I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 121 Going against the guidance of destiny

Although not long had passed, Ye Zhixing and others felt as if a century had passed in the beast-control bag.

The main reason is that the smell in the beast control bag is not good to begin with, and there is also a demon cultivator who was tortured to the point of incontinence. There is an indescribable smell of a mixture of humans and animals.

As soon as they were released, several people quickly took a few breaths of fresh air, but they were so chilled by the coldness of the outside world.

"It's really fairy shade!"

"It's over, it's over, there are still a few books in my residence that I haven't had time to destroy!"

"No, I must go back alive! My diary is still in the cave!"

"Hahaha, luckily I always carry my diary with me, so that I can leave a clean slate in this world even after I die."

Who would be a serious person to write a diary... Li Xiu Changxin said that he did not have such troubles.

But he suddenly thought that his mobile phone seemed not to be formatted before traveling!

It's not a big problem. What does Li Xiuchang's mobile phone have to do with him?

"Okay!" Ye Zhixing interrupted everyone's discussion, "Don't worry about things you shouldn't worry about. It's not like there is no way to survive."

"May I ask where the road is?" Li Xiuchang humbly asked for advice.

Ye Zhixing, as the person with the highest cultivation level and the oldest among everyone present, knew more about Xian Yin than anyone else. It was wisest to listen to his advice at this time.

Ye Zhixing pondered for a moment and said: "It is not necessary to die when entering Immortal Shadow. There are two pieces of news at present, which should be considered a blessing among misfortunes for us.

"The first good news is that our overall cultivation is low and our strength is weak."

"What kind of good news is this?" someone wondered.

Ye Zhixing smiled and explained: "According to the past experience I have gathered from the Sword Sect, the higher the cultivation level of the monks, the greater the possibility of trouble entering Immortal Shadow, while the lower the cultivation level, the easier it is for them to come out safely."

Chen Gao smiled bitterly: "Xian Yin does not kill the weak, which is indeed good news."

"The second good news is that the closer Xianyin is to the core, the more dangerous it is. The periphery is relatively least dangerous. Based on all the information, we should be in the peripheral area."

Everyone nodded in agreement and referred to the two rules of Immortal Shadow provided by Ye Zhixing. The higher the cultivation level in Immortal Shadow, the more dangerous it is, and the closer to the core area, the more dangerous it is.

For the sake of his own safety, the master of the Blood Flower Sect would not arrange the meeting place deep in the Immortal Shadow.

Chen Gaodao: "Then we have to go back to the previous topic. Should we wait for rescue here, or should we go out on our own?

"Before, the elders of our sect sensed the aura of the Blood Flower Sect demon outside the Immortal Shadow. Although the demon ran away, the elders may have followed the location where they sensed the aura before to find this place."

Many people still prefer to wait for rescue.

With just a few foundations and a golden elixir, they were wandering around in Immortal Shadow, and if they encountered any decent danger, they would be wiped out immediately.

Especially those from the Wenjian Sect have almost exhausted their protective cards.

Li Xiuchang analyzed: "First of all, it must be clear that the underground palace is only a place where the demon monks arrange meetings, not the previous hiding place of the Blood Flower Sect demon. Even if the elders find the previous hiding place of the demon, they may not be able to find us.

"Unless our elders can restart the teleportation array of nine Buddha statues in Jiufeng Temple and teleport them directly, but there has been no movement after so long, I think there is probably something wrong with the teleportation array.

"Of course, as I said before, our location should be outside the Immortal Shadow, and it shouldn't be too far from where the devil was hiding before. So if we spend more time, the elders are still likely to find this place."

Everyone fell silent upon hearing this.

After such analysis, waiting for rescue seems to be a matter of luck.

The two female cultivators from the Wenjian Sect crossed their arms and said with some trembling: "If I have to wait for rescue, I would rather wait in the underground palace just now. Compared to the outside, I think it is safer there."

"Yes, this place is so eerie and dark that it looks like it's haunted. I'm always worried that there will be ghosts coming out of the ground to grab my ankles."

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Compared to the mysterious and gloomy Immortal Shadow, the entire underground palace has at least been explored by them, and all the dangers are known.

To be honest, the danger level of the underground palace below is indeed acceptable.

As long as you don't go to a temple full of Buddha corpses and stay somewhere without Buddha corpses, there is really no danger.

For Li Xiuchang, as long as he doesn't take advantage of the Buddha's corpse and there are no new changes in the underground palace, he can even live there forever.

When the Vajra Dharma is released, the entire underground palace becomes like his own home.

He could totally "seclusion in the underground palace for thousands of years and be invincible when he was born", but it was just too boring.

It would be more interesting to go back to the sect to cultivate flowers and tease the dog while cooking.

Moreover, the underground palace is not always safe. He said: "I am afraid that the escaped Blood Flower Sect demon will come back and block us in the underground palace, which will be troublesome."

Chen Gao from the Dengxian Pavilion suggested: "Although it may not be the right choice to go back to the underground palace and wait for rescue, the underground palace can indeed be used as a retreat. At least we have not encountered other dangers other than the Buddha's corpse in the underground palace. We can also make a bold assumption. The dangers and weirdness in Immortal Shadow cannot affect the interior of the underground palace.

