I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 205 Chen Changsheng: My clones are all over the world

Li Xiuchang began to practice and experiment with the "send the enemy thousands of miles" spell.

Experimental subject: Another clone of Chen Changsheng.

Li Xiuchang pointed out, and the clone disappeared out of thin air.

"How's it going? Where are you going?" Li Xiuchang looked at Chen Changsheng's body expectantly.

Chen Changsheng closed his eyes and sensed it for a few seconds before replying: "I went to another world again, but it's not the same other world as the last clone."

The previous clone was sent by Li Xiuchang to a world full of oceans. The population was sparse and scattered on large and small islands in the sea.

But this time, it seemed that he had gone to another more normal world.

Chen Changsheng told about the scene he saw through his clone. This time he was sent to a desolate barren land by Li Xiuchang, and found some dilapidated villages and emaciated villagers.

Li Xiuchang was quite curious about the other world and asked Chen Changsheng to tell more about the experiences of the two clones in the other world.

"The other world is similar to our Immortal Shadow World. The people are all the same. Even the languages ​​are basically the same. Most of them can communicate with each other through language. If there are any differences, they won't be too big. It's just that occasionally you will find some spirits that are not found in the Immortal Shadow World. Plants and monsters..."

Chen Changsheng was telling the story when he suddenly said after a moment: "The second clone was attacked. The attacker was not strong, but he was actually a demon cultivator."

After some exploration and questioning, Chen Changsheng finally determined that the alien world where the second clone went was actually a world dominated by demonic cultivators.

"I will send another clone over tomorrow." Chen Changsheng said.

Because of the unique principle of the "Send the Enemy Thousand Miles" spell, it cannot be used repeatedly in a short period of time, so Li Xiuchang and Chen Changsheng agreed to practice it once a day.

Anyway, it only takes a few seconds each time, so nothing is wasted.

In this way, Li Xiuchang still lived a regular life according to the curriculum every day, except that before going out every day, he would send a clone of Senior Brother Chen Changsheng to another world.

After several days of experiments, it can be concluded that Li Xiuchang can stably transport Chen Changsheng's clone to another world.

And they are all on the same level and in another world.

Neither the upper realm nor the lower realm will be teleported.

After analysis, the neighbor brothers unanimously guessed that Li Xiuchang's "Send the Enemy Thousand Miles" could not pass through the boundary wall between the upper and lower realms, so it could only be teleported on the same layer.

Over the past few days, Chen Changsheng has had multiple clones spread across various worlds, and has seen the scenery of several worlds.

If this continues, Li Xiuchang feels that Senior Brother Chen Changsheng can write a book called "My Clones Are All Over the Heavens".

Those Chen Changsheng's clones in other worlds are not idle either. In addition to looking for passages to the same world in other worlds, they are also actively searching for passages from other worlds to the lower world.

He wanted to find a route through the lower realm to the Immortal Shadow Realm.

It was Li Xiuchang's rest day again. He came to the sermon list to post and found that "Baqi Aotian" finally responded to the message and sent him the techniques of the Nascent Soul Stage and the Transformation Stage of "Charcoal Burning Kung Fu".

After Li Xiuchang checked the skills, he planned to put the birth of a baby on the agenda.

After five years of practice, it is really unreasonable that I can’t even create a small human being.

Today is a day off for Li Xiuchang to deal with various chores. The location of the Four Immortals Chamber of Commerce has been decided long ago. The decoration is currently completed and the opening is about to begin.

The address chosen by the Four Immortals Chamber of Commerce headquarters is just an inconspicuous small storefront in Xianchen Zongfang City, but in a place like Xianchen Zongfang City where land is at a premium, the rent for even a small storefront is not cheap.

Li Xiuchang also thought about spending huge sums of money to buy a shop in Fangshi. However, all the shops in Fangshi were owned by the Xianchen Sect and were only rented out, not sold.

When one day he becomes an elder of the Xianchen Sect, he will be qualified to purchase properties in the Xianchen Sect City. For example, Danxiang House was bought by Zhao Yuansi.

However, Li Xiuchang is not even willing to move out of Donggeng District. It is basically impossible for him to become an elder.

Therefore, we can only wait for the opportunity. When one of the elders' shops wants to be transferred, we can consider taking over.

It's just that this kind of opportunity is rare. Even if you don't run a shop in the market, you can just make money by renting it out, and almost no one will sell it.

Li Xiuchang also felt that since he couldn't buy his own store, he might as well rent a small store to make the transition.

I walked around the renovated headquarters of the Four Immortals Chamber of Commerce. Overall, I was quite satisfied. Although the place is not big, it is not shabby either.

Immediately, I discussed the specific opening time with Senior Brother Wang Long.

"Ye Zhixing, Chen Gao, Yue Chongshan and other key members of the chamber of commerce are already on their way, ready to celebrate the opening together," Wang Long said.

"Then we'll hold the opening ceremony after they arrive. By the way, how are the chambers of commerce branches of the other three major immortal sects prepared?"

"It is said that the preparations have been completed. We will only wait for the opening of our headquarters before choosing a date to open the business."

Li Xiuchang, the hands-off shopkeeper, felt that he had done nothing while the people below him had already set up a chamber of commerce. I have to say that this feeling was quite good.

In fact, he didn't even bother to attend the opening ceremony of the Chamber of Commerce, but he felt that it would be a bit shameful if he, the founder of the Chamber of Commerce, didn't come, so he decided to take a day to just perfunctory.

