I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 199: Happy events come one after another, the length exceeds 500!

When it comes to naming, Li Xiuchang has an unusual amount of ideas.

"Since he can eat so much, he can be called a big eater or a big foodie."

"He loves to eat metal, so he can be called an iron eater."

"He is all golden, so he can be called Xiao Jin."

"He can also be called Jinjiao, after all, he has a long golden horn."

"Or he can be called 'King of Golden Horn'. Anyway, I already have 'Little Drill Bee', so another 'King of Golden Horn' is also a good match."

"Why not let him choose these names by himself? You should ask the child for his own opinion when choosing a name."

Li Xiuchang considers himself an open-minded parent.

He told the Golden Halberd Rhinoceros Beetle the pronunciation and meaning of several names and let him choose by himself.

The Golden Halberd Rhinoceros Beetle shook his head after hearing the first few names, but was somewhat tempted when he heard the name "King of Golden Horn".

The Golden Halberd Rhinoceros Beetle seemed a little hesitant and sent a thought to Li Xiuchang, which roughly meant: "Are there no other names?"

Li Xiuchang glared. Was he not satisfied with all the names he had given?

He finally had a burst of inspiration, and you want to dampen his enthusiasm?

If you can't provide emotional value, it's better to raise a piece of barbecued pork than to raise you!

"No more." Li Xiuchang ruthlessly refused, "If you are not satisfied, you can give yourself a name."

The golden halberd rhinoceros beetle can neither speak nor read, so asking it to name itself is simply too difficult for the insect.

It only knows the language of its rhinoceros beetle clan, with only a few pronunciations, and humans can't understand it.

Picking a general from a group of short and fat people, it finally chose the name "King of Golden Horn", which it thinks is a bit majestic and domineering.

Li Xiuchang thought about it and said, "Why don't you call yourself 'Golden Horn' for the time being, and you can call yourself King of Golden Horn when you become a demon king in the future."

It's hard to raise a big name, and Li Xiuchang also has good intentions. Setting a goal for the golden halberd rhinoceros beetle can also spur it to grow into a demon king as soon as possible.


The golden horn cried out and accepted the name. The simple it was easily inspired to fight, and made up its mind to become a demon king as soon as possible!

The first step to becoming a demon king is to learn the "Turtle Art"!

Seeing Jinjiao immersed in learning, Li Xiuchang nodded with satisfaction.

Jinjiao's transformation into an insect is just one of the many happy events in Li Xiuchang's recent months.

Recently, there have been many happy events. The seeds of the Tao in his sea of ​​consciousness have finally transformed into the so-called "Dao Heart" as his understanding of the "Equality Dao" deepened.

Li Xiuchang named it "Heart of Ten Thousand Daos" early on.

Once the Dao Heart was formed, the seeds of the Dao in the sea of ​​consciousness disappeared out of thin air.

The Dao Heart is invisible, shapeless and intangible. It is the condensation of the Dao will that one has comprehended.

But Li Xiuchang can feel the location of the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos, which is in his body and integrated into every inch of his soul.

With the blessing of the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos, Li Xiuchang's Equality Dao has reached a higher level, and it is more powerful to use, and the blessing he can receive when using kitchen knife weapons is even more amazing.

Of course, condensing the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos is only the starting point, not the end point. As his understanding of the Dao of Equality becomes more profound, the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos will also be strengthened.

A piece of fourth-level metal material appeared in Li Xiuchang's hand.

Then he raised the bone-chopping knife and cut it in half.

Normally, with his strength, he couldn't cut the fourth-level material so easily with one blow, even if the bone-chopping knife was made of very hard material.

But under the influence of the Dao of Equality, this piece of fourth-level material can be temporarily equal to the third-level material, so it can be cut in half.

This is the domineering part of the Dao of Equality. Of course, this is when facing dead things. If it is facing living things, Li Xiuchang can't currently make the defense of a Yuanying cultivator equal to the Jindan level.

However, he can try to make the middle stage of the Yuanying equal to the early stage of the Yuanying.

It is equivalent to directly weakening the enemy's defense, which is already very abnormal.

The potential of the Dao of Equality is great, but Li Xiuchang has been practicing for a short time, and it will take time to accumulate to reach the depth.

Fortunately, this is a unique avenue he created himself, and compared to other cultivators who comprehend the avenues created by others, the progress will be much faster.

This is also the main reason why he can comprehend the Heart of Ten Thousand Daos so quickly.

In addition, with the intensive classes for several months and the teachings of the neighbors and senior brothers, his skills have also improved by leaps and bounds.

Li Xiuchang found that as his skills improved, he did not see a decline in the effect of listening to the lectures of the neighbors and senior brothers.

On the contrary, as his memory, perception and understanding deepened, he could learn more from the lectures of the neighbors and senior brothers.

It's like he was originally a primary school student, and no matter how good the teacher came to teach him, he could only teach him addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

But he became a college student, and now the teacher can teach him advanced mathematics.

In contrast, the higher Li Xiuchang's own skills, the more he can feel how unfathomable several senior brothers are in the skills they are good at.

Just like a peak that goes straight into the clouds, Li Xiuchang can't see how high the part above the clouds is even if he tries to look up.

