I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 134: The Immortal Poet and the Sage of Lyrics Zhao Yuansi

"Then what..." Elder Xu lowered his voice and said, "We elders will pay you the cost of refining the puppet out of our own pockets, but please don't let anything slip."

"What's the matter?" Li Xiuchang was confused.

Elder Xu coughed: "Some time ago, your master Zhao Yuansi asked me about the status of the mission. I told him that everything was going well, and I didn't mention you entering Immortal Yin. If he finds out about the appointment, he will blame us for not protecting you well. When your master initiated When the fire comes, we can’t resist it.”

In Li Xiuchang's impression, Zhao Yuansi had a good temper, and in terms of cultivation, Zhao Yuansi, the elder of the outer sect, could not compare to the elders of the inner sect.

Why do you feel that these inner sect elders are also afraid of Zhao Yuansi?

Elder Xu sighed and said, "Your master is not very good at poetry, but it's dirty to curse people! It's really unbearable for those with a weak Taoist heart."

Old Zhao still has this ability... Li Xiuchang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Elder Xu, I keep my mouth shut."

The premise is that he gets the golden halberd and one-horned fairy eggs as he wishes, otherwise no matter how strict he is, it will inevitably leak out.

Li Xiuchang had obtained the right to use the prefecture-level medicinal fields, so he couldn't waste it.

However, with his current spiritual planting skills, it is not realistic to plant fourth-level spiritual plants. Instead, he can try to plant some better third-level spiritual plants.

Such as various flowers...

Li Xiuchang's spiritual planting skills have actually reached the second level. Planting some third-level spiritual flowers that are more ornamental is not a big problem.

But the market for this kind of flower is very problematic, especially the third-level spiritual flower, which is not cheap and even harder to sell.

So you have to find good customers first.

Li Xiuchang directly sent a message to Senior Brother Chu Ya: "Senior Brother, I just got a prefecture-level medicine field. I can try to plant third-level spiritual flowers. I wonder if Senior Brother needs it?"

Senior brother Chu Ya was very complimentary: "Junior brother, could you please help me plant a hundred heart-warming orchids and a hundred flame lilies."

After successfully obtaining the order, Li Xiuchang immediately went to the market to buy seeds, and then rushed to his prefecture-level medicinal field to start planting.

The medicine field I took over this time was empty. It had been taken care of in advance and looked very clean.

Li Xiuchang could clearly feel that the spiritual energy in the medicine field was abundant, and it could even be used directly as a training place. Practicing here would save a lot of spiritual stones.

In addition to the third-level spiritual flowers that Senior Brother Chu Ya needed, Li Xiuchang also bought a lot of second-level seeds and spent a few days planting the entire medicinal field.

Nowadays, Li Xiuchang also has many properties under his name, and he is making money every day.

Within the sect, he has two and a half medicinal fields plus a small courtyard in Donggeng District, as well as a smoked spiritual meat production line, and gets a share of the profits from the new flying boat business.

Outside the sect, he has twenty wolf souls working in Brother Motu's mine, and there are also many first-order spiritual plants planted in the small village of New Demonic Way.

The Four Immortals Business Alliance is now in operation and will continue to bring him income.

If Li Xiuchang doesn't mess around in the future, at least he won't have to worry about spiritual stones.

Counting the days, it has been half a month since Li Xiuchang returned to Xianchen Sect.

The miscellaneous things on hand have finally been dealt with, and now the main thing is to wait for news.

Waiting for senior brother Zhang Wanzhi to help him refine the weapon, waiting for the two Buddha corpses to be successfully refined into puppets, and waiting for the golden halberd and one-horned fairy insect eggs to be obtained.

During this period, Li Xiuchang insisted on taking the Beast King bone soup every day, and his bone training progress steadily improved, and he was not far away from completing the second level of body training.

His length value also reached 71 inches again.

As soon as the bone forging is complete, he can directly add length to the method to attack the third level of body refining.

At that time, we can also verify whether we can borrow the power of the Xin Yuanyima Dharma.

During the waiting days, he couldn't do anything. In addition to taking care of the spiritual plants and getting rid of the evil spirit of the ghosts, Li Xiuchang began to practice alchemy and spiritual cooking skills.

Until Su Qingchun finished studying the two authentic works of Confucianism and returned the books.

Li Xiuchang took two books and checked them first. He was very satisfied when he saw that there was no wear and tear. Su Qingchun was indeed a book lover.

He observed Su Qingchun, and after reading two sage books, the awe-inspiring righteousness in Su Qingchun's body became even stronger.

And this awe-inspiring righteousness can help Su Qingchun suppress the growth of hostility, allowing him to grow hostility more slowly than other ghosts.

