I really want to hit the street

Chapter 99 Casting for

Pu Jie woke up in the morning and took a look at the mobile writer's assistant.

There were a lot of people in the comment area, and many people from Longkong came up to criticize without reading anything.

Among them, one called 'Shadow Night Cat's Faithful Follower' scolded him the most.

After Pu Jie deleted his post, he obviously touched his inverse scale. He did what he said and started to complain directly.

With a group of trumpets with the affix "Shadow Night Cat", the screen is sprayed!

No bottom line, no quality!

No author can calm down when seeing this situation.

Pu Jie was overjoyed!

"I asked why I stepped on dog poop in my dream. It turns out there is a happy event early in the morning!"

Pu Jie found a few praising comments among a bunch of trolls' comments, and deleted them and banned them.

"There are so many posts that are flooding the screen. New readers will definitely not see anything else."

He really has no interest in watching how this person criticizes him, even though it is beneficial to him to obtain system subsidies.

But for me personally, it's not that exciting.

After flipping through a few pages, I turned off the assistant.

"I invited a group of trolls for free, haha~ It is impossible for any comments from normal readers to come out."

As we all know, the comment area of ​​Qidianshu is sorted according to the time of posting/top posting. If someone keeps brushing the posts, other people's posts will soon be pushed to the bottom.

Therefore, Pujie didn’t even need to enter the Qidian Reading app to know that there must be no surviving posts with good words in it.

We all have no relatives, so who will help you fight against the navy?


Pu Jie has been writing for 5 years in his previous life and has never seen such readers.

I took a look at the number of new collections yesterday: 1,308.


"The first day of the big seal promotion was the largest increase. With such a small amount, it is definitely a record low!"

Let’s look at subscriptions.

New subscriptions yesterday: 4108;

Average subscriptions: 210; (up 156)

Maximum subscriptions: 253.


"Tsk tsk~ My VIP chapters are too few, only 50,000 words in total. Even if someone accidentally clicks in to read it, there won't be many subscriptions."

Pu Jie was in a good mood and his operation was working!

"The traffic is still high at night. It could have been worse. The data suddenly increased a lot last night."

"But it's not a big problem!"

Pu Jie is a tough guy. He was raised from a young age and feels like he can do anything.

Dog editor Xiaoxing, this time can only bring him a little bumpy road to the street, nothing to worry about!

Pu Jie went for a couple of runs, had breakfast, and was ready to start today's coding work.

"Finish the coding earlier and watch the drama earlier~"

In his previous life, Pu Jie loved to watch dramas and movies. He had almost watched some highly rated movies and TV series at home and abroad.

So later he could only read novels to make up for his empty time.

After all, if you don’t look at the material, where will the inspiration come from?

But after traveling to this world, he felt great!

In the era of big IP in Internet literature, domestic high-quality dramas are booming. It is no longer the old world, where all kinds of brainless Mary Sues fall in love, vindictiveness turns into horses, and the entire slow-motion comedy is awkward.

There are so many highly rated domestic film and television dramas, but he has never seen them!

It’s fun to watch while typing!

However, Pu Jie knows one thing very well: you must code words first, and then entertain.

Otherwise, when you are having fun, you will always be worried about not being able to finish coding. It feels very confusing. Just like if you don’t lock the toilet door when you flush, you will be very worried about others coming in. You need to wear VR glasses to relieve it. After all, you can’t see it. Someone else.

And if the time for coding is too tight, it will cause you to be unable to write, become all kinds of irritable, and finally the plot will collapse.

After coding, go back and read what you wrote today.

"Holy shit! What kind of shocking BUG is this! Did I write it?"

"No, no, I'll be finished if this thing comes out!"

"Damn it, it's time. If you don't do it, you won't be at full attendance. The readers shouldn't be able to tell."

After I posted it, I was scolded by eagle-eyed readers.

Dissuaded a wave of people who were chasing books.

Repeat the above operation more than ten times, and the whole book will be cool

Pu Jie once wrote a book in this state. It was very uncomfortable to write.

Therefore, he also developed the habit of coding first and then entertaining.

Of course, there is another important reason. When the system discovers that he starts writing nonsense to make up the number of words, it will immediately warn him. If he keeps doing this, it is tantamount to violating the rules. Not only will he not get the system subsidy, but even the money saved in it will be deducted!

