In the late summer and early autumn, the typhoon passed, and the whole Hangzhou was turbulent.

The school is no exception. The sky is shrouded in thick black clouds, and the bean-sized raindrops are blown down by the wind.

The raindrops "crackled" on the umbrella surface, splashing a string of water, and then falling down the umbrella surface into a water column.

Ran Xing wore Fu Xuechen's shirt, held the canvas bag in his arms, and trotted forward, Fu Xuechen was on her right hand, the two were very close, and they occasionally touched their bodies while walking.

The breath belonging to men invades the nasal cavity along with the moisture of the rainstorm. It smells exactly the same as the shirt on Ran Xing's body, which is unexpectedly good.

The classic scene of a little girl's heart beating wildly.

Ran Xing's state of mind is unmoved, and the ancient well is not disturbed. She is very ordinary about this kind of relationship.

Fu Xuechen has tall legs and long legs. With one step, Ran Xing can take two steps. When it rains, he will automatically increase his pace, and Ran Xing will trot beside him.

She is such a sports scum, she is exhausted from trotting all the way, but she belongs to the object of "learning from Lei Feng", so she has no face to ask "Lei Feng" to walk slowly, so she runs all the way, all the way panting .

From the beginning of her freshman year, her impression of this school was that it was a big school. Now it's raining, I'm starving, and I'm in a hurry to go to the cafeteria. She even feels that this school is unreasonably big, not at all. Indulge in her short legs.

She thought about her eight out of ten...nine times she would starve to death on the way to the cafeteria. In order not to starve to death, Ran Xingdeng felt that it was okay to trot all the way.

Fu Xuechen held an umbrella and glanced at Ran Xing from time to time.

The little girl walked beside her wearing her own shirt, which made her look even more petite and lovely.

In the torrential rain, neither of them spoke.

The world under the umbrella was unexpectedly quiet, so quiet that he heard her slight gasps mixed with the sound of the rain.

Fu Xuechen listened to her panting, and his heart went out of order for a moment.

Aside from the role of her sleeping pills, Ran Xing is also a delicate and beautiful little girl like a doll, and because of the label of Loli, he is more attracted to science and engineering men like him.

Ran Xing is the kind of type who can't help but say "wow" in his heart when he looks at it, and then think this girl is really **** cute.

When she was breathing aggravating because of sharing the umbrella with you, it was hard for Fu Xuechen not to feel it.

Fu Xuechen's body tensed for a moment, his throat rolled and his breathing became a little heavy.

Finding the strangeness of her body, Fu Xuechen turned his head in a funny way, and cursed in his heart: "It's really promising, obviously he's here to flirt with the girl, but the girl hasn't gotten it yet, but she's turned against her. .

After scolding, she couldn't help but turn her head to look at her to guess if she did this on purpose.

It can be said that the two share an umbrella, but their thoughts are not on the same band at all.

The journey from the library to the cafeteria is not a short one, but it is quickly over.

Ran Xing entered the cafeteria and let out a long breath.

Wow, I finally finished the run, my baby is exhausted, it feels as difficult as running 800 meters.

Fu Xuechen put away the umbrella, and lightly flicked the water on the umbrella before looking at Ran Xing.

Ran Xing is deeply grateful to the "Lei Feng" opposite, watching this rainstorm, it will never stop for a while, if it weren't for Fu Xuechen, she might be trapped in the library, and then I was dying of hunger.

Ran wakes up and thinks for a moment, then smiles sweetly: "Thank you, you shouldn't have lunch, I invite you!"

Although she doesn't like to eat with boys, but today is a special situation, someone brought you from the library, the necessary courtesy is indispensable.

Fu Xuechen smiled lightly: "It's up to me to invite you! I don't like letting girls pay the bill."

This is the gentleman's demeanor of a boy, go out to dinner with a girl, and automatically check out.

Ran Xing's cheeks were bulging, and he said sullenly: "But I don't like boys paying my bills either."

She is not the kind of girl who will take advantage of boys. She eats her own meals when she goes out, and never lets boys pay.

Fu Xuechen looked at her, Ran Xing raised his chin and looked back without dodging.

The two have their own principles and perseverance, and they will not give in to each other.

Not at all.