During this period of intense study, the neighboring senior brothers occasionally used the secret method of preaching to help Li Xiuchang improve.

The most obvious improvement was in the two skills of spiritual cooking and immortal brewing. After all, he took these two courses most frequently. On his schedule, Senior Brother Lu Yang's courses alone accounted for half.

His spiritual cooking skills had just barely reached the third level, and now he can barely be regarded as a senior third-level spiritual chef.

He can now cook fourth-level spiritual dishes, but the success rate is not very high.

As long as he practices steadily and improves the success rate of cooking fourth-level spiritual dishes, it will not be too far to become a fourth-level spiritual chef.

Li Xiuchang was originally just a beginner in the art of brewing immortal wine, but now he has become a senior second-level immortal brewer, and can occasionally successfully brew third-level immortal wine.

His spiritual plant skills have improved as fast and steadily as always. With the guidance of Brother Motu and four medicinal fields for him to practice, he has now reached the peak of the third level.

He is only one step away from becoming a fourth-level spiritual plant master.

Any skill that reaches the fourth level can be called a master.

It is just a matter of time before he, Li Xiuchang, becomes "Master Li".

His soul control skills have also approached the third level and reached the peak of the second level.

Under the guidance of the little turtle, his formation has also improved very quickly, and he can probably be regarded as a senior second-level formation master, but he is still biased as always.

As for refining equipment and talismans, he can barely be regarded as having reached the second level.

Only the Dao of Alchemy is still standing still... Mainly because Senior Sister Xia Sijun has not moved into the Donggeng District yet, so Li Xiuchang can't find her for lessons.

Li Xiuchang can feel more and more that the Dao is interconnected. The improvement of his cultivation realm and skills has made him stronger in both physical ability and understanding of the Dao. It will also be easier to learn a new skill.

It's a very simple truth. If a master of spiritual cooking and a newcomer learn the art of immortal brewing at the same time, the master of spiritual cooking will definitely master it faster.

If a Yuanying cultivator and a Qi training disciple learn a new skill at the same time, the Yuanying cultivator will definitely make faster progress.

So Li Xiuchang will feel much easier to learn the skills of refining tools and making talismans at the low level.

During this period of time, his skills have improved by leaps and bounds, which has also brought Li Xiuchang a length increase of more than 200 inches, making his total length value exceed 500!


Today happened to be a day off, so Li Xiuchang didn't have to go to class and started to go out to deal with some chores.

After a tour of the smoked meat ghost factory, Li Xiuchang went to the Danxiang Building in the outer market.

As a guest alchemist of Danxianglou, Li Xiuchang would take on some alchemy tasks from time to time, just as a practice.

However, because his alchemy skills stopped after reaching the second level, he could only refine some second-level pills at most.

Originally, Li Xiuchang should have been very inconspicuous among the many guest alchemists of Danxianglou, but some time ago, he negotiated a big order with Danxianglou on behalf of the Four Immortals Business Alliance and reached an intention for long-term cooperation.

Because of their different locations, the four major immortal sects each have many special products.

As the business of the Four Immortals Business Alliance grew bigger and bigger, the members' pockets became more and more bulging, and they gradually gained some say, such as being able to get some special products from their respective sects at a lower price.

Li Xiuchang then resold some of the special products, mainly special pills, to Danxianglou.

The Four Immortals Business Alliance has been established for two years, and has been growing and developing in a low-key and rapid way, and its members are also increasing.

Now even Senior Brother Wang Long has three or five Fu Master brothers as salesmen.

Many members suggested to Li Xiuchang that he should transform into a chamber of commerce and establish the Four Immortal Chamber of Commerce.

Li Xiuchang saw that the time was ripe and did not stop him. He had already instructed several capable men in the four major immortal sects to set up the chamber of commerce.

The headquarters of the Four Immortal Chamber of Commerce must of course be located near the Xianchen Sect, and the site selection of the chamber of commerce has been handed over to Senior Brother Wang Long.

After the establishment of the chamber of commerce, it will be more convenient and more confident to carry out business cooperation with other chambers of commerce and large and small sects. This is a necessary step after the business develops to a certain scale.

Although Li Xiuchang is wealthy, his consumption is also amazing.

For example, in the past period of time, his skills improvement cannot only rely on the teaching of his senior brothers, but also on practice and continuous practice.

The practice of skills is burning money!

Practice again and again, fail again and again, all the materials used are scrapped, and experience is accumulated by burning spirit stones.

It is precisely because of this that the first-level talisman masters are struggling.

Moreover, the higher the skill level, the more expensive the materials used for practice, and the greater the consumption.

In recent months, the amount of spirit stones that Li Xiuchang spent on buying training materials every month is an astronomical figure for ordinary Jindan cultivators.

So Li Xiuchang did not rest on his laurels just because he had enough savings, and he continued to earn more spirit stones.

But his strategy was to leave most things to his subordinates, and he must not delay the improvement of skills and the progress of cultivation in order to earn spirit stones, which would be putting the cart before the horse.

Speaking of the progress of cultivation, Li Xiuchang was thinking that he had been in the late Jindan stage for several months, so should he think about how to form a fetus?

But before that, he had to ask his senior brothers for the Nascent Soul stage practice of "Charcoal Burning Gong".

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