, and are active in a Mysterious place: Longkong Forum.

Here, they happily discuss whether this book is good or not, who is the author of so-and-so, which work is plagiarized from so-and-so’s book, who the editor of the website said some wise words, and which one is recommended? The position was given to a related account again.

There was constant gossip, big and small.

Among them, Qidian Chinese website is the leader in the online literature field, and more than half of the topics revolve around Qidian.

Because Qidian.com’s data represents the highest level in the industry.

There is a popular saying in the Internet literary circle: Becoming a god and attaining enlightenment is at Qidian!

It represents the status of Qidian in the hearts of many online writers. No matter how much money you make on other websites, if you want to prove that you are a true god, you must come to Qidian.

This is indeed the case.

As the largest IP operation website, Qidian not only helps its own Penguin Video to deliver popular IPs, but also sells some of them to other video platforms. It will be given to whoever bids the highest price and has strong operational capabilities. Qidian is a website that is responsible for its own profits and losses. Printing your own books and creating circles are in line with the core interests of the website.

Even if there is a big Penguin tree behind them, they will not just give Penguin Video a blood transfusion. After all, there are so many good books and good IPs that one family simply cannot capture.

Creating gods and popular IPs is Qidian’s exclusive magic weapon.

Not only that, Qidian is also a website recognized by local writers associations as representing literary standards.

If you obtain excellent results or above in Qidian, you can apply to join the Writers' Association of your province and become a member of the Writers' Association.

This is amazing!

Because many freelance writers have no formal jobs, even if they earn a lot of money, they still have no status in society and are looked down upon by various relatives, friends, and blind dates.

After joining the Provincial Writers Association, others asked me what I did.

"Oh, write something for the Provincial Writers' Association and publish it online. This is my Provincial Writers' Association membership card. Come and play with me when you have time."

Good guy!

This time, his status soared!

This is the official status of the province, a big shot!

Moreover, this identity can also bring many hidden social benefits, which is very useful for freelance writers.

Creation of gods, popular IPs, and officially recognized achievements have made Qidian a well-deserved leader in the industry.

Today, there was a post on the Longkong Forum that was very popular. It was ranked first and could not be removed.

"celebrate! Down with Qidian Dog: The editor’s shameless behavior of using the vest ‘Pu Ding’ to write a book”

"Today, let us celebrate the success of the book "Rural Scoundrel Doctor" written by Qidian editor himself! Our resistance worked, our actions shocked Qidian, and we returned a bright future to the Internet literary circle! ([# ]Applause # Applause # Applause)”

"As we all know, the account 'Pu Ding' is the vest of a certain editor at Qidian. I won't say who it is, but he knows in his heart that the previous book "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King" was widely promoted with the help of massive new media channel resources. They just got a monthly fee of 450,000 yuan, and the money went into the pockets of their editors! A friend of mine who works in a new media channel said that in those two months, the entire Internet was promoting this book. They are still pushing it separately. Once this book comes out, everyone will give way to it. It is a naked public and private use!"

"This is the way to put it. A pig can write a book there. If it were our book, the sales would increase at least 10 times. The money he gets is all blood scraped from our bodies!"

"The back channels stopped promoting this book, and the sales immediately dropped to freezing point. He was so scared that he cut the book hastily after 1 million words. Think about it, if he was making so much money, why didn't he continue writing? Because there was no recommendation," Pu Ding It's a waste!"

"And after making a fortune there, Qidian's editor tasted the benefits and did not change his evil intentions. He used this vest to write a book called "The Rogue Miracle Doctor" and gave two excellent recommendations as soon as the book was opened. , trying to continue to make money with this kind of spicy book, but the sharp eyes of our writers discovered it!"

"The brothers worked together and stormed his comment section, scolding Pu Ding until he dared not speak. The Qidian editor was also under pressure and did not dare to continue pushing. In the end, the book's results only reached 220 orders a month after it was put on the shelves. It was a joke. !”

"Today is a victory for our Taoist friends from Longkong, and it is also a victory for justice! Let us cheer!"

The post was a eloquent 500 words, accusing 'Pudingle' of being a small account opened by editors and occupying everyone's recommendation resources. In the end, they were afraid of being scolded and had no choice but to rush to the street.

Below, a group of people celebrated with their hats.

"The author is awesome! You are awesome! You can't let such a privileged dog get used to you. Without people like them who take up resources, my new book would have been published a long time ago. It's just these two recommendations."

"Haha, I've long noticed that something is wrong with this account. His writing isn't very good, and he was criticized by Qidian. He even had the nerve to use a few bad limericks to show off his skills. My essay writing skills in high school were better than his."

"After finishing the new media resources in the last book, I was worried that others would scold him for the poor performance of his main website, so I just spent money to buy a high-quality badge, tsk tsk~"

"The new book "The Scoundrel Doctor in the Countryside" is written with a hook. I almost spit out my overnight meal after reading it twice. Yesterday, I cursed 10 times in one go. This guy was so scared that he didn't dare to delete my posts."

"Please expose this editor. I'm going to send an email to scold him."

"Seeking exposure +1"

"Seeking exposure +2"

Host: "Everyone understands this. I can't say too much. You can't offend people to death in this business. I'll teach him a lesson this time."

“The host’s mind is truly a role model for our generation!”

"Society, society, learned."

"His new book is updated with 10,000 words every day and is so miserable. I guess he has fainted in the toilet from crying? Hahaha!"

"I guess their chief editor found out about this editor and asked him to pack up and get out. It won't be long before we see this book discontinued."

"Such a result? No one can even write!" - a comment from an internet writing enthusiast who has not signed a contract.

At this time, suddenly a thoughtful netizen said: "Could it be that Pu Ding is strong because he is strong? If Qidian's main website is not good, other channels may not explode again? I don't think we should make a conclusion so early. .”

(This user has been banned by the original poster)

Host: "Continue the discussion, brothers, everyone can speak freely!"


Under this post, a drama was vividly performed in which people pushed down the wall, added insult to injury, and whipped the corpse.

The Qidian contracted writer finished reading this post in Longkong in a daze and cursed a few times.

It's like eating a tube of durian-flavored popsicles on a hot day. Although your mouth smells bad, your body feels cool and comfortable.

Then he opened the comment section of "The Rogue Doctor" and found that his mouth didn't stink so much anymore.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ These comments are so mean and heartless."

"If I were this author, I would probably have had my knot cut long ago and I wouldn't be able to hold on."

"Internet violence is so terrible, but fortunately I am the perpetrator."

He put some thought into it and felt that this was not a book written by an editor. After all, Qidian's editor was very busy and did not have time to update 10,000 words a day.

So. He was a little confused: "Why didn't Pu Ding delete these posts? Even if these people change their accounts and scold them, they should be able to deal with it as long as they permanently ban and delete posts one by one. Are they stupid after being criticized? ? Breaking the defense? Giving up on yourself?”


Thinking of how Pu Ding was furious and spitting out blood while reading the comments (for details, please refer to the story of Master in Tang Bo Hu Dian Qiuxiang), I was confused and a little intolerable.

"Hey, he is also a human being and needs comfort."

He typed the next line in the comment area: "The writing is actually pretty good. If I can seriously compete with others for recommendation positions in the future and don't do evil things, with the amount of updates and diligence of the author, sooner or later it will take off. Come on!"

After writing this comment, I feel like my soul has been sublimated and my mouth no longer smells bad.

"Pu Ding would be very pleased to feel the kindness from strangers."

After a few minutes, he refreshed the comment area.

The comment has been deleted.

Confused: (°ー°〃)

There will be more in a while

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