Fu Xuechen saw the stubbornness and stubbornness of the little girl in this kind of invitation. After a long silence, he said with a faint smile, "Ran Xing, you are single!"

As a single man, Ran Xing has never felt inferior because of being single. On the contrary, she has a honeyed pride of a single aristocrat, and she immediately responded: "Yes!"

Fu Xuechen nodded clearly: "Sure enough."

Ran Xing: "..."

I know I'm an orphan, but I don't need you to remind me.

The two were at a stalemate, staring at each other for a few seconds, neither of them taking a step back.

Finally, Ran Xing took the lead and couldn't hold it, and her stomach groaned again, obviously too hungry.

The smile in Fu Xuechen's eyes was a little proud, and he felt that he would win this wave.

Ran Xing raised her face and said, "Then AA, you eat what you want, and I eat what I want."

After finishing speaking, she was very hungry and entered the cafeteria first.

Fu Xuechen looked at the figure of the little girl turning around to go to the cafeteria for food, only a little bit left in his mind.

But he also understood that Ran Xing did not let him invite him to dinner because she was well-bred, not the kind of girl who would take advantage of boys.

Good character.

It's just...difficult.

He strode in, and asked casually, "What are you eating?"

Ran Xing was attacked by the humidity of the heavy rain, so he felt a little craving for something warm, and immediately said, "Cut the noodles with a knife."

Fu Xuechen is not a picky eater, and said, "Then let me eat a knife too!"

Ran Xing asked for a small portion of knife-cut noodles, of course Fu Xuechen got a large portion, and each swiped their own campus cards.

There are not many people in this cafeteria, and the noodles will be ready soon.

Fu Xuechen held the big bowl, turned and walked towards the dining table.

Ran Xing held his small bowl and followed behind, and saw that Fu Xuechen's back was wet.

the back groove.

The handsome ratio is the handsome ratio, and even the back groove is very **** and beautiful.

And the small waist, quite narrow, and the broad shoulders form a perfect inverted triangle.

Plus long legs.

Tsk tsk tsk, God is in great shape!

She thinks, Fu Xuechen really deserves to be the **** of the school, with perfect appearance, perfect body, excellent academic performance, and will do the kind thing of sending the girl trapped in the library by the heavy rain to the cafeteria .

Well, Fu Shenchao A, for Fu Shen to explode the lamp.

Fu Xuechen randomly picked a table in the empty canteen and sat down, Ran Xing was not at all pretentious at this moment, and sat down opposite him naturally.

Put down the tableware and chopsticks, Ran Xing intends to take off the shirt and return it to him.

Seeing her taking off her coat, Fu Xuechen jokingly said, "Eat as soon as you eat, why take off your clothes!"

Ran Xing reminded: "You are gone."

Fu Xuechen said "Huh?" Jun blushed, and subconsciously glanced at the zipper of the trousers door, no!

It scared me to death.

Ran Xingbai...Nen's little face is very serious, but her voice is very soft and soft: "Your T-shirt is wet, it's a bit see-through."

Fu Xuechen: "..."

Doesn't she know that for men, the only way to lose money is at the trousers door.

Fu Xuechen couldn't help complaining: "For a boy, even if he goes shirtless, he's not naked, not to mention I'm still wearing clothes."

Ran Xingxiao's eyes flashed like a deer, and she decided to wake him up, but the topic was a little too much, and her voice was a little timid: "But... but I can see it all. Got your back."

Fu Xuechen didn't care: "It's not the clothes."

Ran Xing didn't know if the rain had damaged her brain, or she was not very good at communicating with boys, so she answered: "It's more tempting to be invisible."

This is a bit ambiguous.

Fu Xuechen's dark eyes darkened, and his smile was a little ruffian: "Did you lure you?"

Ran Xing had a frank face and replied: "No!"

Fu Xuechen spreads his hands: "This is not the end."

Ran Xing's cheeks were bulging, but he still felt that it was not good: "Just... your clothes are wet, many people can't help but look at your back."

She would bet that if his fangirl passed by, she would definitely look at his back and take pictures or something.

And the thought of his clothes getting wet made Ran Xing feel uneasy.

So, she took off the camouflage shirt and handed it over.

Fu Xuechen glanced at his army green camouflage shirt lightly, without any intention of taking it.

