I really want to hit the street

Chapter 71 He still has to thank us!

It was a warm day in early May.

Pu Jie looked at the comment section, trembling with anger and his hands and feet were cold.

"Damn it! When will our God of Pure Love stand up!"

"Where are my defenders? Where are the readers who say they are poisonous as soon as they see the plot of NTR?"

“Why should my book be treated like this!”

Pu Jie refreshed the page, and the average order increased by 2 more.

"Ahhhhh!!! No! No!! No!!!"

Next to him, Yuan Hua asked in a low voice: "Brother Jie, what are you doing here?"

"I can't understand this class, I can't understand it! It's too difficult!"

After Pu Jie returned to the dormitory, his face was numb.

He tried to delete these positive comments, but those people from the LSP gang were like leeks after the rain, growing one after another and never being able to finish them!

Fight with him!

Even banning them can't dampen the enthusiasm of these people. At first glance, they are a disciplined and organized LSP team.

There are even messages from arrogant people.

"Did the author get into trouble with some boss? Why do I feel like someone keeps deleting good reviews?"

"Don't panic, author! Although I don't know which idiot has been deleting your posts with permissions, but we will help you maintain this place!"

"When LSP gang members are charging, discordant voices are not allowed to appear!"

"A bunch of trolls dare to make noises with our LSP gang? Do you see, this is your family's genealogy, bang~ it's gone!"

Seeing a group of enthusiastic SPs, Pu Jie was so uncomfortable that he almost cried.

"It's over, it's over!"

"I can't stay in this comment section. There is a fresh fragrance everywhere. It doesn't look like a place where people eat shit."

And since suppressing these bad reviews, the collection of "The Rogue Doctor" has actually increased rapidly!

The website recommendation position that can be stored for a week is also playing a role.

Of course, most of them are enthusiastic book lovers who come from the "LSP Exclusive Book List".

Pu Jie can no longer control the comments. He alone cannot compete with the huge Qidian LSP organization.

In the end, he had to choose the three most scolding and hateful comments and pin them to the top.

This is his last struggle, hoping to warn those who come after him not to be deceived by the prosperous era of balance created by LSP!

Those comments that say "Hey hey hey~" are just brushes at first glance!

Brush books are the most annoying!

"I hope new readers can see through these three posts the true nature of my book that feeds people shit!"

After a while.

As soon as Pu Jie refreshed the comment area, there were many more comments instantly.

"Yo? The author has hung up these clowns who are the most scolded? This wave of top posts is great, shrimp and pig heart!"

"I'm new here. Why does the author post so many trolls? Is it because he is too confident in the quality of his book and thinks that negative reviews are nothing more than that? Got it, go read it now!"

"I just like authors who dare to face criticism directly. I have become a fan. I love it!"

"The LSP gang never kills unknown people. It seems that the author already knows who is harming him behind the scenes. You can take a look at the three posts hung up by Pu Ding. They are all posted by the author's account. They are naked. Jealousy, the most interesting thing is that none of the three people signed the contract, hahaha, it made me laugh!”

"The author's operation is too sexy, 666!"

Pu Jie:(*゜ー゜*)

Tired, destroy it.

Pu Jie closed the Qidian Writer Assistant app and lay on the bed helplessly.

Think about why things are like this.

Bunk at an angle.

Yuan Hua, Zhang Yang, and Dachun were sitting in a row.

are whispering.

"Do you see why Brother Jie has been looking sad all day?"

"You were in a bad state when you came back from outside yesterday. Have you fallen out of love again?"

"No, I don't think so. Didn't you notice that Brother Jie has been browsing the Writer's Assistant app? I guess, it's most likely because of the new book, and it's very powerful!"

"Yes! When I refreshed my site the day before yesterday, I saw Brother Jie's book listed in the recommendation section on the home page. I thought this wave could bring people back to life. It seems to be working. Hey!"

Several people shook their heads simultaneously, expressing deep regret.

