I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 107 How come there are more contestants than spectators (Subscribe please)

In terms of normal proportions, the width and thickness of the body of the Vajra Dharmakaya are both over the standard, only the height is insufficient.

So after Li Xiuchang took the Beast King Bone Soup, the Vajra Dharmakaya only grew in height, and the width and thickness remained unchanged.

This is a good thing for Li Xiuchang!

The taller the height, the higher the cost-effectiveness when he adds width and thickness later.

He should first take a large amount of Beast King Bone Soup to increase the height of the Dharmakaya until it can't be pulled anymore, and then add some width and thickness of the Dharmakaya to maximize the value of "length".

But you can't get fat in one bite, and this Beast King Bone Soup can't be poured down in one day, it has to be done step by step.

After that, Li Xiuchang maintained a pot of soup every day to promote the stable development of the Dharmakaya.

Drinking too much will cause indigestion.

He brought the Beast King Bone Powder into the Spiritual Vein Room, and every day, in addition to urging the Paw Patrol to practice, he would boil bone soup to drink.

Now he doesn't have to participate in the Spirit Chef Competition, and he doesn't have to rush to practice the Spirit Chef skills. He focuses on the Soul Control Skills and prepares to participate in the Future Ghost King Competition.

One of the two second-level evil spirits caught before has been eaten by the Paw Patrol.

The Ghost Wolf King has thus successfully broken through to the middle stage of the second level, and once again became the undisputed number one in the Paw Patrol.

Wangcai has also not given up an inch, and has been practicing hard recently, hoping to catch up with the Ghost Wolf King again.

As time goes by, Li Xiuchang not only boils and drinks bone soup every day, but also goes to the General Affairs Hall from time to time to get some practice resources.

In the middle, he also took time to participate in the first-level soul master assessment and passed it smoothly.

Li Xiuchang was helpless. He practiced four skills at the same time. The spirit plant was almost at the second level, and the soul control and spirit kitchen also reached the first level and passed the assessment.

Only the alchemy has not reached the first level.

He did not do it deliberately. Every time he planned to improve his alchemy level, something else would disrupt his plan.

As a result, the alchemy has become his bottom skill.

Fortunately, he has a teacher who is a master of alchemy... Li Xiuchang is now a little embarrassed to see Zhao Yuansi.

He planned to improve his alchemy skills after the Future Ghost King Contest was over, and then pass the first-level alchemist exam.

After Li Xiuchang got the first-level soul master's skill certificate, he signed up for the "Future Ghost King Contest".

Next, he just had to wait for the competition to start.

After taking the Beast King Bone Soup for a month, Li Xiuchang's body refining cultivation entered the middle stage of the second stage.

His bones were as hard as gold and iron, and at this time he could be called steel and iron.

Only with strong bones can the powerful strength and defense of the flesh be supported. Only then did Li Xiuchang feel that his physical strength was truly released.

At the same time, he watched the Vajra Dharma Image grow taller day by day, like planting a tree, and felt a sense of accomplishment.

At this time, the Vajra Dharma Image was nearly two meters and five meters tall, and the width and thickness were similar, less than eighty centimeters, and looked like a big coffin standing upright.

The entire second stage of body refining is the stage of forging bones, so the Beast King Bone Soup is still effective. As long as Li Xiuchang continues to take it, the Dharma Image's height will continue to grow.

When the Beast King Bone Soup was useless to him, he added length to the Dharma Image, and felt that he could take off directly.

After estimating the consumption progress of the Beast King Bone Powder, Li Xiuchang flattened the remaining Beast King Bone Powder on hand again and added another inch.

This time, he had hundreds of thousands of kilograms of Beast King Bone Powder on hand!

Even if all the "King Kong Iron Bone Tigers" in the entire Xianyin Realm were killed, they could not gather so much Beast King Bone Powder.

In the fourth month of taking the Beast King Bone Soup, the height of the King Kong Dharma Image was close to ten feet!

Li Xiuchang's body training finally entered the late second stage!

In the past four months, he has taken countless Beast King Bone Powder, and even many of them have not been fully absorbed. It can be said that he relied on waste to exchange for a faster improvement speed.

However, at this time, Li Xiuchang found that the King Kong Dharma Image began to have some meaning of horizontal development.

This is because after the height is too high, the proportion of the Dharma Image gradually tends to be normal, and the width of the body can no longer keep up with the proportion of the height.

In other words, if he continues to take the Beast King Bone Powder, it will not only increase the height, but also the width.

But for Li Xiuchang, it is more cost-effective to continue to grow in height.

But there is no way. Even if he adds points to the width of the Dharma Image and breaks the proportion again, it is not cost-effective.

That is equivalent to advancing the progress of the second stage of body refining, making the beast king bone powder ineffective earlier.

He can only let it develop like this. Anyway, the bulk of the growth is still in height.

After entering the late second stage of body refining, Li Xiuchang's bones became harder. Looking inside, the bones were jade-colored and crystal clear, with lotus-like marks emerging on them.

Bones are like jade, and flowers grow on the bones. This is the performance of the upcoming perfection of bone refining in the Buddhist body refining method.

When bone refining is perfect, it has reached the peak of the second stage of body refining and can impact the third stage.

Four months have passed, and it is finally the day for the "Future Ghost King Contest" to start.

