No one noticed Qi Xi's brief pause. After all, the girls' thoughts had already flown to the stage.

With a pale face, she looked at Nan Yue's back and bit her lip before following.

No matter what the meaning of Nanyue is, it is still inevitable to be eliminated, and it should not be seen after today.

With this thought in mind, Qi Xi felt a little more comfortable, and after everyone stepped onto the stage, the confident smile on his face returned to him as before.

Because the show was broadcast live, after they came on stage, the host didn't talk nonsense, and directly disclosed everyone's review scores and audience votes.

Groups of six, each group will eliminate three, and the other three will advance.

It's still the early stage of the draft, so there's no need to be mysterious, so the big screen not only shows the results of each group, but also shows who will advance and who will be eliminated.

Seeing the result, Qi Xi was stunned for an instant, her face was stiff and ugly, how could it be her and Luo Wenshan who were eliminated?

On the contrary, Nanyue successfully advanced! ?

Then, she saw the ridiculously high judge's score - 10 points.

To get this score, there is only one possibility - all four judges scored 10 points.

That's why, even if Nanyue's audience votes barely reached the passing line, they could still advance.

After Nan Yue performed on stage, Qi Xi injured his forehead because the light bulb in front of the vanity mirror burst suddenly, and then went to treat the wound, but did not see Nan Yue's extraordinary performance.

So, before he had time to think about it, Qi Xi impulsively raised his hand to express his dissent.

The host thought that the show needed some gimmicks, so he walked over and asked with a smile, "Is there any problem with Qi Xi?"

Qi Xi took the microphone from him and looked straight at the four judges sitting in front of the stage. Not willing to be too regretful, he asked, "I want to ask the four judges, why did you give Nanyue full marks?"

This question was actually asked by the host after Nanyue stepped down.

But obviously, Qi Xi wasn't watching from the background, he showed a meaningful smile, and didn't remind Qi Xi.

The four people in the jury had different expressions. Just when Mu Jiaxuan was about to show up and give the little girl a step down, she caught a glimpse of the man sitting beside him picking up the microphone from the corner of her eyes.

Sheng Jingheng's voice is very nice, it is magnetic and calm, but it is very personal and catches the ear. Those who have heard it will never forget it.

He only said three words: "She deserves it."

These three words immediately caused an uproar in the audience, even a little crazy.

It's been seven years since Sheng Jingheng's debut. From a young and promising person to a bigwig in the entertainment industry with both traffic and strength, there have always been peaks and no troughs.

It's no surprise that he's too good to ever boast about his front- and back-screen partners.

Once he praises people, it makes people feel that the whole world is about to collapse.

First of all, they scored ten points, and then said "she is worth it". After tonight, Nanyue might become popular.

But this may not be a good thing for her who has not yet officially debuted.

While the host was thinking this way, he took the microphone from Qi Xi who was already sluggish, and turned to look at Nan Yue who was standing at the edge of the stage with a surprisingly calm expression.

Obviously at this moment, everyone, even the focus of all cameras is her.

But she seemed to be completely out of it, and she was even distracted.

The host walked over and interviewed her with a smile: "Being evaluated by Teacher Sheng in this way, do you have anything to say about Nanyue contestants?"

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