Full marks!

Another perfect score!

The other contestants haven't made any move yet, but Li Xiuchang has already scored full marks neatly.

Practicing diligently and well is not as good as grasping ideological work firmly.

Li Xiuchang just gave the leading second-level ox soul some blood, and then gave him some technical guidance based on his rich experience in practicing the "Yin-Yang Seven Wolves Battle Formation", and he easily got full marks.

He crossed his arms and watched the progress of other people's games.

The referee reminded: "Competitors who have completed the game, please step off the stage and return their ghosts first."

"Oh." Li Xiuchang's pretense was interrupted and he had no choice but to step down. He released the soul control seals with the ten ghosts and returned them to the sect.

The second-level cow soul was reluctant to leave, and asked through a message: "Where is the freedom promised?"

"I'm just giving you directions, you have to walk the road on your own."

"I understand, thank you for your advice. I will be rewarded when I regain my freedom in the future!"

"Looking forward to the day when you become so awesome!"

Li Xiuchang waved goodbye to the cow soul.

After the other players experienced a brief shock, they all came to their senses and started their own games.

After a while, all the games were over. Including Li Xiuchang, there were actually seven people who got perfect scores in the second round!

Four of them scored full marks in the first and second rounds.

And among these four people, three are first-level soul masters.

Both first-level soul masters with perfect scores set their sights on Li Xiuchang, obviously considering Li Xiuchang as their rival to win the championship.

The next third round, the ghost raising competition, is also the final winner.

The first two rounds failed to open up the score. This ghost-raising game is the key, which directly determines who can win the championship.

With the anticipation of all the players, the referee finally announced the rules of the ghost raising competition:

"The third round of the ghost raising competition will test your reserves as soul masters. Ghost raising is the core skill of soul masters. Please release the strongest ghost you have cultivated."

As soon as the referee said this, several contestants showed surprised expressions. Is this the third round of competition with their own ghosts?

Wouldn't that be unfair?

Who can prove that the ghosts they have on their hands were cultivated by themselves?

Maybe it was bought, maybe it was given by the elders.

Immediately afterwards, the referee continued: "Then, unlock the soul control mark on the ghost. If the ghost does not escape, it can be used as a participating ghost in the third round. If the ghost escapes or attacks its owner, please change the ghost or give up the game. ”

At this time, many contestants were dumbfounded.

Unlock the Soul Taming Seal on the Yin Soul?

You know, many of their soul control masters can only control the ghosts by relying on the soul control seal.

Many ghosts are wild and difficult to tame, especially animal souls, while human souls appear to be easy to communicate with on the surface, but in fact they have complicated minds.

Once the shackles of the soul-controlling seal are lost, there will be many ghosts that will turn against the master.

Unless it is really the kind of ghost who has been raised from a weak age and has established a tacit understanding and relationship through long-term cooperation and communication.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the ghost given by the elders of the family or the master has been tamed by the elders and is relatively loyal and may not defect.

But I heard the referee say again: "The content of the third round of the competition is to control the ghosts to fight with the aura puppets without relying on the soul control seal. The one who defeats the most aura puppets will get a full score of ten points, and the second place will get nine points. Decreasingly.

"Each aura puppet has a specific weakness, but only the contestants know the location of the weakness. You need to guide the ghost to attack the weakness and defeat as many aura puppets as possible when your consciousness is suppressed and you are unable to participate in the battle."

This is equivalent to blocking the last possibility.

Even if the ghost is given by the elders, it can be loyal and not defect, but it is not a ghost that was cultivated by oneself, and lacks that kind of tacit understanding.

Without the assistance of the soul-controlling seal, and unable to transmit sounds with spiritual consciousness, if you want to guide the ghosts to fight, you can only rely on the tacit understanding cultivated over a long period of time.

It can be said that the difficulty of this third round has soared compared to the first two rounds.

Many contestants looked sad.

Even Li Xiuchang felt a little unsure.

The strongest ghost at his disposal is undoubtedly the Ghost Wolf King.

However, this old wolf is wild and difficult to tame, and it was very difficult to tame it at first. He would rather die than surrender, and he only succeeded in taming it by relying on his wealth as a lobbyist.

Now let him lift the soul control seal, there is no guarantee that this old guy won't run away.

The second seed Wangcai is also a good choice. Li Xiuchang is not worried about Wangcai's loyalty.

But he was worried about Wangcai's IQ.

Can that silly dog ​​really understand what he means without the help of the Soul Control Seal?

"I can only take a gamble on the tacit understanding between Wangcai and I."

The referee coughed lightly: "Be prepared, please release your participating ghosts next!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiuchang flashed the formation under his feet and emitted a strong light, and the environment around him immediately changed.

It turned into an endless prairie on the left and a leafy forest on the right.

The grass on the grassland is waist deep, and there are burrows hidden in the grass.

The forest is covered with overlapping trees, like a maze.

"Is this...a phantom formation?"

Li Xiuchang understood the sect's sinister intentions.

If they were in a competition venue, surrounded by formations and sect monks, those ghosts might not dare to escape.

But in such an environment, even if you don't have any backbone, you will be drawn into three points of backlash!

This environment is really easy to escape and hide.

Li Xiuchang took a deep breath, took out the rainbow soul flag, and released Wangcai.

As soon as Wangcai, the second-level ghost, was released, he felt happy to see the beautiful scenery in front of him, and howled to the sky: "Woof woof woof!"

Li Xiuchang silently released the soul seal.

Wangcai was unaware and continued to bark.

Li Xiuchang summoned Wangcai: "Huhu huhu huhu!"

Wangcai immediately came over with his tail wagging.

As expected, there was no need to worry about Wangcai's intention to defect.