Li Xiuchang's previous thought came up again. Should he become a copywriter and copy out all the ancient poems and prose from his previous life for Su Qingchun to read?

There was nothing important at hand, so he went to the bedroom upstairs, took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote a piece of "cursive script" with his pen.

Li Xiuchang copied ancient poems first, not for any other reason than because they were short.

Those long and eloquent ancient essays were exhausting to write.

There were some key points that he couldn't even remember.

Li Xiuchang's main focus is to be casual, and he will write whatever lines come to his mind. In some poems, he only remembers one or two of the most classic lines, and he just writes them.

Some words only have upper and lower parts, and some don't even have titles.

Li Xiuchang wrote several poems in succession and gave them to Su Qingchun: "Fellow Daoist Su, these are poems I read in an ancient book. See if they are helpful to you."

Su Qingchun thanked him, took the paper, glanced at the words on it and frowned.

After trying hard to identify, I finally figured out what the word was.

He read silently in his mind: "Goose goose... what kind of poem is this?"

But when he read the entire poem and saw "white hair floating on the green water, and red palms stirring the clear waves", he couldn't help but smile: "It's quite interesting."

He had to admit that this poem was full of pictures and innocence, and had its merits.

He opened the paper and read the next song. His face suddenly became serious, and he sat upright, with admiration in his eyes.

"Okay, okay! Miao Miao Miao!"

Su Qingchun kept flipping the paper, and the expression on his face kept changing. Sometimes he was excited, sometimes he was melancholy, sometimes he looked yearning, sometimes he was annoyed and regretful...

Until he suddenly paused when he turned to a page, and said urgently: "Fellow Taoist, why does this poem only have two sentences? What about the back?"

Li Xiuchang glanced at it, and there were only two poems on that page:

"The tide of the spring river reaches the level of the sea, and the bright moon rises together on the sea."

Li Xiuchang spread his hands: "The back? I can't remember the back."

The most famous part of this song "Moonlight Night on the Spring River" is the first two sentences. The key part is so long that Li Xiuchang still remembers it.

Su Qingchun was so anxious that he scratched his head and said repeatedly: "Think about it again, think about it again, these two sentences are so wonderful!"

"I can't think of anything. You should look at something else first."

Su Qingchun had no choice but to sigh, put the remaining poem aside with great care, and continued to read the following poems.

Li Xiuchang noticed that just a dozen or so poems had already significantly improved the aura of aura in Su Qingchun's body.

While Su Qingchun was reading, he suddenly slapped his head and said in a low voice: "Fellow Taoist, why does this poem only have a top line and no bottom line? You won't forget it, right?"

Li Xiuchang took a look and saw that it was the song "Linjiang Immortal".

"After the dream, the tower is locked high, and the curtains are drooped after being sober. Last spring, regret came. The fallen flowers were independent, and the gentle swifts flew together."

This poem made Su Qingchun, an old bachelor, feel sad and empathize with it. He was immersed in it, but suddenly the rest of it stopped.

It was not that Li Xiuchang couldn't remember the next part of this poem, but he was not sure about two or three words, so he simply didn't write them.

He was still a bachelor and said: "It's been too long and I can't remember it."

Su Qingchun was heartbroken: "How can we forget such good words, 'The fallen flower is independent, the tiny swift swallow flies together', these two sentences are a stroke of genius!"

He almost begged: "Fellow Daoist Li, please think about it again. What if you remember it? Or look for it and see if you can find that ancient book?"

Unless I can travel back in time, where can I find it... Li Xiuchang didn't give him any hope and said: "The ancient book has been lost long ago and is nowhere to be found. I will tell you the rest of the content if I remember it."

"Isn't there something missing in the poems at the end?" Su Qingchun's hand holding a stack of papers suddenly started to tremble.

"Yes, there is still a lot missing." Li Xiuchang said honestly.

Su Qingchun felt as if a piece of his heart was missing. If he continued reading, it would be so confusing that it would scare him to death.

But don’t read it, he can’t help himself with such good poetry!

Li Xiuchang couldn't understand Su Qingchun's mentality. He just felt that this old scholar had too many things to do and just read a few poems. He could read as many poems as he wanted. It would increase Haoran's righteousness and help him practice. Wouldn't this goal be achieved?

Moreover, Su Qingchun, an old scholar, might not be able to accept being Li Xiuchang's servant because of his age or the arrogance of a scholar. Li Xiuchang also glossed over the relationship for this reason, and the two of them were regarded as Taoist friends.

But this time, in order to get the latter part of the poem, Su Qingchun lowered his body and begged Li Xiuchang, almost kneeling down in front of him.

Li Xiuchang ignored Su Qingchun. The poems he wrote this time were enough for Su Qingchun to study for a while.

