Although Yuan Qian knew that Ran Xing and Fu Xuechen were not related in that way, but seeing the girl's appearance of salted fish, even in front of the great god, she couldn't stand it.

Ran Xing, with your character, probably in this can't find a male ticket!

I didn't bother to talk to her anymore, Yuan Qian directly reached out, took off her baseball cap, and said with a little disgust: "Even if it's not a date, you have to tidy up! The streets are considered to be on the streets anyway, can you pay attention to your image a little bit!”

Speaking, he reached out his hand again to help Ran Xing smooth the hair that was messed up by the hat.

Ran Xing gave a long "oh" and let Yuan Qian help her clean up.

The bottom of my heart is a little unconvinced, and she feels that Yuan Qian can definitely be called "there is no silver 300 taels here", she dares to bet, Yuan Qian must be thinking that she and Fu Xuechen go out To clean up a little better.


Yuan Qian packed up and Ran Xing put the hat and sunscreen shirt into the canvas bag, and then said goodbye at the speed of light.

Ran Xing watched his roommate run away, only a row of dots remained in his mind.

She and Fu Xuechen were clearly open and candid, why did Yuan Qian look like she was afraid of being a light bulb.


Ran Xing sighed in her heart, feeling that her roommate was too much water and the forum had read a lot of posts on 98, and was also brought to the rhythm, actually felt that Fu Xuechen was soaking her.

When Yuan Qian helped Ran Xing clean up, Fu Xuechen was watching.

Seeing this scene, Fu Xuechen had some strange and slightly sour thoughts in his heart.

The idea is this: When will I be able to help Ran Xing clean up his hair and undress!

Hey, why do I seem to be jealous of the little girl's best friend!

My morals are so corrupted!

Fu Xuechen hurriedly shook his head, shook off those distracting thoughts, and said in a calm voice, "Let's go, my bicycle is parked outside."

Ran Xing let out a "hmm" and walked out of the tennis court with Fu Xuechen to get a bicycle.

Fu Xuechen rides an ordinary bicycle, the kind with a back seat, but he is tall and the car is big, so the single seat is naturally a bit tall.

He took the key and unlocked the car, then threw the lock into the front frame of the car.

Ran Xing looked at the high bicycle seat, raised her face and asked softly, "Do you want to find a step or a flower bed?"

Fu Xuechen did not understand: "What?"

Ran Xing explained a little embarrassedly: "I can't jump up, I can only sit on the back seat and let others ride, so I have to find a place with steps first, you stand on the ground, I to sit."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her eyes a little embarrassedly, feeling that this requirement was too much.

But there is no way, she is not very good at sports.

When she was in junior high school, her best friend at that time also tried to ride her on a bike, but the middle school girls were not too strong, and their riding skills were not smooth enough. jumped up.

It is said to be quite simple, but Ran Xing tried it for the first time, and then sat on the ground with her buttocks falling. Funny and pathetic.

That experience gave her a strong psychological shadow. After that, Ran Xing never dared to try to jump on a bicycle. She would ask to sit on the bicycle first.

Fu Xuechen understood what she meant, and immediately said, "It's okay, I can step on the ground."

Speaking, he got on the bicycle, stepped on the ground and put one foot on the pedal, reminding: "Come on!"

Fu Xuechen is tall, with naturally long legs, and his knees are slightly bent when he steps on the ground with one foot, so he supports a bicycle naturally and steadily.

Ran Xing watched this scene and was moved for a while.

She took Yuanqian's car, Yuanqian would deliberately help the car to the edge of the flower bed or the edge of the steps, step on the flower bed tiles or steps for support, and then let her climb the car.

Fu Xuechen has long legs and can step on the ground directly, which made her say goodbye to the shameful experience of deliberately looking for steps in flower beds.

She jumped into the back seat with a little excitement.

Under the huge impact, the car was still stable without shaking, and it was not at the same level as the girl's swaying bicycle.

Ran Xing was stunned, raised his eyes, and glanced at Fu Xuechen's back. He was thin and long, but his shoulders were broad and sturdy. He was very manly and very manly. An overwhelming sense of security.

It really is a school!

Fu Shenchao A!

Scream for God Fu! Call for God Fu!

