Eighteen people were divided into six groups, and the order of performing on stage was not determined by the program group, but by drawing lots.

Everyone was called up by the assistant director early in the morning, and then they drew a lot, and then went to the stage of the studio to rehearse one by one according to the order of the lottery.

The three of them, Nanyue, were drawn fifth, relatively late, with good and bad points.

But it still depends on the promotion and elimination rules at that time to know what is good and what is bad.

Before leaving for the rehearsal, the three of them rehearsed in the practice room again. They packed up and went out when they were able to sing and dance well.

There were two other groups with them. The girls were both excited and nervous, and they all relied on chatting to ease their mood along the way.

Yuan Xiaofu didn't sleep well last night, so she will be eager to make up for it in the last row.

Nan Yue sat in the penultimate row with Wu Mei Ni, so she could almost hear Wu Mei Ni's restless heartbeat, and she felt restless.

In the past few days, Yuan Xiaofu has made further progress in her singing skills, her vocal range has also widened, and she has begun to dare to try songs that she did not dare to sing before.

But Wu Meini felt that she was still the same, there was no good change, but it wouldn't get worse, that's all.

Nan Yue lives with her, and it is easy to read her thoughts.

But in terms of strengthening the relationship, Nanyue is a little helpless.

In the first life, she was an orphan, made a few friends, but their relationship was very weak, and she died in a fire before she had time to fall in love.

After transmigrating to the world of comprehension, you can learn anything at will, the only thing is to cut off love and hatred, and be cold-hearted and cold-hearted.

As for now, it is entirely due to this body.

Yuan Bo has been short of love since he was a child, but he has always longed for it, whether it is family, friendship or love.

In comparison, Wu Meini lacks nothing, but she lacks a little desire in her bones.

Fortunately, the rehearsal time was long enough, with a full hour and a half.

After she was fully involved, Wu Meini had no time to think about it.

It's just that I drink too much water unconsciously and always run to the bathroom.

The last time, when she put on her costume for rehearsal, she went to the bathroom again.

It took a long time to go this time, and when the director urged them to hurry up, she became sullen and hurried back to the stage.

Nan Yue didn't want her to be affected by her emotions, so she asked, "What's wrong?"

Yuan Xiaofu was also a little worried: "Isn't something uncomfortable?"

"No," Wu Meini shook her head, "I ran into Ye Huan and the others in the bathroom, and said a few words, which was a bit unpleasant."

"Oh, are they mocking us again? Leave them alone, as long as we know that we have tried our best."

After Yuan Xiaofu patted Wu Mini's shoulder to comfort her, she went to stand first, ready to go out.

The three of them don't sing the same song, except for the last half minute on the same stage, they play independently at other times.

Yuan Xiaofu went first, Nanyue came second, and Wu Meini was the finale.

"Are you so angry because you really want to win, or...are you complaining about me?" Nan Yue folded his arms and waited in the dark.

Wu Meini was caught in the center of her mind, and she couldn't help coughing softly: "It's all there."

Nan Yue chuckled, "Thank you."

"..." Wu Meini would never say it, because of this laughter, she actually felt a little bit excited.

Just when Wu Mei Ni was thinking about all kinds of boys and male stars in her mind, and felt that she still liked men, it was Nan Yue's turn to play.

During the rehearsal, there were only lights on the stage, and the auditorium was pitch black, and it was hard to see if anyone was there.

Nan Yue followed the rhythm of the music, leaving singing and dancing to the instinct of the body, and his thoughts slowly spread out, examining his own performance.

Suddenly, a line of sight that cannot be ignored broke in, unhurried and full of deep meaning.

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