I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 16: First experience as a spiritual chef

Li Xiuchang glanced at the length value in the lower left corner of his vision.

Five days of practice increased his length value from "1.13" to "1.28", more than twice the growth rate when practicing martial arts.

Of course, this is also because he practices more diligently.

When practicing martial arts, he was still a mortal, sleeping, eating, drinking, defecating and urinating every day.

Now that he has become a cultivator, he does not need much sleep, and he can use fasting pills to replace meals, which can save a lot of time.

"At this rate, I only need a little over a month to save an inch of length, and there is no pressure to save five inches of length in half a year."

"This is still my own blind practice of immortal cultivation skills. If there is a famous teacher to guide me, the progress will only be faster, and the length value will increase faster."

In the past, Li Xiuchang only saved an inch of length after working as a cook for a year, and saved two inches after practicing martial arts for half a year. This length was hard-earned, and he was reluctant to use it easily.

But now that he can grow at least one foot (10 inches) in length a year, Li Xiuchang feels that he can use length to make some attempts.

He sacrificed his cultivation time and put all his energy into improving his cultivation skills. Isn't it mainly for "length"!

So this "length" must be worth it, at least it must be able to make up for the progress of his cultivation that fell behind due to practicing skills.

He must make his "length plug-in" useful as soon as possible, not just a decoration.

He plans to wait until he has two inches of length, then take out one inch to use, so that he can ensure that he has at least one inch of length left in reserve, so that he will not be unable to take out the length when he encounters an emergency.

In five days, it will be the day when Li Xiuchang goes to Wangping Mountain to accept the test of Elder Zhao to accept him as a disciple.

Li Xiuchang plans to buy some spiritual herbs and spiritual woods by the way to see if they can help him practice "Fire Burning Skill".

Under normal circumstances, absorbing the wood attribute spiritual power from the outside world can indeed speed up the practice of "Fire Burning Skill", but Li Xiuchang practiced "Fire Burning Skill" and split it into "Charcoal Burning Skill", so it is hard to say whether the wood attribute spiritual power is still useful.

Of course, before that, he still has to continue practicing the way of spiritual cooking.

"I haven't used the magic furnace since I bought it. It just happens that I'll need it when I practice the 'blanching method' later."

Among the ingredients purchased by Li Xiuchang this time, there is a large piece of yellow beef that is not of the highest grade.

It is estimated that the yellow cattle raised by a farmer accidentally ate some spiritual grass, which brought some spiritual power into the flesh and blood, but it did not really transform into a monster.

This kind of meat is a non-grade ingredient, and the price is much cheaper than the real monster meat.

The most commonly used method for processing meat ingredients is the "blanching method", which is to put the meat into the pot with cold water and gradually add various auxiliary materials to remove the fishy smell of the meat while reconciling the violent spiritual power in the meat.

This step requires fire, and the low-grade magic furnace purchased by Li Xiuchang can come in handy at this time.

Ordinary flames are not powerful enough, whether it is used to refine instruments and pills, or to cook spiritual dishes.

Only spiritual fire can be used.

The function of the furnace magic weapon is to stabilize the fire source and increase the power of the flame, and it does not have the function of making fire.

In terms of making fire, cultivators who practice fire-attributed skills have a natural advantage and can use their own mana to generate spiritual fire.

Cultivators who practice other attributes can only rely on external objects, such as purchasing spiritual fuel or using the fire of the earth veins.

Although Li Xiuchang did not cultivate fire-attributed mana, his charcoal-attributed mana can also make fire, which can save a lot of money on making fire.

However, his mana has a side effect of making fire, which will produce smoke...

The quiet room on the first floor of the house was originally used for outer disciples to practice skills, but in order to avoid a room full of smoke, Li Xiuchang could only go to the yard outside to make a fire.

Li Xiuchang placed the stove magic tool in the yard and injected his charcoal-attributed mana into it. After a while, flames and billowing smoke came out of the stove...

He immediately controlled the courtyard protection formation and opened a hole on the top of the formation to ensure that the smoke could float out.

Li Xiuchang tried to control the stove to adjust the size and power of the flame. After practicing for a while, he was able to do it with ease.

This furnace magic weapon can be used later when practicing the immortal cultivation skills that require spiritual fire, such as refining tools or alchemy. It is a very practical auxiliary tool.

Li Xiuchang put the pot on the stove and poured in the spiritual spring water with thin spiritual energy. Ordinary water cannot withstand the burning of spiritual fire and will be evaporated in a moment.

This practice naturally needs to be used sparingly. Li Xiuchang only poured half a bowl of spiritual spring water, just enough to cover the bottom of the pot, and added some materials and seasonings.

Then he picked up the kitchen knife and cut a small piece of yellow beef as thin as a cicada's wing into the pot.

His knife skills are amazing, comparable to the meat cutting master of Lanzhou ramen.

The kitchen knife is sharp. Although it is a low-level magic weapon, it is forged from solid first-level materials. Cutting this beef is like cutting tofu.

Therefore, this large piece of yellow beef is enough for Li Xiuchang to practice for a long time.

After a while, the water in the pot boiled. Li Xiuchang fished out the piece of beef, looked at it for a moment, and shook his head.

The spiritual energy in the beef, which was not much to begin with, was lost in large quantities, and the "blanching method" failed in the first attempt.

This was also within Li Xiuchang's expectations. There was no such thing as success in one try.

This piece of beef, the spiritual spring water in the pot, and many auxiliary ingredients were all wasted with this failure.

Although the loss was not large, it would still be a considerable expense if practiced for many years.

Any cultivation skill is like this. It requires constant practice, constant failure, and accumulation of experience to get started, which also means investing some costs.

It can be said that it is exchanging spiritual stones for experience.

The reason why the talisman path attracts so many people is that the cost of practicing in the early stage is low.

The point is that other people like Li Xiuchang fail once and get nothing except the experience of failure, while Li Xiuchang can still accumulate length.

This is his advantage.

Li Xiuchang glanced at the length value. The failure of blanching just now made him summarize a lot of experience, and the length value also increased by 0.01.

He poured out the waste water in the pot and was about to continue the second attempt at blanching. Looking at the thick smoke rising from the stove, he suddenly thought about something.

Among the many methods of processing ingredients, there is a more advanced method that is specifically used to process meat ingredients, called "smoking method".

It is similar to the folk method of smoking bacon.

It just needs to use certain specific spiritual wood as firewood to smoke spiritual meat.

And those spiritual woods are often expensive, so this smoking method is usually only used to process precious monster meat. It is impossible for a spiritual chef apprentice like Li Xiuchang to practice with the smoking method.

Looking at the thick smoke produced by the charcoal attribute magic power, Li Xiuchang couldn't help but have some thoughts.

"Can I use the smoke produced by my charcoal attribute magic power to smoke spirit meat?"

As soon as this idea came up, Li Xiuchang felt his heartbeat speed up, and he couldn't wait to try it.

If this works, he can make a lot of money by helping people smoke spirit meat in the future!

Li Xiuchang immediately cut off a piece of yellow beef. This time he was particularly generous and cut the meat twice as thick as a cicada wing!

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