Well, the clothes are in your hands, and you have to take them back... next time.

Fu Xuechen restrained his arrogance and said earnestly, "I understand your worries, but it's really fine, I'm used to being photographed."

After a pause, she said, "I have to send you to the dormitory later. With such a heavy rain, you will get wet if you walk for a while."

Ran Xing said: "If it's here, I can ask my roommate to come over."

Ran Xing's dormitory is very close to the cafeteria, which is the distance that Ran Xing can accept his roommates, but the library is too far.

Fu Xuechen chuckled and replied, "Can't I be a good person?"

Ran Xing didn't say anything, just handed the shirt to him silently.

Fu Xuechen looked at the girl in front of him who looked soft and cute, but was actually stubborn and stubborn, sighed, and had to say: "With such a heavy rain, how many will go out! Even if they go out, the sky is outside. It's dark and I can't see clearly. You don't have to worry about me."

Pause for a moment, and then said: "You put on your clothes first, and I will send you to the dormitory later. As for your roommate, if you have troubled me, continue to trouble me, and trouble again. Another person, this is not good."

Then, he urged her: "Eat the noodles, it's getting cold."

It was all said and done, and Ran Xing no longer refused. She put the shirt on her thigh, worried that the soup would drip onto the shirt when she was eating, and finally thought about it, Or put the shirt on again, unbuttoned, just rolled up the sleeves and rolled them onto the forearm.

She has a standard cool white skin, and army green can also handle it. His shirt is oversized on her, loose and fashionable.

No, it should be said that the main thing is that the face is good, so no matter what you wear, you will feel strange and good-looking.

Fu Xuechen ate lunch just because of this cuteness.

Ran Xing on the other side... super slow, even if she was very hungry, she slowly stuffed the noodles into her mouth, her cheeks bulged but she chewed very slowly, just look at the speed of her eating , absolutely can't see that she is so hungry that she is about to pass.

Fu Xuechen watched her eat, and his heart began to "wow" again, and he felt that this girl was so **** cute, so cute that she vomited blood. Never get tired of it.

But no matter how cute she is, there is a time when she is finished.

Ran Xing finished the knife-cut noodles in the soup bowl, took out a napkin from the canvas bag, and handed it to Fu Xuechen.

Fu Xuechen naturally took it, took one, and thanked: "Thank you!"

Ran Xing shook his head and said sincerely: "Today I want to thank you."

Fu Xuechen chuckled lightly. He casually placed his elbows and forearms on the edge of the table, and asked lazily and carelessly, "Then how are you going to thank me!"

At this time, he was like a hunter who closed the net, showing a sense of shrewdness and badness.

Ran Xing raised his eyes, glanced at him, pursed his lips, thought for a moment, and decided, "I'll treat you to a big chicken leg!"

The big drumsticks of their school's degenerate street have been famous for a long time, as a thank-you gift for helping the library to occupy seats, helping to sign in in the classroom, and borrowing review handouts at the end of the term.

Ran Xing felt that Fu Xuechen was the second Lei Feng, and let himself thank him, then... please eat big chicken legs!

Fu Xuechen: "..."

It's not that I don't know the role of school chicken thighs as a thank you gift.

Yes, it's pretty speechless.

What a big **** to eat.

If I want to eat big chicken legs, I won't buy it myself, I want you to please.

Fu Xuechen stared at her with a deep expression, but his eyes were full of aggression and possessiveness: "Is a big chicken leg enough?"

Ran Xing blinked with big eyes, and felt that a big chicken leg was not enough, and last night when he helped her drive Wu Chang away, she actually owed him two favors.

Ran Xing seldom invites boys to eat, but such a great relationship must be invited!

So, Ran Xing said slowly: "Then... two!"

Fu Xuechen: "..."

His heart throbbed, and then he saw the girl opposite him making a "2" gesture, and said generously, "I'll treat you to two big drumsticks."

The author has something to say:Xingmei: There is nothing that can't be solved by a big chicken leg. If it can't be solved, then two!

#Today's Fu Shen is also very serious about flirting with sisters# I'm all wet, but I didn't get flirted, instead I was flirted and withered.

The author who doesn't move is kneeling here, I...I try it all night.

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