I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 145 He really has this ability!


Li Xiu often used his knowledge of beast control, which he was not proficient in, and still diagnosed the crux of the golden halberd unicorn larvae at a glance.

The larvae of the Golden Halberd Horned Fairy seem to be in a bit of a bad condition. The original round body is slightly shriveled, and the pale golden skin has also lost its luster.

This is a typical symptom of malnutrition in growing spiritual animals.

"He's actually malnourished. The little guy's appetite is a bit big."

Ordinary golden halberd unicorn larvae can be fed with low-level spiritual wood sawdust at the beginning. Li Xiuchang directly went to the first-level spiritual wood sawdust.

The reason why I didn’t dare to use second- and third-grade sawdust was because I was afraid that the larvae would not be able to digest and absorb it and would be strangled to death.

I didn’t expect that I would still be unable to keep up with nutrition.

Li Xiuchang had no choice but to bring up the second-level sawdust prepared in advance and put the larvae into the second-level sawdust.

The larvae immediately began to eat the second-order sawdust, which seemed to be very delicious.

Li Xiuchang observed for a while and found that the larvae had no symptoms of discomfort and even improved significantly. He was relieved.

This is only a first-instar larvae. If it eats so well, it will probably have a bigger appetite later on.

Li Xiuchang was grateful that he had the foresight to learn the basic knowledge of beast control in advance, otherwise he would be helpless in this situation and not know what the problem was.

The key point is not to go to another animal master to help with medical treatment, because he can't explain how this golden halberd horned fairy larvae, which is many times larger, came from.

After a few days, the larvae of the golden horned fairy returned to full health and continued to thrive.

Another week passed, and the aura of the Golden Halberd Unicorn Fairy larvae increased significantly, revealing the aura of a first-order monster!

At the same time, he also entered the second age stage.

The body has grown from the size of a baby's arm at the beginning to half the size of Li Xiuchang's leg.

"Judging from this growth rate, it is faster than the average golden halberd larvae. It seems that the food I fed is not bad."

Although the second-instar larvae of the Golden Halberd Unicorn has the status of a first-order monster, it does not have the combat power of a first-order monster and needs to continue to eat to grow.

At this time, Li Xiuchang found that the larvae's desire to eat suddenly decreased. It seemed that the sweet and delicious second-order sawdust was no longer so delicious.

Are you tired of eating?

Or do you think the level is too low?

Li Xiuchang took out the third-order sawdust, picked up a handful and fed it to the golden halberd horned fairy larvae.

The third-order sawdust seemed to arouse the larvae's appetite, but after eating two mouthfuls, it seemed that it was full and its body became slightly swollen.

Li Xiuchang immediately didn't dare to feed him anymore.

It seems that the golden halberd larvae that have just entered the second instar stage are not yet able to digest the third stage sawdust.

This put him in a dilemma. The second-order sawdust larvae were reluctant to eat them because they thought the quality was low. If he continued to feed them, he would likely suffer from malnutrition symptoms again.

The third-order sawdust larvae cannot digest it.

Where can he find "2.5-level" sawdust for the larvae?

Or are there any special second-order spiritual wood sawdust that are suitable for larvae at this stage?

At this point, Li Xiuchang, an amateur beast master, could no longer handle it. Feeding him indiscriminately might lead to bad consequences.

You still need to consult a professional.

Li Xiuchang decided to ask the beast control master, but instead of seeking medical treatment directly offline, he sought help through the sermon list.

This way you can get professional help while protecting your privacy.

The sermon list has been on a climax in the past month. Under the attention of a group of people, "The Longest Man" has been on a roll, ranking third on last year's list!

This climbing speed obviously threatens the top two in the annual rankings.

As a result, "The Dysentery Fairy" and "Professional Flying Sword Haircut for a Hundred Years", which had not released new sermon posts for some time, resurfaced and released new sermon posts.

Originally, the top two had reached a tacit understanding, and they both planned to launch a sprint in the last month or two before the annual rankings were settled, and compete one by one.

Unexpectedly, another "longest man" appeared halfway, which made the two of them very unhappy.

Two masters were fighting at the top of the Forbidden City. Suddenly, an unknown person appeared and wanted to join the battle. Both of them felt offended.

Strictly speaking, "The Longest Man" is not a nobody, but he can only be regarded as a rising star.

"The Diarrhea Fairy" and "Professional Flying Sword Haircut for a Hundred Years" are "list hunters" who have been lurking on the preaching list for decades, always looking for opportunities.

As early as decades ago, the two of them had the ability to enter the top 100 of the annual evangelism list, but they had been dormant and observed, and did not publish any posts, quietly accumulating strength.

The purpose is to find opportunities and sprint to the top of the list!

As a rising star, "The Longest Man" dares to compete for the rankings in the middle of the year and wants to challenge their efforts for a whole year in half a year. Why?

The two decided to let "The Longest Man" see the strength they have accumulated over decades!

Over the past few decades, both of them have accumulated a large number of unreleased sermon posts. They were originally planning to use them for the final sprint, but now they have released some of them in advance in order to shock "The Longest Man" and make him realize the difficulties. And retreat.

