The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Ran Ran... Are you... Are you still angry with me?"

Tong Yining couldn't help but take a step back. Seeing Yin Mengran's expression, she was really a little scared...

It's been a long time since I met Yin Mengran, but this is the first time I've seen her expression like this.

This made Tong Yining wonder if she had just hit her.

Yin Mengran lowered her head and was silent for a long time, then slowly said:

"Tong... Tong Yining, from now on we are just... classmates."


Tong Yining was stunned, her mouth opened and could no longer close.

She didn't expect that the matter was so serious?

As the class monitor, does Yin Mengran value class unity so much?

I just said a few bad things about Tang Zhi, and then said a few bad things about Zhou Heng,

Yin Mengran wants to cut off her relationship with me?

Not really, right?

I just said it, and I didn't really do anything!

Don't you even give me a chance to repent?

"No... Ranran, I know I said the wrong thing yesterday, I swear I won't say that again, and I won't do anything, please don't be like this, we have a good relationship..."

Tong Yining's tone softened, she really didn't want to lose Yin Mengran as a friend,

They had such a good relationship before, and they talked about everything,

But why, since Yin Mengran didn't come to school for more than ten days, she seemed like a different person when she came back?

The relationship with her has also changed, the distance is getting farther and farther, and now she even wants to break up with her...

She has never thought about these.

Hearing Tong Yining's words, Yin Mengran also felt her submissive attitude.

There was even a moment when Yin Mengran softened her heart, but she still couldn't tolerate what Tong Yining said yesterday.

So she didn't choose to reply, lowered her head, and chose to remain silent.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Tong Yining became a little anxious, and quickly stretched out her hand to grab Yin Mengran's shoulder, and said anxiously:

"It's true! Ranran! Believe me!"


Yin Mengran gasped again when she was caught, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Tong Yining was particularly scary.

Tong Yining was startled and immediately withdrew her hand.


Just then, Lu Yunshuo, who had been observing secretly, moved.

He saw that Tong Yining seemed to have a conflict with Yin Mengran, and then Tong Yining touched Yin Mengran and made her react strongly.

He knew this was a good opportunity for him to appear!

So he first shouted at Tong Yining's behavior, then immediately stood up and walked over,

"Tong Yining! What are you doing! Just talk, why are you touching me? Don't you see that Yin Mengran is very uncomfortable?"

Lu Yunshuo stood in front of Yin Mengran, looking like a hero who stepped forward to save the beauty.

He felt that he must be very handsome now, and in Yin Mengran's heart, his image must be so tall that it must be flying!

The reason why he spoke so loudly was that he wanted everyone in the class to look over! Witness this moment when he protected her!

By then, rumors about him and Yin Mengran will definitely spread in the class! Even support them as a couple!

Wouldn't it be a natural thing for them to be together?

Lu Yunshuo's move stunned Yin Mengran and Tong Yining, and the whole class.

Liang Jiaxiang even covered his ears with his hands, lowered his head, and shut off his hearing and vision.

Because he couldn't watch such stupid and embarrassing things, he might get red bumps on his body after watching them.

He really hoped that reality would be 2x faster so that he could skip this embarrassing thing faster.

The people present thought that Lu Yunshuo was invincible, but they didn't expect that someone was more courageous than him!

Just after Lu Yunshuo finished speaking, about five seconds later, another person stood up!

"Lu Yunshuo! Who are you bullying? Have you asked me?!"

Kong Yue seemed to be connected to the same channel as Lu Yunshuo, and felt that this was the best time to stand up!

So after Lu Yunshuo yelled at Tong Yining, Kong Yue walked over and stood in front of Tong Yining resolutely!


Now it was Lu Yunshuo's turn to be dumbfounded.

He even thought that Zhou Heng might stand up.

But after all his calculations, he didn't expect that this guy would stand up?

I really didn't expect it!

Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi sat in their original seats, watching this farce with a bewildered look on their faces.

Tang Zhi lowered her voice and asked in Zhou Heng's ear: "What's going on?"

"I don't know,

They are acting in an idol drama. "

"Do you need to help Yin Mengran?"

"She should be able to handle it, not for now."

Zhou Heng shook his head and stood aside with Tang Zhi to observe.

They all knew that Yin Mengran's physical condition was not very good. If the two boys started fighting, it would definitely affect Yin Mengran next to them.

By then, it would still be too late for them to stop them.

The main reason was that they didn't want to stand out in front of the whole class. They didn't have the nerve of Lu Yunshuo and Kong Yue...

It's true that they don't care about other people's eyes, but that doesn't mean they can make a fool of themselves in front of everyone...

"Oh my god..."

At this time, Tian Run had just stepped into the classroom and saw that the whole place was silent, all staring at the four people in front of her.

Her intuition told her that something terrible seemed to have happened just now...

She quickly put down her schoolbag, walked over, looked at Tong Yining, and asked:

"Tongtong, what's going on? What are you doing? ”

“I... don’t know...”

Tong Yining took a step back and distanced herself from Kong Yue.

She really didn’t understand what Kong Yue was doing...

At a certain moment just now, she even thought about how great it would be if Zhou Heng stood up to protect her at this time,


Why is it such a thing?

Is he standing up to protect himself, or to embarrass himself?

“Kong Yue, what are you going to do? What does it have to do with you?”

Lu Yunshuo frowned, crossed his arms, and took a step forward.

He was a little taller than Kong Yue, and at this time he looked down at him, as if he didn’t take him seriously.

And Kong Yue was not to be outdone. He took a step forward, puffed out his chest, and said:

“What does that have to do with you? Yin Mengran and Tong Yining are chatting, what does it have to do with you?”

“Why has it nothing to do with me? How can Yin Mengran’s affairs have nothing to do with me? "

Lu Yunshuo looked back at Yin Mengran and found that Yin Mengran seemed to be looking for something in her bag.

Lu Yunshuo was so anxious, thinking, sister, what are you looking for at this time?

Look at me! Listen to me carefully! Is it easy for me to say these words in front of the whole class?

Aren't you moved?

"Ah! You are just fantasizing, right? You really want to do good things all day long. You have liked the class monitor for so long, do you think she has ever paid attention to you? You are still obsessed with it, which has nothing to do with you, do you know?"

"Kong Yue, I think you don't want to mix with me anymore, right? !"

Lu Yunshuo was so angry that he stretched out his hand and grabbed Kong Yue's collar. He stared at him with anger, his face was pale, and his breathing became heavy.

It was the first time he heard someone dare to humiliate him like this, and this person was a guy he looked down on. How could he bear it?

"Come on? ! Do you still want to do it? Why don't you try it?"

Kong Yue also looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. On the surface, he was not afraid of Lu Yunshuo at all.

But in fact, his hands were shaking slightly. Lu Yunshuo was stronger and taller than him.

But he had already stood up, and in front of Tong Yining, he couldn't retreat even if he was afraid!

Zhou Heng's eyes condensed, and he was about to stand up and walk over to stop the two of them.

"That... Lu Yunshuo."

Just then, Yin Mengran's voice rang out, interrupting the quarrel between the two.

Lu Yunshuo heard Yin Mengran calling his name, and immediately let go of his hand, turned around, and looked at Yin Mengran.

"What's the matter? What's the matter, please tell me?"

Lu Yunshuo smiled, but when he saw what Yin Mengran was holding, the smile froze on his face.

In her hand, it seemed that she was holding the gift he gave her yesterday...

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