Li Xiuchang passed the test first, and the illusion in front of him disappeared.

The other contestants were still in the illusion, but Li Xiuchang, who was watching, could see their situation.

As soon as the soul seal was released, the ghosts ran around in the formation, obviously defecting in the illusion.

What's more exaggerated is that there are two ghosts who directly devour their masters and turn around to attack the soul masters.

Fortunately, it didn't reach the point where the referee needed help, and those soul masters subdued the rebellious ghosts again by themselves.

Of course, there are also soul masters like Li Xiuchang who succeeded in one try.

In short, after a lot of chaos, three people gave up the third round.

After several people changed multiple ghosts, they could only pitifully take the first-level early ghosts to participate in the competition. It was just a formality and they had no chance of the top three.

Li Xiuchang became the focus of the audience again.

Because he was the only first-level soul master who took out a second-level ghost to participate in the competition!

Other first-level soul masters may not have second-level ghosts, but they can't be absolutely loyal.

Or those ghosts were not cultivated by themselves.

It is not easy for a first-level soul master to cultivate a second-level ghost.

Although the core of the soul skill is to raise ghosts, most people are still used to taking shortcuts and focusing on controlling and catching ghosts.

After all, cultivating a second-level ghost is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive, but it is much simpler to directly capture and control a second-level ghost.

Li Xiuchang, as a first-level soul master, was able to cultivate a second-level ghost, which was enough to attract the attention of the whole audience.

Even most of the second-level soul masters next to him could not produce a second-level ghost.

This also made other first-level soul masters who were determined to win the championship feel half disappointed.

"Get ready!" The referee shouted loudly, "The third round of the competition officially begins!"

Li Xiuchang's eyes blurred, and an energy barrier was erected around him, surrounding him. In front of him, a human-shaped spiritual puppet condensed out of thin air.

As soon as the spiritual puppet appeared, it rushed straight to Wangcai.

At the same time, Li Xiuchang felt a pressure coming on him, which blocked his consciousness in his body. He opened his mouth and found that he could not even make a sound.

In addition, due to the rules, he could not go up to help, and could only watch from the side.

In Li Xiuchang's eyes, a red dot appeared on the side of the spiritual puppet's neck.

He knew that was the weakness of the spiritual puppet, and only he could see it, but Wangcai could not see it.

Li Xiuchang was just trying to find a way to remind Wangcai where the weakness of the spirit puppet was, when Wangcai rushed forward and slapped the spirit puppet apart with one claw.

After all, it was only a puppet at the initial stage of Qi training.

Then the second spirit puppet, which was equivalent to the fourth level of Qi training, was also killed by Wangcai's claws.

But other contestants were already unable to resist and were defeated.

The third puppet was equivalent to the fifth level of Qi training, the fourth was equivalent to the sixth level of Qi training... and so on.

The puppets were getting stronger and stronger.

"Wangcai, tacit understanding, tacit understanding! Look at my eyes!"

Li Xiuchang shouted in his heart, trying to convey information to Wangcai through his eyes and tell it the location of the weakness.

But Wangcai didn't even look back at him, and rushed forward to fight with the spirit puppet happily, and he couldn't receive any information from the outside world.

"Stupid dog!" Li Xiuchang was tired.

Wangcai rushed all the way, relying on his cultivation advantage, he passed five levels and killed six generals, until he met the spirit puppet at the ninth level of Qi training.

These spirit puppets have obviously been specially treated, and their defense is extremely strong. The same level cannot break their defense, and those with a higher level of cultivation have difficulty fighting them.

Therefore, it is difficult to blow them up with brute force. Only by attacking their weaknesses can they win more easily.

Previously, Wangcai relied on his advantage in cultivation and adopted the strategy of breaking all methods with one force and creating miracles with great force, and he rushed all the way to now.

But now he suddenly found that he could not rush any further.

The spirit puppets of the ninth level of Qi training have even reached the level of second-level physical training in defense, and Wangcai is only at the initial stage of foundation building.

In addition, the spirit puppets have no consumption and will not get tired, so their combat power is actually quite strong.

If Wangcai can aim at the weaknesses, it is still relatively easy to take them down, but it doesn't care about any weaknesses at all.

Wangcai still uses the old tactics. When he pounces on them, he either digs out their hearts or bites their ankles, but this time the effect is not as good as before. He can only cause some painless damage to the spirit puppets and cannot blow them up.

After more than a dozen rounds, Wangcai didn't get much benefit and was exhausted, so he finally took a few steps back.

At this time, it seemed to remember that it still had a master, and turned around to look at Li Xiuchang, as if asking: Why don't you go up?

Li Xiuchang winked at it, and his eyes kept locking on the chest of the spiritual puppet, indicating that it was the weak point.

As a result, Wangcai was tired of turning his eyes, but he still stared with wise eyes, completely not understanding what Li Xiuchang wanted to express.

Li Xiuchang was anxious, patted his chest, pointed at the spiritual puppet, and roared in his heart: "Bite it, bite it here!"

Wangcai nodded his head, as if he finally understood what Li Xiuchang meant, and bit the ankle of the spirit puppet in the next second.

Li Xiuchang slapped his forehead and closed his eyes weakly.

Looking at the side, there was already a first-level soul master who had scored full marks in the first two rounds, guiding his first-level late monkey soul to defeat the ninth-level Qi training puppet.

Although the opponent gave up challenging the foundation-building spirit puppet, Li Xiuchang had to let Wangcai defeat the ninth-level Qi training puppet in front of him if he wanted to take the first place.

He even had to continue to defeat the foundation-building puppet to secure the first place, otherwise the two would have to play a tiebreaker if they had the same score.

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