Unacceptable result!

Pu Jie spent 5 hours immersed in writing the book and completed today's 10,000-word content.

After stretching, it was already 1:30, and my stomach started to growl.

Just as he was about to go to dinner, he received a call from Fu Weng.

"A casting is about to be cast? So soon?"

The script was sold in just over a month, and filming is about to begin.

The efficiency is too high!

Pu Jie knows that after selling the rights to a masterpiece that has many creative works, it will take a long time before the project can be launched and filming can begin.

How come these two books of his were published so quickly?

After Fu Weng's explanation, Pu Jie realized that the most outstanding thing about their low-cost shooting was one word: efficiency.

He has a shooting team, all of whom he has worked with for more than ten years.

The money from the Neiku producer has also arrived.

All it takes is Pu Jie to come up with the scripts for the first 10 episodes so he can start casting and get ready to start filming.

I'm writing the script as I go along.

They were filming a rural drama, and they didn't need to go to Hengdian to set up large scenes and shoot the entire script one scene at a time.

Just follow the storyline of the script and shoot.

For Pu Jie, the script has indeed been completed. Wang Jin and Zhang Wei met him last night and the script was very successful.

Basically, it respects the original work, brings Northeastern humor, and then adds some small characteristics to several main characters according to Pu Jie's requirements.

For example, the corner of the mouth twitches, dances awkwardly, speaks stumblingly, is bald and is annoying, etc.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei's grandma's family is from the Northeast. He has lived there for a long time and has to go back every year and festival, so he has a certain understanding of Northeastern humor.

After hanging up the phone.

Pu Jie found a professional team who was eating Laotan pickled cabbage instant noodles, took the scripts of the first ten episodes, and the three of them set off together to Changdong City, the capital of Ji Province.

Pu Jie is a must-see for this casting selection.

He doesn't pay attention to those actresses, he just wants to discover a few male actors who have their own sense of humor.

Since he received a screenwriting fee of 500,000 yuan, he had to work.

Otherwise, if the filming goes wrong, he is both the original author and the chief screenwriter. In the current film and television industry where screenwriters are the core system, who will the audience scold?

I must scold the screenwriter Pu Jie first!

I feel good about scolding, so I will scold director Fu Weng again.

Pu Jie doesn't want this. After all, he will still be involved in the film and television industry in the future. When his level improves in the future, he will inevitably copy a few scripts. He cannot let his reputation get bad first.

With the guidance of "Country Love" (Real), which was a hit for 13 seasons in his previous life, he can at least guarantee some ratings for this world's "Country Love" (modified H version).

Although the content of the two-step dramas is completely different, the core is the same.

The themes are all gossip about rural areas.

There are many places we can learn from.

But this feeling is something only he knows, no one else knows.

Therefore, in terms of casting and script shooting, he had to have a good communication with Fu Weng. He did not need to copy the TV series, but he had to capture the fun and big-ass flavor of the film.

Popular, not vulgar.

Ahem, this is a challenge for his book.

"By the way, during the casting process, you two watch it with me. If you have any suggestions, please tell me. I will tell you some of my opinions on the show to facilitate your subsequent creation."

Wang Jin and Zhang Wei pointed at themselves: "Us? Can we also have suggestions for the characters?"

"Well, that's right. After all, you two will stay on the set from now on."

They were both shocked!

What kind of magical treatment is this!

The Gunslinger screenwriter not only has the right to authorize the character, but also has the ability to make irresponsible remarks about the character?

Isn't this a right that only serious screenwriters have?

How could they be treated like this by Pu Bian?

Is this the pattern of Pubian?

"We brothers must make this drama a success for Pu!"

"Dedicate yourself to the best of your ability until you die!"

Pu Jie thinks this is normal. After all, they do most of the work. Does it mean that just because he is famous and gets this job, he has to take all the benefits? You don’t even give them your authorship rights and opinions on character selection?

Is that any different from some professors with graduate students who misappropriate the results of their students and sign their own research and development?

Dog editor Xiaoxing is not that kind of human dog!

He waved his hand: "You're too polite, we are a team of screenwriters!"

"It's not a gunman, it's a team."

The two of them took a deep look at Pu Bian. At this moment, they seemed to see a beam of light radiating from Pu Bian's head.

There will be more in a while.

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