All the unpopular skill competitions supported by the Xianchen Sect are held on the same day and at the same time, including the "Fu Dao Youfu Contest".

The venue of the competition is set at the outer gate square. Li Xiuchang left the spirit vein room and took a flying boat to the outer gate square.

However, the place was already crowded with people, including outer and inner sect disciples, as well as the sect's stewards and worshippers, all gathered to watch the excitement, surrounding the entire square.

In the center of the square, a series of high platforms were built, which were the venues for the upcoming competitions.

The disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall who were responsible for maintaining order cleared the area around the competition venue and only allowed the disciples who had registered to participate to enter.

After Li Xiuchang landed, he showed his identity token to the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall and confirmed his identity as a contestant before he was allowed in.

The competition time had not yet arrived, so he had to report to his own competition arena and wait for the competition to begin.

Li Xiuchang was about to report to the Soul Master competition arena, which looked very deserted, when he suddenly saw Senior Brother Wang Long and Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi.

He went up to say hello and was slightly surprised: "Senior Brother Zhang is also participating in the competition?"

In his opinion, Zhang Wanzhi would definitely not look down on the rewards of the competition.

Zhang Wanzhi nodded: "I didn't plan to participate, but I didn't expect that the sect would even support the way of talismans, so I must participate."

Li Xiuchang didn't expect that Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi would actually participate in the talisman competition. He remembered that among the more than a dozen skills that Senior Brother Zhang mastered, there were also some unpopular skills.

After thinking carefully, Li Xiuchang realized that Senior Brother Zhang was probably not participating for the competition reward, but for the limelight.

Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi has always been high-profile. There are many participants in the Talisman Master Competition, the competition is fierce, and the attention is high. He will definitely not miss this opportunity to show off.

At this time, Wang Long, who was standing aside, looked at Li Xiuchang from head to toe as if he had seen a ghost, then rubbed his eyes and looked at him again.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with me?" Li Xiuchang was surprised.

"You have a problem with your whole body!" Wang Long was full of disbelief, and asked in a low voice: "How did you reach the ninth level of Qi training?"

"You are talking about this..." Li Xiuchang understood what was going on. It has been four months since the sect arranged a magic undercover mission for him. There are still two months to go, and his cultivation must keep up.

Therefore, after he got a lot of wool from the sect, he has already raised his revealed cultivation to the ninth level of Qi training.

After a while, he will get another foundation-building pill, and he can "build a foundation".

In the past four months, he has been busy collecting wool, basically staying in the spirit vein room, and has not been to other places. He has not seen Brother Wang Long and others for four months.

As a result, after four months, he went from the fifth level of Qi training to the ninth level of Qi training. Wang Long was of course shocked.

This is equivalent to a small realm per month, which is too exaggerated!

Moreover, Li Xiuchang is clearly at the peak of the ninth level of Qi training at this time, and it seems that he is about to break through the foundation building.

Wang Long had an absurd thought in his mind: Brother Li will not build the foundation before me, right?

Zhang Wanzhi also cooperated and pretended to be shocked.

Li Xiuchang shook his head and said, "It's hard to explain in a few words. I'll tell you after the competition is over."

Wang Long suppressed his shock and curiosity and nodded, "Yes, let's go and register first. The Spirit Chef Competition Arena is next to our Fu Dao Arena. Let's go together."

"I changed my mind later and decided to participate in the Soul Control Competition." Li Xiuchang pointed to the Soul Control Master Competition Arena, which was in a corner with only a few people around it. It can be said to be the most deserted arena in the entire square.

The degree of unpopularity of the Soul Control Master is also unique among unpopular skills.

It's not that the Soul Control is not strong, but the entry threshold is high and the risk is high. You have to deal with ghosts right from the start. You really can't enter this industry without some conditions.

If Li Xiuchang hadn't had Senior Brother Motu to lead the way, it would be hard for him to get in.

"Soul Control is good. In the Soul Control Competition, as long as you sign up, you will probably be in the top ten and get rewards." Wang Long said enviously.

"Brother Wang, where do you talisman masters sign up? Why can't I see the ring?" Li Xiuchang looked around and asked in surprise.

"Isn't it right there? There are too many people, blocking the ring." Wang Long pointed bitterly at a long wall of people in the distance.

"Ah? I thought they were spectators who came to watch the game. How come there are more contestants than spectators?" Li Xiuchang blurted out, and immediately knew that he had said the wrong thing.

Brother Wang Long covered his chest and took a deep breath... Suddenly he found that he didn't feel anything.

This heart, after being stabbed so many times, it doesn't hurt anymore.

"Well, I wish you two brothers a successful start!" Li Xiuchang blessed, and then separated from the two brothers and went to report separately.

Li Xiuchang came to the Soul Control Competition Arena and showed his identity token to the referee. After successfully reporting, he also got a jade slip recording the rules of the game.

The Future Ghost King Competition is divided into three events, each of which is scored separately, and the full score is ten.

Finally, the total score of the three competition events is calculated to rank.

The three competition items are respectively about catching ghosts, controlling ghosts, and raising ghosts.

The specific content of the competition is not revealed in the jade slip, and the referee will announce it after the competition starts.

"The participants of the 'Future Ghost King Competition' have arrived. All contestants, please get ready. The competition is about to begin." The referee suddenly announced.

Li Xiuchang was stunned and looked around: "Only these few people?"

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