Li Xiuchang went straight to do his own thing. Su Qingchun was holding a stack of paper filled with poems alone, but the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

He considers himself a person who has read a lot of poetry. How come there are so many poems that he has never read?

Moreover, the poems Li Xiuchang gave him were of extremely high quality, and many of them were quatrains that could be passed down through the ages. If these poems had existed, they would not have been unknown and they should have been spread long ago.

If it was just one or two songs, it would be fine. Li Xiuchang had dozens of songs in one move, which was too strange.

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem!"

"Fellow Daoist Li said he forgot because he was old, but how old is he?"

"Could it be that Li Daoyou wrote these poems himself? He was halfway through writing poems and lyrics, but his inspiration ran out and he couldn't continue writing?"

Su Qingchun thought about it carefully and felt that it didn't look like it.

After all, Li Xiuchang is too young. Even if he is a genius, many of the emotions in his poems cannot be written without experiencing them.

"Or is there someone among the elders of Daoyou Li's sect who has such a talent for poetry? Because he is a member of the immortal sect, his poems have never been circulated in the world?"

"Yes, the two authentic works of Confucianism that Fellow Daoist Li borrowed for me this time are obviously borrowed from the elders of my sect. The elder who borrowed the books should be the one who wrote these poems."

"I really want to consult with such people!"

Su Qingchun's eyes showed longing. He admired the senior who wrote the poem so much that he wished he could worship him and listen to his teachings every day.

Li Xiuchang didn't know yet that Su Qingchun had imagined Zhao Yuansi as a poet-immortal figure, and planned to return the two authentic works of the great Confucian scholar to his master.

It suddenly occurred to him that Zhao Yuansi seemed to have asked him to go to Danxiang Tower in Fangshi to take up a position as a guest alchemist.

He actually forgot about it until he remembered it.

Li Xiuchang immediately went to Fangshi and found Danxiang Tower.

As soon as he mentioned his name, the shopkeeper of Danxiang Tower came out to greet him personally and was extremely polite to Li Xiuchang.

The shopkeeper is an old man who is quite old. He is not a disciple of the Xianchen Sect, but a member of the Zhao Yuansi family. His cultivation level is not high, but he speaks and acts generously and decently.

Zhao Yuansi had already made a call, so Li Xiuchang became a guest alchemist of Danxianglou very smoothly.

Manager Zhao reminded: "Li Danshi, our Danxianglou will launch some special price spiritual medicines every once in a while, and they are only available to guest alchemists in limited quantities. You can pay attention to it then.

"We will also release some alchemy tasks from time to time. If there are any suitable for you, you can also accept them. The reward is still good."

"In addition, if you sell the elixirs you make to Danxianglou, we will also buy them back at a price 10% higher than the market purchase price. "

Li Xiuchang didn't plan to make spirit stones from this, he came here mainly for Zhao Yuansi's sake.

But since he has been assigned to this position, Li Xiuchang can't just do nothing, he plans to take on some tasks regularly, as a way to practice.

In addition, all the pills made during practice can be sold to Danxianglou.

Shopkeeper Zhao took out a token, which was not the identity token of Xianchen Sect, but it could be paired with Li Xiuchang's identity token to realize the communication function.

"If you have anything in the future, you can contact me through a message. If you want to take on a pill-making task, you can also learn about the task details through the token."

Li Xiuchang nodded, walked around Danxianglou, and said, "Shopkeeper Zhao, does our Danxianglou sell anything else besides pills? ”

Danxianglou has three floors. The first floor displays elixirs of level three and below, the second floor displays elixirs of level four and above, and the third floor is not open to the public.

Li Xiuchang noticed that in addition to elixirs, there were some other miscellaneous items on the first floor.

For example, various spiritual plants, some magic tools and treasures, and even spiritual dishes, food ingredients, array plates and flags.

Shopkeeper Zhao explained: "Some people come to buy elixirs, but they don't have enough spiritual stones, so they use other treasures to pay off their debts. We are open for business, so we naturally have to make things convenient for customers, so we can only accept them.

"Some customers come to sell non-elixir treasures. Sometimes the price is really right, and it would be a pity not to accept them, so we just accept them.

"In this way, I have collected a lot of various treasures, so I set aside an area on the first floor to sell these miscellaneous treasures, which is also a multiple income."

Shopkeeper Zhao added: "Of course, we don't accept level one and level two talismans, and we can't use them to pay off debts. "

It seems that he can earn more spirit stones by doing a little bit of every business, but Li Xiuchang knows that this is actually a taboo in doing business.

You must be specialized in doing business and create a professional and reliable impression for customers. You can't try to do everything and make money from everything.

But he didn't say much. He stayed for a while and then said goodbye and flew to Zhao's house.

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