During lunch time, students can go to the cafeteria to eat, or buy food to eat in the classroom.

Zhou Heng brought his own lunch from home, and the lunch box is insulated. If it is really cold, he can go to the cafeteria to help heat it up.

Tang Zhi bought food in the cafeteria and ate it in the classroom.

"Hey! Brother, let's eat together, and we can continue to talk about the topic in the morning..."

At this time, Kong Yue took his lunch and sat in front of Zhou Heng, turned the chair around, and put the lunch on Zhou Heng's table.

"The topic in the morning ? Oh, you mean chasing..."

"Games! The games we talked about this morning! Have you forgotten?"

Kong Yue interrupted Zhou Heng loudly, and glanced at Tang Zhi beside him, and found that she didn't care at all.

Tang Zhi looked at Zhou Heng's lunch box, her eyes lit up, and pointed with chopsticks, saying:

"I want to eat that runny fried egg."

"I knew you would want it after seeing it... I should have hidden it under the rice."

Zhou Heng reluctantly picked it up with chopsticks for Tang Zhi, and after Tang Zhi ate it, she nodded with satisfaction.

Zhou Heng looked at Kong Yue who looked stunned and said, "Ah, you can continue to talk about games."

"Ah, yes, games, what games do you play?"

Zhou Heng and Tang Zhi looked at each other and said, "We play everything."

At this time, Tang Zhi looked at Zhou Heng and said, "Did you watch the game last week? I knew their team would lose. They played really badly in those two games."

Zhou Heng nodded and continued:

"To be honest, their jungle is really bad. You can see it in those few waves of ganks. They don't remember to dodge at all, and their ultimate aoe is like shit."

"AD is also average, the output is too low, I can't understand why they didn't b in the last wave..."

"Wait wait!"

Kong Yue saw that he couldn't get a word in, and couldn't hear what they were talking about, so he quickly stopped,

otherwise he would be like Like air,

Kong Yue asked in a low voice: "Uh... do you guys... play that kind of card game?"

Tang Zhi nodded and answered "Yes."

Then he looked at Zhou Heng again and asked: "Have you seen a new otk deck in the ladder recently?"

"Yes, to be honest, I was a little surprised after seeing it. I didn't expect there would be that kind of combo. The opponent called for a kill too quickly."

After Zhou Heng finished speaking, he saw that Kong Yue was depressed again, so he looked at him and asked: "Then what card game do you play?"

"Fight... Landlord..."

"That's called a card game."


Kong Yue lowered his head and concentrated on eating, and stopped interrupting. His biggest mistake was to cater to her interests and talk about games.

I thought what other games a little girl could play?

Leisure games, love games, etc. Even if you haven't played them before, just agree with them.

In his mind, he still remembers girls playing dress-up games.

I didn't expect that coming here would bring humiliation upon himself.

It seems that he has to go back and practice the game...

"Tongtong? Tongtong!"

"Ah... Tianrun... what's wrong?"

Tong Yining recovered and looked at the girl in front of him, still looking a little dazed.

"What's wrong with you? You look absent-minded?"

"Me? Absent-minded? How could that be..."


Tianrun pointed at Tong Yining's rice. Tong Yining looked down and found that he had crushed the rice grains with chopsticks without realizing it, as if he was playing with it without eating.

"Ah... I'm just a little upset because the monthly exam is coming up."

"No way, you can still be upset about the exam, your grades are pretty good, right?"

"Then Ranran, who is the top student in the class, would still be upset about the exam, let alone me."

"The class monitor is an exception. After all, she has maintained the top spot for two years. If she falls, she should be very disappointed. I just don't know what will happen this time, and I don't know if she can come to school before the monthly exam."


Tong Yining nodded and continued to poke the rice grains. She didn't understand what she was thinking. Was it really the exam? It didn't seem to be...

Tian Run gently patted Tong Yining's arm and comforted her:

"Okay, don't worry, you don't need to worry about your grades. The people who really need to worry should be people like Zhou Heng..."

"Zhou Heng..."

Tong Yining

's eyes subconsciously drifted to Zhou Heng's side, and found that he was eating with Tang Zhi and Kong Yue, chatting about something.

In the past, if she looked at him, he would definitely look at her, and their eyes would definitely meet.

But now she has been staring at that side for more than ten seconds, and Zhou Heng doesn't even look at her.

"Something is wrong...very wrong..."

Tong Yining frowned slightly, muttered, and increased the strength of her hands a little, crushing the rice grains and flattening them.

In the afternoon, during self-study class,

Zhou Heng was doing the questions, scratching his head and frowning from time to time. He looked at the test paper in front of him, with dense text, and almost fell asleep.

"Zhou Heng is studying? It's so wrong..."

Tong Yining was puzzled when she saw Zhou Heng doing the questions seriously. In the past, self-study class should be the time for him to catch up on sleep.

Why is he studying today? The sun is rising from the west?

Kong Yue, who refused to admit defeat, once again came to Zhou Heng and the others with the test paper.

"Uh... Tang Zhi, I don't know how to do this question. Can you teach me?"

Tang Zhi raised her head, glanced at Kong Yue, then lowered her head and said:

"If you don't know how to do it, ask the teacher. Why ask me?"

"Uh... You are a good student... Didn't the teacher say to learn more from good students..."

Zhou Heng looked up and took the test paper:

"I know how to do this question. I will tell you how to do it. Yesterday... I just learned it yesterday."

Before Zhou Heng could teach him, Kong Yue took the test paper away and whispered in Zhou Heng's ear:

"Don't make trouble. Do you know what it means to be ulterior motives..."

Zhou Heng, who originally wanted to verify his learning results, Heng, his enthusiasm was immediately extinguished by Kong Yue,

He frowned and said lightly:

"I only know that if you come here again, I will kick you out, believe it or not?"


Kong Yue was about to say something when he saw Tang Zhi on the side, casting a cold look at him,

He moved his throat and left here quickly. Although he said that he liked Tang Zhi for the way she was, he was still a little scared to face her.

After Kong Yue left, Tang Zhi whispered in Zhou Heng's ear: "Tong Yining seemed to peek at you a lot today. Is it because you didn't confess today that she is not used to it?"

Hearing what Tang Zhi said, Zhou Heng did not look up to see Tong Yining, but continued to do the questions,

"I don't know, let her do whatever she wants, it has nothing to do with me."

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