Seeing the little girl jumped into the back seat of the car, Fu Xuechen asked lazily, "Would you like to grab my clothes!"

Ran Xing was puzzled: "Huh?!"

Fu Xuechen said with a smirk, "It's the evening rush hour, and there are quite a few bicycles in the school. It's safer for you to grab my clothes."

He thinks that such a scumbag little girl, riding a bicycle, even if it is for safety, she should put her arms around his waist!

But for the two in the ambiguous period, hugging the waist was a bit awkward, so he retreated and suggested that she should grab his clothes.

Just... take advantage of the little girl.

Ran Xing felt that this proposal was somewhat ambiguous.

But soon, she felt that it was because she couldn't jump on the bicycle and was disliked by Fu Xuechen. In Fu Shen's heart, she was probably a baby, and she had to catch him to sit firmly.

Immediately, Ran Xing immediately said super toughly: "Don't worry, I don't need to grab your clothes."

Immediately afterwards, he felt that he couldn't let him underestimate her, and emphasized: "Although I can't jump on a bicycle, I can still ride very steadily. grabbing your clothes."

Never scratch your clothes Never scratch your clothes Never scratch your clothes…

Fu Xuechen: "..."

This girl is single by strength! !

There were many complaints in his heart, but Fu Xuechen could only resign on his bicycle.

Ordinary boys, it’s no problem to carry a girl, Fu Xuechen started taekwondo in elementary school, and his physical fitness is very good.

It's just that in the evening rush hour school, students go back to the dormitory and back to the cafeteria after school, and there are piles of bicycles on the road.

He was worried that the little girl in the back seat would not be stable, so he tried to ride slowly, even if the brakes were as smooth as possible.

But even if he rides slowly, the Fallen Street will soon arrive.

He knew that the little girl in the back seat of the car was squeamish, so he put one foot on the ground, parked the car, and let the little girl get down first.

Ran Xing jumped out of the car, parked the bicycle together with Fu Xuechen, and went to Rude Street to buy chicken legs.

It seems that every school has a food street at the back door. The food street at the back door of their school is called Fallen Street.

Sichuan restaurant, sauerkraut fish restaurant, bridge-crossing rice noodle, barbecue...etc.

Ran Xing wanted to invite Fu Xuechen to eat chicken thighs, so he found a barbecue restaurant at random and bought two.

Fu Xuechen paid on WeChat, and after getting the chicken leg, he handed one to Ran Xing.

Ran Xing shook his head subconsciously: "It's all for you to eat."

Fu Xuechen's voice was as light as the wind in the autumn sky: "I can only eat one big chicken leg at a time, and eating two is a bit boring."

Actually, if Fu Xuechen's roommate heard this, he would definitely roll his eyes to the sky.

A foodie like Fu Xuechen, let alone two drumsticks, can eat three.

Eighteen...nine boys, when they grow up, they can eat very well. Not only that, but they are also prone to hunger.

There is never any food in their dormitory, and if there is anything, even spicy strips will be eaten up quickly.

Snacks, you'd better eat them right away after you buy them, or you'll be eaten by someone who doesn't know.

If Ran Xing, she can only eat one big drumstick, two can support her, so she quite understands Fu Xuechen's situation that he can't eat two drumsticks.


Fu Xuechen responded casually, still lazy and indifferent.

In fact, there are a lot of careful machines in my heart.

In short, in order to flirt with girls, Fu Xuechen is no longer the Fu Xuechen he knew.

Fu Xuechen grabbed the chicken thigh and took a bite. In fact, the taste was still the same. It felt weirdly delicious.

He swallowed the chicken in his mouth, and then asked slowly: "Ran wake up, do you want to eat something else, after all, it is rare to come here once."

Ran Xing actually wanted to eat something else, so it’s a pity that she didn’t eat too much or even packed it away, but she didn’t bring a mobile phone, and eating other things took time, she It's not too troublesome for God Fu, so he shook his head: "No need, I'll be full after eating a chicken leg."


I want to eat pickled fish, I want to eat Sichuan cuisine, I want to eat barbecue…

No way, I must pull the whole bedroom for dinner tomorrow! Dinner!

Fu Xuechen glanced down at the little girl who was nibbling on a chicken leg. She was wearing a ponytail and wearing white Tee ripped jeans. She looked clean, simple and sweet. She seemed to be deceiving, but she was deceiving When I got up, I realized that I had never seen such a hard-to-deceive girl.

