Fu Xuechen's plan to clip dolls and flirt with girls went bankrupt, and he desperately wanted to get back on the scene. In this video game city, except for clipping dolls, he played very well. He felt that no matter what he did, he could do anything. Let Xingmei worship herself.

He put his hand on Ran Xing's shoulder, his expression was calm and peaceful, obviously the failure of the doll clip didn't affect him at all, he said with a chuckle, his eyes full of publicity and confidence: " Wake up and tell you, I'm actually a cool guy."

Ran Xing gave him a cold look, thinking, Brother Sao is almost the same.

Fu Xuechen said leisurely, "I can play the drums."

Just as the drum machine was empty, Fu Xuechen took five game coins from Ran Xing's jar and threw them in, and started to play the drum.

He has practiced drums for three years, and he can pass the drum machine in the video game city without staring at the screen.

Being able to play the drums is a cool thing in itself, plus Fu Xuechen's appearance is ridiculous, he quickly gathered a bunch of onlookers fans, and the fans took He took a picture and recorded a video with his mobile phone, and exclaimed, "So handsome!"

The rhythm of the drum machine in the video game city is getting faster and faster, but Fu Xuechen has three years of drumming. I couldn't help but float, so I started to scoff at Ran Xing.

But seeing him holding a drum stick in one hand, looking at Ran Xing, he asked with a light smile, "Am I good?"

Ran Xing didn't say a word, but the fans around her screamed: "Awesome."

"Am I cool?"


"Am I pulling the wind?"

"Pull the wind."

“Am I cool?”


In short, a lot of show.

While Fu Xuechen and his fans were interacting passionately, the word GAMEOVER suddenly appeared on the drum machine screen.

At that moment, the atmosphere fell into a strange embarrassment.

Ran Xing looked at Fu Xuechen, who had not passed the test because of the expansion, and thought that if he asked "Am I ashamed" again at this time, the surrounding area would definitely be loudly "shameful".

Ran Xing herself is a straight-hearted girl who can't hide things at all. She blinked her big eyes twice, and said crisply, "Are you ashamed?"

No answer.

The atmosphere is awkward.

Fu Xuechen licked his dry lips and admitted with a smile, "A little."

It's not just a bit embarrassing, it's super embarrassing!

Ran Xing raised her hand to cover her face, turned around and left silently, she felt that next in the video game city, she was going to perform well as a single dog.

Harm, I really don't want to admit that this guy is her boyfriend.

Next, Fu Xuechen played the games of the video game city seriously, shooting basketball, racing cars, etc. He played very well, but Ran Xing's impression of her boyfriend was completely Shattered, he even decided to stay away from Fu Xuechen because he was worried that he would be implicated.

Ran Xing stopped acting with Fu Xuechen, so she went to Yuan Qian.

In this regard, Fu Xuechen could only touch his nose angrily.

Sure enough, people can't be too turbulent, one wave, no matter how good the situation is, it can be gone.

I originally wanted to play in the video game city and make my girlfriend worship me to the top of my head, but...

However, Fu Xuechen is a boy with a strong heart, and he doesn't care much about such trivial matters as humiliation, and only takes care of logistics.

He asked a few people for their tastes, and went to queue to buy milk tea. The taste of pickled cabbage and fish is too heavy, and there are too many spices, which makes people thirsty after eating too much. In addition, everyone has been playing in the video game city for so long , definitely want to drink water.

The milk tea was distributed, and Fu Xuechen bought another wave of game coins to let Ran Xing's little sisters have fun.

When everyone finished drinking the milk tea and emptied their game coins again, it was almost ten o'clock.

The five set off on their way home.

In the car, Fu Xuechen thought of something, so he touched the chewing gum and asked everyone if they wanted it.

His car is dazzling, very fresh mint smell.

It's good to chew it after a meal, or even if you're bored.

Everyone was bored, so they each took a piece to chew, Fu Xuechen stuffed a piece for himself, and also fed a piece to Ran Xing on the co-pilot.

Ran Xing didn't want to chew gum, but she handed it to her lips, and she wouldn't refuse.

You will find that he is actually quite a funny boy.

So on the way back, the five of them chatted while chewing gum, which was very lively, far from the initial sense of distance.

In the evening, the road conditions are much better than the evening rush hour. About 20 minutes later, Audi stopped at the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

Fu Xuechen got out of the car and said goodbye to Ran Xing's little sisters, but finally pulled Ran Xing.

Fu Xuechen took a tissue and asked Ran Xing to spit out the chewing gum. He rolled up the tissue and threw it into the trash can.

Immediately, she turned around and strode towards Ranxing.

Ran Xing looked at the approaching Fu Xuechen—

When the pale street lights were turned on, he was tall and straight, and his face was white and bright, like a hero who came out of a comic or a novel, so beautiful that it was almost unreal.

