I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 132 Who says kitchen knives can’t be used to chop people?

Li Xiuchang suspected that there was something wrong with his Vajra Dharma Image.

But in front of the two senior brothers, he couldn't check it.

He had to suppress his suspicion first, stopped practicing the summoning technique, and turned to the next topic.

He didn't forget that this time he came to find Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi, mainly for the two door panels.

Li Xiuchang took out two door panels from the storage bag and asked, "Senior brother, do you know what material this is?"

Motu and Zhang Wanzhi each took a door panel. Motu was still looking at it carefully. Zhang Wanzhi pinched it casually and said:

"The sixth-level material Buddha Heart Steel is a mixed material made of multiple metal materials. It is not naturally formed, but a man-made refining material.

"The formula of Buddha Heart Steel is the secret of the bald man in the Buddhist sect. With the decline of Buddhism, it has been lost. "

Li Xiuchang was delighted. The sixth-level materials can be used to refine spiritual treasures!

It's just that his current cultivation level cannot drive spiritual treasures, but it is more than enough to refine a magic weapon with sixth-level materials.

"Brother Zhang, I want to use these two doors to make a big seal magic weapon. Do you think it's suitable?" Li Xiuchang asked.

Zhang Wanzhi shook his head: "As a man-made refining material, Buddha's heart steel has many advantages that natural refining materials of the same level cannot match. The most prominent ones are lightness, hardness, good ductility, and full rigidity.

"And the most important point in making a big seal magic weapon is to be 'heavy'! Materials with small size but sufficient weight are preferred, and Buddha's heart steel does not meet the requirements.

"Buddha's heart steel is suitable for making protective gear, as well as other weapons and magic weapons that pursue lightness, such as flying swords, arrows, and hidden weapons. "

Li Xiuchang's idea of ​​making a big seal magic weapon failed, but it would be nice to make a handy weapon.

When he fought with the Eighteen Blood Monks condensed by the blood bodhi tree before, he held two large door panels and smashed them happily.

I feel that if it is replaced with a sharp weapon, the lethality will be even stronger.

"Brother, can I entrust you to help me make a weapon?" Li Xiuchang asked.

"What weapon do you want?" Zhang Wanzhi asked.

Li Xiuchang didn't think about this problem seriously. He had practiced boxing in Nanshan Martial Arts Hall before, but he had never practiced any weapons.

Seeing Li Xiuchang struggling, Zhang Wanzhi asked again: "What weapons are you good at? Or what weapons are you interested in?"

Li Xiuchang thought for a while and said: "I am best at knives."

"Knives are also OK. What kind of knives are you good at? There are many types of knives, such as sabers, scimitars, double knives, goose feather knives... But knives like Pudao, which rely more on the weight of the blade, are not suitable for refining with Buddha's heart steel as the main material. "

"I am good at kitchen knives. "Li Xiuchang answered truthfully.

As a senior chef, his knife skills are superb. He can cook dishes like squirrel fish and Wensi tofu.

That was when he was a mortal. Now he has cultivation and divine consciousness, and his knife skills have reached a higher level.

Not to mention Wensi tofu, he can also cook hair-like tofu.

Li Xiuchang's words silenced Zhang Wanzhi and Motu.

They were silent for a long time, and Zhang Wanzhi spoke first: "So you want to refine a kitchen knife?"

Li Xiuchang asked back: "Can't you chop people with a kitchen knife?"

Zhang Wanzhi smiled and said, "There is no such rule. I know a guy who is very fierce with a kitchen knife."

"Since you don't mind, I will help you make a kitchen knife!"

"Thank you very much, senior brother!"

"But I have to tell you in advance that this time I don't plan to help you refine a magic weapon directly, but to help you make a rough weapon first. "

The rough weapon is just a shape without any amplification effect, without any magical properties, and only has the characteristics of the material itself.

To put it bluntly, it is no different from the two door panels now, except that it has changed its shape and turned into a kitchen knife.

"Why is this?" Li Xiuchang asked in confusion.

Senior Brother Zhang explained: "There are two reasons. First, your sixth-level Buddha Heart Steel can be used to forge spiritual treasures. It is a bit of a waste of material to use it to refine magic treasures. Even if it is refined into a magic treasure, you will find it difficult to control it. It is better to make it into a rough blank first. When your cultivation level is improved in the future, you can complete the subsequent processes and refine it into a magic treasure or even a spiritual treasure.

"The second reason is that I am only a second-level weapon refiner. Ahem, it is difficult to refine magic treasures."

Li Xiuchang directly ignored the second reason.

He can also understand and accept Senior Brother Zhang's suggestion.

Maybe Senior Brother Zhang wants to help him forge a spiritual treasure, but he really can't drive the spiritual treasure at present, so he made it into a rough blank for him to use first.

For a body-refining cultivator, the most important thing about a weapon is that it is strong and powerful enough, and other fancy functions are not that important.

So a rough piece is enough.

And a rough piece is different from a rough piece. This is probably a rough piece of a spiritual treasure, which may be more powerful than a magic weapon in some aspects.

Li Xiuchang agreed immediately and wanted to pay Senior Brother Zhang a reward.

Senior Brother Zhang waved his hand and said, "I can deduct the reward directly from the profit of your flying boat business. In addition, if you just want to make a kitchen knife, you don't need so much Buddha Heart Steel. 30% of a door is enough. You can leave a door for me. I will make you a piece of protective gear with the extra part, um, also a rough piece."