Fu Xuechen's expression was a little cold, and he couldn't help speculating about the girl's true thoughts about him.

Ran Xing and Fu Xuechen walked side by side on the depraved street, one tall and the other short, one Ningya and the other cute, with the same big chicken legs in their hands, they looked very CP-like, and they were definitely seen by ordinary people It makes you feel like they are a couple.

The two people's gossip posts on the forum are so popular, a large part of the reason is that the two people are too right when they are in the same frame, because the couple of Fan Da Shen and Xiao Kawai are replying a lot.

Ran wakes up and is in a daze.

She tilted her head and glanced at Fu Xuechen, and saw that Fu Xuechen was eating chicken legs casually while walking.

Good-looking people will inevitably pay special attention to their own image and hope that they will be perfect all the time, so the behavior of eating chicken legs while walking seems a bit silly and not elegant, but Fu Xuechen is probably a A **** who is not very arrogant, he can eat while walking even if he is cute, and naturally he eats chicken legs while walking...

It's very casual and down-to-earth.

Ran Xing would think that Fu Xuechen like this is pretty good.

The kind of people who set up a shape for the sake of people are too tired to live.

Ran Xing is the kind of little girl who is a little confused.

This time is no exception.

So, when a speeding electric car came on her head, she couldn't react.

Fu Xuechen looked at the electric car whizzing from the front, and was startled, he quickly pulled Ran Xing to the side of the road to hide.

Ran Xing's slender arm was grabbed, and then, being dragged, her footsteps were unstable, and she crashed straight into a clean and clear embrace with a faint woody amber fragrance.

Fu Xuechen looked at the thin and soft little girl in his arms, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

He really didn't think much at that time, he just thought about pulling Ran Xing to let the car.

Then the forehead of that petite and lovely girl directly hit his chest.

His left chest, the position of his heart, was hit by the little girl's head and it hurt a little, and more of it was the wild heartbeat of "Puttong" and "Puttong".

The collision made Fu Xuechen feel like a deer.

He suddenly had a feeling that he had found his lost rib, as if holding this little girl like this would make him truly whole.

The life in his arms, tender and slender, fragile and soft, seems to be waiting for him to guard.

Fu Xuechen's face flashed a faint flush.

Ran Xing fell into Fu Xuechen's chest, actually a little dumbfounded.

But she also understood that it was an accident.

The scent of men is eroded, not perfume, but the faint amber scent of his body, mixed with the lemon scent of washing powder on his clothes, it smells very good, it will make Ran Xing endure Can't stop thinking about taking a sniff.

But it is impossible for Ran Xing to really take a sniff.

She quickly reacted, and then still took it lightly, even if she was hugged by the handsome, her heart was still calm.

She knew that this picture was sweet and sultry.

But she knew it was a coincidence, and the ambiguity was just a coincidence.

So she didn't even blushed, she just pushed him and evacuated from his arms.

Fu Xuechen was pushed by Ran Xing, his soul returned, and he felt that he had been hugged for a long time, but in fact the hug was only fleeting, it took less than three seconds to add up, but he was very In a panic, he apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. At that time, the electric car drove over. I didn't think much about it, so I pulled you to hide."

Ran Xing nodded calmly: "I know, I didn't misunderstand you."

Fu Xuechen suddenly began to have a heart attack.

Ran Xing raised her eyes, looked at him, and began to thank you sincerely: "Thank you very much, thank you very much, I was stunned when I watched the electric car drive over. I didn't react at all. Thank you so much, if it weren't for you, I would have been hit by a car today."

Ran Xing saw that Fu Xuechen, who was always smiling and smiling, stood there with a face paralyzed and listened to her thanks. She also felt that the sincerity of expressing gratitude verbally was not enough. Fu Xuechen and Fu Xuechen were also invited to eat big drumsticks.

So, Ran Xing thought for a moment, looked over with big moist and bright eyes, and suggested: "How about... I'll add a chicken leg to you!"

The author has something to say:The stalk of adding a chicken leg is used here without any sense of disobedience.

Fu Shen: Every time I flirt with a girl, I change the drumstick and cry.

Continue to send 100 small red packets.

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