Ran Xing actually knew what Fu Xuechen was going to do.

In fact, with Fu Xuechen's character full of routines, coaxing you to finish chewing gum, the taste is so clean and fresh, he will feel that it is not worthwhile if he doesn't kiss him.

Ran Xing actually knows his little routines, but in this world, there should be such a person, you know that he is tricking you, and you are willing to be tricked by him.

For Yu Ranxing, this person is Fu Xuechen.

Even if she sometimes hates him, even if she thinks he's embarrassing, but Ran Xing still feels that she and Fu Xuechen get along happily and harmoniously. She knows that she actually likes him, even if his She thinks it's good to be embarrassed, but she has never been a person who is good at expressing, nor is she an active and enthusiastic girl...

She could only wait there quietly, waiting for Fu Xuechen to tease her.

Her refusal is the best proof of her liking.

For example, at this moment, Ran Xing let Fu Xuechen put her on the car and kissed her wildly and rudely.

In the mouth of the two, there is still the aftertaste of chewing gum, the cold and slightly sweet mint flavor, accompanied by the most original taste of the two, mixed together.

Fu Xuechen is obviously a gentle and elegant boy, but the kiss is crazy and fierce.

Like a hungry beast, facing the hard-to-find prey, it can't wait to devour it immediately.

Ran Xing was sucked numb, soft, and trembling, her body was soft like a cloud, and she could only float in mid-air, allowing Fu Xuechen to support herself.

Fu Xuechen let go of her, let her breathe a little, and kissed again.

After this kiss was over, when Fu Xuechen still wanted to kiss, Ran Xing avoided and complained tenderly, "Have you had enough kisses?"

The voice was so soft that it was impossible to hear the original sound.

It's like a wild cat in heat whimpering on a spring night, **** and hooking for no reason.

Fu Xuechen's voice was rough with sandpaper. He looked down at the petite and thin girl in his arms and sighed, "I can't stop!"

Fu Xuechen doesn't know what other people's love is like, but he has all kinds of passion and enthusiasm for Ran Xing, all kinds of tenderness and affection, want to hug, want to kiss, want to merge into one, want to get tired all the time together...

Looks like a wake-up addiction.

When Ran Xing heard this, she couldn't say that she was blessed by the soul, or it was a ghost, or she had such a big brain, she asked in a hoarse voice: "So, you are challenging today. Kissing while chewing Stride Hyunmai gum?"

Fu Xuechen: "..."

What the hell? !

Fu Xuechen's clean face was full of confusion, and he couldn't keep up with his girlfriend's brain circuit.

Ran Xing was obsessed with drama, she let Fu Xuechen hold her, and began to read the dazzling advertising slogan she adapted: "How long does it take for the kiss to stop!"

"Stop until the kiss doesn't smell!"

"Tick, tick, time passes."

"Are you still kissing?! Is there any taste?!"


"Stride dazzling chewing gum, delicious and long-lasting, long-to-unbelievable!!"

Fu Xuechen: "..."

He suddenly recalled the Xuanmai chewing gum that was fed to her in the car, and searched for Xuanmai's sand sculpture advertisement from the memory in his mind.

Then, my girlfriend's brain circuit was shown to make her scalp tingle.

Really, poisonous!

Ran wake up, poisonous!

When he kissed, he turned into an advertisement for Xuanmai, and Xuanmai wouldn't pay him.

Ran Xing leaned against Fu Xuechen's arms, feeling the vibration of his chest, inexplicably relieved.

She actually knew that, it was embarrassing.

She is the kind of character who silently talks to death.

After kissing, my brain is wide open and I feel that people are advertising Xuanmai, which is also very shocking.

Fortunately, Fu Xuechen didn't care much, otherwise she would fall out of love in minutes.

Fu Xuechen finished laughing, focused on the delicate and cute doll-like face of his girlfriend in his arms, and kissed him fiercely.

How can there be such a person in this world, no matter how you tease her, she will not be moved, all your passion, love, enthusiasm and madness have become funny and ordinary for her.

Fu Xuechen felt frustrated.

It was almost an academic setback. He felt that he was facing a classic mathematical conjecture, which is unknown to all mankind. You can only continue to go forward by proving it.

However, academics, especially theoretical mathematics, is an extremely difficult and narrow path. Even if Fu Xuechen is extremely smart, he cannot guarantee that his future self will be able to achieve attainments in the field of mathematics.

At this moment, Fu Xuechen had no idea where he and this girl would go.

The author has something to say:Xuanmai, make money.

Speaking of which, the Hyunmai advertisement is really quite a sand sculpture. As for why I thought of this stalk, I don't know why I thought of it.

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