Nowadays, the battle for this year's annual list is being discussed everywhere in the sermon list. For the melon-eaters, it is of course just watching the excitement and is not too big a deal, and they are eager for the three of them to fight.

It would be best if the three of them share their unique skills in order to compete for the ranking, and they will make a lot of money by watching!

Li Xiuchang also noticed the actions of the top two on the list. The two posted many sermon posts in the past half month, and their Daosui improved significantly.

But so what? There was no way out for him.

Success or failure depends on this one move, he must fight for the top spot no matter what!

Li Xiuchang did not pay much attention to the competition of the annual list, and searched for well-known beast masters in the preaching list.

Beast control skills are considered popular skills in the second echelon, and there are many beast masters.

Li Xiuchang quickly found several beast masters with good reputations, among which a beast master named "Humble Shit Shoveler" was very active.

Li Xiuchang immediately asked for help from him.

At the same time, he also asked for help from several other active beast masters.

Cast a wide net to prevent no one from paying attention to him.

He deliberately avoided the top beast masters on the overall list, just in case he met the original owner of the Golden Halberd Rhinoceros Beetle egg, the senior beast master.

In the past, Li Xiuchang often got no response when he asked for help from the big guys on the preaching list.

But this time, Li Xiuchang clearly felt the difference.

First, "Humble Shit Shoveler" replied immediately, and soon after, some of the other beast masters also replied.

It seems that this person is different after becoming famous. "The Longest Man" is also a celebrity in the preaching list. Even some big guys are willing to give him some face.

Humble shit shoveling officer: Big guy, what instructions do you have for me?

When Li Xiuchang asked for help, he only said that he was asking for advice on beast control, but he didn't say much about the details.

The longest man: You're polite. You are the big guy. This time I asked for help because I have an insect spirit pet, which is a rare mutant. It is much larger than normal ones. It is currently in the larval stage. In terms of feeding...

Li Xiuchang roughly explained his situation and the problems he encountered.

The humble shit shoveling officer responded after a while: Your situation is very rare. From what you said, the insect spirit pet has great growth potential! However, in terms of cultivation, because there is no previous experience to refer to, you need to spend more time. I suggest that you continue to feed the second-level sawdust, but you can mix some other spirits in the sawdust.

The longest man: For example?

Humble shit shoveler: This depends on the specific situation of your pet. According to your description, your spirit pet is an insect-like demon beast, and it has a huge body after mutation. I am worried that after it becomes an adult, its exoskeleton will not be able to bear the weight and strength of its body, so I suggest you add some treasures that strengthen bones.

Treasures that strengthen bones?

Li Xiuchang thought to himself, I have too much!

He still has more than a thousand kilograms of beast king bone powder that he has not used up.

The longest man: Is beast king bone powder okay?

This time, the humble shit shoveler fell into a long silence.

Not far from the preaching board, a young woman in a pink butterfly skirt was speechless.

What family!

Feeding young spirit beasts with beast king bone powder?

This thing is very rare and is regarded as a treasure by many cultivators who also practice cultivation. If you are lucky enough to get some, you have to find an alchemist to refine it into a pill to maximize its effect.

From what the "longest man" meant, he planned to mix it directly into sawdust and feed it to spirit beasts.

The pink skirt lady was a little jealous. If she could be so rich, the strength of the spirit beasts she trained would be several levels higher.

Beastmasters compete not only with skills, but also with resources!

Li Xiuchang waited for a long time, and even thought that this "humble shit shoveling officer" ignored him, or was busy with other things in advance.

So he went to talk to several other beastmasters first.

The solutions given by the others were also similar, asking him to add some third-level treasures to the second-level sawdust to feed the spirit beasts.

However, no one gave clear suggestions like the "humble shit shoveling officer" to tell him what to add.

It's not that these beastmasters are not as good as the "humble shit shoveling officer", but it's obvious that the "humble shit shoveling officer" is more concerned and takes the questions raised by Li Xiuchang more seriously.

Finally, Li Xiuchang waited for the reply from the "humble shit shoveling officer".

Humble shit shoveling officer: Beast King Bone Powder is of course OK. As a top resource for strengthening bones, Beast King Bone Powder has no side effects. It doesn't matter if you feed the spirit beasts full.

She actually wanted to stab Li Xiuchang when she said this, because she knew that no one could do this.

Feed the spirit beast with the king of beasts bone meal?

You are the illegitimate son of the sect master, that is impossible!

"Humble shit shoveling officer" was a little proud in his heart: let you be rich, let you pretend to be rich!

The longest man: That's great!

"Humble shit shoveling officer" saw Li Xiuchang's reply, sneered, and thought: Still pretending, these men, swell up their faces and pretend to be fat.

Li Xiuchang was really happy.

When he heard it, the king of beasts bone meal was so useful?

He went back and fed the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle larvae.

He didn't hear the teasing in the words of "humble shit shoveling officer", because he really had the ability.

It's hard to say about other things, king of beasts bone meal? Enough!

The longest man: Well, can the blood bodhi fruit be fed?

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