I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 158 Didn’t my efforts go in vain?

After his memory was restored, many of Li Xiuchang's questions had answers, and his thoughts became smoother instantly.

Some of the "illusions" created by the Questioning Heart Sword also have reasonable explanations.

Obviously, the test of the Questioning Heart Sword will first temporarily cut off the relevant memory of the tester, making Li Xiuchang forget that he is undergoing a test.

I don't know that many things are illusions and hallucinations created by Wenxin Sword.

For example, the passage of time, such as the nameless sword skills on the stone tablet, are all illusions and illusions created by the Wenxin Sword.

As far as Li Xiuchang knew, the difference between success and failure in a normal Shenjian Wenxin test would not be too big in the time it takes a cup of tea.

And in such a short period of time, even the Wenxin Sword cannot rely on illusions to create the illusion of time passing, allowing people to master a complex and obscure swordsmanship.

That swordsmanship does not exist at all, it is just the embodiment of the will of the sword.

When Li Xiuchang practiced swordsmanship, he was actually comprehending the will of swordsmanship, and when he understood the so-called swordsmanship, he also understood his own will of swordsmanship.

The will of the sword is the prototype of the "Sword Heart". After passing the test, combined with the "Sword Seed" gifted by the Wenxin Sword, the sword heart will almost become perfect!

Understanding the speed of swordsmanship is a test of Li Xiuchang's swordsmanship talent.

The long time it takes to master swordsmanship tests Li Xiuchang's state of mind.

Swordsmanship talent and state of mind are also the two most important points for a swordsman.

Li Xiuchang was extremely slow to master swordsmanship because of his "defeat in the art of swordsmanship".

If one is less talented in swordsmanship, it will take longer to master the stone tablet swordsmanship, and the test of one's mental state will be more severe.

If you want to pass the test, at least your swordsmanship talent and state of mind must not be too bad, and you must be outstanding in one of them.

Li Xiuchang was originally unable to pass this test, but he found his own method and successfully broke through.

To be honest, Li Xiuchang didn't know why the original sword test turned into a "chopping knife test".

After thinking about it, he felt that the reason lies in the name of Wenxin Sword.

The Questioning Heart Sword should ask about the heart of the person who is being tested.

Li Xiuchang didn't have swordsmanship in his heart, but he had "equal swordsmanship" with skills that were close to the sword.

So when he used the flying sword as a kitchen knife, slashed out and injured the stone tablet, the inscription on the stone tablet was replaced.

It was replaced by the "Equality of Swordsmanship" in his mind!

In the process of Li Xiuchang's understanding of Ping Ping's sword technique, he was actually sorting out the Tao in his heart and giving birth to his own will of the sword.

These things were only prototypes before, hidden in his heart and instincts.

Technique is close to Tao, but it is not Tao after all.

But after this test, he completed the sorting out and mastered the prototype of his own unique avenue.

Moreover, he also received the "Chop Knife Seed" as a gift from Wen Xin Sword, and it is almost certain that he can cultivate the "Chop Knife Heart" in the future.

Li Xiuchang was a little helpless. Someone asked the sword sect's Zhang Zangzi that he had cultivated "sword heart". What should he call the heart he cultivated in the future?

Whether it's "Chopper's Heart" or "Equal's Knife's Heart", they both feel weird and unpleasant.

At this moment, Li Xiuchang felt the familiar suction coming from him again, pulling him out of the illusory test space.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was still standing in the pavilion, but the sharpness of the Self-Questioning Sword no longer made him feel uncomfortable.

The Wenxin Sword suddenly let out a clear sword cry, as if to celebrate that another person had passed its test.

Not far away, Elder Changzi Swordsman who was guarding the peak looked surprised.

"I didn't expect that a non-sword cultivator from the outer sect could be recognized by the Wenxinjian Sect!" He looked regretful, "It's a pity that this person did not become a member of the Wenxinjian Sect."

Zhang Wanzhi smiled. He knew that Li Xiuchang was still unwilling to fly with a sword, so he didn't believe that Li Xiuchang's talent in swordsmanship could be recognized by Wenxin Sword.

There's a good chance something went wrong again.

Zhang Wanzhi asked Li Xiuchang to try the Divine Sword Asking the Heart, but he felt that the opportunity was rare and worth a try. Even if he failed to pass the test, it would be good to sharpen his Taoist heart.

But I didn’t expect that Li Xiuchang actually passed!

The two of them watched Li Xiuchang walk out of the pavilion, and Elder Jianxiu, the leader of the Wenjian Sect, still couldn't help but said:

"You can be recognized by the Wenxinjian. It would be a pity not to practice swordsmanship. Consider switching to swordsmanship after you return."

Practice swordsmanship?

Wouldn't that kill me?

Li Xiuchang didn't explain anything, but thanked: "Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

The opportunity of Divine Sword Questioning was used up, and there was no need for Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi to stay long. The two flew down from Divine Sword Peak.

On the way back to his residence, Li Xiuchang briefly talked to Zhang Wanzhi about the experience of the test.