After a while, Dachun suddenly said: "By the way, how about some of us subscribe to make Brother Jie happy? Subscribe to all three. Although it's not much, it's still helpful!"

"Dachun is right! Brothers can help as much as they can." Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and placed a full order for "The Rogue Doctor."

After Yuan Hua finished all the reservations for the large account, he went to his own small account and made a full reservation, and conveniently rewarded an alliance leader.

"Let's go! Brother Jie doesn't know that this is my trumpet. He must have thought that other readers were giving rewards. Isn't this so happy?"

Dachun: "That's necessary!"

Then, I heard a scream coming from the lower bunk.

"Ahhh! Who is this tidal sea spirit! Why are they all targeting me!"

Yuan Hua looked proud: "Look! Brother Jie is already crying with joy!"

Zhang Yang: "He has to thank Yuan Hua!"

Pu Jie: "Tide Hai Ling, thank you so much to your whole family!"

"You see, right?"

The three of them were secretly happy that they had helped their good brothers again.

Pu Jie curled up alone on the small bed in the dormitory, shivering, feeling that the whole world was full of malice towards him.

He swore secretly.

"From now on, I will never write about tauren again, wuwuwu~"

Tuesday, May 31, sunny.

Qidian Group 2 Editorial Department.

Xiaoxing drank up a cup of tea and water, and smashed it into his mouth.

"Tsk tsk~ This tea is tasteless."

Subconsciously, I wanted to pour it out and get another cup, but I saw three red wolfberries floating in the tea leaves.


I looked around and saw that no one was paying attention here.

"I heard that eating more of this stuff can increase your resistance."

Of course, there is also a rumor that it can treat kidney deficiency.

Xiaoxing didn’t believe it at all!

He quickly picked it up, put it in his mouth, and ate it.

Now, I feel much more motivated to go to the toilet to pee.

Returning to his seat, Xiaoxing looked at the recent data trend chart of the old book in his hand.

For some books with good data, high growth rates, and potential, he will apply for good recommendation positions to help these books reach a higher level.

"Let me know, Kangkang, whose data has grown the fastest this month!"

"Huh? This data has increased so much! It's so exaggerated!"

It has been 20 days since Xiaoxing got two unwanted recommendation spots for "The Rogue Doctor". It was an unintentional move on his part. After all, he already knew that "The Rogue Doctor" was a big hit in new channels and the results of the main website In fact, it's not that important anymore.

But he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

"The Scoundrel Doctor in the Village" is like being reborn and getting stronger again!

"Good guy! A recommendation on the corner of the homepage directly increased the average subscription by 600. It's too exaggerated. It seems that we are all wrong! This book is not impossible to take off in Qidian, it also has its own customer group!"

Xiaoxing saw that although the collection of "The Rogue Doctor" is not high, the subscriptions are very stable!

"Oh, I know that Pu Ding never cares about market trends, but always writes what he wants to express. Over time, like-minded people will naturally follow him and follow his footsteps."

"That's right! Our editors claim to understand the trend of the online article market, but we often overlook one question. Who started the first trend?"

"He is a pioneer! Pu Ding is here. He just wants to be a pioneer and single-handedly start a new trend!"

"He did it through new media channels with the previous book "Urban Son-in-law Dragon King", and he is confident that he can do it with this one too!"

"Then let me, Xiaoxing, help you!"

Xiaoxing directly submitted an application for "Editor-in-Chief Recommendation" to "The Rogue Doctor".

Relying on the exaggerated rise this month of "The Rogue Doctor".

That afternoon, Xiaoxing received a positive reply from the second group editor-in-chief Styx.

At this time, Xiaoxing completely relaxed and wanted to send a QQ message to Pu Ding to share the news.

After editing, he stopped again and smiled.

"Pu and I are in a relationship, just like Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, we search for close friends through mountains and rivers. Even if we don't use words, we can know each other's meaning. If he doesn't say anything at ordinary times, it doesn't mean that he doesn't appreciate me."

It won’t be updated today, but I’ll probably update it secretly in the early morning.

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