Well, the opening time must be chosen on a holiday, so as not to delay his daily classes.

Back in Donggeng District, Li Xiuchang began to prepare for the birth of a baby while studying the follow-up exercises of "Charcoal Burning Kung Fu".

His cultivation is currently at the late stage of the Golden Core. If he wants to conceive a baby, he needs to raise his cultivation to the peak of the Golden Core.

Li Xiuchang added three inches to make the golden elixir in the main dantian bigger, and finally entered the peak of the golden elixir.

The next step is the first step of forming a baby: condensing the soul!

Li Xiuchang tried to inject his spiritual consciousness into the golden elixir.

This is not difficult, but the difficulty is to let the spiritual consciousness stay inside the golden elixir, combine with the golden elixir, and merge into one.

This step alone has stumped many cultivators at the peak of the golden elixir, and many people cannot even cross the threshold of forming a baby.

It is said that the higher the quality of the golden elixir, the more it fits with the heaven and earth, and the easier it is to integrate the spiritual consciousness.

This is because the golden elixir needs to communicate with the will of heaven and earth when it is formed. The higher the quality of the elixir, the more it fits with the will of heaven and earth, so it is easier to bear the consciousness injection of the cultivator.

Li Xiuchang's diamond elixir is an unprecedented tenth grade. It should be the most recognized by heaven and earth, but he may have crossed the line. When the elixir was formed into tenth grade, it was blocked by the rules of heaven and earth.

But he can indeed borrow 50% of the power of heaven and earth.

So whether his tenth-grade diamond pill is in line with the will of heaven and earth, Li Xiuchang himself can't tell.

But you will know after a try.

Li Xiuchang followed the method of forming an infant and fully integrated the spiritual consciousness he injected into the golden pill with the energy of the golden pill.

This process was unusually smooth and silky.

His diamond pill was like a bottomless lake. The spiritual consciousness he tried to integrate into it was like a bowl of water. It was contained in the lake without even a wave.

Li Xiuchang was delighted. It seemed that his diamond pill and spiritual consciousness were very compatible.

Next, as long as he continued to inject spiritual consciousness and condense the soul, it would be equivalent to turning the golden pill from a dead thing into a living thing.

However, this cannot be done overnight, and it requires long-term spiritual consciousness injection.

Moreover, Li Xiuchang vaguely felt that his diamond pill had a relatively large "capacity". He didn't know how much spiritual consciousness he had to inject to condense the soul.

Of course, this step was just a matter of time for him. It would definitely work if he spent some time. The real trouble was in the second step of breaking the pill.

Because the acceptance of the consciousness by the Diamond Pill was very good, Li Xiuchang did not need to send the consciousness into the Golden Pill bit by bit like other cultivators preparing to form a Nascent Soul.

He directly used a large amount of consciousness and sent it into the Diamond Pill, and then waited for the consciousness to recover naturally.

When the consciousness was fully recovered, he repeated the operation.

While waiting for the consciousness to recover, he could still do other things freely without any delay.

It was just that the consciousness recovered slowly, and Li Xiuchang was unwilling to rely on meditation to recover the consciousness. Although it was faster, it delayed his classes and skills practice.

The reason why Li Xiuchang was so eager to start trying to form a Nascent Soul was because Senior Brother Lu Yang had promised to take him to the lower world after he reached the Nascent Soul stage.

A few days later, when Li Xiuchang went to No. 13, Donggeng District to find Senior Brother Lu Yang for class, he learned that Senior Sister Xia Sijun had also moved into No. 13, Donggeng District and lived with Senior Brother Lu Yang.

It turned out that a few days ago, Senior Brother Lu Yang finally passed the assessment of the first-level immortal brewer.

According to the rules of Xianchen Sect, after the outer disciples have mastered the skills, they can recruit one or two apprentices from the registered disciples to help.

So Xia Sijun moved to No. 13, Donggeng District as an apprentice.

As for the male disciples recruiting female apprentices, it is not a big deal in Xianchen Sect, as long as the female apprentices are willing.

There are even many male disciples and female apprentices, and female disciples and male apprentices who fall in love with each other over time and finally become Taoist couples.

Li Xiuchang estimated that the next step would be for Senior Sister Xia Sijun and Senior Brother Lu Yang to become Taoist couples in public, and then Senior Sister Xia would live in Donggeng District more legitimately.

However, when Xia Sijun came, Li Xiuchang's style of class changed completely.

Every time Senior Brother Lu Yang stopped teaching and it was Li Xiuchang's practice stage, Senior Sister Xia would cut some spiritual fruits and bring them over to feed Senior Brother Lu Yang with her own hands.

From time to time, she would come over to wipe the sweat off Senior Brother Lu Yang, even though Senior Brother Lu Yang was not sweating.

Sometimes she would come over to act like a spoiled child...

She was completely different from Senior Sister Xia, who was usually hot-tempered and outspoken.

The key point was that Senior Brother Lu Yang, who seemed to be a little socially anxious, was very cooperative, calling her "wife" all the time, and the two of them were very affectionate, not treating Li Xiuchang as an outsider at all.

Li Xiuchang was caught off guard and was fed a mouthful of dog food, so he could only bury his head in his own business and pretend not to see it.

When he, an outsider, was around, the two of them could hug and show their affection in various ways. Li Xiuchang suspected that when he was not around, the scenes at No. 13, Donggeng District were not suitable for children.

He couldn't help but curse in his heart, no wonder other senior brothers called them "dogs and bitches" in private.

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