"Therefore, if you encounter an irresistible danger, you can escape back to the underground palace to escape."

Everyone agreed with Chen Gao's proposal, but some people hesitated and said, "I just don't know if I can still enter the underground palace after coming out."

Everyone looked at each other: "Why don't you go back and see if you can open that door?"

"Just arrange for one person to go, there is no need for everyone to go together."

"I'll go." Yue Chongshan took the initiative.

"Brother Yue, be careful."

Yue Chongshan nodded and turned to walk towards the steps leading to the underground palace behind him.

When he came to the entrance on the boulder, he was stunned and saw the traces of cracks on both sides of the boulder door frame, which was obviously broken not long ago.

"Strange, it seems that there should have been a door here..."

Ye Zhixing also came up to check: "Yes, looking at the fracture of this stone, it seems to have been broken not long ago. Brother Li, did you see anything when you came out?"

"No." Li Xiuchang shook his head.

Others did not doubt Li Xiuchang's words, but just guessed whether there was any danger nearby.

Yue Chongshan walked along the steps to the gate of the underground palace, but found that he could not open the gate no matter what.

After a while, he ran up and reported the situation to everyone.

"That shouldn't be the case. If this door can't be opened from the outside, how does the Blood Flower Sect demon plan to get in?"

"Is it possible that the demon didn't plan to go in, but was just waiting for us to come out?"

"It's unlikely. If it wasn't us, but those demon messengers were teleported in, do you think they could get through the Buddha's corpse and successfully leave the underground palace with their strength? If the demon waited outside, he would only wait until the demon messengers were wiped out."

"Maybe some special method is needed to get in, but we don't know."

The conversation between the people made Li Xiuchang guess.

He was thinking, if he released the Vajra Dharma Image, could he push open the door of the underground palace?

But with so many people watching, he couldn't try.

And if pushing open the door requires revealing the identity of a Buddhist cultivator, then how did the Blood Flower Sect demon get in? It's not possible that the demon cultivators also practiced Buddhist techniques, right?

Ye Zhixing cleared his throat and said, "It's meaningless to discuss these things. Since there is no way out, it's dangerous to wait here. Our best choice now is to walk out of Xianyin. What do you think?"

"That's the only way."

"But if you want to go out, you have to at least confirm a direction."

Which direction to go, this is a problem.

They were teleported here, and the environment in Xianyin is special. There is nothing to refer to. Even the sun in the sky is just a small light spot that is constant and motionless, so they can't even distinguish between east, south, west and north.

The methods of distinguishing directions in the outside world are useless here.

"You can only find a direction to move forward. In addition, pay attention to one thing. The closer you are to the core of Xianyin, the richer the various spiritual plants are. Therefore, if we find that there are more and more spiritual plants around us, it means that we are going in the wrong direction and need to return immediately!" Ye Zhixing reminded.

Which direction to go first?

After discussing, everyone decided to leave it to fate. They found a branch on the ground and went to the direction where the thin end of the branch pointed.

"Let's go!"

Ye Zhixing pointed to the direction where the branch pointed, which was the strange forest behind the boulder.

Everyone hesitated, the forest looked a bit dangerous.

"Well, I don't think we have to believe in fate completely. We cultivators are against the will of heaven, so we should go against the will of heaven. Otherwise, let's go in the opposite direction." A disciple of the Sword-asking Sect suggested.

Chen Gao nodded in agreement: "That makes sense."

Yue Chongshan grinned and said: "I feel scared when I see that forest."

"Okay." Ye Zhixing was helpless, "Then let's go in the opposite direction."

They finally decided to go against the will of fate.

Ye Zhixing warned like a patriarch: "Remember not to fly high in Xianyin, it's easy to become a target, and walking is too slow, so everyone can keep flying low, preferably close to the ground."

"Brother Ye." Li Xiuchang asked, "It's always said that Xianyin is dangerous, what kind of danger is it?"

Others' ears also perked up.

"Let's talk while we walk." Ye Zhixing summoned his flying sword and flew low over the ground.

Li Xiuchang was envious of others who were good at flying swords, unlike him who could only ride the premium version of the new flying boat.

Li Xiuchang got on his own luxurious flying boat, also flying low over the ground.

The cool-looking flying boat quickly attracted everyone's attention. Yue Chongshan clasped his fists and asked, "Brother Li, can you take me with you?"

"Come on up."

Yue Chongshan grinned and sat in the back row, unable to help but moaning, "My God, this chair is more comfortable than my wife's legs!"

Is it really that comfortable?

Seeing that there were still so many empty seats on the flying boat, others also became curious and wanted to come up and try.

The shy ones were still hesitating, but they had no chance, as all the seats were occupied.

Li Xiuchang's flying boat could only seat six people at most, and it would be a bit crowded if there were more.

The only two female cultivators sat on both sides of Li Xiuchang, one on the left and one on the right. If they didn't consider their current situation, "a beautiful woman with a luxurious car" would be considered a proud life.

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