What else can Li Xiuchang say? Of course, he quickly presented a door panel.

There happened to be one door panel left, which was kept for future use. The length can be increased in the future to create endless Buddha Heart Steel.

Zhang Wanzhi took a door panel and threw it to the furnace in the quiet room.

In fact, he didn't think much of Buddha Heart Steel. Sixth-level materials were not so precious to him.

But Li Xiuchang guessed correctly that Zhang Wanzhi wanted to use Buddha Heart Steel to refine spiritual treasures!

As a top refiner, Zhang Wanzhi didn't care about lowering his status to refine some low-level magic tools.

But asking him to use the sixth-level materials that can refine spiritual treasures to downgrade and refine magic tools is simply an insult to him!

In his opinion, the sixth-level materials should be used to refine the corresponding low-grade spiritual treasures. Lowering the requirements to refine magic tools is a manifestation of the incompetence of the refiner.

He would rather try to use the sixth-level materials to refine the middle-grade spiritual treasures.

"By the way, senior brother, I still have some seventh-level materials. Do you think they are useful?" Li Xiuchang took out the corpse of the seventh-level monster from the storage bag.

Zhang Wanzhi's eyes lit up: "Good stuff, this monster skin and tendons can be used with Buddha's Heart Steel to make you a set of light armor, and the bones can be used to make a knife handle."

Zhang Wanzhi took a lot of animal skins and tendons, as well as a small animal bone and an animal tooth.

Li Xiuchang still had a lot of materials left. He kept the animal skins, tendons, bones, and teeth that could be used to refine tools. The blood of the beast could be used to refine pills, and the meat could be used to make spiritual food, but they were not used for the time being, so they could only be dealt with later depending on the situation.

The last one was the blood bodhi fruit.

Li Xiuchang asked the two brothers how to take the blood bodhi fruit.

In fact, he should have asked Brother Gui clearly when he was in Xianyin, but he didn't think of it at the time.

Brother Motu seemed to know a lot about the blood bodhi fruit, and said: "It is better to take it as a pill, which can increase the medicinal power by 20%, but the pill must be swallowed at one time, and it may not be fully absorbed, while the blood bodhi fruit can be taken in multiple times, as long as it is well preserved to prevent its medicinal power from being lost."

When Li Xiuchang heard this, he had already made a decision in his heart.

The 20% medicinal power is not so attractive to him, and the blood bodhi fruit can be taken multiple times, which means that the medicinal power inside is the same.

However, the pill must be taken as a whole, which means that the medicinal power of each part of the pill is uneven.

In other words, if you want to use "length" to increase the number of both, Li Xiuchang can crush the blood bodhi fruit and flatten it before adding some, but the pill cannot destroy its integrity, so you can only add some to the whole pill.

In order to ensure that the balance of its medicinal power is not changed, adding some to a pill starts at three inches.

So it is obviously more cost-effective to increase the length of the blood bodhi fruit.

Li Xiuchang asked all the questions he should ask, and asked all the questions he should ask. He picked up the tea on the table and drank it all, and said goodbye with a comfortable body.

As soon as he left, Senior Brother Motu took out the chessboard and chess pieces and pulled Zhang Wanzhi: "Play chess!"


Li Xiuchang left Donggeng District and went straight to his own medicine field.

When he arrived in the medicine field, he couldn't wait to release the Vajra Dharma.

The ten-foot-tall Vajra Dharma Image was majestic and majestic, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Li Xiuchang stretched out his hand and pointed, summoning the monkey in his heart!

The next moment, the Vajra Dharma Image turned into a ten-foot-tall golden-haired ape!

"Sure enough!"

Li Xiuchang pointed again, summoning the will horse!

The golden-haired ape turned into a majestic white horse again.

"Brother Gui's summoning technique of the monkey in his heart and the will horse comes from the Buddhist mind method, and my "Vajra Dharma Image Secret" is also a Buddhist method. Is there any connection between the two?"

Li Xiuchang thought seriously for a moment, and felt that there was no connection at all. It was probably because of himself.

It's normal to practice it wrong, and I've been used to it for a long time.

But the problem is that every time I practice it wrong, it may not be a bad thing, and sometimes it can have a better effect.

But what about this time?

Just change the skin of the Dharma Image?

Li Xiuchang thought it was not that simple.

Take now, for example, when he switched to the golden-haired ape Dharma Image, he clearly felt the increase in strength!

When the Dharma Image was not revealed, this improvement was not very obvious, but it was particularly obvious when the Dharma Image was revealed.

When switching to the Dharma phase of the will horse, he felt as light as a swallow, as if he could float up at any time.

It was obvious that his speed had been increased.

This was only the Dharma phase of the second stage of body refining. Li Xiuchang imagined the future and suddenly felt a little excited.

At the third stage of body refining, he could temporarily use the power of the Dharma phase to instantly transform a certain part of his body into the Dharma phase.

At this time, Li Xiuchang could try to do a punch like the ape king.

The key is that when he reaches the fourth stage, he can transform into the Dharma phase!

Then wouldn't he be able to switch back and forth between the three Dharma phases of the mind monkey, the will horse, and the diamond?

It is equivalent to having three forms.

The mind monkey (power type), the will horse (speed type), and the diamond (combined type).

"Good, good, good!" Li Xiuchang's eyes lit up. What a good summoning technique, he turned it into a transformation technique!

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