I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 141 Brother, I want to learn how to refine weapons

Su Qingchun has lived in Zhao's house for quite some time.

Most of the time, he reads in Zhao Yuansi's study.

Zhao Yuansi has a rich collection of books, and Su Qingchun wants to read them all, which will not take several months.

Because it is not only about reading, but also about understanding and perception.

Whenever Zhao Yuansi has time, he will come to chat with Su Qingchun for an hour or so. During this time, Zhao Yuansi also showed Su Qingchun his best calligraphy.

"The words on the plaque of the mountain gate of my Xianchen Sect are all written by me!" Zhao Yuansi said proudly.

"Awesome, I admire you." Su Qingchun praised politely, but it was somewhat perfunctory.

It's not that he thinks Zhao Yuansi's calligraphy is not good, but compared with Zhao Yuansi's poetry level in his mind, this calligraphy level is not worth mentioning.

Su Qingchun often brings the topic to poetry, hoping to talk about poetry with Zhao Yuansi and get some advice on poetry.

But Zhao Yuansi always avoided it and led the topic to other aspects.

Zhao Yuansi also knew how to play to his strengths and avoid his weaknesses. He didn't want to expose his shortcomings in poetry, so as not to be looked down upon by Su Qingchun.

After this, Su Qingchun also felt something was wrong.

In particular, one time he casually recited a poem he wrote, and he saw what "face change" meant.

Zhao Yuansi was polite the previous second, and the whole face had turned into a jealous shape the next second.

This scared Su Qingchun, and from then on he finally dared not mention poetry in front of Zhao Yuansi again.

Until this day, Su Qingchun finished reading a manuscript of a great scholar, put it back on the bookshelf, and prepared to pick a new book to read.

He walked around the bookshelves of all sizes in the study, and when he was struggling, he accidentally found a hidden compartment behind a bookshelf.

He found a book in the secret compartment, took it out and saw that the cover was in his familiar handwriting, with the words "Yuansi Poetry Collection" written on it.

"Mr. Zhao's poetry collection?"

Su Qingchun was full of expectations and couldn't wait to open the poetry collection in his hand.

He also imagined that he could find the full text of "Spring River Moon Night", the second half of "Linjiangxian", and the full text of many fragments of poems written to him by Li Xiuchang.

But after opening it and taking a look, he couldn't help frowning.

He couldn't help showing a disgusted expression on his face.

It was as if the teacher had corrected the homework of the last student in the class.

The more he read, the tighter his brows frowned, and he couldn't help stamping his feet in embarrassment. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and hurriedly put the poems together.

"Is this called poetry?"

"No one can write like this!"

All of a sudden, the filter of Zhao Yuansi as a "great poet" in Su Qingchun's eyes was broken!

Originally, he respected Zhao Yuansi very much and always treated him as a disciple.

In his eyes, Zhao Yuansi was a cultivator with profound cultivation. He had lived for hundreds of years and had rich experience, so he could have a variety of styles and control different styles of poetry.

But now it seems that he thought too much.

Those poems were not written by Zhao Yuansi at all.

When he chatted with Zhao Yuansi before, he also asked Zhao Yuansi and learned that Zhao Yuansi was the only Confucian culture enthusiast in Xianchen Sect.

If it wasn't Zhao Yuansi who wrote these poems, who else could it be?

Could it be... really Li Xiuchang?

Su Qingchun's reason told him that this was impossible, Li Xiuchang was too young.

But he thought again that Li Xiuchang had told him not to mention those poems of unknown origin in front of Zhao Yuansi.


Zhao Yuansi's jealous face appeared in Su Qingchun's mind, and he had the answer in his heart.

"Elder Zhao is jealous. If those poems were really written by Li Dao... Mr. Li, how jealous would he be if Elder Zhao knew about it? Maybe he would expel him from the sect?"

Su Qingchun felt that everything made sense with this reasoning.

Even unconsciously, the way he addressed Zhao Yuansi and Li Xiuchang changed.

The address to Zhao Yuansi changed from "Mr. Zhao" to "Elder Zhao", and Li Xiuchang began to be called "Mr. Li".

Su Qingchun felt as if he had found the truth.

Even if this truth was a little outrageous, it was the only way to explain it, so he tended to believe his guess.

But he was not very sure, and still retained some doubts.

However, even so, Su Qingchun still subconsciously respected Li Xiuchang more.

The master is the one who is accomplished. If Li Xiuchang really has such a high level of poetry, he would not mind being a disciple to Li Xiuchang.

In his life, Su Qingchun only admired people who were more knowledgeable than himself.