Zhang Wanzhi was also stunned when he heard this: "Can it still be like this?!"

He thought for a while and said: "This may be related to the particularity of your 'Tao of Equality'. All things are equal, so your Tao can naturally be roughly equal to the Tao of Swords. This may allow Wenxinjian to default to your Tao of Equality as a branch of Sword Dao. .

"I think your Tao of Equality is better called the Tao of Distortion. Even if it were me, I wouldn't be able to forcibly twist a flying sword into a kitchen knife. A flying sword is a flying sword."

So I have a bug?

Li Xiuchang smelled something unusual in his path of equality. It seemed to be a very "playful" path with many possibilities.

Zhang Wanzhi obviously thinks so too: "I have never seen the prototype of the Dao that you have realized in others by accident. It has great potential. This time, the Heart-Questing Sword directly gave away all the Dao Heart seeds." It saves you a lot of effort.

"I suggest that you consider making a kitchen knife as your life treasure in the Jindan stage, and then follow this path in the future."

Li Xiuchang nodded, he also had the same idea.

It seems that the previous plan to make a big seal as your life treasure has to be shelved, and now it is obvious that the kitchen knife is more suitable for him.


After the matter of Wenjian Sect was completed, Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi also found Elder Liu and planned to go back as soon as possible.

When Elder Xiang heard that the two were leaving, he was quite reluctant...mainly because he was reluctant to leave Li Xiuchang.

He asked: "Xiuchang, do you want to consider staying here and participating in the exchange competition of the four major immortal sects in a month?"

With the dominance shown by Li Xiuchang in the foundation-building stage, if he participated in the competition, he would be guaranteed to be in the top ten and have a chance of winning.

Elder Xiang certainly hoped that Li Xiuchang could win another wave of glory for Xianchen Sect.

Li Xiuchang did not refuse immediately, but showed the courtesy of a disciple and asked: "Elder, what is the champion reward?"

When Elder Xiang heard that Li Xiuchang was interested in the champion reward, he felt that there was a chance, and hurriedly said: "It is the soul essence gold you won before, but it is twice as big as yours!"

Li Xiuchang shook his head: "Elder, I thought about it and decided to leave the opportunity to someone who needs it more. Besides, I am an outer disciple after all, and it is not in accordance with the rules to participate in the competition."

Elder Xiang did not expect Li Xiuchang to suddenly change the subject and refuse so straightforwardly, so he had to give up.

Li Xiuchang still had a lot of things to do when he returned, including impacting the preaching list, forming a pill, and taking the second-level spiritual chef assessment, but he had no time to waste here.

And the soul essence gold of the champion reward was dispensable to him.

That day, Elder Liu drove the building ship Lingbao and took Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi back to Xianchen Sect.

Just after Li Xiuchang and the other two left Wenjian Sect, two people rushed to Wenjian Sect in a dusty manner.

The two looked somewhat embarrassed. They were Chu Ya and Song Yu who had been training all the way.

Because they did not come with the main group and had been training outside, they had no contact with the sect and did not know about the friendly match.

Therefore, they missed the match between Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi.

Along the way, Song Yu killed demons and eliminated monsters, tempered himself between life and death, defeated powerful enemies frequently, and his fighting skills increased greatly.

Therefore, he was full of confidence and was bound to make a splash in the exchange match, win the championship, and wash away the shame of the Xianchen Sect losing the championship at home!

Unexpectedly, when he came to the Sword-asking Sect and told his friends in the sect about his ambitions, his friends waved their hands:

"No need, it has been washed. If you wash it again, the shame of the Sword-asking Sect will not be washed clean."

Song Yu did not understand what this meant, but after asking around, he learned about the match between Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi yesterday.

Song Yu was dumbfounded on the spot.


Someone got there first?

Then, wasn't his efforts in the past few months in vain?

The game had just ended, and it was the time when the discussion was at its peak. The entire Sword-asking Sect was discussing yesterday's friendly match everywhere.

The Sword-asking Sect disciples regarded yesterday's match as a shame, while the Yintian Sect and the Ascension Pavilion disciples were happy to hear about it. The outer disciples beating the inner disciples was too topical, and the heat lasted for a long time.

After watching this game, everyone suddenly had no expectations for the subsequent exchange matches.

The outer disciples of the Xianchen Sect did not participate in the competition. What is the value of this competition, and what is there to watch?

What can winning or losing mean?

Didn't you see that the Sword-asking Sect won the championship before, but was still beaten by the outer disciples of the Xianchen Sect?

Seeing this situation, Senior Brother Song Yu could only smile bitterly. Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi ran away after having fun, leaving him a big mess, which made him under great pressure.

In the subsequent exchange matches, he was not happy whether he won or lost.

If he won, no one would care, and they would only think that he deserved it.

All of you Xianchen Sect's outer disciples won, shouldn't you win?

If you lose, you will definitely be ridiculed... All of you Xianchen Sect's outer disciples won, but you, an inner disciple, actually lost!

Fortunately, the reward for the champion is still good, and Song Yu will do his best for the reward.

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