After Li Xiuchang returned to the sect, he was surprised to find that the golden halberd hermit beetle eggs had hatched!

Normal golden halberd hermit beetle eggs only take about a month to hatch, and they only need to be buried in spiritual soil.

Li Xiuchang's "insect egg" took three months to hatch!

During this period, it also swallowed thousands of his spiritual stones!

If there were not so many spiritual stones to supply, the hatching period would only be longer.

Li Xiuchang probed into the soil with his spiritual sense and found a big, plump worm with light golden skin, like an enlarged silkworm.

At this time, the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle was still in larval stage.

The newly hatched larvae were about the size of a baby's arm. At this time, the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle did not have any combat ability and needed to eat to continue to grow.

The larvae of the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle are divided into three instars, that is, after three growth stages, they will pupate, and wait until they become adults and break out of the pupa before entering the mature stage.

Only adults have combat power, which is also the weakness of insect monsters, and they have a long growth period.

However, if resources and nutrition are available, the growth period can be shortened.

The main food of the artificially raised golden halberd rhinoceros beetle larvae is fermented sawdust. Li Xiuchang took out a large barrel full of spiritual wood sawdust that he had prepared long ago and transferred the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle into the sawdust barrel.

Seeing that the larvae were already eating sawdust quickly, Li Xiuchang was relieved to put the sawdust barrel into the beast bag.

At present, this golden halberd rhinoceros beetle larva has no other abnormalities except that it is larger and eats more than normal larvae.

However, it is still necessary to keep it with you for further observation.

Li Xiuchang went to visit Senior Brother Zhang. This time he came for two purposes.

One is to ask Senior Brother Zhang to help identify the "illusion skin" and figure out its usage.

Second, Li Xiuchang wants to learn the art of refining!

He also thought it over carefully.

Now his various skills are steadily improving, but if he wants to achieve a higher level, it takes time to polish.

At this time, learning one more weapon refining skill would not delay things.

The weapon refining skill is very suitable for use in combination with the length plug-in, and it was originally his first choice.

It was just that he did not want to compete with the huge group of first-level weapon refiners at the beginning, so he did not choose to practice weapon refining skills.

Now he is different from the past, with no shortage of spirit stones in his pocket, and he is not afraid of competition.

The key is that there is such an unfathomable weapon refiner as Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi next to him. Li Xiuchang feels that if he does not learn weapon refining, it will be a waste of resources and teachers.

Moreover, if he does not learn weapon refining in the future, he will not be able to use many materials whose origins cannot be explained.

For example, Buddha Heart Steel, Senior Brother Zhang knows that Li Xiuchang only has a door panel in his hand.

If one day Li Xiuchang suddenly takes out several tons of Buddha Heart Steel and asks Senior Brother Zhang to help refine spiritual treasures, Senior Brother Zhang will definitely be suspicious.

Therefore, it is most convenient for him to master the weapon refining skills himself.

When Zhang Wanzhi heard that Li Xiuchang planned to learn weapon refining from him, he not only did not refuse, but was very happy.

"Learn to refine weapons? Refining weapons is good. I have long advised you not to learn alchemy. You have average talent for alchemy, and I am not good at it either. I can't teach you."

"If you had learned to refine weapons from me, you might have reached the second level now!"

Zhang Wanzhi is best at refining weapons. He is better than Zhao Yuansi in alchemy, but he seems to be much worse than him in weapon refining.

Li Xiuchang was also excited when he heard it: "Then senior brother, when will you teach me to refine weapons?"

Zhang Wanzhi scratched the back of his head: "I suddenly thought that there seems to be nothing extra to teach about the introduction of refining weapons. You can go to the library to get an introduction to refining weapons, and then go back to practice.

"If you want to refine weapons, forge iron first. Refining weapons is just forging iron at the beginning. When you can make common shapes such as swords, guns, shields, and sticks, and master them, then come to me. "

Li Xiuchang nodded, not thinking anything was wrong. It was the same when he first started practicing alchemy and spiritual cooking skills. He had to lay the foundation first.

The seemingly high-end cultivation skills actually evolved from ordinary skills step by step.

To learn to refine equipment, you have to make iron first. There is nothing wrong with that.

"By the way, senior brother, can you help me see what this is?" Li Xiuchang took out the phantom skin at this time.

Zhang Wanzhi glanced at it, without even looking at it a second time, and said: "The phantom skin of the Huanxi clan, yours is of good quality, probably at the fifth level."

"How do I use this thing? I injected mana and it didn't react."

Zhang Wanzhi looked at Li Xiuchang strangely and said: "You are not a Huanxi clan, of course you can't use it directly. We cultivators must refine it into a magic weapon before we can drive it. "

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